Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H.

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Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H.
Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687.
[London :: s.n.],

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Bible. -- O.T. -- Prophecies.
Bible. -- N.T. -- Thessalonians, 2nd, II, 1-12 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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"Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A44854.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.



[And lying wonders] 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. The Syriack renders it, and with false prodigies: Beza reads, lying prodigies.* 1.1

I dare not alter any thing, and therefore may not finde fault. They say the expression is an Hebraisme equipollent to 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which they translate for the Text.

It is observable, that all the New Testament-prophecies are full of Hebraismes: sure the Holy Ghost hath some holy designe in it; either to informe the Hebrews, that the same Spirit that in∣spired the Old Testament-Prophets, inspired also the New: and that the onely way to understand either is to believe both, and compare them one with another: thus I understand that of see∣ing eye to eye, as Esay hath it.

Or else, it is, to humble us Gentiles in the remembrance of our stock. We are by nature wilde Olives; and all the light we have received for salvation it hath come from the Hebrews. To them were committed the Oracles of the Gospel, and they (viz.) the twelve Apostles, and Paul, all Hebrews did dispense those Ora∣cles to the world, which are to this day, and will be the standing rule to all the Churches to the end of the world. Hereby all boast∣ing is excluded from the Gentiles.

Or rather to point us to the Old Testament, there to search for a parallel Comment on a prophetick Text in the New Testament, It may be all these designes are included in the phrase and man∣ner

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of expression. [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] this is a degree beyond signes,* 1.2 that Antichrist goes: for signes are but things acted within the Sphere of nature; but wonders, beyond and above the reach of nature. Hence some conceive 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 to be all one with 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which comes 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifies to terrifie; for won∣ders being things done beyond the course of common causes, amaze and terrifie the beholders, so that they stand at a gaze, fil∣led with admiration and wonder, which is nothing else but the surplus of expectation. Antichrists slaying of the Witnesses, changing the times and lawes of that State where he slayes them, Dan. 7. 25. pitching his tents in the Holy Mountain, Dan. 11. ult. dividing Mount Olivet, Zach. 14. stripping the Church of all her strength and power which she made against him, Deut. 32. 36. set∣ting up his new strange government in the stead of the govern∣ment of the slain Witnesses, Revel. 13. 12, 13, 14. these are such great things beyond the expectation of the people that are not acquainted with the signes and marks of Antichrists appearing, that they wonder at his successes and are cheated by the Antichrist by the great signes (v. 13.) especially that of Religion and Saint∣ship; for Antichrist shall do all these unexpected things under the cloke of Religion; as Solomon appeared in the sight of all the men of Israel to be that King, whom God had made choice of to build him an house, and that that house God chose beyond all others to be his house by the comming down of fire from hea∣ven in the sight of Israel, at which sight they being filled with ho∣ly wonder, bowed down their heads, and worshipped, believing; even so Antichrist shall by his cunning designes which he cloaks with externall formes of high devotion, make the people believe that he is the man designed to pull down Antichrist, and to lay the top-stone of Church-Reformation, and make the times glori∣ous times: you may know Antichrist by the Livery that he gives to his black Guard: in 2 Tim. 3. 2, 3, 4 we finde 18 of his company, & all in one Livery, v. 5. having a form of godliness, self-lovers or self∣ish men in the cloak of the form of godliness; covetous men in the form of godliness, boasters in the form of godliness, proud persons in the form of godliness, blasphemers in the form of godliness, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affe∣ction, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, headie, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God; all these the Apostle tells us

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in the last dayes (meaning the dayes of Antichrists appearing) shall be cloaked in a forme of godlinesse. All these Devils in these dayes arise and walk in Samuels mantle. So that I may use St. Iohns words to the dispersed, despised, and distressed Churches in this age, 1 Iohn 2. 18. Little childeren, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time: they went out from us, but they were not of us. These are the followers of Antichrist, & these are the chiefs of men to be destroyed when the Witnesses rise; which* 1.3 day God of his abundant mercy hasten. I believe 'tis neer at hand.

Antichrist and his followers by their prodigious acts under the cloak of Religion may make the World wonder, but they do no no wonders; for the Holy Ghost tells us, they are lying wonders, wonders that onely cheat the men of the earth, or earthly-minded men to a subjection, to bow down to their image, and receive the mark of the beast.

Antichrists miracles are lies, respectu omnium causarum, saith Cor∣nelius à Lapide, in respect of the materiall, efficient, formall, and finall cause.

The end of his miracles is to cheat the people into a compliance with his false wayes; whereas the end of true miracles was to con∣firme the truth.

The originall of these miracles is the Devil; Antichrist is helped by Sorcerers and Witches that pretend Revelations, and come with all manner of cunning to cheat and deceive soules.

The matter of them are meer deceits; for dive into the bot∣tome of them, and you shall finde the fire he pretends came from heaven, is fire of his own making, to delude the people.

Ant. Scaynus conceives his lying wonders are such as Iannes and Iambres wrought before Pharaoh, which were meer delusions and no true miracles; yet served the turn to harden Pharaohs heart against the true Church, and to divert the people from believing and obeying the truth, to their utter ruine; and thither tendeth the miracles of Antichrist.

Some learned men say, Antichrist shall be a great Magician or* 1.4 Sorcerer; to this I could adde a very strange story, which I re∣ceived from a person of honour; but to avoid all occasions of offence, I forbear it.

The miracles of Antichrist are also formally lies, for they are

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performed meerly by cunning. He may pretend that miraculous* 1.5 providence from heaven doth all. Herein he most desperately blasphemes, for he makes God the Author of his sins, by entitling God to all those prodigious villainies, that he himselfe, and by his cunning Instruments perpetrates.

I'le conclude this verse with that of Goranus; Antichrist (saith he) that he may deceive the people, makes use of the choicest and wisest language, (talkes like a Saint) dissembles much vertue (in his conversation) makes use of Scripture-testimonies, pretends to work miracles, makes large promises of promotion to those that adhere unto him, and others he frights into a compliance by the threats of persecution.

I hope I shall be pardoned for not mentioning the opinion of Methodius in his Revelations about Antichrist, nor of Hyppolitus, nor Ephrem in their Tracts of the end of the World; where they make as if he should counterfeit Christs miracles, as to give sight to the blinde, restore the lame to their limbes, cast out Devils, turn the Sun to darknesse, seemingly also make mountains to move, himselfe to flie in the air, and such like miracles, which are onely fancies of their braines, there being not a word in Scripture whereon to ground any such opinion.* 1.6

And with all deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 seemes by the most of Translators rather to be interpreted and expounded then transla∣ted;* 1.7 for as 'tis observed, the word is compounded of the prima∣tive [α] and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which signifies a path or high-way; and therefore I chuse to follow him who translates it [out-path] in every out-path of unrighteousnesse.

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 is either opposed to truth, as 1 Cor. 13. 6. and so 'tis put for deceit or falshood; or else (as Alstedius saith) it signifies that oppression and Tyranny which one man exerciseth over another: In both these senses it may well be understood of the Antichrist. For he is not onely a cheater, and a false perjured person, but also a monstrous oppressor, and a bloodie persecutor of the innocent lambes of Christs flock. He is a Tyrant, who walkes in all the by-paths of iniquity, His crooked feet can keep no straight paths; he must have by-wayes to bad ends. Cornelius à Lapide shews us six of his by-paths, wherein he walkes. 1 With much civility and courtesie to all, thereby to ingratiate himselfe into their fa∣vours▪

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2 By a feigned holiness,- and so (as Goranus, whose words we have quoted) he proceeds to discover his severall wayes.* 1.8

Thus you have the seducer (viz.) the Antichrist: his manner of seducing in generall and in speciall: and now we come to the parties seduced.


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