Sacra nemesis, the Levites scourge, or, Mercurius Britan. disciplin'd, [Mercurius] civicvs [disciplin'd] also deverse remarkable disputes and resolvs in the Assembly of Divines related, episcopacy asserted, truth righted, innocency vindicated against detraction.
- Title
- Sacra nemesis, the Levites scourge, or, Mercurius Britan. disciplin'd, [Mercurius] civicvs [disciplin'd] also deverse remarkable disputes and resolvs in the Assembly of Divines related, episcopacy asserted, truth righted, innocency vindicated against detraction.
- Author
- Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
- Publication
- Oxford :: Printed by Leonard Lichfield ...,
- 1644.
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- Subject terms
- Nedham, Marchamont, 1620-1678.
- Westminster Assembly (1643-1652)
- Great Britain -- History -- Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660.
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"Sacra nemesis, the Levites scourge, or, Mercurius Britan. disciplin'd, [Mercurius] civicvs [disciplin'd] also deverse remarkable disputes and resolvs in the Assembly of Divines related, episcopacy asserted, truth righted, innocency vindicated against detraction." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 8, 2024.
- To the AUTHOR upon his FRONTIS-PIECE.
- frontispiece
- title page
- To the READER.
- The speciall Contents of this treatise, with the arguments of every section.
- ARTICLE 8. Of the three Creeds.
- ARTICLE 11. Of the Justification of MAN.
The two first clauses of the Covenant, as they were offered to the Assembly, licensed, and entred into the Hall book according to Order,
September 4. 1643. and Printed at London forPhilip Lane. - The two clauses of the Covenant, as they were altered and Printed by Order of the House of COMMONS.
- Errata.
SECTION I. The Character of
Britanicus. - SECT. II. The censure of all the Diurnals and Scouts.
SECT. III. Six Untruths uttered by
Britanicus in three Lines; the true cause whyD. F. was voted out of the Assembly. - SECT. IIII. How D. F. his Livings came to be sequestred, and why.
- SECT. V. That the Doctor was no Intelligencer or Spie.
- SECT. VI. Aulicus truely relates the Doctors reasons alleadged against the New Covenant, in the open Assemblie.
SECT. VII. Divers remarkable passages in the Assemblie of Divines, related in the Letter to the Primate of
Armagh. - SECT. VIII. Sixteen reasons for episcopall government.
Britanicus his scurrilous jests at spirituall Courts retorted, andextemporarie prayers and sermons deservedly censured. - SECT. X. Of the abuse of appropriations of benefices, and the necessitie of Pluralities as, the case standeth.
SECT. XI. That the abjuration of Episcopacie, especially in the Clergie of
England, involveth them in perjurie and sacriledge. - SECT. XII. Of profitable doctrines and beneficiall positions, held by Brownists and Sectaries.
- SECT. XIII. Of ministeriall habits, recreations on the Lords day, and how the Brownists and sectaries prophane the Christian Sabbath.
SECT. XIIII. Of the subscription of the letter written to the Primate of
Armagh, and the signification therof. -
SECT. XV. Wholesome and seasonable advice to
Britanicus. -
Mercurius Civicus taken to task. -
SECT. XVII. Testimonies of forraign Divines.
Amplissimo praesuli Johanni Kingo, Petrus Molinaeus
S. P. D. -
A haut & puissant Seigneur, Messire PHILIPPE HERBERT, Conte de Pembroke & Montgomery, Baron HERBERT de Cardiffe, Baron de Parre & Rosse, en Kendall,
Fitz-Hugh Marmion & S.Quintin ; Baron HERBERT de Shurland; Grande Chamberlaine du Roy de la Grande Bretagne, &c. - Ad Lectorem.
- testimony
- testimony
Viro venerando, Domino
Francisco Tayler verbi divini praeconi fidelissimo., -
To the right reverend father in God, IOHN KING, Lord Bishop of London,
Peter Moulin wisheth, &c. - Salvation in the Author of Salvation.
To the Reverend and Worthy Mr. FRAN. TAYLER, the watchfull Pastor of the Church of
Clapham. - To the Worshipfull M. FRANCIS TAYLER, a most faithfull Preacher of the Word of God.
- testimony
Harlew, to his very loving friend MasterBull, health and happinesse.
Amplissimo praesuli Johanni Kingo, Petrus Molinaeus
SECT. XVIII. The sum of
D. F. his apologie, reduced into two unanswer∣able Dilemma's.
SECTION I. The Character of
- Post-script to the Reader.