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Title:  Observations concerning the original and various forms of government as described, viz. 1st. Upon Aristotles politiques. 2d. Mr. Hobbs's Laviathan. 3d. Mr. Milton against Salmatius. 4th. Hugo Grotius De jure bello. 5th. Mr. Hunton's Treatise of monarchy, or the nature of a limited or mixed monarchy / by the learned Sir R. Filmer, Barronet ; to which is added the power of kings ; with directions for obedience to government in dangerous and doubtful times.
Author: Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653.
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revoke two Writs of Subpoena's, which were served upon M. Th. Knevit, a Member of the House, since the Beginning of Parliament. The Lord Keeper demanded of them whe∣ther they were appointed by any advised Consideration of the House, to deliver this Message unto him with the word Required, in such manner as they had done, or no: they answered his Lordship, yea: his Lord∣ship then said, as he thought reverently and honourably of the House, and of their Li∣berties, and Privileges of the same, so to revoke the said Subpoena's in that sort, was to restrain Her Majesty in Her greatest Power, which is, Justice in the Place wherein he serveth under Her, and therefore he concluded, As they had required him to revoke his Writ, so he did require to deliberate.Upon the 22 of February, being Wednes∣day, 18 Eliz. Report was made by Mr. At∣torney of the Dutchy, upon the Committee, for the delivering of one Mr. Hall's man; that the Committee found no Precedent for setting at large by the Mace any Person in Ar∣rest but only by Writ, and that by divers Precedents of Records perused by the said Committee, it appeareth that every Knight, Citizen, or Burgess, which doth require Pri∣vilege, hath used in that case to take a Corporal Oath before the Lord Chancel∣lor, 0