Of schisme a defence of the Church of England against the exceptions of the Romanists / by H. Hammond ...
- Title
- Of schisme a defence of the Church of England against the exceptions of the Romanists / by H. Hammond ...
- Author
- Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by J. Flesher for Richard Royston ...,
- M.DC.LIII [1653]
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- Subject terms
- Church of England -- Apologetic works.
- Catholic Church -- Controversial literature.
- Schism.
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"Of schisme a defence of the Church of England against the exceptions of the Romanists / by H. Hammond ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A45426.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 13, 2024.
- title page
Defence of theChurch ofEngland, against theObjections of theRomanist. - CHAP. I. An Introduction, the danger, and sin of Schisme.
- CHAP. II. What Schisme is, together with some general considerations thereon.
- CHAP. III. The several sorts of Schisme.
CHAP. IV. The pretended evidences of the Roma∣nist against the Church of England examined, and first that from the Bishop of Romes Supremacy by Christs donation to
S. Peter. - CHAP. V. The Evidences from the Bishop of Romes succeeding S. Peter exami∣ned.
- CHAP. VI. Their third plea from the Bishop of Rome having planted Christianity among us.
- CHAP. VII. Their third Evidence from our casting off Obedience to the Bishop of Rome at the Reformation.
- CHAP. VIII. Of the Second sort of Schisme, as that is an Offence against mutual Chari∣ty, This divided into three species, and the first here examined.
- CHAP. IX. The Second species of this Schisme exa∣mined, as it is an offence against ex∣ternal peace, or Communion Eccle∣siastical.
- CHAP. X. The third species of this Schism, as an offence against that charity due from every Christian to every Christian, examined.
CHAP. XI. Concerning the present Persecution of the Church of
England, and the ad∣vantages sought from thence.
- The Contents.
A CATALOGUE of some Books Printed for
Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane,London.