—and signes, [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] the word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 amongst humane Authors signifies a prognostick signe, and sometimes an argument, but commonly a signe: there are naturall, civill, and diabolicall signes; and there are divine reall signes: the word in Scripture is used to expresse them all.
Iudas, (Matth. 26. 48.) gave his souldiers (of whom for a time he was Conductor Generall) a signe whereby to know Christ. This was a distinguishing signe to his souldiers, a destructive signe to Christ, a deceitfull signe to the betrayed Church, the ele∣ven Apostles. Such a signe shall the Antichrist use in the slaying of the Witnesses, he shall kisse those with fair promises, whom he intends to bettray and kill; his signes shall be designed signes to his followers, destructive signes to the Lords anointed, and de∣ceitfull signes to the deluded, betrayed Churches, under the wing of the Lords anointed.
The Apostle useth here two words, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.
〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 signifies properly a prodigie, or an extraordinary act be∣yond the ordinary course of nature. And so oft-times doth 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: yet seldome when they are both found (as here) together, then (as now) their proper distinct significatiōs are to be regarded.
The learned distinguish betwixt 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 thus;* 1.1 signes are those things which are done in an extraordinary man∣ner; but not beyond or against nature; as to heal the sick, to cure a leaper, to restore a lame man to his limbes: but prodigies are extraordinary acts, or productions beyond the course of na∣ture, as to raise the dead, or give sight to one totally blinde; this cannot be done by nature or art; for totall privations admit of no regresse. In what sense signes are here to be taken, is question∣able;