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Title:  A treatise of miscellany questions wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved ... / by Mr. George Gillespie ... ; published by Mr. Patrik Gillespie ...
Author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648.
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such as turne away from the truth after false doctrines, and be∣leeve seducing spirits, as well as from those who are of an un∣godly life. So Deut: 13. 3. when a false Prophet arose, and the signe or wonder came to passe, what was Gods meaning in permitting these things? The Lord your God proveth you to know whether ye love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and wth all your soule. They therefore that hearkened to the false Prophet, even when his signe or wonder came to passe, made themselves known thereby, that they had not been lovers of God with all their heart. Again Matth. 24▪ 24. those that are elect, are not deceived by false Christs, and the false Prophets: and by the rule of contraries, they who are deceived by them, and go in their errour to the end, are not elect, but reprobat, Gal: 5. 20. 21. Heresie is a work of the flesh, and is reckoned among these things which render a person uncapable of inheriting the Kingdome of God. They therefore who walk in the spirit, and not in the flesh, and are made meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, are not onely no Hereticks, but resist and oppose Heresie, as being a work of the flesh. Ioh. 8. 31. They who are Christs Discples indeed, continue in his word. They who continue not in his word, are not his Dis∣ciples indeed, 1 Ioh: 2. 24. with . Epist. of Iohn, vers: 9. They who have fellowship with the Father and the Son, abide in the Doctrine of Christ: They who abide not in the Doctrine of Christ, have no fellowship with the Father and the Son, the like in divers other Scriptures.If therefore they must be Heresies even for this reason, to make more manifest who are approved, who not: Then let no thoughts arise in our hearts, toward the accusing of divine providence in this particular. Iustin Martyr. Quaest, & respons: ad orthod. quaest.1. Answering this doubt: If God hath taken away the Idolatries, superstitious, and false religion of Heathens, and 0