Arcana philosophia, or, Chymical secrets containing the noted and useful chymical medicines of Dr. Wil. and Rich. Russel chymists, viz. I. Species vitæ, alias universalis, II. Tinctura regalis, call'd scorbutick, &c., III. Species coroborativa, alias pleuretica, IV. Species proprietatis, V. Species minor, VI. A pestilential cordial, call'd his white cordial : as also several curious chymical processes and spagerick preparations of natural things for the use of medicin, and many other things of great use and vertue in eradicating the most stubborn diseases, likewise four curious small treatises, viz. the I. Of fevers, the II. Of the jaundies, the III. Of madness, and the IV. Of diarrhæas, lientries &c., by the renowned and most aproved Dr. Aurelius Philipus Theophrastus Paracelsus, of Hoheneim
Headrich, John., Russel, Richard., Russell, William, 1634-1696?, Paracelsus, 1493-1541.

The Signs are these.

This Dissolved Disease begining, the Patient is troubled with a continual Flux of the Belly, and yet eats and drinks much.

He, who goes to Stool often, eats and drinks strongly, and waxeth lean in Body, doth also suffer a dissolution of the Mineral.

When the Food is cast out by Vomiting, crude and undigested, that is a Sign of a dissol∣ved Disease from Minerals.

A Flux passing out, either by Urin, or Seidg, or Vomit, if no Gripe, Strangury, or other like Sign be present, as in dissolution of the Sto∣mach, nor the bitterness of Gall, by Vomit∣ing; it is a Sign the dissolution is from Mi∣nerals.

In a Mineral dissolution, the Blood comes forth by the Fundament more Red, then in the dissolution of the Stomach.

Page  127And this Red blood, when congealed, or clotted, passeth out by Urin. For it is con∣gealed in the Bladder, and not before.

They who Piss congulate Blood, labour with this Disease. This Pissing is not for a day, or two, but continually. Yet if Blood be not continually Pissed, it is a Sign the Stone is pre∣sent, which hath broak some small Vein. For as the Disease begins, (viz. if any one have six Stools a day at first, the next he hath as many) so it continues, and ceaseth not until it be cured.

Congealed Blood passeth out by Vomiting, which also argues a Disease dissolved from Mi∣nerals.

Every thing which comes to maturity ob∣tains an Expulsive Virtue; and Minerals, when dissolved, expel themselves. So, Alu∣minous Salt expels it self by Vomiting. The Digestive virtue casts out the Entalick Salt, by the Inferior Parts, &c.

In the Cure, care must be taken, to Coagu∣late the Salts by the following Description.