Centuria epistolarum Anglo-Latinarum ex tritissimis classicis authoribus, viz. Cicerone, Plinio & Textore, selectarum : quibus imitandis ludi-discipuli stylum epistolis familiarem facilius assequantur
Hoole, Charles, 1610-1667.

Epist. 10.

1. YOu thought, as I suppose, to affright me with your words, when you was angry of late, and vented what came nex to your mind.

2. I am not one that fears flashes of lightning from a glasse, and whom foolish and outragious threatnings, such as you then made a noise withall, affright.

3. Your railing speeches do me no hurt.

4 Yet if you ex me with your babling which you always use, I will make you repeat of your folly: for else I should take upon me the blame of some injury which I had done you; whereas for all that, I hae hitherto always looked after your matters, as if they had been mine own. Farewell.