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Title:  An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland in the points of ruling-elders and of the authority of presbyteries and synods with a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against presbyteriall government.
Author: Gillespie, George, 1613-1648.
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man who had spoken falsly of his wife, that hee found her not a virgin, Deut. Ans. First, if it should bee granted, that the Elders spoken of in these places, were ci∣vill Magistrates, this proveth not that there were no Ecclesiasticall Elders among the Jewes.Bertram de Pol. Jud. cap. 16. saith, that these Elders did continue among the ten Tribes, even after the defe∣ction of Jero∣boam. Senio∣res erant qui in mores & vitam piorum virorum, &c. Inquirebam & reprehensioni∣bus censur s{que} Ecclesiasticis animad erte∣bant. Houm Seniorum & reliquae Eccle∣siae coetus & actiones mo∣derabntur Prophetae: ut ad Prophe∣tae dmum a∣l quando se∣niores conve∣nirent, 2 Reg. 6.32.Iustellus in his Annotations upon the Booke of the Canons of the African Church, distinguisheth betwixt the civill El∣ders mentioned, Can. 91. who were called Seniores locorum, or Vrbium: and the Ecclesia∣sticall Elders mentioned, Can. 100. who were called, Seniores Ecclesiae, and Seniores Plebis: the former name distinguishing them from the civill Elders, the latter distinguishing them from Preaching Elders. So there might be the same two sorts of Elders among the Jewes. And what then? It is enough for us that wee finde in the Jewish Church, some Elders joyned with the Priests, & employed in things Ecclesiasticall. The Elders and Priests are joyned together both in the new Testament, as Matth. 26.59. the chiefe Priests and Elders; so in other places before cited: And likewise in the old Testament, Exod. 24.1. Come up unto the Lord, thou and Aaron, Nadab and bihu, and seventy of the El∣ders of Israel, Deut. 27.1. Moses with the Elders, compared with vers. 9. Moses and the 0