Deuterai phrontides, or, A review of the paraphrase & annotations on all the books of the New Testament with some additions & alterations
Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660.

On the second EPISTLE to TIMOTHY.

Chap. I. ver. 15.

[All they which are in Asia be turned away from me.]

All the Asian Christians that were at Rome, save onely Onesiphorus, ver. 16. fell off from me in time of my distress.

Ibid. ver. 18.

[In how many things he * ministred to me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.]

Besides what he hath now done to me, thou knowest also, better than I can tell thee, how many libe∣ralities he hath shewed at Ephesus, to those that have stood in need of him.

Page  217Chap. II. ver. 6.

[The husbandman, &c.]

So in husban∣dry, &c. and such is the gaining and converting of soules, and the far richer reward that attends that in another world.

Ibid. Note b. Of 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Read, Their words spread as a gangrene doth, when 'tis got∣ten into any part of the body, for that is the meaning of 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. So in S. Chrysostome,*T. 3. p. 631. l. 13. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, he feared least tht mischief would spread farther, and going along should seize on the whole Church. The word is used of sheep, &c. feeding, and by little and little going over a whole pasture, whence among the An∣tients the 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 a wandring people, which had no certain habitation, vagi & incertis se∣dibus errantes, saith Salust of the Numidae, and so Seneca, cals the Scythians and Getes, vagos wanderers, i. e. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. And it is used of fire also spreading and devouring, as it goes. So in S. Chrysostome, T. 3. p. 712. l. 30. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the flame of this error spread over all the Galatians. And so of many other things,

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉,
In Hesiod, words wander here and there, unre∣strained. And Chrysostome, T. 4. p. 710. l. 1. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the dogge wanders, goes about with the sheep, for sure he eats not grass with them. And so Num. 14.33. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, your children Page  218 shall wander in the wilderness. So in *Dorothe∣us, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, it spreads, it goes farther every day.

*Ibid. Note d. Of 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Adde, Theophylact goes farther yet, and will have the phrase [caught, and taken by him] refer to God also. But that cannot well be admitted, because in all reason, they must be conceived to be caught by him, who layes the snare, and that is the divell in the former part of the verse.

*Chap. III. Note a. Of the parallel betwixt Simon and the Gnosticks, and Jannes and Jam∣bres, Adde, See Prosper de dimid. temp.*Duo Magi Pharaonis Jannes & Jambres resistentes Moisi— & contra Neronem Petrus & Paulus Apostoli, at contrariò Simon Magus, qui & se perdidit, & Neronem decepit. Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, Jannes and Jambres two Magicians of Pharaoh resisted them. Peter and Paul the Apostles came against Nero, but Simon Magus was on the other side, and both de∣stroyed himself & deceived Nero. And according∣ly Suetonius, &c. And that this warning of S. Paul to Timothy belongs to these that then li∣ved, and not to some that were to come toward the end of the world,* these latter dayes of ours, may appear vers. 5. by the exhortation to him to turn away from such. And upon this con∣sideration Theophylact confesseth, that by the last times may be meant those immediately following S. Pauls death,* wherein Timothy should survive.

Page  219Chap. IV. ver. 14.

[ bb.] [bb* Reward.]

Note bb. Of this forme of speech 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, 'tis not here amiss to note that the full im∣portance of it is no more than a Prophetical de∣nuntiation or prediction that should in the just judgement of God befall. Thus some of the best MSS. read 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, the Lord shall reward; Other of the antients who read 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Reward, yet expound it 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉shall reward. So the Author of the Questions and answers, assigned to Justine, making it 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 a prediction. So Chrysostome and Theophylact〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, it is instead of the future, shall render, adding that pious men do not rejoyce in, or de∣sire to hasten the punishments of the wicked, but that they foretell them, the Gospel and weak be∣leevers having need of such comforts. To this may be added, that it is a vulgar Hebraisme for the Imperative and Future tense to be used promiscuously, the one for the other, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Psal. 7.9. in the future, complebitur or consumetur, shall be consumed or fulfilled, is yet by the antient Interpreters rendred in the Imperative,〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, say the 72. Let it be accomplish'd; and so the Chaldee, Syriack, Arabick, and Ethic∣pick, and onely the Vulgar Latine retains con∣sumetur, shall be consumed. Thus on the other side, Mat. 10.13. 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Let your peace return to you, is sure a promise from Christ, or prediction, that their peace shall return to them, and thus is it innume∣rable times in the sacred dialect of these Books.