A collection of the several books and writings of that faithful servant of God, Richard Hubberthorn who finished his testimony (being a prisoner in Newgate for the truths sake) the 17th of the 6th month, 1662.
Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662.

From Norwich Castle.

TO all my dear friends whom the Lord by his eternal spirit is gathering out of the World into the covenant of Life, to be of one heart and mind, and soul. Wait all in that which is pure and invisible, that the pure teachings of Christ you may know every one in particular which is without form and beauty to the visible, that nothing you may receive but that which speaks from the eternal moving of the living God; have salt in your selves to savour with all words; you may discern which is without life and power, and standing single in that which is pure of God, all such deny to be your teachers which have the words of truth, but live not in the life and power of what they say; so in the power of the living God wait in silence of all flesh, and here comes that which hath been fed to be famisht; and that which hungers after God, comes to receive living nurture and nourishment from God. So in the invisible comes to feed upon the bread of life which comes from heaven, and the tender plants will come to grow up unto eternal life, and fruit will be brought forth unto God, dwelling in that which is invisible; and all untimely fruit will wither and fade away; but keeping low in the light, that in it your minds may be kept, discerning will grow as the light doth arise and spring up in you; you will discern all airy spirits, who through great swelling words would allure and draw all the minds of those who have escaped the common pollu∣tions of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ: so all dear friends, in that which is pure wait, and in it watch against the nature which would keep you in bondage to corruption, and out of the glorious liberty of the sons of God, and from the glory of the first body, and out of the order and course of nature, and out of the Covenant where all things are blessed: now in that which hath convinced you wait, that in it you may see that which is gone Page  46 out, which is for the sword, which is for the famine; the consum∣ption determined is to pass through the whole earth, for the earth must be plowed up, and the ground dressed before the Lord can reap his pleasant fruit, which grows upon his own most pure Vine which he himself hath planted. Now there are plants which the Father hath not planted within the light, is seen and discerned from the Fathers plans: and here is your teacher the light, which wait∣ing in it, you will come to discern between the clean and unclean; and here that which is of God you will know, and that which is contrary unto him; and here is the true discovery, and here is watching over one anothers souls in the light; for in the light true judgement is given upon the deceit where it is, for in the light it i seen: Now every one which is enlightned by Christ Jesus walk up to the light which you have received, in obedience to the Lord, that he in you all may be glorified, and you all who are faithful may enter into his joy. So the mighty God of power be with you true and faithful ones, babes and children of the living God, that you be not of them that turn back, but of that which go on to the sa∣ving of the soul, and that as faithful witnesses to God, you may stand boldly against all gain-sayers, and against all the powers of darkness, that in the mighty power of God you may dwell, and in it triumph over the World, and all the deceits of it.

Your servant in the Lord Richard Hubberthorn Prisoner in Norwich Castle.