A collection of the several books and writings of that faithful servant of God, Richard Hubberthorn who finished his testimony (being a prisoner in Newgate for the truths sake) the 17th of the 6th month, 1662.
Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662.
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THe glory of the everlasting God, and the Light of his powerful Truth hath so far appeared, and is so effectually manifest in our day, that the veil of darkness is removed from off the hearts of thousands, who have received the love of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus the everlasting Light, and the life of the righteous and ugright in heart, who walk in the way of the Lord; and many thick clouds of darkness and error which have darkned the minds of people are disper∣sed by the arising and shining forth of the Sun of righteousness, and the visitation of the day-spring which hath dawned from on high, blessed and praised be the name of the mighty God, who hath raised up unto himself a royal-seed to bear testimo∣ny of his Name in righteousness, against which no weapon for∣med shall prosper: Albeit this seed hath been largely tried and persecuted by the seed of enmity and evil-doers, and sons of Belial, who have made it their work to seek to obstruct the work of the Lord by persecuting his servants, and reviling his faithful witnesses, and reproaching and blaspheming his living ruth and way, even till a line of confusion is come over them, and they have split themselves against the rock, and the stone which the builders have rejected, which is exalted and set o∣ver them all. And now as for these Priests and Professors who ave so much busied themselves in opposing and gain-saying he Lord's people called, Quakers, and those righteous Prin∣iples and Doctrines held forth by them, the work of these op∣osers is come to nought, and they have apparently missed of heir ends and exspectations, and they have wearied themselvs or very vanity, and they and their work is manifest to the ation, and the folly of it in a great measure; after they have rought forth their cause, and produced their strong Reasons as they have esteemed them) which the truth and Spirit Page  [unnumbered] of understanding (in it's Witnesses) hath evidently confuted, and brought to nought. And how hath shame, and dishonour, and Contempt (in the eyes of all sober, and Indifferent people) come upon many of our oppressors, and Adversaries, the Priests and professors? who after they have been striving and con∣tending against our preaching up, and vindicating the Light of Christ in every man, Joh. 1.9. Rom. 1.19. and per∣fection, and freedom from sin as attainable, in this life, to such as believe in Christ (who is manifest for that end, 1 Joh. 3.) they themselves (who have opposed, and withstood, these truths) are turned into grosser darkness and confusion then ever, ma∣ny being turned from their pretended Reformation, Covenant, and Directory now, to complain with the prophane, that they have done those things they ought not to have done, and left undone those things which they ought to have done, and there is no health in them; and so now they cry, Lord have mercy upon us miserable sinners, or miserable offenders, &c. as in their divine service (so called) which formerly they exclai∣med against, who now are turned to it: So as it's come to pass upon them as upon the false prophets, and hireling priests of old. Night is unto them, the Sun is gone down upon them, and the day is become dark over them, and the seers are ashamed, and the diviners confounded; for there is no An∣swer of God nor vision unto them (many of whom have preach∣ed, and prophesied falsly against us, and of our overthrow, til they are overturned themselves) Micah 3. and many tha have been as emnent Leaders, overseers, and tall Cedars a∣mongst the outside and form all professors of our times, ar fled as the hireling, (that cares for himself, more then the flock) and their mouths are stopt, and they ready to hide themselves; when those they account wolves, devourers, an superstitious persons, comes amongst their flocks, manifestin that they are not true shepherds, nor built upon the Rock Chri•• Jesus; for their profession will not abide the storms, nor endu•• the Winter; so as much of our work and controversies (wil such our Antagonists) is over; for they were the highest a most contentious against us, where the Truth, and power God first appeared amongst us, to gather us out from ¦mongst Page  [unnumbered] them unto Christ the true shepherd; and when they could have he Magistrates and powers of the earth on their side, as to prosecute for them, and to feed them with the wages of unrighteousness, and maintain them in Balaams way. And now the righteous testimony of the servants of the Lord liveth, and remains as upon Record against the unrighteous∣ness and falshood of such; and in particular, the faithfull testi∣monys and true evidences given for the truth, and held forth by that faithfull servant, and follower of Chrst (and brother, and Companion in the work of the Gospel, R. Hubber∣horne; Concerning whom (I hearing that some have taken in hand to Recollect as many of his Books as they could, to be Reprinted) it is in my heart by the spirit of the Lord, and in true love to his truth, to signifie these things in short (to be annexed unto them) for the sake of the world, and such as knew him not; having had more convese with him, and ex∣perience and knowledge of him then many others had.

1. That he was a true and faithfull Instrument in the hand of the Lord in his day for the turning many from darkness to the light, and from error to truth; First, by informing, instruct∣ing, and admonishing people to the light of Christ which ap∣peareth, and shineth in the hearts and consciences of the chil∣dren of men, and against the darkness, pollutions, falfe ways, professions and worships of the world, &c. Secondly, by preach∣ing and holding forth the new and living way, the sub∣stance and end of figures, and shaddows (which many in the darkness of apostacy have been Doting about) and the true & saving knowledg of God, and his Son Jesus Christ within his people, to become their Wisdom, Righteousness, sanctification and redemption; and in which they come to experience the justi∣fication of life: according to the Witness given by the primi∣tive saints, Christians, and true witnesses of Christ.

2. And the gift of God bestowed upon him (the sad R. H.) was very pretious, honorable, & clear, & lives with us, & in our Remembrance, & hearts: & thereby he was made a faith∣full Contender for the living faith (which was once delivered unto the saints) which stands in the power of God, & worketh by love, & giveth the Creature victory over the world, & pu∣rifieth the heart, and maketh man obedient, and faithfull Page  [unnumbered] unto Go as he lives in it till he hath fought the fight of it, and overcome his spiritual enemy, & power of darkness which hath led man from his Maker into sin and transgression; so as the gift of God did largely shew forth it self in the said servant of Christ, by opposing and renouncing Errors, stopping the mouths of (and many times convincing) gainsayers.

3. And though his bodily presence and his speech to some seemed weak and contemptible, yet we can in the truth bear witness, that he was a man both of a solid spirit, and quick un∣derstanding, and delivered weighty things in his ministring, as were felt by such as were unprejudiced, who were impartial, sober, and staied in their spirits; and the innocency and up∣rightness of his life and conversation so many have a certain knowledge, and can give their testimony thereof, that I shall need to say little as to that; and he labored for peace, unfeign∣ed love, and unity in the Truth amongst people, witnessing a∣gainst that spirit (and those things) in any, which would ei∣ther make division, or cause offences or stumblings in any thing contrary to the Gospel of peace and salvation wherein the mystery of the everlasting and true fellowship consisteth; and he truly preached the Cross of Christ, and true judgment to such spirits as would live in a form and notion of Truth, out of the life, power and true obedience; who though they may profess great matters in words, and strain after high things in the carnal comprehension, yet are but in the state of such as were dead, as unto whom the Gospel hath in judgment bee preached, that they might be judged as men in the flesh, bu live according to God in the Spirit, as that follower of Christ and Minister of righteousness R. H. hath held forth, who wal∣ked in his integrity to the Lord, and ••tained his first love and habitation in the truth; being over all such changeable spirits as would lead from it into any ways or things tending to be get prejudice, division, or offences in the minds contrary to th•• pure love which stands in the living unchangeable Truth. An this I must needs say touching that man, that I never felt more of the presence and love of God accompanying him, the I did in that time we were sufferers and conversant togethe in Newgate before his decease.

Page  [unnumbered]And he (viz. R. H.) was taken away in a time of suffer∣ing and tryal for the testimony of a good conscience (being in the year 1662.) in which many of the Lords people were un∣der persecution, especially in the City of London, for the ex∣ercise of their tender consciences in meeting together in the worship of God (as the Saints and true Christians in the Pri∣mitive times did) and diverse others of the innocent and faithful servants of Christ (who were sufferers upon the same account in Newgate, London) laid down their lives for the estimony of Jesus about that time as he did, being for the most art taken weak and sick in prison, and (as was judged by the most part) their hard imprisonment, and deep suffering (being crouded together in great companies the hot season, in prison nd in holes) was the occasion and beginning of their distem∣er and sickness whereon they died, before they were dischar∣ed of their imprisonment; So as he nor they did suffer, nor ere taken away for any evil-doing, or in wrath or judgment, ut in the peace and love of God as to them-ward, having pa∣iently endured (and faithfully finished their course with joy, nd fulfilled their testimony in faithfulness) as seeing him hat is invisible, having received a crown of glory and life; hose memorial lives with us, and is for ever blessed; and hus the Lord hath many times taken away the righteous ••om the evil to come, who through faith have received a ••od report, and left an everlasting testimony behind them.

And now blessed are all they that in faith, patience and sin∣••rity do follow the Lamb unto the end whithersoever e goeth, hether it be through tribulations, persecutions; or what suf∣••rings soever; for such are they that kep their habitations 〈◊〉 the power and love of God, and such overcome by the blood 〈◊〉 the Lamb, and the word of their testimony, and shall reign ith Christ as victorious Conquerors in his everlasting king∣••m over death and darkness, and the power of it; and such 〈◊〉 abide in the love of the Truth and Faith of Gods Elect, do 〈◊〉 and witness that seed which God will exalt over the earth, •••ore which he will root out and overturn his enemies that his 〈◊〉 plant may take deep root, and spread to the ends of the 〈◊〉. And so all friends who have received the love of the Page  [unnumbered] Truth, and the knowledg of the life and power thereof, where∣in is immortality to the faithful and obedient. Be valiant for the Truth upon earth, and live in true love, unity and peace; always minding and folowing those things which make for peace; and feel the true and constant love and fellowship in the Gospel of peace, life and salvation; And so blessings from on high will fill your hearts, and the glory of the Lord will be your rereward in the everlasting inheritance of life with the holy seed which will out-live all its enemies, and remain when the enmity of the wicked, and the seed of it is removed and gone. So the Lord exalt his Name and Truth, and pro∣mote his Kingdom over all that is contrary to himself, that he alone may have the glory and preheminence whose right it is.

G. W.

Waltham in Essex the 27 of the 11 month, 1662.