An easie entrance to the Latine tongue ... a work tending to the school-masters's eas, and the weaker scholar's encouragement in the first and most wearisome steps to learning
Hoole, Charles, 1610-1667.

The Examination of the Grounds of Grammar, by short Questions and Answers.

Q. WHat bee the Grounds of Grammar?

A. The most necessarie things contai∣ned in the Common Accis and Grammar.

Q. What do they treat of?

A. O Latine words, and the things that belong to them.

Q. How do they treat of Latine words?

A. As they are single words in a Speech, LIB. I. O, . As they are many words joyned together in a Speech. LIB. II.

LIB. I. Of the eight sort of La∣tine words.

Q. IN the Latine tongue how many sorts of words bee there?

A. Eight.

Page  128Q. How bee these eight sorts of word called?

A. Parts of speech.

Q. Why so?

A. Becaus of them every speech is made.

Q. Which bee the eight parts of Speech.

A. A Noun, a Pronoun, a Verb, a Participle, aAdverb, a Conjunction, a Preposition, an Inter∣jection.

Q▪ Which parts of Speech bee declined?

A. The four first: viz. Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Participle.

Q. Which parts of Speech bee undeclined?

A. The four last: viz. Adverb, Conjuctive, Preposition, Interjection.

Q. When is a word declined?

A. When its ending is changed.

Q. When is a word undeclined?

A. When its ending is not changed.

I. Of a Noun.

Q. WHat is a Noun?

A. A Noun is a word by which a thing is called.

Q. How many kindes of Nouns bee there?

A. Two.

Q. Which bee they?

A. Substantive and Adjective.

Q. What is a noun Substantive?

A. A noun, which may signifie in a speech by it self.

Q. What is a noun Adjective?

A. A noun, which cannot signifie in a speech without a Substantive.

Page  127Qu. How many kindes are there of both Substantives and Adjectives?

A. Two.

Q Which bee they?

A. Proper and Common.

Q. What is a noun Proper?

A. That which belong's to one thing onely.

Q. What is a noun (Appellative, or) Com∣mon?

A. That which belong's to many things.

Q. How many things belong to a Noun?

A. Five.

Q. Which bee they?

A. Number, Case, Gender, Declension, and Comparison.

Q How many numbers are there?

A. Two.

Q. Which bee they?

A. The singular and plural.

Q. How know you the singular number?

A. It speaketh but of one.

Q. How know you the plural number?

A. It speaketh of more then one.

Q. How many Cases are there?

A. Six.

Q. How know you the Nominative case?

A. It answereth to the question who? or, what?

Q. How know you the Genitive case?

A. It answereth to the question whose? or, hereof?

Q. How know you the Dative case?

A. It answereth to the question to whom? or what?

Q. How know you the Accusative case?

A. It answereth to the question whom? or what?

Page  130Q, How know you the Vocative case?

A. It calleth, or speaketh to one.

Q. How know you the Ablative case?

A. It answereth to the question from what?

Q. How many Genders are there?

A. Seven.

Q. Which bee they?

A. The Masculine, the Feminine, the Ne, the Common of two, the Common of three, the Doubtful, and the Epicene.

Q. How know you the Masculine gender▪

A. By the Article Hic.

Q How know you the Feminine gender?

A. By the Article Haec.

Q. How know you the Neuter gender?

A, By the Article Hoc.

Q. How know you the Common of two genders?

A. By the Articles hic and haec.

Q. How know you the Common of three gender?

A. By the Articles, hic, haec, and hoc.

Q. How know you the Doubtful gender?

A. By the Articles Hic or haec.

Q. How know you the Epicene gender?

A. It signifieth both sexes under one Article

Q What are Articles?

A. Notes of Genders.

Q. How can you tell of what Gender Noun ought to bee?

A. By the Rules to know the Genders o Nouns, which are set down in Propria quae ru∣ribus, CAP. 8.

Q. How many Declensions are there?

A. Five.

Page  131Q. How can you tell of what Declension a noun is?

A. By the ending of the Genitive case sin∣gular.

Q. How ends the Genitive case singular of the five Declensions?

A. Inûs▪c.

Q. How are nouns Substantives de∣clned?

A Those f the

  • First Declension like Musa.
  • Second Declension like Magíster, Dóminus, Regnum.
  • Third Declension like Lápis, or Cáput.
  • fourth Declension like Mánus, or Córnu.
  • Fifth Declension like Fácies.

Q. How are nouns Adjectives declined?

A. Those of

  • three terminations like Bonus,
  • two terminations like Tistis.
  • one termination like Felix.
  • the Comparative degree like Dúrior.

Q. What nouns have Comparison?

A. Adjectives.

Q How many degrees of Comparison are ••re?

A. Three.

Q. Which bee they?

A. The Positive, the Comparative, and the Su∣lative.

Q. How know you the Positive degree?

A. It signifieth without excess.

Q. How know you the Comparative de∣ree?

Page  130A. It signifieth more then the Positive.

Q. How know you the Superlative?

A. It signifieth the most of all.

II. Of a Pronoun.

Q WHat is a Pronoun?

A. A Pronoun is a word put in stead of a Noun.

Q. How many Pronouns bee there?

A. Fifteen.

Q. Which bee they?

A. Ego I, tu thou, sui of himself, ille hee, ipse himself, iste that, hic this, is that, meus mine, tuus thine, suus his, vester yours, nosto ours, nostras on our side, vestras on your side.

Q. What words are added to these?

A. Qui which, quis who? Cujus whose? and cujas of whoe side?

Q. What things belong to a Pronoun?

A. Number, Case, Gender, Declension and Person.

Q. What things of these hath a Pronoun the same as a Noun hath?

A. Number, Case, Gender.

Q. What things of these hath a Pronoun of its own?

A. Declension and Person.

Q. How many Declensions hath a Pro∣noun?

A. Four.

Qu. How end their Genitive cases sin∣gular?

Page  131A. In

i.iiis vel jusi, ae, i.átis.

Q. What Pronouns bee of the first De∣clension?

A. Ego, tu, sui.

Q. What Pronouns bee used of the second Declension?

A. Ille, ipse, iste, hic, is, qui, and quis.

Q. What Pronouns bee of third De∣clension?

A. Meus, tuus, suus, noster, vester, and cujus.

Q. How many Pronouns bee of the fourth Declension?

A. Nostras, vestras, and cujas.

Q. How many Persons hath a Pronoun?

A. Three.

Q. Which bee they?


  • The first which speak∣eth himself.
  • The second which speak∣eth to another,
  • The third which speak∣eth of another.

III. Of a Verb.

Q. WHat is a Verb?

A. A Verb is a word that signifieth to d, to suffer, or to bee.

Q. How many sorts of Verbs are there?

A. Two.

Q. Which bee they?

Q. Personal, which is declined with three Persons; and Impersonal which is declined in the third Person onely.

Page  134Q. What things belong to a Verb?

A Kinde, Mood, Tens, Conjugation, which be∣long onely to it; Number and Person which be∣long also to a Pronoun.

Q. How many kindes of Verbs are there?

A. Five.

Q. Which bee they?

A. Active, Passive, Neuter, Deponent, and Commune.

Q, How know you a verb Active?

A It endeth in O, and signifieth to do.

Q. How know you a verb Passive?

A. It end's in Or, and signifieth to suffer.

Q. How know you a verb Neuter?

A. It endeth in M, and signifieth to bee; or in O, and signifieth somtimes to do, and somtimes to suffer

Q. How know you a verb Deponent?

A. It endeth in Or, and signifieth to do.

Q. How know you a verb Commune?

A. It endeth in Or, and signifieth both to do and to suffer.

Q. How many Moods have verbs?

A. Four.

Q. Which bee they?

A. The Indicative, the Imperative, the Sub∣junctive, and the Infinitive.

Q. How know you the Indicative mood?

A. It sheweth a thing.

Q. How know you the Imperative mood?

A. It biddeth, or intreateth.

Q. How know you the Subjunctive mood?

A. It is joyned with a verb in the same sentence.

Q. How know you the Infinitive mood?

Page  135A. It hath no certain Number or Person.

Q. What things belong to the Infinitive mood?

A. Gerunds and Supines.

Q. How many Gerunds are there?

A. Three, which end in Di, Do, Dum.

Q. How many Supines are there?

A. Two: whereof the first end's in um, and the later in u.

Q. How many Tenses have Verbs?

A. Five.

Q. Which bee they?

A. The Present tens, the Preterimperfect, the Preterperfect, the Preterpluperfect, and the Fu∣ture.

Q. How know you the Present tens?

A. It speaketh of the time that now is.

Q. How know you the Preterimperfect tens?

A. It speaketh of the time not fully past.

Q. How know you the Preterperfect tens?

A. It speaketh of the time fully past.

Q. How know you the Preterpluperfect tens?

A. It speaketh of the time long ago past.

Q. How know you the Future tens?

A. It speaketh of the time to com.

Q. How many Conjugations have verbs?

A. Four.

Q. How know you the first Conjugation?

A. It hath a long before re and ris.

Q. How know you the second Conjuga∣tion?

A. It hath e long before re and ris.

Q. How know you the third Conjugation?

Page  134A. It hath e short before re and ris.

Q. How know you the fourth Conjuga∣tion?

A. It hath i long before re and ris.

Q. In conjugateing verbs what are wee chiefly to minde?

A. The first and second persons of the Pre∣sent-tens; and the first person of the Preter-tens of the Indicative mood; the Infinitive mood Present-tens, and the first Supine.

Q. Why so?

A. Becaus of these the other Moods and Tenses bee formd.

Q. What tenses are formed of the Pre∣ter-tens?

A. Those that end in ram, ssem, rim, ro, and sse.

Q. Where learn you the Rules to know Preterperfect-tenses & Supines of verbs?

A. out of As in praesenti. Cap. 9.

Q How are verbs of the first Conjuga∣tion formed?


  • Those in O, like Amo.
  • Those in Or, like Amor.

Q. How are verbs of the second Conju∣gation formed?


  • Those in O, like Dóceo.
  • Those in Or, like Dóceor.

Q. How are verbs of the third Conjugati∣on formed?


  • Those in O, like Légo.
  • Those in Or, like Légor.

Q. How are verbs of the fourth Conju∣gation formed?

Page  135A.

  • Those in O, like Aúdio.
  • Those in Or, like Aúdior.

IV. Of a Participle.

Q. WHat is a Participle?

A. A Participle is a word which is de∣clined (with case) like a Noun; and signifieth (to do or to suffer) like a Verb,

Q. How many things belong to a Par∣ticiple?

A. Number, Case, Gender, and Declension (as to a Noun) Tens and Signification, (as to a Verb)

Q. How many kindes of Participles are there?

A. Four.

Q Which bee they?

A. Of the Present-tens, of the Preter-tens, of the Future in rus and of the Future in dus.

Q. How know you a Participle of the Present-tens?

A. It ends in English in ing; and in Latine in ans or ens.

Q How know you a Participle of the Fu∣ture in rus?

A It signifieth Actively.

Q. How know you a Participle of the Fu∣ture in dus?

A. It signifieth Passively.

Q. How are Participles of the Present tens declined?

A. Like Adjectives of three Articles.

Page  138Q. How are other Participles declined?

A. Like Adjectives of three terminations.

V. Of an Adverb.

Q. WHat is an Adverb?

A. It is a word joyned to others to ex∣plain their signification.

VI. Of a Conjunction.

Q. WHat is a Conjunction?

A. A Conjunction is a word which joy∣neth other words together.

VII. Of a Preposition.

Q. WHat is a Preposition?

A. A Preposition is a word (commonly set before others, and serving to a case.

VIII. Of an Interjection.

Q. WHat is an Interjection?

A. An Interjection is a word put in a∣mongst others to signifie som passion.

Q. What belong's to the parts of Speech undeclined?

A. Signification.

Q How is their signification to bee known?

A. By daily use in reading and writing Latine