[And lying wonders] 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. The Syriack renders it, and with false prodigies: Beza reads, lying prodigies.* 1.1
I dare not alter any thing, and therefore may not finde fault. They say the expression is an Hebraisme equipollent to 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, which they translate for the Text.
It is observable, that all the New Testament-prophecies are full of Hebraismes: sure the Holy Ghost hath some holy designe in it; either to informe the Hebrews, that the same Spirit that in∣spired the Old Testament-Prophets, inspired also the New: and that the onely way to understand either is to believe both, and compare them one with another: thus I understand that of see∣ing eye to eye, as Esay hath it.
Or else, it is, to humble us Gentiles in the remembrance of our stock. We are by nature wilde Olives; and all the light we have received for salvation it hath come from the Hebrews. To them were committed the Oracles of the Gospel, and they (viz.) the twelve Apostles, and Paul, all Hebrews did dispense those Ora∣cles to the world, which are to this day, and will be the standing rule to all the Churches to the end of the world. Hereby all boast∣ing is excluded from the Gentiles.
Or rather to point us to the Old Testament, there to search for a parallel Comment on a prophetick Text in the New Testament, It may be all these designes are included in the phrase and man∣ner