Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H.

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Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H.
Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687.
[London :: s.n.],

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Bible. -- O.T. -- Prophecies.
Bible. -- N.T. -- Thessalonians, 2nd, II, 1-12 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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"Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A44854.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.



and signes, [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] the word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 amongst humane Authors signifies a prognostick signe, and sometimes an argument, but commonly a signe: there are naturall, civill, and diabolicall signes; and there are divine reall signes: the word in Scripture is used to expresse them all.

Iudas, (Matth. 26. 48.) gave his souldiers (of whom for a time he was Conductor Generall) a signe whereby to know Christ. This was a distinguishing signe to his souldiers, a destructive signe to Christ, a deceitfull signe to the betrayed Church, the ele∣ven Apostles. Such a signe shall the Antichrist use in the slaying of the Witnesses, he shall kisse those with fair promises, whom he intends to bettray and kill; his signes shall be designed signes to his followers, destructive signes to the Lords anointed, and de∣ceitfull signes to the deluded, betrayed Churches, under the wing of the Lords anointed.

The Apostle useth here two words, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 signifies properly a prodigie, or an extraordinary act be∣yond the ordinary course of nature. And so oft-times doth 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: yet seldome when they are both found (as here) together, then (as now) their proper distinct significatiōs are to be regarded.

The learned distinguish betwixt 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 thus;* 1.1 signes are those things which are done in an extraordinary man∣ner; but not beyond or against nature; as to heal the sick, to cure a leaper, to restore a lame man to his limbes: but prodigies are extraordinary acts, or productions beyond the course of na∣ture, as to raise the dead, or give sight to one totally blinde; this cannot be done by nature or art; for totall privations admit of no regresse. In what sense signes are here to be taken, is question∣able;

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but 'tis out of question, that these signes are one grand Character or great letter of the Antichrist.

That miracles are called signes in Scripture, is most frequent and certain; and the learned give reasons for it, which reasons* 1.2 are deduced from Scripture, Mark 16. 20. He confirmed the Word with miracles and signes: the miracles and signes that accompani∣ed the Apostles, were to confirm the doctrine of the Apostles, and their extraordinary divine call and anointing unto that work. This usually accompanied the Prophets before Christ, when they were made Apostles, and had a word put in their mouths, usually a signe went along with their word of prophecie. Therefore when Christ was cried up of the people for a Prophet, the Phari∣sees come, and require a signe from beaven, Matth. 16. 1. that was to confirm his extraordinary mission, and the new doctrines that he taught.

As Christ by signes and miracles confirmed his Anointing as only Head, Priest, and Prophet as man, and so anointed above his fellows, above all that ever were, he was Davids Lord, the King of Kings, Priest of Priests, and Prophet of Prophets, as he, I say▪ confirms his unction and his new government by signes and mira∣cles. So the Antichrist when he comes, he shall come in the spirit or energy of the Devil, and with lying signes and wonders en∣deavour to confirm his usurpation, by pretending to an extraordi∣nary mission; he goes to prove his title to what he usurps by the false signe of providence, of Saintship, of immediate revelations and such like wayes.

This observe as a general truth, that that man, or Church, or* 1.3 State, since the establishing of the Gospel-Church upon the Bible, that have no better title then the present signes and miracles they bring with them to uphold it, do build upon an Antichristian foundation. For you may be sure their title is not good by the law of Christ in his sacred records, who flie from that to feigned signes and miracles of their own.

I cannot say particularly what these signes are; but sure I am from the text, they are deceitful signes and prodigious signes. What prodigies and signes, Europe▪ yea, the World hath had these four yeers past, I leave the judicious of the World to judge. I pass on to the Scriptures that are cogent with the text. I Revel. 13. 13. there the Antichrist doth 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, make great signes▪ and upon what designes? but to cheat the men of the earth to a

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subjection to his new government, as you may see in the after∣words of that Chapter.

Another parallel text we have in Matth. 24 24.—where the Antichrist is set forth by his followers, those that comply with him, and promote him by dividing and corrupting and over-top∣ing the true Church by those factions of Apostates, which they draw out of the Church against it. They are ca•…•…led false Christs and false Prophets, who 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉; though this be not spoken of the person of Antichrist, yet 'tis spoken of the followers of Antichrist, who appear in the Church with the Antichrist, and are the instruments of broaching those false signes, which in the other texts are attributed to the Anti∣christ, he being the head and patronizer of them: for it is not to be imagined that •…•…e alone doth these signes, but he hath fit instru∣ments designed by him for the work. The Frogs out of the Dra∣gons mouth, the three unclean spirits help him.

I am loath to enter upon Revel. 16. it being a Chapter so full of unrevealed revelations, there being much more difficulty in it then commonly Expositors conceive: yet if I did affirm that Revel. 16. 16. ran parallel with Pauls prophecie in the description of Antichrists ruine, verse 8. whereby the breath of Gods mouth, as in Revel. 19. 15. and the brightness of his coming (as verse 12, 16. manifesteth) he is destroyed with his fellows, verse 20. that is, brought to Armageddon, Revel. 16. 16. I think I could easily prove it, and upon better grounds then as yet I see by former Authours of o∣ther opinions refuted: but I must return to a harder task, and that is to prove that Matth. 24. 24. is a prophecie of the Antichrist and his followers. For proof hereof we must borrow the me∣thod of him who wrote the last Annotations upon this Chapter:* 1.4 Here are (saith he) three questions propounded. 1 Of the ruine of the Temple and of Ierusalem. 2 Of Christs comming to re∣store the Jews. 3 Of his comming to judge the World. As for that end spoken of, v. 14. it is not meant the end of the World, but the end of the Jewish Church and State-government, the Temple and the Throne should be ruined.

Now to these three questions Christ distinctly answers, deny∣ing none as false, nor reproving them as needlesse. To the first question you have an answer which extends to v. 22. To the second question, viz. when Christ shall come to convert the Jews, and re∣store the Kingdome to Iudah, that is, unite the twelve Tribes

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again in one Religion under one King, as it was under David and Solomon. The Disciples were questionlesse right in the question, for otherwise Christ would have shewed them their errour and mistake: but that Christ doth not, neither in this Chapter nor in Act. 1. 6. where they ask this question, Wilt thou at this time re∣store▪ the Kingdome to Israel? i. e. unite Iudah and Ephraim the two sticks in Gods hand. They had this opinion not onely by tra∣dition from their fathers, but they had it from their prophecies, the written received Word, from Moses and all the Prophets. See what answer Christ makes to them, It is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the Father hath put into his hands, but ye shall re∣ceive power;—the Spirit of Revelation after his ascension; should reveal this to them, as it was to the beloved Disciple Iohn, and to all them who by the Spirit afterwards understood Christs pro∣phecies in Matth. 24. and Luke 21. So that Christ positively af∣firmes, that such a restauration of the Kingdome to Israel there should be, and they should have in due time a more full discovery of that truth: in the mean time 'twas reserved in the Fathers hands. He that wrencheth the scope of Christs words to a con∣trary sense, in my judgement offers exceeding much violence to the Text. Likewise in Luke 17. 20. when the Pharisees that ground∣ed this question of the comming of the Kingdome of God upon the Old Testament-prophecies, which are clear in the thing: Christ denies not the question, but answers to it in Moses words, from whence they raised the question. So that it is manifest, the Disciples were found in the question about Christs comming to call home the twelve Tribes; to which he answers from v. 23. to v. 35. where he gives the Symptomes immediately going before his comming, and that is, •…•… Antichrist and his followers should be busie: where? in the Church: about what? about dividing Christ, making factions in the Church, saying, Here is Christ, and there is Christ; behold, he is in the desert, behold, he is in the se∣cret chamber: thus Antichrists followers by factions raised in the Church, and by their false signes and false wonders, in successes, providences, pretences of sanctity and such like falsities, shall pre∣vail so exceedingly, that generally all loose professours shall be drawn to a defection, or a cursed neutrality, or to a malicious a∣postasie from the Church, yea, they shall stagger many of the e∣lect▪ and (were it possible) make them also finally to fall into the same delusions, impenitencie, and irrecoverable apostasie. Now

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(v. 27.) comes Christ like the lightening, i. e▪ suddenly, terribly: when is that? v. 28. when the ravenous birds of prey, the Romish Eagles are feasting and rejoycing at the dead carcases of the Wit∣nesses: then followes, v. 29. the vials pouring out on the aposta∣sie and the Antichrist; and then appears the signe of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourn: what? all the Tribes? yes, all: for v. 31. the Angels with sound of Trumpet, Isa. 27. 13. (that is, at Iohns seventh Trumpets sound∣ing) shall call all the Tribes from the four ends of the earth. Oh blessed day▪ the Lord hasten it: but is this at the day of Judge∣ment? no; but at the time of Antichrists ruine, for the Genera∣tion of the Jews shall not perish untill all this be fulfilled; now after this Christ treats of the day of Judgement in that Chapter.


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