Whereas the Parliament stands prorogued until the third day of August next, and whereas for sundry causes and considerations, we have thought it fit and convenient and necessary further to prorogue the said Parliament until l the seventh day of September next ... by the Lord Deputie, Ossory.
Ireland. Lord Deputy., Ossory, Thomas Butler, Earl of, 1634-1680.
Page  [unnumbered]

HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE [royal blazon or coat of arms]

By the Lord Deputie.


WHEREAS the Parliament stands prorogued until the third day of August next: And where∣as for sundry causes and considerations, We have thought it fit and convenient, and neces∣sary further to prorogue the said Parliament until the seventh day of September next: We do therefore will and require all persons to whom it doth or shall appertain, to take due notice thereof; to the end that in the mean time they may repair to their houses, or otherwise apply themselves about their private affairs at their pleasures; and then give their atten∣dance here again, at the day and time aforesaid, in the usual place ap∣pointed for that intended service, whereof they may not fail.

Given at the Council Chamber in Dublin,the four and twentieth day of July, 1665.

GOD Save the KING.