Arcana philosophia, or, Chymical secrets containing the noted and useful chymical medicines of Dr. Wil. and Rich. Russel chymists, viz. I. Species vitæ, alias universalis, II. Tinctura regalis, call'd scorbutick, &c., III. Species coroborativa, alias pleuretica, IV. Species proprietatis, V. Species minor, VI. A pestilential cordial, call'd his white cordial : as also several curious chymical processes and spagerick preparations of natural things for the use of medicin, and many other things of great use and vertue in eradicating the most stubborn diseases, likewise four curious small treatises, viz. the I. Of fevers, the II. Of the jaundies, the III. Of madness, and the IV. Of diarrhæas, lientries &c., by the renowned and most aproved Dr. Aurelius Philipus Theophrastus Paracelsus, of Hoheneim
Headrich, John., Russel, Richard., Russell, William, 1634-1696?, Paracelsus, 1493-1541.
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The Use and Vertue of his Cordial.

WHatsoever (almost) can be said of the Powder, may also be truely averred of this Medicine, which is as general as that. In Distempers of Women (because pleasant to take) it proves more serviceable than that, by reason of the nice Palats of most Women: It prevents Abortion, stays the Child in the Womb (if the Ligiments happen not by some Accident to be broken) unto the full time of Delivery, when that is come it hastens the Birth as is fit, and after the Birth cleanseth well, and either prevents or cures the After∣pains; but more readily if the Powder be taken in it so soon as the Woman is laid. This I have very often prov'd by my proper Expe∣rience. In Womens Distempers the Powder cannot be taken in a more proper Vehicle than this Cordial. To Men also where Wine is ab∣horred, I give it both as a Vehicle for the Powder, and also to comfort them. If a Vo∣miting Potion, or a common Cathartic be gi∣ven to the prejudice of the Patient, this Cor∣dial either stays the Vomiting, or makes the matter move upward with much more ease. Also, if the Purg cause urgent Pains and works not, this given (if not too late) with the Pow∣der produceth a Laudable Evacuation to the Page  18 saving of Life, as I have sometimes seen, &c. The Dose from one Spoonful to three or four as need shall be.