The spiritual bee, or, A miscellany of scriptural, historical, natural observations and occasional occurencyes applyed in divine meditations by an university pen
University pen., Horsman, Nicholas, fl. 1689., Howard, Luke, 1621-1699., Penn, William, 1644-1718.


I Read that the Mahometans have set houres for their daily Oraisons, in which they are so constant that not any secular matters, whether im∣pediments of businesse or di∣vertisements of pleasure do Page  42 keep them from praying five times a day; whether they are fixed at home or abroad moving in a journy, when their stinted times come they apply themselves to their (O that I might call them, true) devo∣tions; and this doth every one, from him that bears the Scep∣ter to him that carryeth the Sheephooke. How many are there called Christians that cannot afford to pray so many times in a weeke, in a month, as those Infidels in a day; that can be content to crowd a whole Sennight's devotion into one Prayer; and count them too lavish in their expences of time that make greater allot∣ments of it for that businesse then they: yea, some think it Page  43 enough if they summe up their lives and expire their last breath with a, Lord have mercy upon me. Christ commandeth us to pray for Daily bread. E∣very day Manna must be ga∣thered from Heaven. It is as necessary to the Spirituall life of our soules as our often re∣peated meales and refections to the subsistance of our bodys. We justly deem it strange and wonderfull in some that we read off, who have lived with∣out meat, some whole Weekes, others Months, others years, (and a creditable authour telleth us of one who lived 15 years withous eating or drink∣ing.) But here a long fasting and Abstinence from this Spi∣rituall refection is a thing so Page  44 frequent that it meriteth not so much admiration. But what ac∣count Quercetan giveth of the former, that in such strange fastings the inspired aire hath been sufficient in attraction to afford nourishment to such bodys; is more truly applica∣ble here; for the soules of such are (like Chameleons) fed on the air and vanity.