The history of the worthies of England who for parts and learning have been eminent in the several counties : together with an historical narrative of the native commodities and rarities in each county
Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661., Fuller, John, b. 1640 or 41.
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CHAPTER I. The Designe of the ensuing Work.

ENGLAND may not unfitly be compared to an House not very great, but convenient, and the se∣veral Shires may properly be resembled to the rooms thereof. No, as learned Master Camden and painful Master Speed with others, have discribed the rooms themselves; so is it our intention, God willing to discribe the Furniture of those rooms; such Emi∣nent Commodities, which every County doth produce, with the Persons of Quality bred therein, and some other observables coincident with the same subject.

Cato that great and grave Philosopher did commonly demand, when any new Project was propounded unto him, * Cui Bono, what good would ensue, in case the same was effe∣cted. A Question more fit to be asked, then facile to be answered in all undertakings, especially in the setting forth of new Books, Insomuch, that they themselves, who com∣plain, That They are too many already, help dayl•… to make them more.

Know then, I propound five ends to my self in this Book: First, To gain some Glory to God. Secondly, To preserve the Memories ef the Dead•… Thirdly, To present Examples to the Living. Fourthly, To entertain the Reader with Delight. And lastly, (which I am not ashamed publickly to profess) To procure some honest profit to my self. If not so happy to obtain all, I will be joyful to attain some, yea, contented and thankful too, if gaining any [especially the First] of these Ends, the Motives of my Endeavours.

First, Glory to God, which ought to be the aim of all our actions, though too often our bow starts, our hand shakes, and so our arrow misseth the mark. Yet I hope that our discribing so good a Land, with the various Fruits and fruitful varieties therein, will ingage both Writer and Reader, in gratitude to that God, who hath been so bounti∣ful to our Nation. In order whereunto, I have not only alwayes taken, but often sought occasions, to exhort to thankfulness; hoping the same will be interpreted, no stragling from my Subject, but a closing with my Calling.

Secondly, To preserve the Memories of the Dead. A good name is an oyntment poured out, smelt where it is not seen. It hath been the lawful desire of men in all ages to per∣petuate their Memories, thereby in some sort revenging themselves of Mortality, Page  2 though few have found out effectual means to perform it. For Monuments made of Wood, are subject to be burnt; of Glass, to be broken; of soft stone, to moulder; of Marble and Metal, (if escaping the teeth of Time) to be demolished by the hand of Covetousness; so that in my apprehension, the safest way to secure a memory from oblivion, is (next his own Vertues) by committing the same in writing toPosterity.

Thirdly, To present examples to the living, having here precedents of all sorts and sizes; of men famous for Valour, Wealth, Wisedome, Learning, Religion, and Bounty to the publick, on which last we most largely insist. The Scholar being taxed by his Writing∣Master, for idlenesse in his absence, made a fair defence, when pleading that his Master had neither left him Paper whereon, or Copy whereby to write. But rich men will be without excuse if not expressing their bounty in some proportion, God having provided them Paper enough. [The*poor you have alwayes with you] and set them signal examples, as in our ensuing Work will plainly appear.

Fourthly, To entertain the Reader with delight. I confess the subject is but dull in it self, to tell the time and place of mens birth, and deaths, their names, with the names and number of their books, and therefore this bare Sceleton of Time, Place, and Person, must be fleshed with some pleasant passages. To this intent I have purposely inter∣laced (not as meat, but as condiment) many delightful stories, that so the Reader if he do not arise (which I hope and desire) Religiosior or Doctior, with more Piety or Learning, at least he may depart Jucundior, with more pleasure and lawful delight.

Lastly, to procure moderate profit to my self in compensation of my pains. It was a proper question, which plain dealing Jacob pertinently propounded to Laban* his Fa∣ther in Law: and now when shall I provide for mine house also? Hitherto no Stationer hath lost by me, hereafter it will be high time for me (all things considered) to Save for my self.

The matter following may be divided into Real and Personal, though not according to the legal acception of the words. By Real, I understand the commodities and ob∣servables of every County: by Personal the Characters of those worthy men, who were Natives thereof. We begin with a Catalogue of the particular heads whereof this book doth consist, intending to shew, how they are severally useful, and then I hope, if good as single instruments, they will be the better as tuned in a Consort.

CHAP. II. The Real Topicks insisted on in the Respective Counties.

The Native Commodities.

NO County hath cause to complain with the Grecian*Widdowes, that they are neglected in the daily Ministration. God hath not given all Commodities to one, to elate it with pride, and none to others to deject them with pensivenesse; but there is some kind of equality betwixt the Profits of Counties to continue com∣merce' and ballance trading in some proportion.

We have therefore in this work taken especial notice of the several cōmodities which every Shire doth produce. And indeed God himself enjoyneth us to observe the variety of the Earths productions, in this kind. For speaking of the land of *Havilah, (where saith he) there is Gold, and the gold of that land is good, there is Bdellium, and the Onix-stone. See here how the holy spirit points at those places where God hath scattered such trea∣sure, and the best thereof in all kinds, that man (if so disposed) may know where to ga∣ther them up.

I confess England cannot boast of Gold, and precious Stones, with the land of Havilah, yet affordeth it other things, both above and beneath ground, more needful for man's being. Indeed some shires, Joseph▪like, have a better coloured coat then others; and some with Benjamin have a more bountiful messe of meat belonging unto them. Yet every County hath a Childs portion, as if God in some sort observed Gavel-kind, in Page  3 the distribution of his favours, *O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness, and declare the wondrous works which he doth for the Children of men.

Know Reader, when a Commodity is general to all England, then to avoid Repetition, it is entered in that County where there was the first, or else the most and best of that kind. And we have so contrived it, that generally; Three Commodities are treated of in every County.

The Manufactures.

Some heathen have causlesly complained of nature as a step-mother to man-kind, be∣cause other creatures come into the world clothed with Feathers, furs, or fleeces &c. or armed with pawes, clawes, beaks, tusks, horns, hoofs, whilest man is exposed naked into the world. I say a causles charge, because providence having given men Hands, and Reason to use them, (two blessings denyed to other creatures,) all Clothing and fencing is emi∣nently and transcendently bestowed upon him.

It is very remarkable to see the Manufactures in England, not knowing whether more to admire the Rarity or Variety thereof. Undoubtedly the wealth of a Nation con∣sisteth in driving a native commodity through the most hands to the highest artificial perfection, whereof we have taken especial cognisance in the respective counties, yet so as (though breifly nameing) not largely handling that Manufacture whereon we have formerly insisted.

It must not be forgotten that there be some things which cannot properly be termed Natural commodities, because of their quality altered and disguised by mens industry, and yet they attain not the reputation of Manufactures. As salt, being water boyled, malt, barley dryed, Cider, Apples pressed; seeing therefore they have a mixt nature they are promiscuosly placed as suiteth best with my own conveniency.

Medicinal Waters.

The God of Nature hath not discovered himself so variously wonderful in any thing as in the waters of Fountains, Rivers, &c. England hath as large a share herein as any Country, and her springs wonderful on several accounts.

  • 1. Colour, Black, Red, Yellow, &c.
  • 2. Tast, Sweet, bitter, salt, acide, corroding, astringing, &c.
  • 3. Odour, stinking of Sulphur, like the scouring of a gun very fowl.
  • 4. Sound, beating somtimes like a March, sometimes like a Retreat on several occasions.
  • 5. Heat, Luke-warm, and gradually hot even to scalding.
  • 6. Weight, considerably heavier or lighter in proportion to other watters.
  • 7. Motion, though many miles from the sea, sympathizing therewith eb∣ing and flowing accordingly.
  • 8. Effects, some being surgeons to heale sores, others Physitians to cure diseases.

The last is proper for our pen, being the Largess of heaven to poor people who cannot go to the price of a costly cure. Of these more have been discovered by casu∣alty than industry, to evidence that therein we are not so much beholden to mans paynes as Gods providence. Many Springs formerly soveraign have since lost their vertue, yet so that other springs have found it, so that their sanative qualities may seem not taken away but removed. And as there are many mean men of great ability yet depressed in obscurity, so no doubt there are in our Land Aquae incognitae of concealed worth and vertue, in effect no whit inferior to those which in fame are far above them.

However the gift which nature holdeth forth may be doubled in the goodnesse thereof, if the hand of Art do but help to receive it, and the patients be prepared with Physick in the using of such water, otherwise fons vitae, may be fons mortis, if diet, due time, and quantity be not observed.

Some will say that our English waters must needs be raw, because so far from the fire, whilest those are better boyled, which lying more south are neerer the sun. But experience avow's the contrary, that England affordeth most sanative waters for EnglishPage  4 bodies, if men were as judicious in taking, as Nature is bountiful in tendering them.

As for the Proprietaries of such (or rather of the ground surrounding such) Medi∣cinal waters, as I would not have them detrimented in the least degree by the conflux of people unto them: so it is injurious in my judgement for them to set them to sale and make gain of Gods free gift therein. I confess water was commonly sold in the land of Canaan proved by that passage in the* Prophet, H•… every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money &c. Yea so churlish were the Edomites to the Israelites that they would not give, that is afford them*water for mony. But it is considerable, Well-w ater in those hot Countries, was acquired with vast pains and expence, it being dearer to sink a well then build an house, besides many frustrations in that kind before their indeavous found full effect, which made it the more equal for the owners, by such sales to make profit, or rather to make up their reparations. But no such cost be∣ing expended in the case in hand, it may be accounted a kind of Simonie, in such as sell ease and help to poor people, though they may lawfully buy it, as passive and necessitated thereunto.

The Wonders.

Of these England affordeth many, which by several authors are variously reckoned up. One reckoneth foure as most remarkable,* another accounted six, a third bringeth then up to*thirteen, which since some have increased. Indeed if so many men, had all agreed in one Number, that had been a Wonder indeed.

But under this Title we compre hend all rarityes, which are out of the ordinary Road of nature, the illustration whereof may minister unto us matter of profitable discourse. Of these wonders, some were transient, lasting onely for a time, (like extraordi∣nary Ambassadors imployed on some great affair,) others Liegers and Permanent, the most proper for our Pen to observe. And to prevent vacuitie in some Counties (that this Topicke of wonders might be invested with some matter) some Artificial Rarities are (but very sparingly) inserted, such as transcend the standard of ordinary performance, But thse are cast in as over weight, the former being onely our proper subject.

Our great design herein is that men may pay the Tribute of their admiration, where the same is due, to God himself, who, as David observeth*only doth great wonders. Only, exclusively of men and Angels. Doth, that is really solidly and substanti∣ally, Iuglers doe shew not doe, whose pretty workes are not Praestationes, but Praestigiae. Great Wonders, called in Scripture MAGNALIA, and if the Latin alloweth the word, we could grant the Divel his Parvalia doing of petty feats, greatened into wonders by his cun∣ning, and our credulity.

Wel let our admiration be given to God, seeing Deliberate Wondering (when the soul is not suddenly surprised) being raised up to an height is part of adoration, and cannot be given to any creature without some sacrile•…ge. Such wondring consists of Reverence and ig norance, which best becometh even the wisest of men, in their searches after God his wayes. As for that unkind wondring, which melts not man's heart like wax into the praysing of God, but clay like hardneth it unto stupefaction, Behold you despi∣sers and wonder*and perish, God keep all good men from being guilty thereof.

A secondary end I have herein to shew that England fals not short of forraign Coun∣tries in wonderful sights the same in kind though not in degree. Italy hath her Grotta dela Sibilla, we in Summerset-shire our Wockley Hole. Spain her Anas, we our Mole, &c. Bnt wonders like prophets are not without honour save in their own Country, where constancy (or at least Commonnesse of Converse) with them abateth their respect and reputation.

The Buildings.

Next* we take notice of the signal structures which each County doth afford. In∣deed the Italians do account all English to be Gothish Buildings, onely vast, (and greatnesse, must have something of coarsnes therein) however abating for their advantage above us in Materialls, Marble, Pophery &c. their pallaces may admire the art in some English fabricks, and in our Churches especially.

Elisha beholding Hasael, wept by way of prophecie foreseeing that (amongst other Page  5 many mischeifs) he would set fire on the strong* Cities (and by consequence on the Fair Houses) in Israel. But well may we weep when looking back on our late Civil war, remembring how many beautiful Buildings were ruined thereby, though indeed we have Cause to be thankful to God that so many are left standing in the Land.

But what said our Saviour to his Disciples, when transported with wonder at the good¦ly stones in the Temple,*are these the things you looke upon? such transitory buildings are unworthy of a Christians admiration. And let it be our care that when the fairest and firmest Fabricks fall to the ground, yea when our earthly house be dissolved, we may have an house not made with hands, but eternal in the*Heavens.

Local Proverbs.

A PROVERB is much matter decocted into few words. Hear what a learned*Critick saith of them; Argutae hae brevesque loquendi formulae, quamvis è trivio petitae et plebi fre∣quentatae suas habent Veneres, et genium cujusque gentis penes quam celebrantur, atque acumen ostendunt.

Some will have a Proverb so called from Verbum a word and Pro (as in Proavus) signifying Before, being a speech which time out of mind hath had peaceable possession in the mouths of many people. Others deduce it from Verbum a word, and pro for Vice (as in Propraeses) in stead of, because it is not to be taken in the literal sence, one thing being put for an other.

Six esentials are required to the compleating of a perfect Proverb, Namely that it be.

  • 1. Short.
  • 2. Playn.
  • 3. Common.
  • 4. Figurative.
  • 5. Antient.
  • 6. True.

Otherwise it is no Proverb but a.

  • 1. Oration.
  • 2. Riddle.
  • 3. Secret.
  • 4. Sentence.
  • 5. Upstart.
  • 6. Libel.

I have only insisted on such local Proverbs in their respective Counties, wherein some proper Place or Person, is mentioned, such as suggest unto us some Historical •…int and the interpretation thereof afford some considerable information, and conduce to the illust∣ration of those Counties wherein they are used.

Herein I have neglected such narrow and restrictive Proverbs as never travelled be∣yond the smoke of the chimneys of that town wherein they were made, and though perchance significant in themselves, are unknown to the neibouring Counties, so far they are from acquiring a National reception. Besides. I have declined all such which are Frivolous, Scurrilous, Scandalous, confining our selves onely to such whose expound∣ing may contribute to the understanding of those shires wherein they are in fashion.


It is more proper for a person of your profession to imploy himself in reading of, and commenting on the Proverbs of Solomon*to know wisdome and instruction to perceive the words of understanding. Whereas you now are busied in what may be pleasant, not profita∣ble, yea, what may inform the fleshly not edifie the inward man.


Let not our fellow servants be more harsh unto us then our Master himself, we serve not so severe a Lord, but that he alloweth us sawce with our meat, and recreation with our vocation.

Secondly, God himself besides such as I may call Supernatural Proverbs (as divine∣ly Inspired) taketh notice and maketh use of the natural or Native Proverbs of the Coun∣try, praysing, approving, and applying some,*Physitian cure thy self,*The Dog is re∣turned to his Vomit, and the Swine which was washed to her wallowing in the mire; D•…slik∣ing and condemning others, and commanding* them to be abolished. The Fathers have eaten sowre Grapes, and the Childrens teeth are set on edge. Now seeing Antiquity with∣out Verity is no just Plea that any thing should be continued; On this Warrant, I have in these our Country-Proverbs alledged more than I allow, branding some with a Note of Infamy, as fit to be banished out of our discourse.

Page  6Lastly, besides Information much good may redound to the Reader hereby; It was the Councel which a Wise gave to a Great man, Read Histories that thou dost not become a History. So may we say, Read Proverbs that thou beest not made a Proverb, as God threatned the sinful people of*Israel. Sure I am that David by minding of a Country, (no Canonical Proverb) viz. [*Wickednesse proceedeth from the wicked] was thereby dis∣fwaded from offering any violence to the person of Saul then placed in his power, whereby he procured much Tranquillity to his own conscience.

We have not confined our selves to Proverbs in the strict acception thereof, but sometimes insist on such which have onely a Proverbial Tendency or Lye (as one may say) in the Marches betwixt Proverb and Prophecie, where they afford us a fit occa∣sion to salley forth into such Discourse, as may conduce to the History of our Nation.

The Medicinal Herbs.

Some maintain this Position, That every Country cures the diseases, which it causes, and bringeth remedies, for all the maladies bred therein. An opinion which grant not true, yet may have much of Truth therein, seeing every Country, and England especially affordeth excellent Plants were it not partly for mens laziness, that they will not seek them, partly for their ignorance that they know not when they have found them, and partly for their pride and peevishnesse, because when found, they disdain to use and apply them. Indeed quod charum, charum, what is fetch'd farr, and bought dear, that onely is esteemed; otherwise were many English plants as rare as they are useful we would hug in our hands, what we now trample under our feet.

For proof hereof let not the Reader grudge to peruse these words of a grand Herba∣list, speaking of Virga Aurea, or Golden-rod, growing plentifully, but discovered lately in Middlesex.

Gerard in his Herbal. pag. 430.

It is extolled above all other Herbs, for the stopping of blood in Sanguinolent Ulcers, and bleeding Wounds, and hath in time past been had in greater estimation and regard then in these dayes; For in my remembrance I have known the dry Herb which came from beyond the Seas, sold in Bucklars-bury in London, for two shillings six pence the Ounce. But since it is found in Hamsted wood, even as it were at the Towns end, no man will give two shill•…ngs six pence for an hundred weight of it, which plainly sets forth our inconstancy and suddain mutability, este•… ming no longer of anything (how precious soever it be) then while it is strange and rare.

We may also observe that many base and barren heaths and hills, which afford the least food for beasts, yeeld the best Physick for man, One may also take notice that such places that are nearest to London, Cambridge, Oxford, Bath, or where some eminent Herbalist hath his habitation, afford us the greater variety of medicinal herbes. Not that more have growne but more are knowne there abouts, where the native plants are not better, but more happie in their vicinitie to such discoverers. And now to be always within the reach if not the touch of mine owne calling we may observe in Scrip∣ture that Gods Spirit directs men to the gathering of such Simples of his owne planting. Is there no * balme in Gilead? True in a literal sense, as well as mystically of our Saviour.

Now the reason why I have been so sparing in this Topick, and so seldome insist thereon, is because these Herbs grow equally for goodness and plenty, in all Counties, so that no one Shire can without manifest usurpation intitle it) selfe thereunto. Besides they are so Common, and Numerous, they would justle out matter of more concern∣ment. However we have noted it where the Herb is rare and very useful, and in our fol∣lowing Book (though here the Method be transposed) have placed Medicinal Herbs, next Medicinal waters, conceiving that order most Natural.

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CHAPTER III. Of the first Quaternion of Persons.

  • 1. Princes.
  • 2. Saints.
  • 3. Martyrs.
  • 4. Confessours.

WE take the Word, as it is of the Common Gender, inclusive of both Sexes, and extend it onely to Kings with their Wives and Children. Of the second sort we have but few, and those onely from the time of King Edward the Fourth, who first married his Subject, or Native of his Dominions.

We confine our selves to such as were born since the Conquest, otherwise we should be swallowed up, should we Lanch out beyond that date into the Saxon Govern∣ment, especially into the gulph of their Heptarchie, where a Prince could not be seen for Princes. But if a British, or Saxon-King comes under our Pen, we preferre to take Cognizance of him in some other notion, (as of Saint, Martyr, Souldier, &c.) so to pre∣serve the Topick of Prince ship intire according to our design.

We have stinted our selves onely to the legitimate issue of Kings. And after such who are properly Princes, we have (as Occasion is offered) inserted some who in cour∣tesie, and equity may be so accepted as the Heires to the Crown, (in the Lancastrian difference) though not possessed thereof; or else so near a Kin thereunto, that much of History doth necessarily depend upon them.

We have observed these Nativities of Princes, because such signal persons, are not onely Oakes amongst under-woods, but land-markes amongst Oakes, and they directorie for the methodical regulation of History. Besides, in themselves they are of special remarke, as more or less remote from the Crown; not onely their own Honour, but the happiness of thousands being concerned in their extraction, and Divine Providence most visible in marshalling the order thereof. For although Nasci à Principibus fortui∣tum est, may pass for a true instance in Grammar, it is no right Rule in Divinity; which, though acknowledging *rich and poor the work of Gods hands, pronounceth Princes to be men*of his right hand, made strong for himself, that is, purposely advanced to imploy their own greatness to his glory.

Let none Object that the Wives of Kings need not to have been inserted, as Per∣sons of no such consequence in Government; seeing it is the constant practice of the Spirit of God, after the mention of a new King in Judah, to record the name of his Mother, and her Parentage; *His Mothers name also was Micaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah: *His mothers name was Althaliah the daughter of Omri *His mothers name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libuah. And Divines generally render this reason thereof, that if such Kings proved godly and gracious, then the memory of their mothers should receive just praise for their good Education; if otherwise that they might be blamed for no better principling them in their Infancy.


This word accepts of several interpretations, or rather they are injuriously obtruded upon it.

  • 1. Saints of Fiction, who never were in rerum natura, as St. Christopher &c.
  • 2. Saints of Faction, wherewith our age doth fwarme, alledging two ar∣guments for their Saintship. First, that they so call themselves; Se∣c•…ndly, that those of their own party call them so. Neither of these belong to our cognizance.
  • 3. Saints of Superstition, reputed so by the Court of Rome.
  • 4. Saints indeed, parrallel to St. Pauls*Widows indeed, and both deserve to be honoured.
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It is confessed, in this our Book we drive a great trade in the third Sort, and I cannot therefore but sadly bemoan that the Lives of these Saints are so darkned with popish Illustrations, and farced with Fauxeties to their Dishonour, and the Detri∣ment of Church History. For as honest men, casually cast into the Company of Co∣zeners, are themselves suspected to be Cheats, by those who are Strangers unto them, So the very true Actions of these Saints found in mixture with so many Forgeries, have a suspicion of falshood cast upon them.

Inquiring into the causes of this grand abuse, I find them reducible to five heads.

  • 1. First, Want of honest hearts, in the Biographists of these Saints, which betrayed their Pens to such abominable untruths.
  • 2. Secondly, VVant of able heads, to distinguish Rumours from Reports, Reports from Records, not choosing but gathering, or rather not gathering, but scraping what could come to their hands.
  • 3. Thirdly, Want of true matter, to furnish out those lives in any proportion. As Cooks are sometimes fain to lard lean meat, not for fashion but necessity, as which otherwise would hardly be eatable for the drynesse thereof; So these having little of these Saints more then their names, and dates of their Deaths (and though some∣times not certain) do plump up their emptinesse with such fictious additions.
  • 4. Fourthly, hope of gain, so bringing in more Custome of Pilgrims to the shrines of their Saints.
  • 5. Lastly, for the same reason for which Herod persecuted*St. Peter, (for I count such Lyes a persecuting of the Saints memories) merely because they saw it pleased the people.

By these and other causes it is come to pass, that the Observation of*Vives is most true, Quae de Sanctis Scripta sunt, praeter pauca quaedam, multis foedata sunt Commentis, dum qui scribit affectui suo indulget: & non quae egit Divus, sed quae illum egisse vellet, exponit; What are written of the Saints, some few things excepted, are defiled with many fictions, whilst the Writer indulgeth his own affection, and declareth not what the Saint did do, but what he desired that he should have done. To this let me couple the just complaint of that honest Dominican Melchior*Canus. Dolenter hoc dico, multò severius a Laertio vitas Philosophorum scriptas, quam à Chri∣stianis vitas Sanctorum, longèque incorruptius & integrius Suetonium res Caesarum expo∣suisse, quam exposuerint Catholici, non res dico Imperatorum, sed Martyrum, Virginum & Confessorum; I speak it to my grief (saith he) that the Lives of the Philosophers are more gravely written by Laertius, than Saints are by Christians, and that Sueto∣nius hath recorded the Actions of the Caesars with more Truth and Integrity, than Catholick•… have the Lives, I say not of Princes, but even of Martyrs, Virgins, and Confessours.

To return to our English Saints. As our Catalogue beginneth with Alban, it en∣deth with Thomas Bishop of Hereford, who dyed Anno Domini 1282. the last English∣man canonized by the Pope. For, though Anselme was canonized after him (in the Reign of King Henry the Seventh) he was no English, but a Frenchman, who dyed more then an hundred years before him. Since which time, no English, and few Foreigners have attained that honour, which the Pope is very sparing to confer. First because sensible, that multitude of Saints abateth veneration. Secondly, the Kalen∣der, is filled (not to say pestered) with them, justling one another for Room, many holding the same day in copartnership of Festivity. Thirdly, the charge of Canonization is great, few so charitable as to buy it, the Pope too covetous to give it to the memories of the deceased. Lastly, Protestants daily grow more prying into the Popes proceedings, and the [suspected] perfections of such persons, who are to be Sainted; which hath made his Holynesse the more cautious, to canonize none whilest their memories are on the Must, immediately after their Deaths, before the same is fined in the Cask, with some competent continuance of time, after their decease.

Noble Martyrs.

St. Ambrose in his Te Deum doth justifie the Epithet, and by Martyrs all know such only are imported, who have lost their lives for the Testimony of a fundamental Truth.

Page  13However we find the word by one of the purest Writers in the primitive times, attributed to such who were then alive.

Cyprianus Epist. 77. as marshalled by Pamelian.

Cyprianus Nemesiano Felici, Lucio, alteri Felici, Litteo, Coliano, Victori, Faderi, Dativo, Coepiscopis; item, compresbyteris & Diaconibus, & caeteris fratribus in metallo constitutis, martyribus Dei patris Omnipotentis & Jesu Christi Domini, & Dei conserva∣toris nostri, aeternam salutem.

See here how he bemartyreth such who as yet did survive, but in so servile a condi∣tion (condemned to the mines) that they were almost hopelesse, without miracle to be released. Yet dare we not presume on this precedent of St. Cyprian (children must not do what their Fathers may) to use the word so extensively, but by Martyrs un∣derstand persons (not in the deepest durance and distresse) but actually slain for the Testimony of Jesus Christ; which by an Ingenious pen is thus, not ill expressed.

What desperate Challenger is He?
Before he peris•… in the flame,
What ere his pain or patience be,
Who dares assume a MARTYRS name?
For all the way he goes he's none till he be gone
It is not dying but 'tis Death,
Only gains a MARTYRS Wreath.

Now such Martyrs as our Land hath produced, are reducible to three different Ranks.

  • 1. Britons, suffering under Dioclesian, the persecuting Roman Emperor, as Alban, Amphibalus, &c.
  • 2. Saxons, massacred by the Pagan Danes, as King Edmund, Ebba, &c.
  • 3. English, murdered by the cruelty of Papists, since the Year 1400. as William Sawtree, John Badby, &c.

In the two former of these we are prevented, and they anticipated from us, by the Popes canonizing them under the Title of Saints. The third and last only re∣main proper for our pen, martyred by the Romish Prelates for above an hundred and fifty years together.

I confess I have formerly met with some men, who would not allow them for Martyrs, who suffered in the Reign of Queen Mary, making them little better then Felons de se, wilfully drawing their blood on themselves. Most of these I hope are since convinc'd in their judgement, and have learn'd more charity in the School of af∣fliction, who by their own Losses have learn'd better to value the Lives of others, and now will willingly allow Martyrship to those, from whom they wholy with-held, (or grudgingly gave) it before.

We have reckoned up these Martyrs according to the places of their Nativity, where we could find them, which is my first choice, in Conformity to the rest of this work. But in case this cannot be done my second choyce is, (for know Reader tis no refuge) to rank them according to the place of their death, which is their true birth-place in the Language of*Antiquity. Hear how a right Antient Authour expresseth himself to this purpose,*Apte consuetudinem tenet Ecclesia, ut solennes beatorum Martyrum vel Con∣fessorum Christi Dies, quibus ex hoc mundo ad regionem migraverunt Vivorum, nuncu∣pentur Natales, & eorum Solennia non funebria, tanquam morientium, sed, (utpote in vera vita nascentium) Natalitia vocitentur. Now if the day of their Death be justly entituled their Birth-day, the place of their Death may be called their Birth-place by the same Analogy of Reason and Language.

We have given in a List of Martyrs names in their respective Countyes, but not their Total Number, only in•…isting on such who were most remarkable, remiting the Reader for the rest, to the voluminous pains of Mr. Fox, who hath written All, (and if malicious Papists be believed more then All) of this Subject.

Page  12

Worthy Confessors.

All good Christians are concluded within the Compase of Confessors in the Large acception thereof.*With the Mouth Confession is made unto Salvation: But here we re∣strain this Title to such, who have adventured fair and far for Martyrdome, and at last, not declined it by their own Cowardize, but escaped it by Divine Providence. Confessor is a Name none can wear whom it cost Nothing, It must be purchased for the Maintenance of the Faith, with the Losse of their Native Land, Liberty, Livelyhood, Limbs, any thing under Life it self.

Yet in this confined sense of Confessors, we may say with Leah, at the birth of*Gad behold a Troop cometh, Too many to be known, written, read, remembred, We are forced therefore to reconfine the Word to such, who were Candidates and Probationers, for Martyrdome in proxima potentia. There was not a stride, but, (to use Davids ex∣pression)*but a step betwixt them and Death, their Wedding Clothes were made (but not put on) for their marriage to the Fire. In a Word they were soft Waxe, ready chafed and prepared, but the Signature of a violent Death was not stamped upon them.

Manifold is the use of our observing these Confessors. First to show that God alone hath Parramount power of Life and Death. Preserving those who by men are*appoin∣ted to Dye. One whose Son lay very Sick, was told by the Physician, Your Son Sir, is a dead man, To whom the Father (not disheartned thereat) returned, I had rather a Physician should call him so an hundred times, than a Judge on the Bench, should do it once, whose Pronouncing him for a Dead man, makes him to be one. But though both a Physician in Nature, and a Judge in Law, give men for Gon, The one passing the Censure, the other Sentence of Death upon them, GOD, to whom belongeth the Issues from Death, may Preserve them long in the Land of the Living. Hereof these Con∣fessors* are Eminent Instances, and may God therefore have the Glory of their so strange Deliverances.

Secondly it serveth to comfort Gods servants in their greatest distress. Let hand joyne in hand; let Tyrants piece the Lions cruelty with the Fox his craft; let them face their plots with power, and line then with policy all shall take no effect. Gods ser∣vants (if he seeth it for his glory and their good) shall either be mercifully preserved from, or mightily protected in dangers, whereof these Confessours are a Cloud of Witnesses.

We have an English Proverb, Threatned Folks live long, but let me add, I know a Threatned Man who did never dye at all, namely the Prophet Elijab, Threatned by cruel and crafty Iesabel, The*Gods do so to me and more also, if I make not thy Life like one of their Lives by to morrow at this time, Yet did he never tast of Mortallity, being conveyed by a fiery (hariot into Heaven. Now although our ensuing History presenteth not any miraculously preserved from Death, yet affordetb it Plenty of strange preserva∣tions of Persons to extream Old age, though they wear the Marks of many, and mighty mens Menacies, who plotted and practised their Destruction.

We have persued the same course in Confessors, which we embraced in Martyrs, viz. We have ranked them according to their Nativities, where we could certainly ob∣serve them, to make them herein Uniforme with the rest of our Book. But where this could not be attained, we have entred them in those Counties, where they had the longest or sharpest 〈◊〉. And this we humbly conceive proper enough, see∣ing their Confessor-ship in a strict sense did bare true date, from place of their greatest Persecution.

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CHAPTER IV. Of Popes, Cardinals and Prelates before the Reformation.


I Meet with a mess of English Natives advanced to that Honour. Pope John-Joan is wholly omitted, partly because we need not charge that See with suspicious and doubtful crimes, whose notorious faults are too apparent; partly because this He-She, though allowed of English extraction, is generally believed born at*Ments in Germany.

Wonder not that so few of our Countrymen gain'd the Triple-Crown. For first, great our distance from Rome, who being an Island or little World by our selves, had our Archbishop of Canterbury, which formerly was accounted Alterius orbis Papa. Secondly, 〈◊〉•…talians of late have ingrossed the Papacy to themselves, and much good may their Monopolie do them, seeing our English may more safely repose themselves in some other seate, then the Papal Chair, more fatal, (it is to be feared) to such as sit therein, than ever*Eli's proved unto him.

Yea, I assure you, four Popes was a very fair proportion for England; For having perused the voluminous book of Pantaleon, De Viris illustribus Germaniae; I find but six Popes Dutchmen by their Nativity, viz. Stephen the Eighth, Gregory the Fifth, Silvester the Second, Leo the Ninth, Victor the Second, and Adrian the Sixth. Seeing therefore Germany in the Latitude thereof, a Continent five times bigger than England, measu∣red by the aforesaid*Pantaleon with advantage, I say, seeing Germany, the Emperour whereof is, or ought to be Patron to the Pope, produced but Six of that Order, Eng∣land's four acquit themselves in a very good appearance.

I need not observe that our English word Pope, came from the Latine Papa, signi∣fying a Father, a Title anciently given to other Bishops, but afterwards fixed on the See of Rome. One would have him call'd Papa by abbreviation, quasi PAter PAtriarcha∣rum, flitting only the two first syllables. A prety conceit, which I dare no more avouch than his Fancy, who affirmed the former syllable in Papa to be short in verse, for the Pope personal, who indeed are short-lived; whilest the same syllable is long, the word being taken for the succession of Popes, who have lasted above a thousand years.


A word of their Names, Numbers, Degrees, Dignities, Titles and Habit. Cardi∣nals are not so called, because the Hinges on which the Church of Rome doth move; but from Cardo, which signifieth the* end of a Tenon put into a Mortais being accord∣ingly fixed and fastned to their respective Churches. Anciently Cardinalis imported no more than an Ecclesiastical Person, beneficed and inducted into a cure of Soules; and all Bishops generally made Cardinals as well as the Pope of Rome.

In proof whereof, there were anciently Founded in the Church of Saint Pauls, two Cardinals chosen by the Dean and Chapter out of the twelve petty Canons, whose Office it was to take notice of the absence and neglect of all in the Quire, to give the Eu∣charist to the Minister of that Church and their servants, as well in health as in sickness, to hear Confessions, appoint penance, and to commit the dead to convenient sepulture. And two of them lie buried in the Church of Saint Faiths with these Epitaphes.

Hic homo Catholicus VVilielmus VVest tumulatur,
Pauli Canonicus Minor Ecclesiae vocitatur,
Qui fuerat Cardinalis bonus atque sodalis, &c.
Perpetuis annis memores estote Johannis
Good Succentoris, Cardinalisque minoris, &c.

Page  14Many other Churches besides Saint Pauls retained this custome of Cardinal making.

Viz. Ravenna, Aquileia, Millain, Pisa, Beneventana in Italy, and Compostella in Spain.

But in processe of time Cardinal became appropriated to such as officiated in Rome, and they are reckoned up variously by Authours, Fifty one, fifty three, fifty eight, sixty I believe their number arbitrary to ben creased or diminished, ad libitum Domini Papae. They are divided into three ranks.

CardinallBishops, Assessors with the Pope.
Priests, Assistants to the Pope.
Deacons, Attendants on the Pope.

The former of these have Chaires allowed them, and may sit down in presence of his Holynesse, and these are seven in number, whose Sees are in the Vicinage of Rome, and some Englishmen have had the honour to be dignified by them.

Bishop of 1 Hostia,

Bishop of 2 Porto, R. Kilwardby.

Bishop of 3 Sabine,

Bishop of 4 Alba, Nic. Breakspeare.

Bishop of 5 Preneste, Bernar. 〈◊〉. Simon 〈◊〉.

Bishop of 6 Rufine.

7 Bishop of Tusculane.

Cardinall Priests succceed, generally accounted twenty eight, divided into foure Septe∣naries, whose Titles are here presented with such Englishmen,* who attained to be honoured with such Churches in Rome.

1. St. Maries beyond Tyber
2. St. ChrysogonSteph. Langhton A. D. 1212
3. St. Ce•…ily beyond TyberThomas Wolsey, An. D. 1515
4. St. AnaftasiaJohn Morton An. D. 1493
5. St. Laurence in Damaso
6. St. Marke
7. St. Martin in the MountWilliam Alan, An. D. 1587
8. St. SabineJohn Stafford, An. D. 1434
9. St. PriscaReginald Pole, An. D. 1540
10. St. Balbine
11. St. Nereus & AchileusPhil. Repington, An. D. 1408
12. St. Sixtus
13. St. Marcellus
14. St. Susan.
15. St. PraxisAncherus, An. Do. 1261 Chr. Bambridge, An. D. 1511
16. St. Peter ad vinculaAncherus, An. Do. 1261 Chr. Bambridge, An. D. 1511
17. St. Laurence in Lucina
18. St. Crosses JerusalemBoso An. Dom. 1156
19. S. Steph. in Mount CeliusRobert Curson, An. Do. ▪1211 Robert Summercote, A.D. 1234
20. St. John and St. PaulRobert Curson, An. Do. ▪1211 Robert Summercote, A.D. 1234
21. The4. Crowned Saints
22. The holy Apostles
23. S Cyriacus in the BathsThomas Bourchier, An. D. 1464
24. St. EusebiusRobert Pullen, An. Dom. 1144
25. St. PuntianaBoso. An. Dom. 1160
26. St. Vitalis—St.—John Fisher, An. Dom. 1535
27. St. Marcelline & Peter
28. St. Clement.

Observe I pray you this Catalogue of Titles (taken out of Sir Henry Spelman his Glossary) is imperfect, * St. Pastor, being omitted therein, whereof Boso was at last made Cardinal. For these Cardinals were not so mor•…aised to their Churches, but that they might be removed, especially if advanced a Story higher (from Cardinal Deacons to Priests, from Priests to Bishops) and sometimes though remaining on the same flore, they were removed (to make room for others) to some other Title. Many more Englishmen we had created Cardinals, whose certain Titles are unknown. But let us proceed to the Cardinal Deacons 16. in number,

  • 1. St. Mary in Dompusinica.
  • 2. St. Lucy.
  • 3. St. Mary the new.
  • 4. St. Cosmus and St. Damian
  • 5. St. Gregory.
  • 6. St. Mary in the Greek School.
  • 7. St. Mary in the Porch.
  • 8. St. Nicholas by the Prison.
  • 9. St. Angelus.
  • 10. St. Eustachius.
  • 11. St. Mary in the water.
  • 12. St. Mary in the broad way.
  • 13. St. Agathe.
  • 14. St. Lucia on thto p of Sabine.
  • 15. St. Quintin.
  • 16. St. The last lost by the Scribe, in Curia.

I onely find one Englishman Boso by Name made Cardinal Deacon, of St. Cosmus and St. Damian, but it was not long before he was advanced to be a Cardinal Bishop.

Page  15The habit of Cardinals is all Scarlet, whereof Theodore Beza tartly enough, thus ex∣presseth himself.

Crede meae nullo satur antur murice vestes,
Divite nec cocco pallia tincta mihi.
Sed quae rubra vides Sanctorū caede virorū
Et mersa insonti sanguine cuncta madēt.
Aut memor istorū quae celat crimina vestis
Pro Domino justo tincta pudore rubet.
My clothes in Purple liquor ne're were stewd
Nor garments (trust me) richly di'd in grain.
These Robes you see so red, I have imbrew'd
In gore of guiltless Saints, whom I have slain.
Or mindful of the faults thay hide, with shame,
The bashfull clothes do blush their wearers blame.

They wore also a red Hat of a peculiar fashion to themselves, and rid abroad on hors∣back on scarlet Foot-clothes, and *Pope Paul the Second, made it penal for any beneath their Order in Rome, to use the same. Yea to such a height of pride did they aspire, that we read this Note in the Roman Pontifical, Notandum, quod Caesar antequam coronetur simplici diademate sedet post primum Episcopum Cardinalem, & si quis Rex adest, sedet tunc post primum omnium Presbyterum Cardinalem. Indeed making their own Canons, and being their own Heralds to Marshal their own precedency, they had been much to blame if not carving a good portion of Honour to themselves, whilest devout Princes, abused by bad Instructors and their own erroneous Consciences, gave to the Clergy what they were pleased to demaund.

None might elect the Pope, save such as were Cardi. yea none out of that Order were eligible into the Papacy, as in England, one must first be a Sergeant before he be a Iudge. Cardinal Deacons were, in equal capacity of being Popes with Cardinal Priests, and oftentimes, were preferred before them as they could strenthen their faction, which carried all in these (and I could wish in no other) Elections.

WILLIAM ALLEN, who died Anno 1594, was the last Englishman advanced to this Honour, so that our Country hath not had a Cardin•…l these sixty years, which from the former six hundred years, was never without one or two of that Order. This may seem a wonder, our Nation being as meriting as any for the Romish Cause, and having as good Heads as any, why should they not weare as gay Hats as others? nor will the reasons assigned for the contrary give satisfaction, viz.

  • 1. That the Pope commonly makes Cardinals to gratifie Foreign Kings, whilest our English Soveraigns have ever since been of a different Religion from his Holinesse.
  • 2. That our English Catholicks living beyond Seas in the nature of Exiles, and under persecution (as they call it,) so high an honour is inconsistent with their suffering condition.
  • 3. That our Englishmen want preferment and Estates, to maintain the di∣stance of so great a dignity.

There are at the present two English Natives in France of noble extraction and Ro∣mish perswasion, much voyced in common discourse for their probability to such pre∣ferment; but on what grounds I do not know, and list not to enquire.

Surely the matter is not great, seeing that dignity hath been observed to be rather fatal then fortunate to the English, and attended with some sad and sudden casualties.

  • 1. Cardinal Mackelsfield was four moneths buried before his Cap was brought him.
  • 2. Cardinal Sertor dyed in Italy in the Juncture of Time, Inter Pileum da∣tum & susceptum.
  • 3. Cardinal Fisher, when his Cap was come to Calis, had his head struck off at Tower-Hill.
  • 4. Cardinal Somercot was poysoned in the very Conclave to prevent his selection to the Popedome.
  • 5. Cardinal Evosham was sent the same way on the same occasion.
  • 6. Cardinal Bambridge was poysoned at Rome, by one of his servants be∣ing an Italian.

If such their successe, I suppose it far easier for Englishmen to have their caps (though courser and cheaper) made of our own Countrey-wool, which will be more warm, and may prove more healthful for the wearers thereof. I have done with this Subject, Page  16 when I have observed that there is a Cardinal, Bishop of Sabine, a place near Rome; and a Cardinal Priest of Saint Sabine a Church dedicated to her Memory in the same City; the not heeding whereof I suspect hath bred much confusion in our English Writers. The best is, our Englishmen, when they write of Places in Italy cannot commit greater and grosser mistakes, then what Italians have done, when they have wrote of Towns and Places in England; Though perchance such is their pride, that they will say it is our duty to be exact in Italy, and their courtesie to take any notice of England.

Let not the Reader wonder if Cardinals inserted in others, are omitted in our Cata∣logue, viz. Ulricus, Ancherus, Theobaldus, Bernardus de Anguiscello, &c. Seeing I am unsatisfied in some of them, whether they were Cardinals; in others, whether they were Englishmen, Forreign Countries laying more probable claim unto them. Nor will it quit the cost of a Contest, nothing more then their names being left in History with∣outa ny other observeables.

Prelates before the Reformation.

Next succeed such eminent Clergy-men who attained to the honour of being Arch∣Bishops and Bishops in England, and were famous in their generations.

Objection. These Popes, Cardinals and Prelates, were superstitious persons and Limbs of Antichrist, whose names are better lost then kept. Yea, it mattered not much, if some good Josiah served their bones as those of the idolatrous Priests of* Jeroboam, even burn them to ashes, that so their bodies and memories might perish together.

Answer. I am afraid our age affords those, who if they were to manage that Act, would together with their bones, sans difference (notwithstanding the distinguishing Epitaph) burn the bodies of the young and old Prophet, I mean utterly extirpate the Ministerial Function. But I answer, it must be confess'd they were deeply died with the Errors and Vices of the Age they lived in, yet so that some of them were for their Devotion exemplary to posterity; and the very worst of them, though yeelding nothing fit for our Imitation, may afford what is well worth our Observation.

And here be it remembred, that the same Epithete in severall places accepts sun∣dry Interpretations. He is called A GOOD MAN in common Discourse, who is not Dignified with Gentilitie; A GOOD MAN upon the Exchange, who hath a responsable Estate; A GOOD MAN in a Camp, who is a tall Man of his Armes; A GOOD MAN in the Church, who is Pious and Devout in his Conversation. Thus whatsoever is fixed therein in other Relations, that Person is A GOOD MAN in History, whose Character affords such Matter as may please the Palate of an Ingenious Reader, and I humbly crave the Honour to be his Taster in this Behalf.

Now of Bishops before the Conquest, the most were meerly nuda Nomina, Naked Names. As for such appearing Clothed with remarkable History, most of them move in an higher Sphere of Saints, and so are anticipated. Since the Conquest; for the first seven Kings, many Prelates were Foreigners, generally French, and so Aliens from our Subject. It will therefore be seasonable to begin their Catalogue about the time of King Henry the Third, deducing it unto the Popish Bishops, who were deprived in the first of Queen Elizabeth.

Page  17

CHAP. V. Since the Reformation.

NExt those Prelates before, follow such as were since the Reformation, much different (not in Title but) Tenure from the former, holding their places not from the Pope, but their Prince, and practising the principles of the protestant Religion, for the term of a hundred and twenty years, since the latter end of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth. Amongst these, Malice it self meets with many, which it must allow for their Living, Preaching, and Writing, to have been the main Champions of Truth against Error, Learning against Ignorance, Piety against Prof•…ss, Religion against Superstition, Unity and Order against Faction and Confusion, verifying the judicious observation of Forreigners, Clerus Britanniae, Gloria mundi.

These Prelates, may be Digested into Five Successive Setts, or Companies, under their respective Arch-bishops, allowing each of them somewhat more then twenty years, as large a proportion for the life of a Bishop; as seventy years for the age of a man.

  • 1. Arch-bishop Cranmers, whereof four, besides himself, were burnt at the stake, and the rest exiled in Germany.
  • 2. Arch-bishop Parkers, in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth leading Halcion-days, without any considerable Opposition against the Hierarchy.
  • 3. Arch-bishop Whitgifts, much Pen-persecuted, and pelted at with Libellous Pam∣phlets, but supported by Queen Elizabeths Zeal to maintain the Discipline established,
  • 4. Arch-bishop Abbot's, fortunate all the peaceable Reign of King James, and be∣ginning of King Charles, though the Skie was Red and Lowring, foretelling foul wea∣ther to follow, a little before their Death.
  • 5. Arch-bishop Juxton's, whose Episcopal Chairs, were not only shrewdly shaken, but (as to outward appearance) overturned in our late mutinous Distempers.

I know the man full well, to whom Mr. Charles Herle (President of the Assembly) said somewhat insultingly, Ile tel you News, last Night I buryed a Bishop, (dashing more at his profession then person) in Westminster Abbey, to whom the other returned with like Latitude to both, Sure you buried him in hope of Resurrection, This our Eyes at this day see performed, and it being the work of the Lord, may justly seem marvellous in our Sight.

It is also very remakable, that of this Fift and Last Company, [all Bishops in 1642.] Nine are alive at this present, viz. (Pardon me if not enumerating them exactly according to their Consecration) London, Bath, Wells, Ely, Salisbury, Bongor, Covent. and Lichfield, Oxford, Rochester and Chichester. A Vivacity hardly to be parallel'd of so many Bishops in any other age, providence purposely prolonging their Lives, that as they had seen the Violent Ruining, they might also behold the legal Restitution of their Order.

Now although not the Quick but (the) Dead Worthies properly pertain to my pen, yet I crave leave of the Reader in my following work, to enter a brief Memorial of the place of their Nativities. Partly because lately they were dead though not in Law, in the List of a Prevalent party, partly because they are dead to the World, having most attained, if not exceeded the age of man threescore and ten years.

To conclude, though the Apostles words be most true that the Lesser are Blessed of the Greater, and that Imperative and Indicative Blessings, allways descend from the superiour, yet an Optative Blessing (no more then a plain prayer) may properly proceed from an inferiour, so that a plain Priest and submissive Son of the Church of England, may blesse the Bishops and Fathers thereof. God Sanctifie their former afflictions unto them, that as the *Fire in the Furnace only burnt the bonds (setting them free who went in fetterr'd) not the cloths (much lesse the bodies) of the children of the captivity, so their sufferings without doing them any other prejudice, may only disingage their souls from all Servitude to this World.

Page  16And that for the Future, they may put together, not only the parcels of their scattered Revenues, but compose the minds of the divided People in England, to the Confusion of the Factious and Confirmation of the Faithful in Israel.

CHAPTER VI. Of such who have been worthy States-Men in our Land.

THe word STATESMEN is of great Latitude, sometimes signifying such who are able to manage Offices of State, though never actually called thereunto. Ma∣ny of these men concealing themselves in a private condition, have never ar∣rived at publike notice. But we confine the term to such, who by their Princes favour have been preferred to the prime places,

Of 1.
Of 2.
Lord TREASURERS of England.
Of 3.

To whom we have added some Lord ADMIRALS of England, and some Lord DEPUTIES of Ireland.

Lord Chancellours.

The name is taken from CANCELLI, which signifies a kind of wooden Network, which admitteth the eyes of people to behold, but forbids their feet to press on Persons of Quality, sequestred to sit quietly by themselves for publick imployment. Hence Chancells have their denomination, which by such a fence were formerly divided from the body of the Church; and so the Lord Chancellour had a Seat several to him∣self, free from popular intrusion.

I find another Notation of this Office, some deducing his name à Cancellando, from Cancelling things amisse, and rectifying them by the Rules of Equity and a good Consci∣ence, and this relateth to no meaner Author then Johannes*Sarisburiensis.

Hic est qui Leges Regni Cancellat iniquas,
Et mandata pii Principis aequa facit.
Siquid obest populis, aut legibus est inimicum
Quicquid obest, per eum desinit esse nocens.
'Tis he, who cancelleth all cruel Lawes,
And in Kings Mandates Equity doth cause,
If ought to Land or Laws, doth hurtful prove,
His care that hurt doth speedily remove.

He is the highest Officer of the Land, whose principal imployment is to mittigate the rigour of the Common Law with Conscientious qualifications. For as the Pro∣phet complaineth that the Magistrates in Israel had turned* JUD•…MENT into WORM∣WOOD, the like would dayly come to passe in England, where High Justice would be High injustice, if the bitterness thereof were not sometimes seasonably sweetned with a mixture of Equity.

He also keepeth the Great Seal of the Land, the affixing whereof preferreth what for∣merly was but a Piece of written Parchment, to be a Patent or Charter. For though it be true what Solomon sayes *Where the word of a King is, there is power; yet that word doth not act effectually, until it be produced under the publick Seal.

Some difference there is between learned Authours, about the antiquity of this Office, when it first began in Eng•…and.

Polydore Virgil, who though an Italian, could (when he would) see well into English Antiqui∣ties, makes the Office to begin at the Conque∣rour. And B. Godwin accounteth them sufficient∣ly ridiculous, who make Swithin Bishop of Win∣chester, Chancellor of England under K. Athelwolfe.

Severall persons are alledged *Chancellours to our English Kings before the Conquest, and King E∣thelred appointed the Abbat of Elie, ut in*Regis Curia Cancellarii ageret dignitatem.

Page  18The Controverfie may easily be compremized by this distinction; Chancellour be∣fore the Conquest, imported an Office of credit in the Kings Court (not of Judicature, but) of Residence, much in the nature of a Secretary. Thus lately he was called the Chancellour (understand not of the Diocess, but) of the Cathedral-Church, whose place was to pen the Letters belonging thereunto. Whereas the notion of the Kings Chancellour since the Conquest, is inlarged and advanced to signifie the supreme Judge of the Land.

The Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, is in effect the same with the Lord Chancelour of England: save that some will have the Lord Chancellours place ad Terminum Vitae, and the Lord Keepers ad placitum Regis. Sure it is, that because Nicholas Heath late Arch-Bishop of York, and Chancellour of England, was still alive, though outed of his Office, Sir Nicholas Bacon was made Lord Keeper, and in his time the power of the Keeper was made equal with the authority of the Chancellour by Act of Parlia∣ment.

We have begun our Catalogue of Chancellours at Sir Thomas More, before whose time that place was generally discharged by Clergy men, entered in our Book under the Title of Eminent Prelates. If any demand, why such Clergy-men, who have been Lord Chancellours, are not rather ranked under the Title of Statesmen, than under the Topick of Prelates? Let such know, that seeing Episcopacy is challenged to be jure Divino, and the Chancellours place confessed to be of Humane Institution, I con∣ceive them most properly placed and to their best advantage.

If any ask, why the Lord Chancellours who meddle so much in matters of Law, are not rather digested under the Title of Lawyers then under that of Statesmen? Let such know, it is done, because some Chancellours were never Lawyers ex professo, studying the Laws of the Land, for their intended Function, taking them only in or∣der to their own private accomplishment. Whereof Sir Christopher Hatton was an emi∣nent instance. As we begin our Catalogue with Sir Thomas More, we close it with Sir Thomas Coventry, it being hard to•…ay, whether the Former were more Witty and Facetious, or the Later more Wise and Judicious.

Lord Treasurers.

Kings without Treasure will not be suitably obeyed, and Treasure without a Trea∣surer will not be safely preserved. Hence it was that the Crowns and Scepters of Kings were made of gold, not only because it is the most pure and precious of metalls, but to show, that wealth doth effectually evidence and maintain the strength and state of Majesty. We may therefore observe, not only in prophane but holy writ; not only in Old, but New Testnment, signal notice taken of those who were * over the Treasury, in which great place of Trust, the Eunuch served Candace Queen * of Ethiopia.

The Office of Lord Treasurers was ever beheld as a Place of great charge and profit. One well skilled in the Perquisits thereof, being demanded, what he conceived the yearly value of the place was worth? made this Return, That it might be worth some thousands of pounds to him (who after death) would go instantly to Heaven, twice as much to him, who would go to Purgatory, and a Nemo Scit to him who would adventure to go to a worse place. But the plain truth is, He that is a Bad Husband for himself, will ne∣ver be a good one for his Soveraign, and therefore no wonder if they have advanced fair Estates to themselves, whose Office was so Advantagious, and they so judicious and prudent persons, without any prejudice to their Master, and (for ought I know) Injury to his Subjects.

We have begun our Catalogue at William Lord Powlett Marquess of Winchester. For although before him, here and there Lay-Lords were Intrusted with that Office, Yet generally they were Bishops, and so anticipated under our Topick of Eminent Prelates, and blame me not if in this particular, I have made the Lustrè of the Lords Spiritual, to Eclipse the Lords Temporal, drowning their Civil Office in their Ec∣clesiastical Employment. We close our Catalogue of Lord Treasurers, with Francis Lord Cottington.

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Secretaries of State.

There were but two of these at once in the Kings time, whereof the one was styled the Principal Secretary, the other the Secretary of Estate. Some have said that the first in the Senioritie of Admition, was accounted the Principall, but the Exceptions in this kind, being as many as the Regularities (the Younger being often brought over the head of the elder to be Principal) Their chiefnesse was Penes Regis Arbitrium. Nor was the one confined to Forreign Negotiations, the other to domestick businesse, (as some have believed) but promiscuously ordered all affaires, though the Genius of some Secretaries did incline them most to forreign Transactions. Their Power was on the matter alike, and Petitioners might make their Applications indifferently to either, though most addressed themselves to him, in whom they had the greatest Interest. Their Salaries were some Two hundred pounds a piece, and five hundred pounds a piece more for Intelligence and Secret Service.

Before the Reformation Clergy-men (who almost were all things) were generally Secretaries of Estate, as Oliver King, Secretary to Edward 4. Edward 5. and Henry the 7. and those came under our Pen in the Notion of Eminent Prelates. We there∣fore begin our Catalogue of Secretaries from Sir Thomas Cromwell, in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, because from him until our Time a continued Series of Lay∣men ha•…e discharged that Office.

We •…onclude our Secretaries of State with Sir John Cook, who perceiving his aged body not so fit for such Active times, resigned his Place about the beginning of the Long Parliament, though surviving some years after in a private condition. We will for the more safety follow the Pattern of so wise a States-man, and where he gave over his Office, we will give over writing of those Officers, for fear we tread too neere on the Toes of the Times, and touch too much on our Modern distempers.

Amiralls or Admiralls.

Much difference there is about the Original of this word, whilst most probable their Opinion who make it of Eastern Extraction, borrowed by the Christians from the Saracens. These derive it from Amir, in Arabick a Prince, and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Belonging to the Sea, in the Greek Language, such mixture being precedented in other words. Besides, seeing the Sultans Dominions in the Time of the Holy War, extended from Sinus Arabius, to the North Eastern part of the Midland-Sea, where a barbarous kind of Greek was spoken by many, Amirall (thus compounded) was significatively com∣prehensive of his Jurisdiction, Admirall is but a Depraving of Amirall in vulgar mouths. However it will never be beaten out of the Heads of the Common sort, that seeing the Sea is Scene of Wonders, something of Wonderment hath incorporated it self in this Word, and that it hath a Glimps, Cast, or Eye of Admiration therein.

Our English Kings following the Precedent of the Politick Romans, who very sel∣dome entrusted places of great importance (especially during life) in a single person, as also that they might gratifie more and trust less, divided the Over-sight of sea-matters betwixt a Triumvirate of Amiralls, and (like wary Merchants) ventured the charge in several bottoms for the more Safety.

1. The North Amirall.2. The South Amirall.3. The West Amirall.
His jurisdiction reached from the Mouth of Thames, to the outmost Orcades (though of∣ten opposed by the Scots) and had Yarmouth for his prime Residence.His Bounds stretched from the Thames Mouth to the Lands end, having his sta∣tion generally at Portsmouth.His power extended from the lands end to the Hebri∣des, (having Ireland un∣der his Inspection) Milford Haven the chief Stable for his Wooden Horses.

I find that Richard Fitz-alin Earl of Arundell, was by King Richard the second, made the first Amirall of all England, yet so, that if Three Co-Admiralls were restored as formerly, his Charter expired. John Vere Earl of Oxford, was, the sirst of Hen. the seventh, Amirall of England, and kept it until the day of his Death. After∣wards Page  19 Men were chequered, at the pleasure of our Princes, and took their turns in that Office. For this cause I can make no certain Catalogue of them, who can take with my most fixed Eye, no steddy aime at them (the same persons being often al∣ternately In, and Out of the Place) whilst Officers protermino vitae, may be with some certainty recounted.

Yet have we sometimes inserted some Memorable Amiralls under the Ti•…le of States∣men; and Vice-Amiralls under the Topick of Seamen, because the former had no great knowledge in Navigation, (I say great) it being improper, they should be sea∣masters who in no degree were seamen) and were imployed rather for their Trust, then skill, to see others do their Duty, whilst the latter were allwayes persons well ex∣perienced in Maritine affairs.

Lord-Deputies of IRELAND.

Ever since King Henry the second conquered Ireland, few of our English Princes went thither in person, and none continued any long time there, save King John, and King Richard the second, neither of them over-fortunate. But that Land was governed by a Substitute, commissioned from our Kings, with the same power though sometimes under several names.

Lord Lieutenants.Lord Deputies.Lord Cheif Justice•….
These were also of a double nature, for Some staid in Eng∣land and appointed Deputies under them, to act all Irish Affairs. Others went over into Ireland, trans∣acting all things by presence, not proxie.Immediately deputed by the King to reside there. We insist on this title, as which is most constant and current amongst them.Not of the Kings Bench or Common∣Pleas but of all Ireland. This power was sometime sole in a single person and sometimes 〈◊〉 in two toge∣ther.

Thus these three Titles are in sense Synonima, to signifie the same power and place. Some erroniously term them Presidents of Ireland, a Title belonging to the particular Governours of Mounster and Connagh.

It is true of Ireland what was once said of * Edom, their Deputies were Kings. No*Vice-roy in Christendome (Naples it self not excepted) is observed in more state. He chooseth Sheriffes, and generally all Officers, save Bishops and Judges, and these also, though not made by his commanding, are usually by his commending to the King. He conferreth Knighthood, hath power of life and death, signified, by the Sword carried commonly before him, by a person of Honour. His attendance and House-keeping is magnificent, partly to set a Copy of State to the barbarous Irish, by seeing the difference betwixt the rude rabble routs runing after their native Lords; and the solemnity of a regulated retinue; partly to make in that Rebellious Nation, a reverential impression of Majesty, that by the Shadow they may admire the Sub∣stance, and proportionably collect the State of the King himself, who therein is re∣presented. Our English Kings were content with the Title of Lords of Ireland, until King Henry the Eighth, who, partly to shew his own power to assume what style he pleased, without leave or liberty from the Pope (whose Supremity he had suppres∣sed in his Dominions) partly the more to awe the Irish, wrote himself King thereof, Anno Dom. 1541. from which Year we date our Catalogue of Lord Deputies, as then, and not before, Vice-Royes indeed.

Indeed it was no more then needs, for King Henry the Eighth to assume that Ti∣tle, seeing, quod efficit tale magis est tale, and the Commission whereby King Henry the Second made William-Fitz-Adelme his Lieutenant of Ireland, hath this direction; Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, Regibus; Comitibus, Baronibus, et omnibus fidelibus suis in Hibernia, salutem.

Now, though by the post-poning of these Kings to Arch-bishops and Bishops, it plain∣ly appears that they were no Canonical Kings, (as I may say) I mean solemnly invested with the Emblems of sovereignty, [the King of *Connagh, the King of Thomond] yet were they more then Kings, even Tyrants in the exercise of their *Dominions, so that, King Henry was in some sort necessitated to set himself King Paramount above them all.

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CHAPTER VII. Of Capital Judges, and Writers on the Common Law.

BY CAPITAL JUDGES, we understand not those who have power to condemn Offenders for Capital Faults, as all the Twelve Judges have (or any Serjeant commissioned, to ride the Circuit,) but the Chief Judges, who as Capital LETTERS stand in Power and Place above the rest, viz. 1. the Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. 2. of the Common Pleas, 3. the Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and the Learned Antiquary, Sr. Henry Spelman,* avoweth the Title of Capital Justicers, properly applicable to these alone.

The Chief Justice of the Kings, or Upper Bench, is commonly called the Lord Chief Justice of England, a Title which the Lord Chancellor (accounting himself Chief in that kind) looks on, as an injurious usurpation. And many alive may remember how Sr. Edward Cook was accused to K. James, for so styling himself in the Frontespiece of his Reports, Part the Tenth and Eleventh, insomuch, that the Judg was fain to plead for him∣self, Erravimus cum Patribus, as who could have produced plenty of Precedents therein.

2. The chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Place beneath, is in Profit above the former. So that some have out of Designe quitted That, to accept of This: Amongst these was Sr. Edward Mountague, in the Raign of K. Henry the eighth, who being demanded of his Friends, the Reason of his Self-degradation? I am now (saith he) an Old Man, and love the Kitching above the Hall, the Warmest place best suiting my Age.

The Chief Baron is chiefly imployed in the Exchequer, to decide causes which relate to the Kings Revenue.

Their Brevia or Writts did commonly run with this Clause, That the Judg should have and hold his PLACE, quam diu se benè geserit, so long as he well behaved himself, on this Token, That Sr. John Walter, Lord chief Baron of the Exchequer, being to be outed of his Place, for adjudging the Loan-mony illegal, pleaded for himself; That he was guilty of no Misdemeanour, who had only delivered his Judgment according to his Conscience. Others are granted from the King, durante nostro beneplacito; to continue in their Office, during his will and pleasure.

We begin the Army of our Judges, (for some Few, like the Forlorne Hope, advance higher,) about the time of King Edward the first. It is impossible exactly to observe that Inn of Court, wherein each of them had his Education, especially some of them being so Ancient, that in their times, Lincolnes Inn and Greys Inn were Lincoln's Inn and Grey's Inn, I mean, belonged to those their Owners, from whom they had their Names, as being, before they were appropriated to the Students of our Municipall Lawes.

Here I will condemn my self, to prevent the condemning of others, and confesse our Characters of these Judges to be very brief and defective. Indeed, were the Subject we treat of overstrewed with Ashes, (like the floor of Bells Temple) it were easie to finde out and follow the Footsteps therein: But here is no such help to Trace the Footings of Truth, Time having almost out-worn all impressions thereof. I perceive though Judges leave more Land than Bishops, they leave lesse Memorialls behind them, of the time, place, and manner, when and where born, and dyed, and how they demeaned themselves.

In the same Topick with Judges, we have also placed such as have been Writers of our Common-Law, and such conjunction we hope) is no disparagement, considering many of them were Capital Judges, (as Broke, Dyer, Coke, &c.) and the rest, learned Men, of great repute in their Profession, insomuch that the Judges themselves, in several Cases, have submitted to their Judgments.

And here I can but admire at the comparative paucity of the Books of our Common-Law, in proportion to those written of the Civil and Canon Law. Oh how corpulent Page  21 are the Corpus'es of both those Lawes. Besides their Shadows are far bigger than their Bodies; their Glosses larger than their Text.

Insomuch, that one may bury two Thousand pounds and upwards in the Purchase, and yet hardly compasse a Moity of them: whereas all the Writers of the Common-Law, (except they be much multiplyed very lately) with all the Year-Books belonging thereunto, may be bought for threescore pounds, or thereabouts, which with some men is an Argument, that the Common-Law imbraceth the most compendious course to decide Causes, and by the fewness of the Books, is not guilty of so much difficulty and tedious prolixity, as the common and civil Lawes.

Yet is it most true, that common Law-books are dearer than any of the same Proportion, Quot libri, tot librae, holdeth true in many, and is exceeded in some of them. Yea, should now an old common Law-book be new-printed, it would not quit cost to the PRINTRR, nor turn to any considerable account. For the Profession of the Law is narrow in it self, as confined to few persons, and those are already sufficiently furnished, with all Authors on that Subject, which with carefull keeping and good using, will serve them and their sons sons, unto the third Generation. So that a whole Age would not carry off a New Impression of an Ancient Law-book, and (quick return being the life of trading) the tediousness of the sale would eat up the profit thereof.

All I will adde is this, that, That TAYLOR, who being cunning in his Trade, and taking exact measure of a Person, maketh a suit purposely for him, may be presumed to fit him better than those, who, (by a general aim) at randome make Cloaths for him. In like manner, seing our municipal Law, was purposely composed by the Sages of this Land, who best knew the Genius of our Nation, it may be concluded more proper for our people, and more applicable to all the Emergencies in this half-Island, than the civil Law, made for the general Concernment of the whole Empire, by such who were unacquainted with the Particularities of our Land and Nation.

CHAPTER VIII. Of Souldiers and Seamen, with the necessity to encourage the Trade of Fishing.

SOULDIERS succeed, though it almost affrighteth my Pen to meddle with such Martial Persons. It is reported of the God of the Jews, That he would have no share in the Pantheon at Rome, except he might have (and that justly too) the whole Temple to himself. So lately we have been so sadly sensible of the boisterousness of Souldiers, one may suspect, they will [though unjustly] justle all others out of the Book, to make room for themselves.

But since their violence hath (blessed be God) been seasonably retrenched, we have adventured to select some signal Persons of that Profession, whose Prowesse made eminent impression on Forreign Parts (so purposely to decline all medling with the dolefull and dangerous Distractions of our Times) beginning our List in the Reign of King Edward the 3d. and concluding in the beginning of King Charles.


Surely Divine Providence did not make the vast body of the Sea, for no other use, than for Fishes to disport themselves therein, or, (as some do conceit) only for to quench and qualifie the drought and heat of the Sun with the moysture thereof, but it was for higher intendmens. Chiefly, That by sailing thereon, there may be the continuing of Commerce, the communicating of Learning and Religion (the Last from Palestine the Staple thereof) and the more speedy and convenient portage of Burthens, seeing, a laden Ship doth flie in comparison of the creeping of an empty Waggon.

Now to speak what Envy cannot deny, Our Englishmen, either for Fights, or Discoveries, whether for tame Ships, Merchants Men, or Wild Ships, Men of War carry away the Garland, from all Nations in the Christian World.

Page  22Learned Keckerman,* who being a German by birth, was unbiased in his judgment, and living in Dantz, (a Port of great trading, whither Seamen repaired from all parts) and writing a Book De re nautica, may be presumed skilful therein, alloweth the English the best Seamen, and next to them the Hollanders. And if the later dare deny the truth hereof, let them remember the late Peace they purchased of the English, and thank God, that they met with so conscientious Chapmen, who set no higher price thereon.

Yea, Let the Dutch know, that they are the Scholars to the English, in some of their Discoveries: For I find the four first Circumnavigators of the World thus qualified for their Nativities,

  • 1. Magellanus, a Spaniard.
  • 2. Sr. Francis Drake, an Englishman.
  • 3. Sr. Thomas Candish, an Englishman.
  • 4. Oliver Noort, an Hollander.

But be it known, That the last of these had an Englishman, Captain *Mellis by name, Pilot to conduct him.

Yet let not my commending of our English Seamen be misinterpreted, as if I did not refer all successe to the goodnesse of God, the grand Admiral of the World. The praising of Instruments (by way of subordination) is no more detrimental to the honour of the Principal, than the praising of the edge of the Axe is a disparagement to the strength of the Arm which useth it. God I confesse by his Providence ordereth all by Land and by sea; yea, he may be said to be the first Shipwright; for I behold the Arke, as a Bird, wholly hatcht▪ but utterly unfledg, without any feathers of Masts and Tackling, it could only float, and not sail, yet so, that therein was left pattern enough for humane Ingenuity to improve it to Naval perfection.

Yea, God himself hath in Scripture taken signal notice of the dextrous in this nature, on which account we finde the Tyrians, or Men of *Hiram, praised, for that they had knowledg of the sea, when sent with the servants of Solomon to Ophir.

We begin our Catalogue of Seamen in the Raign of King Edward the 3d. before which time there were many good seamen in England, but few good English-seamen, our King using Mariners of the Hanse Towns. But it is no good huswifery to hire Chair∣women to do that, which may as well and better be done by her own servants. In the time of Edward the third, England grew famous for Sea-fights with the French, and encreased in credit, especially since the Navy Royal was erected by Q. Elizabeth.

Some conceive it would be a great advancement to the perfecting of English Navigation, if allowance were given, to read a Lecture in London concerning that Subject, in imitation of the late Emperour CHARLES the fifth, who wisely considering the rawness of his Seamen, and the manifold shipwracks which they sustained in passing and repassing between Spain and the West▪Indies, established, not only a Pilote Major, for the examination of such as were to take charge of Ships in that voyage, but also founded a Lecture for the Art of Navigation, which to this day is read in the Contraction House at Sivil: the Readers of which Lecture, have not only carefully taught and instructed the Spanish Mariners by word of mouth, but have also published sundry exact and worthy Treatises, concerning Marine causes, for the direction and encouragement of Posterity.

Here it were to be wish'd, That more care were taken for, and encouragement given to the breeding of Fishermen; whom I may call the spawn, or young Frie of seamen; yea such as hope that Mariners will hold up, if Fishermen be destroyed, may as rationally exspect plenty of hony and wax, though only old stocks of Bees were kept without either Casts or Swarmes.

Nor can Fishermen be kept up, except the publick eating of Fish at set times be countenanced, yea enjoyned by the State. Some suspect, as if there were a Pope in the belly of every Fish, and some bones of superstition in them, which would choak a conscientious person, especially if fasting dayes be observed. But know that such Customes grew from a treble root, of Popery, Piety, and Policy; and though the first of these be pluck'd up, the other must be watered, and maintained; and Statesmen may be mortified and wise without being superstitious: Otherwise the not keeping of Fasting-dayes will make us keep Fasting-Dayes, I mean, The not forbearing of Flesh, for the feeding on Fish, for the good of the STATE, will in processe of time prove the ruine of Fishermen, they of Seamen, both of Englishmen.

Page  23We are sadly sensible of the truth hereof in part, (God forbid, in whole) by the decay of so many Towns on our North-east Sea, Hartlepool, Whitebay, Bridlington, Scarborough, Wells, Cromer, Lestof•…, Alborough, Orford, and generally all from New castle to Harewitch, which formerly set out yearly (as I am informed) Two Hundred Ships, and upwards, inployed in the Fisherie, but chiefly for the taking of Ling, that Noble Fish, corrival in his Joule with the surloin of Beef, at the Tables of Gentlemen.

These Fishermen, set forth formerly, with all their male Family, sea-men, sea-youths, I had almost said, sea-children too, (seeing some learn'd the Language of lar-board, and star-board, with Bread, and Butter,) Graduates in Navigation, and indeed the Fishery did breed, the natural and best elemented seamen.

But since our late Civil Wars not three ships are imployed yearly for that purpos•…, Fishermen preferring rather to let their Vesse•… lye, and rot in their Havens, than to undergo much pain and peril; for, that would not at their return quit cost in any proportion.

So that it is suspicious, That in processe of time we shall lose, (the Masters being few and aged) the Mystery of Ling-catching, and perchance the Art of taking and handling some other kinde of sound and good Fish▪ no Nation (without flattery to our selves be it spoken) using more care and skill in ordering of that Commodity.

Yea, which is a greater mischief, it is to be feared, that the seminary of sea-men will decay. For (under correction be it spoken) it is not the long voyages to the East∣Indies &c. which do make, but marr sea-men▪ they are not the Womb, but rather the Grave of good Mariners, it is the Fishery which hath been the Nursery of them, though now much disheartened, because their Fish turn to no account, they are brought to so bad Markets. Nor is there any hope of redressing this, but by keeping up Fasting-Dayes, which our Ancestors so solemnly observed. I say, Our Ancestors, who were not so weak in making, as we are willfull in breaking them, and who consulting the situation of this Island, with the conveniencies appendant thereunto, suited their Lawes and accommodated their Customes to the best benefit thereof.

Nor was it without good cause why Wednesdayes and Fridayes were by them appointed for Fish-dayes: I confesse some Forreigners render this Reason, (and father it upon Clemens Alexandrinus) that, Because those dayes were dedicated by the Heathen, the one to Mercury the God of cheating, the other to Venus the Goddesse of lust, therefore the Christians should macerate themselves on that day with Fasting, in sorrowful remembrance of their Pronity to the vices aforenamed: But waving such fancies our English Fish, or Fasting-Dayes are founded on a more serious consideration.

For our English Fishermen, in Kent, Sussex, Hants•…re, &c. set forth on Monday, and catch their Fish, which on Tuesday they send up to London, where on Wednesday it is sold and eaten. Such therefore, who lately have propounded to antidate Fish-eating, and to remove it from Wednesday to Tuesday, must thereby occasion the encroaching on the Lords-Day, to furnish the Markets with that Commodity. Again, such Fishermen as returned on Tuesday, set forth afresh on Wednesday, to take Fish, which on Thursday they send up to London, to supply the remainder of the Week; It being observable, that so great is the goodnesse of God to our Nation, that there is not one week in the year wherein some wholesome Fish, caught on our own Coast, is not in the prime Season thereof.

As for Staple or Salt-Fish, there are those that are acquainted in the Criticismes thereof, and have exactly stated, and cast up the proportions, who will maintain, that it will do the deed, and set up the Fishery as high as ever it was, if every one in England able to dispend a Hundred Pounds per annum, were enjoyned to lay out Twenty Shillings a Year, in staple-fish, a Summ so inconsiderable in the Particulars, that it will hurt none, and so considerble in the total, it will help all of our Nation. If any censure this for a tedious Digression, let it be imputed to my Zeal for the good of the Common-wealth.

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CHAPTER IX. Of Writers on the Cannon and Civil Law, Physick, Chemistry, and Chirurgery.

I Sometimes wondered in my self at two things in the Primitive Church, during the time of the Apostles, First, That seing they enjoyed all things in*common, what use they had of Lawyers, seing no Propriety, no Pleading, and such a Communion of all things gave a Writ of Ease to that Profession. And yet I find mention made of*Zenas the Lawyer, no Scribe of the Law, (as many amongst the Jews) but 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉an Advocate, or Barrister therein.

Secondly, I wondered what use there was of Physicians in the Church, seeing the Apostles miraculously cured all Maladies, and so (in my apprehension) gave a Supersedeas to the Practitioners in that Faculty, and yet I find honourable mention made of* Luke, the beloved Physician.

But since I have wondred at my wondring thereat; For that Communion of Goods was but t•…mporal, for a short continuance, and topical, of a narrow compasse, practised onely in Judea, or thereabouts, whilest the Churches amongst the Gentiles continued their propriety, and particularly at Rome, where Zenas had his Habitation, and had work enough, no doubt, to exercise his Profession, even amongst Christians themselves.

As for the Apostles, they had not alwayes power at their own pleasure to work Mi•…acles and cure diseases in all Persons, no, nor allwayes in themselves (witnesse * sick St. Paul, receiving in himself the Sentence of Death) but as they were directed, for the glory of God, and other occasions: And therefore notwithstanding their miraculous Power, St Luke might have plenty of Practice in his Profession. Not was it probable, that God (the Authour of all Ingenuity) would by the giving of the Gospel utterly extinguish any literal Calling, which formerly had been publickly, lawfully, and needfully professed.

We have in our following Book, given in the List of some Eminent LAVVYERS, Civilians, and Cannonists, who have wrote on that Subject, though we confess them very few in Number, their Profession being lately undeservedly disgraced, though now we congratulate the probability of the Restitution thereof to its former Dignity. Sure I am, in the dayes of Queen Elizabeth, when an Embassadour was sent to Foreign PRINCES, if it were an Affair of grand importance, and more than a mere matter of magni•…ent complement, some able Civilian, [as Doctor Hadden, Dale, Fletcher, &c.] was joyned in Commission with the Noble-man, imployed on that Embassie. And as the Iron Doggs bear the burthen of the fuel, while the Brasen-Andirons stand only for state, to entertain the Eyes; so the Negotiating part was loaded on the Civil 〈◊〉, whilest the Pomp-pageantry was discharged at the cost of the Noble-man.

Writers on Physick.

The P•…ecept in the Apocrypha hath a Canonical Truth therein, Honour the Physician for necessity sake; and although King Asa justly received little benefit by them, because of his preposterous addressing himself to them, before he went to * God: and the. Woman in the Gospel (troubled with the Issue) reaped lesse ease by * their Endeavours; because God reserved her a Subject for his own Miraculous Cure; yet in all Ages Millions have been cured by their Practice.

The Ancient Bri•…tans, who went without Cloathes, may well be presumed to live without Physick; Yet, seing very Beasts know what is good for themselves (the Dear, the Cretan Dictamum, and Toad, his Antidote of plantaine) sure they had some experimental Receipts used amongst them, and left the rest to Nature, and Temperance to cure: The Saxons had those they termed Leaches, or Bloud-letters,Page  25 but were little skilled in methodical practise. Under the Normans, they began in Eng∣land, (and would we had ferch'd Physicians onely, and not Diseases from France.) Yet three hundred years since it was no distinct Profession by it self, but practiced by men in Orders, witness *Nicholas de Fernham, the chief English Physician and Bishop of Durham, Hugh of Evesham, a Physician and Cardinal, Grisant, a Physician and Pope. Yea, the word Physician, appears not in our Statutes, till the days of King Henry the eight, who incorporated their Colledge at London, since which time they have multi∣plied and flourished in our Nation, but never more, and more learned then in our age, wherein that Art, and especially the Anatomical part thereof is much improved, our Civil Wars perchance occasioning the latter.

We begin our Catalogue at Richardus Anglicus our first Physician, flourishing Anno 1230. and continue to Doctor Harvey, whom I may term Gulielmus Anglicus, such honour he hath done England by his worthy Writings. Thus wishing them all happy success in their Practice, I desire a custome in France, and other for∣reign parts, naturalized in England, where a Physician is liable to Excommunication, if visiting a Patient thrice before he acquainteth a Priest of his sickness, that so the Medicine for soul and body, may go hand in hand together.


Chimistry is an ingenious Profession, as which by Art will force somewhat of worth and eminence from the dullest substance, yea the obduras'st, and hardest hearted body, cannot but shed forth a tear of precious liquor, when urged thereunto with its intreaties.

They may be termed Parcel-physicians, every day producing rare experiments, for the curing of many diseas es. bu

I must confess there occurs t few, (and of those few, fewer Modern ones) through the whole series of our Book: Yet may we be said to have extracted the spirits (I mean such as were eminent therein) of this Profession, being confident the judicious Reader, will value one Jem, before many Barly Corns, and one Drop of a true extract, before many Bottles of worthless water.


Necessary and ancient their Profession, ever since mans body was subject to enmity and casualty. For, that promise, *A bone of him shall not be broken, is peculiar to Christ. As for the other, *To keep them in all their ways, that they dash not their foot against a stone, though it be extended to all Christians, yet it admitteth (as other tem∣poral promises) of many exceptions according to Gods will and pleasure.

It seemeth by the Parable of the good *Samaritan, who bound up the Passengers wounds, pouring in Oil and Wine, that in that age, ordinary persons had a general in∣sight in Chirurgery, for their own and others use. And it is reported to the just praise of the Scotch* Nobility, that anciently they all were very dextrous thereat, particu∣larly it is written of James the fourth King of Scotland, Quod vulnera scientissime tractaret, He was most scilful at the handling of wounds. But we speak of Chirurgery, as it is a particular Mystery, Professed by such as make a Vocation thereof. Of whom we have inserted some (eminent for their Writings or otherwise) amongst Physicians, and that (as we hope) without any offence, seeing the healing of diseases and wounds were anciently one Calling, (as still great the Sympathy betwixt them, many diseases causing wounds, as Ulcers, as wounds occasioning diseases, as feavers,) till in process of time they were seperated, and Chirurgions only consigned to the Manual Operation. Thus wishing unto them, the three Requisits for their practise, an Eagles Eye, a Ladies Hand, ond a Lions Heart, I leave them, and proceed.

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CHAP. X. Writers.

BEING to handle this Subject, let not the Reader expect that I will begin their Catalogue from Fabulous Antiquity, or rather fanciful Fabels. For if the first Century of J. Bale or J. Pits. their British Writers were Garbled, four parts of five would be found to be Trash, such as

  • 1. Samothes Gigas
  • 2. Magus Samotheus
  • 3. Sarron Magius
  • 4. Druys Sarronius
  • 5. Bardus Druydius
  • 6. Albion Mareoticus
  • 7. Brytus Julius
  • 8. Gerion Augur
  • 9. Aquila Septonius
  • 10. Perdix Praesagus
  • 11. Cambra Formosa
  • 12. Plenidius Sagax, &c.

Of these some never were men, others (if men) never were Writers, others (if Writers) never left Works continuing to our age, though some Manuscript-Mongers may make as if they had perused them. It is well they had so much modesty, as not to pretend inspection into the Book of life, seeing all other books have come under their Omnividencie.

We are content to begin our number, at Gildas (commonly surnamed) the wise, (flourishing about the year 580.) and are right gald to have so good a General, to lead our Army of Writers, taking it for a token of good success.

Now these Writers were either such who wrote before, or since the Reformation of Religion. The former again fall generally under a treble division, as either Histo∣rians, Philologists, or Divines, and we will insist a little on their several imployments.

Of Writers on Philology and Divinity.

Doctor Collens Kings Professor in Cambridge, and that Oracle of Eloquence once founded his Speech (made to entertain Strangers at the Commencement) on the words of * Saint Paul, Salute Philologus and Olympas. Under the former, he comprised all persons persent, eminent in Humane Learning, under the later, all skillful in Heavenly Divinity.

Indeed Philology properly is Terse and Polite Learning, melior literatura, (married long since by Martianus Capella to Mercury) being that Florid skill, containing onely the Roses of learning, without the prickles thereof, in which narrow sense thorny Phi∣losophy is discharged as no part of Philology. But we take it in the larger notion, as inclusive of all human liberal Studies, and preposed to Divinity, as the Porch to the Palace.

Having passed the Porch of Philology, we proceed to the Palace of Divinity. The Writers in this Faculty, we distinguish into two sorts. First, Positive Divines, such I mean, whose works are either Comments on, or else expositions of some portion of Sacred Writ. Secondly, School-men, who have made it their business to Weave find Threads of nicer Distinctions.

Writers on History.

This is either Ecclesiastical or Civil. Of both these, England presenteth many, but generally Moncks before the Reformation, who too much indulging to Holy Fraud, have farced their Books with many feigned miracles, to the prejudice of truth. How∣ever, herein foreign Historians have been as guitly as English-men of the same Age, witness the complaint of *Mariana the Jesuit, which one may justly wonder how it passed the Index Expurgatorius. Quis enim negare possit Fastos Ecclesiasticos, aliquando adulatione Temporum, aut potius incuria hominum, multis maculis contaminatos, libris aliis,Page  27quibus preces Ecclesiasticae ritusque sacrorum continentur, multas fuisse inspersas confusas∣que fabulas & commenta: Addam nonnunquam in Templis reliquias dabias, prophana Corpora pro sanctorum (qui cum Christo in coelo regnant) exuviis sacris fuisse proposita. Est enim miserum negare non posse, quid sit turpe confiteri; at nescio quo pacto fictis saepe fabulis, & prae posteris mendaciorum nugis, populus magis quam veritate ac synceritate capitur, ea est mentis nostrae inanitas, has sordes, ubi semel irrepserunt in Ecclesiam sacrorum ritus libros Ecclesiasticos, nobis fortassis dormientibus, attrectare nemo audet, mutive nemo, ne impietatis suspicionem commoreat, scilicet, & Religioni adversarius esse videatur.

Nor hath our Land been altogether barren of Historians since the Reformation, having yielded some of as tall parts, and large performances, as any Nation in Christendome.

Besides these, we have adventured to adde such as have been eminent in Poetry, which may not unfitly be termed the binding of Proselites good behaviour, tying it to the strict observation of time and measure.

Amongst these, some are additioned with the Title of Laureat, though I must con∣sess, I could never find the root whence their Bays did grow in England, as to any so∣lemn institution thereof in our Nation. Indeed, I read of Petrarch, (the pre-coeta∣nean of our Chaucer) that he was crowned with a Laurel, in the * Capitol, by the Se∣nate of Rome, Anno 1341. as also that Frederic the third Emperour of Germany, gave the Laurel to *Conradus Celtes, and since the Count Palatines of the Empire claime the priviledge, solemnly to invest Poets with the Bays.

The branches hereof, in all ages have been accounted honourable, in so much that King James in some sort, wav'd his crown (in the two and twenty-shilling-pieces) to wear the Laurel in his new twenty-shilling-pieces. On the same token, that a wag passed this jeast thereon, That Poets being always poor, Bays were rather the embleme of wit then wealth, since King James no sooner began to wear them, but presently he fell two shillings in the pound in publique valuation.

As for our English Poets, some have assumed that style unto themselves, as John Kay in his Dedication of The Seige of Rhodes to King Edward the fourth, subscribing himself his humble Poet Laureat. Others have in complement given the title to such persons as were eminent in that Faculty, and nothing more usuall then to see their pictures before their Books, and Statues on their Tombs, ornamented accordingly. However, all this is done by civil courtesie, or common custome, no ceremonious crea∣tion in Court or University. I write not this, as if I grudged to Poets a whole grove of Laurel, much less a sprig to incircle their heads, but because I would not have any specious untruth imposed on the Readers belief.

Yet want there not those, who do confidently averr that there is always a Laureat Poet in England, and but one at a time, the Laurel importing Conquest and Sove∣reignty, and so by consequence soleness in that faculty; and that there hath been a con∣stant succession of them at Court, who beside their salary from the King, were yearly to have a tun of win, as very essential to the heightning of fancy. This last I conceive founded, on what we find given to Geffery Chaucer,

Vigesimo secundo anno Richardi secundi concessum Galfrido Chaucer unum dolium vini per annum durante vitâ, in portu Civitatis London, per manus capitalis pincernae nostri.

But Chaucer, besides his poetical accomplishments, did the King service both in war and peace, as Souldier and Embassadour, in reward whereof, this and many other boons were bestow'd upon him.


Musick is nothing else, but wild sounds civilised into Time and Tune. Such the ex∣tensiveness thereof, that it stoopeth as low as bruit beasts, yet mounteth as high as Angels. For Horses will do more for a whistle then for a whip, and by hearing their bells gingel away their weariness.

The Angels in Heaven imploy themselves in Musick, and one ingeniously expres∣seth it to this effect *

We know no more what they do do above,
Save only that they Sing, and that they Love.

Page  28And although we know not the Notes of their Musick, we know what their Ditty is, namely Hallalu-jah.

Such as cavil at Musick, because *Juball, a descendant from wicked Cain, was the first founder thereof, may as well be content to lye out of dores, and refuse all cover to shelter them, because Jaball, of the same extraction, being his own brother, first in∣vented to dwell in Tents.

I confess there is a company of pretenders to Musick, who are commonly called Crowders, and that justly too, because they Crowd into the company of Gentlemen both unsent for, and unwelcome; but these are no more a disgrace to the true professors of that faculty, then Monkies are a disparagement to man-kind.

Now right antient is the use of Musick in England, especially if it be true what I read in a worthy Father, and I know not which more to admire, either that so memo∣rable a passage should escape Master Camdens, or that it should fall under my observa∣tion. Clemens Alexand. Strom. lib. 6. pag. 632.

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉*〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

They say, even those which compose histories, that in the Island of Britanny, there is a certain Cave, lying under a Mountain, in the top thereof gaping. The wind therefore falling into the Cave, and dash∣ing into the bosome of a hollow place, there is heard a tinckling of Cymbals, beating in Tune and Time.

Where this musical place should be in Britain, I could never find; yet have been informed, * that Doctor Miles Smith, Bishop of Hereford, found something tending that way (by the help of an active fancy) in Herefordshire. But waving this natural, the antiquity of artificial Musick in this Island, is proved by the pra∣ctice of the Bards, thereby communicating Religion, Learning and Civility, to the Britans.

Right glad I am, that when Musick was lately shut out of our Churches, (on what default of hers I dare not to enquire) it hath since been harboured and welcomed in the Halls, Parlors and Chambers, of the primest persons of this Nation. Sure I am, it could not enter into my Head, to surm se that Musick would have been so much discouraged by such who turned our Kingdome into a Commonwealth, seeing they prided themselves in the armes thereof, an impaled Harp being Moity of the same. When it was Ask'd what made a good Musitian, one Answered a good voice, another that it was skill, but he said the truth, who said, it was incouragement. It was there∣fore my constant wish, that seeing most of our▪ Musicians were men of maturity, and arrived at their full age and skill, before these distracted times began, and seeing what the Historian wrote in another sence, is true here in our acception and application thereof, Res est unius seculi populus virorum; I say, I did constantly wish, that there might have been some semenary of youth set up, to be bred in the faculty of Musick, to supply succession, when this Set of Masters in that Science had served their ge∣neration.

Yet although I missed of what I did then desire, yet thanks be to God, I have lived to see Musick come into request, (since our Nation came into right Tune) and begin to flourish in our Churches and elsewhere, so that now no fear but we shall have a new generation skillful in that Science, to succeed such, whose age shall call upon them to pay their debt to nature.

If any who dislike Musick in Churches, object it useless (if not hurtful) in Divine Services, let them hear what both a learned and * able Divine alledgeth in defence thereof.

So that although we lay altogether aside the consideration of Ditty or Matter, the very Harmony of sounds being framed in due sort, and carried from the Ear to the spiritual faculties of the Soul, it is by a native puissance and efficacy greatly avail∣able to bring to a perfect temper, whatsoever is there troubled, apt as well to quicken the spirits, as to allay that which is too eager, soveraign against melancholy and dispair, forceable to draw forth Tears of Devotion, if the Mind be such as can yield them, able both to move and moderate all affections.
Page  29

In recounting up of Musitians, I have only insisted on such who made it there pro∣fession, and either have written books of that faculty, and have attained to such an eminence therein, as is generally acknowledged. Otherwise the work would be end∣less to recount all up who took it as a quality of accomplishment, amongst whom King Henry the eighth must be accounted, who (as Erasmus testifies to his knowledge) did not onely sing his part sure, but also compose services for his Chappel, of four, five, and six parts, though as good a Professor as he was, he was a great destroyer of Musick in this Land; surely, not intentionly, but accidentaly, when he suppressed so many Quires at the Desolution.

Romish Exile Writers.

After the Writers before the Reformation, succeed those Romish banished Wri∣ters since the same, all living since the reign of Q▪ Mary which might have been distanced from the former with a black line interposed, as beheld under a far different (yea worse) qualification. For the superstitions of the former were the more pardonable, as living in a dark age, which are less excusable in these since the light of the Gospel.

I confess the word Exile carries much of commiseration therein, and with cha∣tably minded men bespeaks pitty to the persons, untill the cause of their banishment be well considered. For some in the first of Queen Elizabeth willfully left the Land, and so in effect banished themselves, others having their lives forfeited by the Laws, had their deaths mercifully commuted by ou•… Magistrates into banishment.

Objection. These men might have been lost without loss, and been omitted in your book as no limbe, but a wen, yea an ulcer thereof.

Answer. Grant them never so bad, being digested into a Classis by themselves, their mixture cannot be infectious to others. Secondly, Abate their errours, and otherwise many of them were well meriting of the Commonwealth of learning. Lastly, The passages of their lives conduce very much to the clearing of Ecclesiast∣cal History.

In noting of their nativties, I have wholly observed the instructions of Pitse•…s, where I knock off with his death, my light ending with his life in that subject, since which time I have neither list to enquire, nor conveniency to attain, of these Romish fugitives beyond the seas.

A just Complaint of the numerosity of needless Books.

Solomon was sensible of this vanity, even in his time, when pronouncing of Book there is no end. The Heathen Poet took notice thereof,

Scribimus indocti doctique Poemata passim.
Poems write a main we do,
Learned and unlearned too.

All this was before the invention of Printing, when books came but single into the publique, which since that Mistery is made common, come swimning into the world like shoals of Fishes, and one edition spawneth another. This made learned Erasmus for company sake to jeer himself, that he might the more freely jeer others, *Multi mei similes hoc morbo laborant, ut cum scribere nesciant, tamen a scribendo temporare non possunt. Many men like my self, are sick of this decease, that when they know not how to write, yet cannot forbear from writing.

A worthy English Barronet in his book (incomparable on that subject) hath clearly and truly stated this point.

Here I expect, that the judicious Reader will excuse me, if I take no notice of many Modern Phamphliteers, seeing unlearned Scriblers, are not ranked with learned Writers; yea, it was, though tartly, truly said, to the Author of such a book,

Dum scateant alii erratis, datur unica Libro
Menda tuo, tot•…m est intiger error opus.
Whilst others flow with faults, but one is past
In all thy book, 'tis fault from first to last.

Page  30Indeed the Press, at first a Virgin, then a chast Wife, is since turned Common, as to prostitute her self to all Scurrilous Pamphlets. When the Author of an idle and im∣persect book, endeth with a caetera dessiderantur, one altered it non dessider antur, sed desunt. Indeed they were not (though wanting) wanted, the world having no need of them, many books being like King Joram, who lived not being desired, yea, the Press begineth to be an oppression of the Land, such the burden of needless books therein.

Some will say, the charge may most justly be brought against your self, who have loaded the Land with more books, then any of your Age. To this I confess my fault, and promise amendment, that God willing hereafter I will never Print book in the English tongue, but what shall tend directly to Divinity.

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CHAP. XI. Of Benefactors to the Publick, wherein also Choise Charities are recommended to men of Estates.

These are reducible to several Heads, and we will begin with them who have been Builders of


SUch Centurions who have erected us Synagogues, places for Gods publick VVorship, seem to me to have given good testimony of their Love to our nation. Bitter was the Brave which railing Rabsheca sent to holy Hezekiah proffering him * 2000 Horses on Condition that the other were but able to find Riders for them. But it grieves me to see the Superstition of the former insult over the religion of this present age, bragging that she left us ten thousand Churches and Chappels more or lesse ready built, if we can find but repairers to keep them up: It is in my opinion both dishonorable to God, and scandalous to all good men to see such houses daily decay: But there is a genera∣tion of people who to prevent the verifying of the old proverb, Pater noster built Churches, and our Father plucks them down; endevour to pluck down both Churches and Our Father together, neglecting, yea despising the use both of the one and the other. Be it here remembred, that it is not only equal but just, that such as have been Founders of Churches or Grand Benefactors unto them, should have due Respect in preserving their Monuments from Violation or Incroachment of others. I urge this the rather, because a∣buses have been frequent in this kind, even to those that have deserved best. I can∣not with patience remember the Story of Henry Keble Lord Maior of London 1511. who, besides other Benefactions in his Life time, rebuilded Alder-Mary-Church run to very Ruines, and bequeathed at his Death a thousand pounds for the finishing thereof. Yet within sixty years after, his Bones were unkindly yea inhumanely cast * out of the Vaute wherein they were buried, his Monument plucked down for some Wealthy Person of the* present times, to be buried therein, I could not but on this Occasion rub up my old Poetry;

Facit Indignatio Versus.
The Author to Alder-Mary Church.
Ungrateful Church, orerun with rust,
Lately buried in the dust;
Utterly thou hadst been lost,
If not preserv'd by Keble's cost:
A Thousand Pounds might it not buy,
Six foot in length for him to lie:
But outed of his quiet Tombe,
For later Corps he must make Roome:
Tell me where his Dust is cast,
Though't be late, yet now at last;
All his Bones with Scorne ejected,
I will see them recollected:
VVho faine my self would Kinsman prove
To all that did God's Temples love.
Alder-Mary Churches Answer.
Alas! my Innocence excuse,
My Wardens they did me abuse,
VVhose Avarice his Ashes sold,
That Goodness might give place to Gold;
As for his Reliques, all the Town,
They are scattered, up and down;
See'st a Church repaired well,
There a Sprinkling of them fell;
See'st a new Church lately built?
Thicker there his Ashes spilt:
O that all the Land throughout,
Kebles Dust were throwne about
Places scattered with that seed,
VVould a Crop of Churches breed.

I could wish this was the last Barbarisme in this kind, and am sorry that upon small Inquiry, I could insist on later Instances.

Page  34

Free-Schools and Colledges.

I place Schools before Colledges, because they are introductory thereunto, intended for the b•…eeding of Children and Youth, as the other for youth and men. And seeing much of Truth is contained in our English Proverb, It is as good to be unborn as un∣bred, such may in some sort seem their Second-Parents, who have provided for their Education.

These Schools are of two kinds. First, those wherein only a Salary is given to the School-master to teach Children gratis, and these I confess are good. Secondly, such wherein a select number of Scholars have competent maintenance allowed towards their Living in the University, and these all will acknowledge are better. Some do suspect a surfet in our Land of the multitude of Schools, because the Nursery is bigger then the Orchard, the one breeding more Plants then the other can maintain Trees, and the Land not affording sufficient preferment for them, Learning is forced to stoop to mean Courses to make a Livelihood. But I conceive that Store in this kind is no sore▪ and if we must not do evil that good may come thereof, we must not forbear doing that which is good, for fear of accidental Evils which may arise from the same.


Builders of Bridges (which are high-waies over water) and makers of Caused-waies, or Causways (which are Bridges over dirt) though last in order, are not least in benefit to the Commmon-wealth. Such conveniences save the lives of many, ease the la∣bour of moe painful travellers, and may be said in some sort to lengthen the day, and shorten the way to men in their journeys; yea, Bridges make and keep this our I∣sland a Continent to it self. How great the care of the ancient Romans to repair them, for the safety of passengers, appears by the origination of Pontifex, having the inspe∣ction over bridges, by his primitive institution.

Indeed the word bridge appears not in all Scripture, whereof this the reason; the rivers of Palestine were either so shallow, that they were passable by foords, as of*Jab∣bok,*Arnon and*Jordan, before it grew navigable; or else so deep, that they were ferried* over, as Jordan, when neer his fall into the Dead Sea: but most of ours in England are of a middle size; so deep, that they cannot be foorded; so narrow, that they need not to be ferried over. Hence come our so eminent bridges, in so much that such structures are accounted amongst our English*Excellencies.

However Palestine was subject with England to the same inconveniences of bad high∣waies, and there•…ore in the List of Charitable Actours reckoned up by the* Prophet, he is accounted as a principal, The restorer of paths to dwell in; for indeed some waies may be said not-habitable, being so •…eep and dirty that they cut off all intercourse, the End general of all mens dwelling together.

I will conclude this Topick of Bridges with this memo•…able accident. Mawd Q▪ to King Henry the first being to pass the River Ley about Stratford, near the falling of the said River into the Thames, was almost* drowned in riding over it. But this proved the bad cause of a good effect; For hereupon she built the Beautiful Bridge there, for the benefit of Travellers: and the Village probably from a fair Arch or Bow therein, re∣ceived (as some conceive) the addition of Stratford Bow. Far be it from me to wish the least ill to any who willingly would not have their fingers to ake, or an hair of their heads lessned. Yet this I could desire, that some Covetous churls who otherwise will not be melted into works of charity, may in their passing over Waters be put into Pe∣ril without Peril. Understand me, might be en•…angered to fright but not •…urt, that others might fare the better for their fears; Such Misers being minded thereby to make or repair Bridges for publick Safety and convenience.


Because we live in an age, wherein men begin to be out of charity with charity it self; and there be many covetous (not to say sacrilegious) people, whose Fingers itch Page  35 to be Nimming the patrimony of the poor; we will here present the Cavils of this against the charity of former ages herein.

Cavil. 1. Show us the foundation of such Structures in Scripture, either in the Old or New Testament. As for the place with fiue porches, wherein the*impotent poor lay, near the Pool of Bethesda, it was of another Nature. Alsmhouses therefore not being Jure Divino may lawfully be abolished.

Answer. The Constitution of the Jewish was far different from our English Common∣wealth, wherein every one originally was a Freeholder of some proportion of land, which, though aliened, reverted to the Owner at the year of Jubilee. There needs not an express or particular precept for all our actions, that general one,*He that hath pity upon the Poor lenaeth unto the Lord, is bottome broad enough to build more Alms∣houses on, than all ages will afford. Besides this precept, we have the practice of the primitive Christians in the time of the Apostles,*parting with the propriety of all their estate, and well then may we appropriate a part of ours, for the releif of the Poor.

Cavil. 2. The builders of them for the most part, have been people formerly guilty of oppression, who, having lived like Wolves, turn Lambs on their death∣beds, and part with their Fleece to people in want. Having ground the faces of the poor, they give the Toll thereof to build an Alms-house, though too little to hold half the beggars which they have made.

Answer. The aspersion cannot be fastned on many Founders, so free from the same, that malice may sooner break her own Teeth and Jawes too, th•…n make impression on their reputation. But, grant the charge true, in this sense, Beatum est fuisse, Blessed are they that have been BAD;*Aud such were some of you: Let not envious man repine at that, whereat the blessed Angels rejoyce, the conversion of sinners, and their testifying thereof by such publique expressions.

Cavil. 3. Such Builders generally have a Pope in their Belly, puffed up with a proud opinion to merit by their performances.

Answer. When did the Caviller steal the Touch-stone of hearts? (for, God, I am sure would not lend it him, who saith,*My Glory will I not give to another) that he is so well acquainted with mens thoughts and intentions. Charity, saith the* Apostle, thinketh no evil, whereas this Caviller thinks little good. We are bound to believe the best of such Founders, especially of such who lived Since the Reformation, whereby the dangerous Error of merit was exploded.

Cavil. 4. Grant them guiltlesse of Superstition, they are guilty of Vain-glory. Witness the building of such houses commonly by high▪way sides, whenas our Saviour saith, Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth.

Answer. The Objecter shall have leave to build his Alms▪house, in what private place he please; in the middle of a Wood, if he shall think fitting, (But we know* who saith) Let your Light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glo∣rifie your Father which is in heaven. That they may see yours good works, though not as finis operis, yet as modus operandi thereby to provoke others to imitation.

Cavil. 5. As some affirm of Tobacco, that it causeth as much Rheume as it bringeth away: Alms-houses do breed as many Poor as they relieve. People in such places, presume to be idle, beholding Hospitals as their Inheritance, wherein their old age shall be provided for.

Answer. What is good per se, ought not to be waved for what is ill per a dens This calleth aloud, to the care and integrity of Feoffees intrusted, to be wary in their elections. Besides, I must stick to mine old Maxime, It is better that Ten Drones be fed then one Bee be famished.

Cavil. 6. Such places are generally abused against the will of the Founders. Statutes are neglected. What is said of the Laws in Poland, that they last but three dayes, is as true of the short lived orders in Alms-houses. Not the most indigent, or who have been the most laborious, but the best befriended reap the benefit thereof.

Answer. I could wish that Alms-houses were the only places, wherein Laws were broken. But grant too much truth in the Cavil, all will say from the beginning it was not so, and I will hope, Unto the end it shall not be so.

Page  36Cavil. 7. Hospitals generally have the Rickets, whose heads, their Masters, grow over great and rich, whilest their poor bodies pine away and consume.

Answer. Surely there is some other cure for a Ricketish body, than to kill it, viz. by opening obstructions and deriving the Nutriment to all parts of the same. But, enough of this unwelcome Subject, whereof what is spoken, is not to put new Cavils into the heads of any, but to pluck old ones out of the hearts of too many, who have entertained them. If these our Answers seem not satisfactory to any; Know, that as a left handed man hath great odds in Fencing, against one that is right handed: So in Con∣troversies of this kind, Cavillers with their sinister inferences from mens frailties, have a vast advantage over those, who are of candid and ingenuous dispositions. Many faults must be confessed in such Foundations, which for the future may be amen∣ded.

But, grant corruptions should continue in such foundations, it is not plea enough for their abolition. If the sentence of condemnation was pronounced on those, who saw Christ naked, and would not* cloth him; how heavy a doome will fall on such,* who found Christ clothed, and stript him in his poor Members of endowments given to their maintenance?

Here let me recommend some choice Charity to bountiful Hearts and plentiful Estates.

It were arrant presumption for any to imprison freedome it self, and confine ano∣thers Bounty by his own [pretended] Discretion. Let the charitably minded do what, when, where, how, to whom, and how much, God and their own goodnesse shall direct them. However it will not be amisse humbly to represent unto them the follow∣ing considerations: The rather because many well affected to the publick good, have lately been disheartned with the frustrations of former Charity.

First, for the time: it is best to do it whilest they are living, to prevent all suspicions that their intentions should be misimployed. Sem will not be angry with me for saying Cham was a Mocker of his Father. Peter will not be offended if I call Judas a betray∣er of his Master: Honest Executors will take no exception if I justly bemoan that too many dishonest ones have a•…used the good intents of the Testators. How many Legacies sound and whole in themselves have proved before they were payed, as maimed as the Cripples in the Hospitalls, to whom they were bequeathed? Yea as the blinded Syri∣ans (desiring to go, and beleiving they went to *Damascus) were led to their Enemies, and into the midst of Samaria, so is it more then suspicious, that many blind and con∣cealed Legacies, intended for the Temple of God, have been imployed against the God of the Temple.

Next for the objects of well doing. Surely a vigilant Charity must take the Alarum from the Groans of the Prisoners.

The Schoolmen reduce all Corporal Charity to seven principal heads,

1 Visito1 Visit men in Misery1 *Ebedmelech1 Jeremiah
2 Poto2 Give drink to the Thirsty2 *Obediah.2 The Prophets
3 Cibo3 Meat to the Hungry3 *Nehemiah3 The Jews & Rulers
4 RedimoTo 4 Rescue the CaptiveAs 4 *Abrahamdid to 4 Lot
5 Tego5 Cover the Naked5 *Dorcas5 The Widowes
6 Colligo6 Dress the Wounded6 *The good Jaylor6 Saint Paul
7 Condo7 Bury the Dead7 The Devout men.7 Saint Stephen.*

See here how these 7. kinds of good Works are placed like the Planets, whilst to Redeem Captives, stands like the Sun in the midst of all the rest.

Indeed it may be sadly presumed; that such Captives oft times want Visiting, Meat, Drink, Clothes, Dressing, and all things but burying (except any will say, that they are buryed alive; Liberty being the Life of mans life) so that the Redeeming of Captives is eminently comprehensive of all these outward acts of Charity. Yea this Act may extend it self to a Spiritual Concernment; to save many Souls from Damnation; seeing it may be feared that many dispairing of Ransome, may put their Souls in Thral∣dome Page  37 to purchase the Liberty of their Bodies, and renounce their Religion.

could therefore wish, That there were in London, a Corporation of able and ho∣nest Merchants (whereof that City affordeth a plentiful choice) legally impowered to receive and imploy the charity of well affected people for a General Goale Delivery, of all English Captives, in Tunis, Tripoli, Algier, Salli, &c. And our Countrymen first discharged, if there were any Surplusage running over, that it might be disposed for the ransoming of Christians of what Country soever. This were a Heroick Act indeed, whereby Christians endevour to be like Christ himself, who was the Grand Redeem∣er.

Oh, that I might be but instrumental (in the least degree) to advance their En∣largement; I should behold it as an advancement to my self. Two Reasons make me the more importunate therein; One, because the Papists had a Company of Fryers in England, of the Order of the Holy Trinity, De Redimendis Captivis, which being now extinct, I humbly conceive that we are bound in Conscience, as to quench the Superstition, so to continue the Charity of so good a design. Secondly, because whilst other Beggars can tell their own Tale, we must plead for them who cannot plead for themselves; There being so great a Gulf of distance betwixt us and them; And God grant, That we may never passe over to theirs, but they return to our Condition.

Objection, 1. It maketh Marriners Cowards, who presuming on good mens charity, that they shall be ransomed, do not fight it out valiantly against the Turks, as they ought and might, but surrender themselves on such expectations.

Answer. I see not but the same Objection lies with equal force against the Redeem∣ing of Souldiers taken in land Fights, by what Foe soever, by exchange, or other∣wise. Secondly, accidentall and sinister miscarriages, ought not to discourage any sin∣cere intention. Lastly, let those, who have given the best testimonies of their Va∣lour, be first redeemed, and let them lye longer, to suffer bad usage, till the fee∣ling thereof, shall convert them into more valour, if (after their Liberty procured) ingaging again on the same occasion.

Objection, 2. The late Long Parliament made an Act, since (after some intermission) renewed, charging a Taxe on Merchants Goods (known by the name of Algier Dutie) for the Redemption of Captives in Turkey.

Answer. The blessing of God light on the hearts of those (if living) who first moved, and since revived it, as I doubt not but those departed this life, have found their Reward. I could heartily wish, that yearly a Catalogue were printed of the names of such prisoners thereby redeemed, not knowing whether it would be more honourable for, or Satisfactory to this Nation. But seeing such provisions fall short of doing the Work, and cannot strike home to break off the Fetters of all Prisoners, It will not be amiss to implore the auxiliary Charity of others.

Next I desire them to reflect upon aged sequestred Ministers; whom with their* charge, the (generally ill paid) fifth part will not maintain, say not it will be in∣terpreted an affront to the State to Releive them, which it hath adjudged Offenders. If the best of beings should observe this Rule, all the World would be starved. Secondly, some of them, abateing only that their Conscience inclined them to the Royal Cause, were otherwise unblameable both in Life and Doctrine. Thirdly, the better Divines they were, the worse they are able to shift for themselves, having formerly no excur∣sion into secular affairs, so that applying themselves only to, and now debarred the exercise of the Ministry, they are left in a sad condition. Lastly, allow them faulty, yet quid teneri infantes? &c. It is pity their Wives and Children should be ruined for their offence, but enough hereof, seeing in motions of this Nature, a word is enough to the wise, and half a word too much for others.

Lastly, I recommend unto their Charity, such Servants who have nothing save what they have gained by their industry, and have lived seven years and upwards, with the same Master, I mean not Apprentices, but such Covenant Servants, which are bound to their Masters (their year being ended) with no other Indentures then their own discretion, and are sensible that they must run a hazard, and may loose with their alteration. Especially such Females, who prefer a good Master in certain, before a good Husband in hopes, and had rather serve in plenty, then wed and adventure Poverty.

Page  38I confess such is the cruelty of some Masters, no Servant can, and such the fickle∣nesse of others, no Servant may stay long with them. Such a Master was he, who being Suitor to a Gentlewoman, came every time he visited her, waited on by a new man (though keeping but one at once) such was his unconstancy and delight in Change. Whereupon when taking leave of his Mistresse, he proferred to salute her spare your Complements (said she unto him) for probably I shall shortly see you again, but let me, I pray you, salute your Servant, whom I shall never behold any more.

However though sometimes the •…ault may be in the Masters, or Mistresses, yet generally Servants are to be blamed in our Age, shifting their places so often without cause. The truth is, the Age that makes good Soldiers, marrs good Servants, cancel∣ling their obedience, and allowing them too much Liberty. What Nabal applied false∣ly and spitfully to David (There be many Servants now a dayes which break away every*man from his Master) was never more true then now. Yea, what Tully said of the Roman*Consull (chose in the morning and put out before night) some Servants have been so vigilant, they never slept in their Masters houses, so short their stay, so soon their Departure.

The Ficklenesse and Fugitivenesse of such Servants, justly addeth a valuation to their Constancy, who are Standards in a Family, and know when they have met with a good Master, as it appears, their Masters know when they have met with a good Servant. It is pity but such Properties of a Houshold should be incouraged, and Bounty bestowed upon them, may be an occasion to fixe other Servants to stay the longer in their pla∣ces, to the general good of our Nation.

I desire these my Suggestions should be as inoffensively taken, as they are innocent∣ly tendred. 〈◊〉 I know there was in the water of*Bethesda after the Angell had troubled it, a medicinal power. I know also that such impotent folk as lay in the five porches, were the proper Subjects to be cured: But alas! they wanted one at the critical instant, to bring their wounds and the Cure together, and to put them seasonably into the water. I am as confident that there be hundreds in England, really willing and able to Releive, as that there are Thousands that do desire, and in some sort deserve their charity. But there wanteth one in the pr•…per juncture of time, to present such poor objects, to their liberality, and if these my weak endevours may be in any de∣gree instrumentall to promote the same, it will be a great comfort unto me.

I will conclude this Subject with a motive to Charity, out of the Road of, besides, if not against the ordinary Logick of Men.

* Give a portion to Seven and to Eight, for thou knowest not what evill shall be upon the Earth.

To Seven and to Eight, that is, extend thy Bounty to as high a Proportion of de∣serving persons, as can consist with thy Estate, for thou knowest not what evill will be upon the Earth, Matters are mutable, and thou mayest need the relief of others.

Ergo, saith the Miser, part with nothing, but keep all against a Wet day, not so, So∣lomon, advising to secure somewhat in a safe bank, the backs and bowels of the Poor. Never Evil more likely to, never People less knowing of the same then our selves. And there∣fore the Counsell never out of, is now most in season.

Why Benefactors Since, are distinguished from them, Before the Reformation.

I conceive it not fit to mingle both together, for these two Reasons▪ First, because of the difference of their Charity Since the Reformation, as not parched up by the Fear of the Fire of Purgatory, but kindly ripened by the Sun, viz. A Clear Apprehension by the Light of the Scripture, that they were bound to do good Works.

Secondly, because a Romish*Goliah hath defied our English Israel, taxing our Church Since the Reformation, as able to shew few considerable pieces of Charity, in comparison of those beyond the Seas, who may hence be easily confuted.

Page  39Indeed when I read the emulations between Peninna and Hanna, it mindeth me of the contests betwixt the Church of Rome and us, such the conformity between them.

Her*Adversary provoked Hanna sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord hath shut up her Womb.

But how did Hanna rejoyce afterwards? The*Barren hath born seven, and she that hath many Children, is waxed feeble.

It is confessed immediately after the Refor∣mation, Protestant Religion stood for a while in amaze (scarcely recovered from the Mari∣an Persecutitn) and was but* barren in good works. But since her beginning to bear fruit, she hath overtaken her Roman Corrival, and left her fairly behind.

Let the extent of time, and content of ground be proportionably stated, and England cannot be matched for Deeds of Charity in any part of Spain, France, and Italy, as by the ensuing Catalogue of Benefactors to the Publick will appear.

Objection. You had better omitted them, leaving them modestly to multiply and in∣crease in their own silence and secresie. You know how dear David paid for*numbring the people.

Answer. David did not offend in meer numbring the people, but in not paying the Poll-money, appointed by* God in such cases (purposely to decline the Plague) which omission argued his Pride of heart. It is lawful for Protestants, without any just sus∣picion of Vain▪ glory and Ostentation, to make a list, and take the number of Bene∣factors in this kind, provided the Quit-rent of praise, be principally paid to the Lord of Heaven. Besides we are not Challengers, but Defenders of our selves herein, against the challenge of another, desiring to do it in all humility, in confidence of our good cause.

And here I can hold no longer, but must break forth into a deserved commenda∣tion of good works. Glorious things in Scripture are spoken of you, yea fruits of the spirit. By them the Gospel is graced, wicked men amazed, some of them converted, the rest of them confounded, weak Christians confirmed, poor Christians relieved, our faith justified, our reward in Heaven by Gods free grace amplified; Angels rejoyce for them, Devils repine at them, God himself is glorified in them. Oh therefore! That it were in my power, to exhort my Countrymen, to pursue good works with all earnestnesse, which will add so much to their account.

Some will say, if the English be so forward in deeds of Charity, as appeareth by what you said before, any exhortation thereunto is altogether supers•…uous.

I answer, the best disposed to Bounty may need a Remembrancer; and I am sure that Nightingale, which would wake, will not be angry with the Thorn which prick∣eth her Breast when she noddeth. Besides, it is a Truth what the Poet saith,

Qui monet ut facias quod jam facis, ipse monendo
Laudat, & hortatu comprobat acta suo.
Who, what thou dost, thee for to do doth move,
Doth praise thy Practice, and thy Deeds ap∣prove.

Thus the exhortations of the Apostles at Jerusalem, were commendations of St. Paul, Only they would that we should remember the poor, the same which I also was forward to do.

Lastly, though many of our Nation be free in this kind, there want not those, who instead of being Zealous are Jealous of good works, being so far from shining them∣selves, that they enviously endevour to extinguish the light of others; whose Judge∣ments I have laboured to rectifie herein.

The Stating of the Word REFORMATION, with the Extensiveness thereof.

No word occurs oftner in this our Book then REFORMATION: It is as it were the Aequator, or that remarkable Line, dividing betwixt Eminent Prelates, Leaed Writers, and Benefactors to the Publick, who lived Before or After It.

Know then that this Word in Relation to the Church of England, is of above twenty years extent. For the Reformation was not advanced here, as in some Forraign Free∣States,Page  40suddenly not to say (rapidly) with popular Violence, but Leisurely and treatably as became a matter of so great importance, besides the meeting with much opposition, retarded the proceedings of the Reformers.

We may observe that the Jews returned from the Captivity of Babylon at three dis∣tinct times, under the Conduct of several persons.

  • 1. When the main Body of the Captives was brought home by *Zorobabel, by whom the second Temple was built.
  • 2. When a considerable Company returned with *Ezra, by whom the Church part (as I may tearm it) was setled in that Nation.
  • 3. When *Nehemiah (no doubt with suitable attendance) came home and ordered the State moiety repairing the VValls of Jerusalem.

In like manner we may take notice of three distinct Dates and different degrees of our English Reformation, though in relation to the Jewish, I confess the method was al∣together inverted. For,

  • 1. The Civil part thereof, when the Popes Supremacy was banished in the Reign of King Henry the Eight.
  • 2. VVhen the Church Service was reformed, as far as that Age would admit, in the first year of King Edward the Sixth.
  • 3. VVhen the same (after the Marian interruption) was resumed and more refined in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth.

The first of these I may call the morning Star. The second the dawning of the day. The third the Rising of the Sun; and I deny not but that since that time his light and heat hath been increased.

But now the Question will be, what is to be thought of those Prelates, Writers, and Benefactors, which lived in the aforesaid Interval betwixt the Beginning and Per∣fecting of this Reformation. For these appear unto us like unto the Batable ground lying betwixt England and Scotland (whilest as yet two distinct Kingdomes) in so dubious a posture it is hard to say to which side they do belong.

It is Answered the only way to decide this difference is to observe the Inclinations of the said persons so far forth as they are discovered in their Writings and actions: such as appear in some good degree favourers of the Gospel are reputed to be since whilest those who are otherwise, are adjudged to be Before the Reformation.

CHAP. XII. Of Memorable Persons.

THe former Heads were like private Houses, in which persons accordingly Quali∣fied, have their several habitations. But this last Topick is like a publick Inn, admitting all Comers and Goers, having any extraordinary (not vitious) Remark upon them, and which are not clearly reducible to any of the former Titles. Such therefore, who are over, under, or beside the Standard of Common persons; for strength, stature, fruitfulnesse, Vivacity, or any other observeable emi∣nence, are lodged here under the Notion of Memorable Persons, presuming the pains will not be to Me so much in marking, as the pleasure to the Reader in knowing them.

Under this Title we also repose all such Mechanicks, who in any Manual Trade have reached a clear Note above others in their Vocation.

Objection. It is Deforme Spectaculum an uncouth Sight, to behold such handy-crafts∣men blended with Eminencies in ingenious professions; such a mottley colour is no good wearing. How would William Cecill, Lord Treasurer of England, and Baron of Burgh∣leigh be offended, to behold James York the Blacksmith, set with him at the same Table amongst the Natives of Lincolne-shire?

Answer. I am confident on the contrary, that he would be highly pleased, being so great a Statesman, that he would countenance and encourage his Industrious Country man, accounting nothing little, without the help whereof, greater matters can either Page  41 not be attained or not long subsist. Yea, we see what signal notice the Spirit of God takes of the *three Sons of Lamech, the first Founders of Tent-making, Organs, and Iron∣works; and it is observable, that whereas all their names are forgotten, which built the Tower of Babel (though done on design to get them a * name) these three Me∣chanicks, viz. Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal Cain, are nominatim recorded to all poste∣rity. Thus is it better to bottome the perpetuity of ones memory, on honest Industry and ingenuous diligence, then on Stately Structures and expensive magnificence.

I confesse it is easier to add to any art than first to invent it, yet because there is a perfection of degrees, as well as Kinds, Eminent Improvers of an art may be allowed for the Co-inventers thereof, being Founders of that accession, which they add there∣unto, for which they deserve to be both regarded and rewarded.

I could name a worshipful Family in the South of England, which for 16. several descents, and some hundreds of years, have continued in the same stay of Estate, not acquiring one foot of Land, either by match, purchase, gift, or otherwise, to their ancient Patrimony. The same may be said of some handycrafts, wherein men move in the same compasse, but make no further progresse to perfection, or any considerable improvement, and this I impute generally to their want of competent encouragement.

CHAP. XIII. Of Lord Maiors of LONDON.

I Have concluded this Work with these Chief Officers in that great City. A place of so great Honour and Trust, that it hath commonly been said, that on the death of an English King, The Lord Maior is the Subject of the greatest Authority in England, Many other Offices determining with the Kings Life (till such time as their Charters be renewed by his Successor) whereas the Lord Maiors Trust continueth for a whole year, without any renewing after the Inter-Regnum.

Objection. Such persons had better been omitted, whereof many were little better then 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Though by good fortune they have loaded themselves with Thick clay, and will be but a burden in your Book to the Readers thereof.

Answer. All Wise men will behold them under a better Notion, as the Pregnant proofs of the truth of 2. Proverbs, not contradictory, but confirmatory one to another.

Prov. 10. 22.Prov. 10. 4.
The Blessing of the Lord maketh Rich.The hand of the Diligent maketh Rich.

The one as the principal, the other as the Instrumental cause, and both meeting in the persons aforesaid.

For though some of them were the Younger Sons of Worshipful and Wealthy Parents, and so had good Sums of Money left them; Yet being generally of mean extraction, They raised themselves by Gods Providence, and their own Painfulness. The City in this Respect, being observed like unto a Court, where Elder Brothers commonly spend, and the younger gain an Estate.

But such Lord Maiors are here inserted, to quicken the Industry of Youth, whose Parents are only able to send them up to (not to set them up in) London. For wha•… a comfort is it, to a poor Apprentice of that City, to see the Prime Magistrate there∣of, Riding in his Majoralibus with such Pomp and Attendance, which another day may be his hap and happiness.

Objection. It commeth not to the share of one in twenty thousand, to attain to that Honour; and it is as impossible for every poor Apprentice in process of time to prove Lord Maior, as that a Minum with long living mould become a Whale.

Answer. Not so, the later is an utter Impossibility as debarred by nature, being Fishes of several kinds. Whereas there is a Capacity in the other, to arive at it, Page  42 which puts hopes (the only Tie which keeps the heart from breaking) into the hearts of all of the attainablenesse of such preferment to themselves.

Doctor Hutton Arch-bishop of York, when he came into any Great Grammar School (which he did constantly visit in his visitations) was wont to say to the young Scholars, Ply your Books Boys, ply your Books, for Bishops are old men, and surely the possibility of such dignity is a great Encouragement to the Endévours of Students.

Lord Maiors being generally aged, and always but Annual, soon make Room for Succession, whereby the Indevours of all Freemen in Companies are incouraged. But if they should chance to fall short, as unable to reach the Home of Honour (I mean the Majoralty it self, yet if they take up their Lodgings at Sheriffe, Alderman, and Common-Councellour with a good Estàtè, they will have no cause to complain.

I confess some Counties in our ensuing Discourse, will appear Lord-Maior-less, as Cumberland, Dorset-shire, Hant-Shire, &c. However though, hitherto, they have not had, hereafter they may have Natives advanced to that Honour, and it may put a lawful Ambition into them, to contend who shall be their Leader, and who should first of those Shires attain to that Dignity. As lately Sir Richard Cheverton Skinner descended (I assure you) of a right antient and worshipful Family, was the first in Cornwall, who opened the Dore for others (no doubt) to follow after him.

Nor must it be forgotten that many have been Lord-Maiors Mates, though never rémembred in their Catalogues, viz. Such, who by Fine declined that Dignity, and as I am glad that some will Fine, that so the Stock of the Chamber of London may be increased, so am I glad that some will not fine, that so the State of the City of London may be maintained.

I begin the observing of their Nativities, from Sir William Sevenoke, Grocer, Lord Maior 1418. For though there were Lord Maiors 200. years before, yet their Birth∣places generally are unknown. It was, I confess, well for me in this particular, that Mr. Stow was born before me, being herein the Heir of Endevours, without any pain of my own. For knowing that Cuilibet Artifici in sua Arte est credendum, I have followed him and who him continued, till the year 1633. at what time their Labours do determine. Since which Term, to the present year, I have made the Catalogue out by my own Inquiry, and friends Intelligence. To speak truth to their due praise, one may be generally directed to their Cradles, though by no other Candle, then the Light of their good works, and Benefactions to such places.

CHAP. XIV. A Catalogue of all the Gentry in ENGLAND, made in the Reign of King HENRY the Sixth, why inserted in our Book.

AFter we have finished the Catalogue of the worthy Natives of every Shire, We present the Reader with a List of the Gentry of the Land, sollemnly retur∣ned by select Commissioners into the Chancery, thence into the Records in the Tower on this occasion.

The Commons in Parliament complained, that the Land then swarmed with Pilours, •…obbers, Oppressers of the People, Man-stealers, Fellons, Outlaws, Ravishers of Women, Unlawful Haunters of Forrests and Parks, &c. Whereupon it was ordered, for the suppressing of present and preventing of future mischeifs, that certain Commissioners should be impowered in every County, to summon all persons of Quality before them, and tender them an Oath, for the better keeping of the Peace, and observing the Kings Laws both in themselves and Retainers.

Excuse me, Reader, if I be bold to in•…pose my own Conjecture, who conceive, what ever was intended to palliate the Businesse, The Principal Intent was, to detect and suppress such who favoured the Title of York; which then began to be set on foot, and afterwards openly claimed, and at last obtained the Crown. 2. Even-done,

Page  43

Of the method general used in this Catalogue.

The first amongst the Commissioners is the Bishop of their Diocesse, put before any Earl, partly because he was in his own Diocesse, partly because giving of Oaths (their proper work) was conceived to be of Spiritual cognisance.

Besides the Bishop, when there were three (as generally) Commissioners, the first of them was either an Earl, or at least (though often intituled but Chivaler) an Actual Baron, as will hereafter appear: And which will acquaint us partly with the Peer∣age of the Land in that Age.

Next follow those who were Knights for the Shire in the Parliament foregoing, and, if with the addition of Chivaler or Miles, were Knights by dubbing, before of that their Relation.

All Commissioners expressed not equal Industry and Activity in prosecution of their trust. For besides the natural Reasons, that in all Affairs, some will be more rigo∣rous, some more Remiss by their own Temper, some more, some less fancyed their Imployment, insomuch as we find some Shires;

  • 1. Over done, as Oxford and Cambridge-Shires, whose Catalogues are too much allayed, descending to persons of meaner quality.
  • 2. Even done, as generally the most are, where the Returns bear a competent pro∣portion to the Populousness and numerousnesse of the Counties.
  • 3. Under done, as Shropshire, York-shire, Northumberland, &c. where the Returns do not answer to the extent of those Shires.
  • 4. Not done. Which I sadly confess, and cannot help, being Twelve in number as hereafter will appear.

I dare not conjecture the cause of this Casualty, whether in such Shires, the Oaths were never Tendred, or tendred and not taken, or taken and not returned, or returned and not recorded, or recorded and not preserved, or preserved but misplaced in some Roll, which hitherto it hath not been my hap to lite upon.

It is possible that some disgusted the Kings Design, as who under the pretence of keeping the peace, indevoured to smother and suppress such, who should appear for the Title of York, whereof more in the Respective Countyes.

May the Reader be pleased to take notice, that in the Reign of Henry the Sixth, de such a place, began then to be left off, and the addition of Knight and Squire to be assumed. Yet because no Fashion can be generally followed at first, such additions are used in the Returns of some Shires, and neglected in others.

In some Counties we have the Names of a few Mechanicks, returned with their Trades, Brasier, Smith, Ironmonger, &c. Who no doubt were considerable, either in themselves, as Robustious Persons, or in their Servants as Numerous, or in their popular and tumultuous Influence of others. And grant these passing under the name of Valecti, (whereof formerly) it appears by the penalty imposed on their Recu∣sancy of the Oath, that they were substantial 〈◊〉 which stood (and propably could make others go) on their own Account.

Some Clergymen, not only Regular, as Abbots and Priors, but secular Parochial priests, are inserted in some Returns. These some will say might well be omitted, as nothing Informative to the Gentry of the Land, because dead Stakes in the Hedge, then un∣concerned in posterity, because forbidden marriage. However I have here presented as I found them, intending neither to mingle nor mangle, conceiving that if I were found guilty either of Omissions or Alterations, it might justly shake the credit of the whole Catalogue. Indeed if the word Superstition importeth not Trespassing on Religion, and if the bare signification be adequate to the Etymology thereof, a Super Stando, for stan∣ding in his own opinion too curiously, on a thing which in the Judgement of others, may not Merit so much Exquisitenesse, I here voluntarily confess my self Superstitious in observing every Punctillo according to the Original.

May the Reader be pleased to take notice that in mens proper names, some letters of like sound, are confounded in vulgar pronunciation, as V for F. Fenner and Venner, K. and C. Kary and Cary; F. and Ph. as Purfrey and Purphrey, though the name be the same in both. Sometimes the name is spelled, not truly, according to Orthography, Page  44 but according to the common speaking thereof, which melteth out some essential Letters, as Becham for Beauchamp.

Again there is such an allusion betwixt the forms of some letters (nothing symbo∣lyzing in sound) that as they are written (though not in ordinary) in Record-hand, they may easily be mistaken by Writer or Reader, through the similitude of their Chara∣cter, as,


This hath put us many times to a stand, and sometimes to a loss, what letter, it hath been. But we have in all particulars conformed our Transcript to the original in all pos∣sible exactness, though afterwards taking the boldness to interpose our opinion in our observations.

A later List might be presented of the English Gentry, towards the end of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, but such would be subject to just exception. For, as the Gibeonites, though by their mouldy bread, and clouted Shooes, pretending to a long peregrination, were but of the Vicinage: So most of those Gentry, notwith∣standing their specious claim to Antiquity, will be found to be but of one Descent, low enough in themselves, did they not stand on the vantage ground, heightned on the Rubbish of the Ruines of Monasteries.


REEVE (which hath much Affinity with the Dutch Grave) signifieth an Officer to oversee and order, being chief in the Shire. In Latin Vice-comes, or Vice∣count. And, seeing shadows in effect are as ancient as the bodies, they may be beleived as old as Counts, and Counts as Counties, and Counties as King Alfred, who first divided England into Shires about the year of our Lord 888.

The late fashion was, that the Clerk of the Peace for each County, in Michaelmas∣Term, presented to the Lord Cheif Justice of the Kings Bench, sixe or more names of able persons for that Office. The Lord Chief Justice calling the other Judges into the Exchequer Chamber (where the Attorney General, and the Sollicitour attends) pre∣sented three out of that number unto the King, out of which the King pricks one, who stands Sheriffe of the County.

His Power is sufficiently known, to suppress Riots, secure Prisoners, distrain for Debts, execute Writs, return the choice of Knights and Burgesses for Parliament, empannel Juries, attend the Jud•…〈◊〉 the Execution of Malefactors, &c.

Several Statutes* have provided, that no man should be Sheriffe in any County, except he hath land sufficient in the same County, to answer the King and his people. And it is remarkable, that since the beginning of that Office, it appeareth not upon any Record, that ever any Sheriffe pro tempore failed in his Estate, but was responsi∣ble in his place. Whereas it is too plain by sad Precedents, that some Receivers (being men of meaner estates) have.

Sheriffes are bound to abide in their proper persons, within the* County, that they may the more effectually attend their Office. And in our Remembrance, some great persons, whose Activity in Parliament was suspected, have been made Sheriffes to keep them out of harms way, and confine them at home. But later years have dis∣penced with such critical Niceties, (unreasonable that the Sheriffe himself should be a Prisoner in his own County) allowing him more liberty on the providing of an able Deputy in his absence.

Though I will not avouch it true, there may be somewhat of truth in their spiteful observation, who maintain, that the Shrevalty in ancient times was Honos sine Onere, in the middle times Honos cum onere, and in our days, little better than Onus sine honore, though •… trust the Office will now be restored to its former honour.

Page  45Honos sine onere, An honour without a burden. As when Prince Edward the first, was for many years together High-Sheriffe of Bedford and Buckingham-shire; and many prime Peers of the Land, were Honorary Sheriffes, gracing the place with accepting it; living where they pleased themselves, and appointing their Substitutes to transact the businesse of the County.

Honos cum onere, An Honour with a burden, From King Edward the Third, till within our Remembrance. For the principal Gentry in every shire, of most ancient extractions and best Estates, were deputed for that place, keeping great At∣tendance and Hospitality: So that as some transcripts hath for the fairness of their Cha∣racter not only evened, but exceeded the Original, the Vice-comes have pro tempore equalled the Count himself and greatest Lords in the Land for their Magnificence.

Onus sine honore, A Burden without Honour, when it was obtruded on many as a punishment for the trouble and charge thereof, and laid as a burden, not on the back of that horse which was best able to carry it, but who was least able to cast it off, great persons by friends and favour easily escaping it, whilst it was charged on those of meaner estates: Though I do beleive it found all them Esquires, and did not make any so, as some will suggest.

Hence was it, that many Sheriffs were forced to consult principles of Thrift, not being bound so to serve their Country, as to disserve themselves and ruine their estates; and instead of keeping open houses (as formerly) at the Assises, began to latch (though not lock) their dores, providently reducing it to an ORDINARY expence, and no wise man will conclude them to be the less loyal Subjects, for being the more Provident Fathers.

At the end of every Shire, after the forenamed Catalogue of the Gentry, in the Reign of King Henry the Sixth, I have set down a List of the Sheriffes from the Be∣ginning of King Henry the Second, untill the end of King Charles, carefully collected out of the Records. For I hope that by the former, which I call my Broad (repre∣senting the Gentry of one Generation all over England) and this which I term my Long Catalogue, extending it self successively through many Ages, I hope, I say, both being put together, may square out the most eminent of the Antient Gentry, in some tolerable proportion. Most eminent, seeing I confess, neither can reach all the Gentry of the land.

For as in the Catalogue of King Henry the Sixth, many antient Gentlemen were omitted, who were Minors in age, and so uncapable of taking an Oath, so doth not the List of Sheriffs comprehend all the Gentry in the Shire, finding three sorts of peo∣ple excluded out of the same.

Such who were1. AboveDischarging the Office.
2. Besides
3 Beneath

Above. Such were all of the Peerage in the Land, which since the Reign of King Edward the third were excused I am sure de facto, not imployed in that place, as In∣consistent with their Attendance in Parliament.

Secondly, Such who were Besides the Place, priviledged by their profession from that Office, which may be subdivided into,

  • 1. Swordmen, Imployed in Wars beyond the Seas, thus Sir Oliver Ingham, and Sir John Fastoffe both great men, and richly landed in Norfolk, were never Sheriffes thereof, because imployed in the French Wars, the one under King Edward the Third, the other under King Henry the Fifth.
  • 2. Gownmen, as Iudges, Sergeants at Law, Barristers, Auditors, and other Officers in the Exchequer, &c.
  • 3.*Cloakmen. Such Courtiers as were the Kings Servants and in ordinary attendance about his Person.

Lastly, Such as were Beneath the Place, as men of too narrow Estates to discharge that Office, especially as it was formerly in the magnificent expensivenesse thereof, though such persons might be Esquires of right ancient Extraction.

Page  46And here under favour I conceive, that if a strict Enquiry should be made after the Ancient Gentry of England, most of them would be found amongst such middle∣sized Persons as are above two hundred, and beneath a Thousand pounds of Annual Re∣venue. It was the Motto of wise Sir Nicholas Bacon, Mediocria firma, Moderate things are most lasting. Men of great Estates in National Broiles have smarted deeply for their Visible Engagements, to the Ruine of their Families, whereof we have had too many sad Experiments, whilest such persons who are moderately mounted above the level of Common people into a Competency, above want and beneath Envy, have by Gods blessing on their frugality, continued longest in their Conditions, entertaining all alterations in the State, with the less destructive change unto themselves.

Let me add, that I conceive it impossible for any man, and difficult for a Corporation of men, to make a true Catalogue of the English Gentry. Because, what Mathematici∣ans say of a Line, that it is Divisibilis in semper divisibilia, is true hereof, if the Latine were, (which for ought I know, if as usuall is) as Elegant, Addibilis in sem∣per addibilia. Not only because New Gentry will every day be added (and that as I conceive justly too, for why should the Fountain of Honour be stopped, if the Channel of desert be running?) but because ancient Gentry will dayly be newly discovered, though some of them perchance for the present, but in a poor and mean condition, as may appear by this particular.

It happened in the Reign of King James, when Henry Earl of Huntington, was Lieutenant of Leicester-shire, that a Labourers son in that County, was pressed into the Wars, as I take it to go over with Count Mansfield. The Old man at Leicester, requested his Son might be discharged, as being the only Staff of his Age, who by his Industry maintained him and his Mother. The Earl demanded his name, which the man for a long time was loth to tell (as suspecting it a fault for so poor a man to confess a Truth) at last he told his name was Hastings. Cosen Hastings said the Earl, we cannot all be Top Branches of the Tree, though we all spring from the same Root, Your Son my Kins∣man shall not be pressed. So good was the meeting of Modesty in a poor, with Courtesie in an Honourable Person, and Gentry I believe in Both. And I have reason to beleive, that some who justly own the Sirnames and blood of Bohuns, Mortimers, and Planta∣genets (though ignorant of their own extractions) are hid in the heap of Common∣people, where they find that under a Thatched Cottage, which some of their Ancest∣ors could not enjoy in a Leaded Castle, contentment with quiet and security.

To return to our Catalogue of Sheriffs. I have been bold to make some breif histo∣rical Observations upon them, which I hope will not be unpleasing to the Reader, whom I request first to peruse our Notes on Bark-shire, because of their publick Influ∣ence on the rest, facilitating some Difficulties which return in the Sheriffes of other Counties.

After we have presented the Sheriffs names, we have annexed their addition, either of estate, as Esquire, or degree, as Knight, Baronet, &c. and this we have done always after, sometimes before K. Henry the Sixth. For, although the Statute of Ad∣ditions, was made in the first of King Henry the fifth, to Individuifie (as I may say) and separate persons from those of the same name: And although it took present ef∣fect in such Suits and Actions, where processe of Utlary lieth, yet was it not univer∣sally practiced in other Writings, till the End of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth.

After their additions, we have in a distinct Columel, assigned the places of their Habitation, where we could proceed with any certainty, leaving some blanks to im∣ploy the Industry of others. We have endevoured (as neer as we could) to observe proportion of time, in denoting their places, left otherwise our There be confuted by our Then, the date of the Kings Reign which is prefixed. If sometimes we have made a Prolepsis, with Virgil his Lavinia Litora, I mean if we have placed some Sheriffs too early in their possessions, a little before their Families were fixed there, I hope the can∣did Reader will either wink or smile at the mistake.

It often commeth to pass, that the same Sheriff in the same Shire, hath two or more fair Seats. This should raise their Gratitude to God, whose own Son was not so well provided, not having where to lay his hand. In this Variety, our Catalogue presenteth but one, sometime the oldest, sometimes the fairest, and sometimes Page  47 freely to confess) what comes first to my memory. The best is, truth doth not abate thereby, knowing so much Law; that where a man hath an houshold in two places, he shall be said to dwell in both of them; so that this addition in one of them, doth suffice.

Next to the place of Sheriffes, we set down their Arms, whereof largely in the next Chapter. We conclude the Catalogue of Sheriffes with a Comment upon them pre∣senting their most remarkable Actions. Our Husbandmen in Middlesex, make a distin∣ction between Dodding and Threshing of Wheat, the former being only the beating out of the fullest and fairest Grain, leaving what is Lean and Lank to be Threshed out after∣wards. Our Comment may be said to have Dodded the Sheriffes of several Counties, insisting only on their most memorable actions, which are extant in our Printed Histories, otherwise my Eyes could not look into lock'd Chests (I mean) pierce into the private Records of Families, carefully concealed and kept in their choicest Cabinet. Besides, such unprinted Records are infinite (understand it in the same sense in which the strength* of Tire is called * Infinite) too many for one Authour to manage, and therefore are left to such as undertake the Description of several Counties.

CHAP. XVI. Of the Coats of ARMS, affixed to such, who have been Sheriffs of Counties.

SOmething must be premised of Arms in general. They may seem in some sort to be Jure Divino to the Jews, having a Precept for the practise thereof. Every*man of the Children of Israel shall pitch by his own Standard, with the Ensign of their Fathers house.

The use thereof is great both in War and Peace. I begin with War, because Arms had their first rise from Arms, and had a military Origination. VVithout these an Army cannot be methodized, and is but an heap of men. Like an Army (saith the* Scripture) terrible with banners. VVithout which an Army is not terrible, but ridicu∣lous, routing it self with its own confusion. Now, as no Army without banners; so no banner without Arms therein. If the Trumpet give*an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battail. Now, as the Trumpet tells the time, so the banner pro∣claims the place of meeting, and if it have not distinguishable Emblems therein, who shall know whither to repair to his Captain or Company?

Arms are also useful in peace, to distinguish one man from another. They be termed Nomina visibilia, visible names. For, as a name notifieth a man to the Ear, so his Arms do signifie him to the Eye, though dead many years since; so signal the service of Arms on Tombs, to preserve the memory of the deceased.

Arms anciently were either assumed or assigned. For at first men took what Arms they pleased, directed by their own fancy. A Custome still continuing in the Low∣Countryes, where the Burgers chuse their own Arms with as great confidence as Trades∣men make their mark, or Innkeepers set up their Signs in England. Assigned Arms were such as Princes, or their Officers under them appointed to particular persons, in re∣ward of their Service. And, whereas Assumed Arms were but personal, these gene∣rally were Hereditary and descended to their Families.

It is the rule general in Arms, that the plainer the ancienter, and so consequently more honourable. Arma primò nuda sine ornatu. And when a memorable Gentleman (understand me such an one, the beginning of whose Gentry might easily be remem∣bred) was mocking at the plain Coat of an ancient Esquire, the Esquire returned, I must be fain to wear the Coat, which my great-great-grana-father left me, but had I had the happiness to have bought one, as you did, it should have been guarded after the newest fa∣shion. Two colours are necessary and most highly honourable; though both may be Blazoned with One Word [as VARREY] (formerly born by the Beauchamps of Hatch in Page  48Wilt-shire, and still quartered by the Duke of Somerset) three are very honou∣rable; four commendable; five excusable; more, disgraceful. Yet have I seen a Coat of Arms (I mean within the Escocheon) so piebald, that if both the Metalls, and all the Colours (seven in all) were lost elsewhere, they might have been found therein.

Such Coats were frequently given by the Heralds (not out of want of wit, but will to bestowe better) to the new Gentry in the End of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth. One said of a Coat that it was so well victualled, that it might endure a Siege, such the plenty and variety of Fowl, Flesh and Fish therein; though some done so small, one needed a magnifying glass to discover them; but such surfeited Coats have since met with a good *Physician, who hath cured many of them.

I can not but smile at his fansie, who (counting himself, no doubt, wonderfully wittie) would be a reformer of our Heraldry, and thought it fine, if it were thus ordered, that all,

1 Descended of ancient Nobility.should give their Field1 Or.
2 Extracted from undoubted Gentry. 2 Argent.
3 Advancing themselves by Sea-adventures. 3 Azure.
4 Raised by their Valour in War. 4 Gules.
5 Gown-men preferred for Learning. 5 Sable.
6 Countrymen raised by good Husbandry. 6 Vert.

Indeed, as these Metals and Colours are reckoned up in order, so are they re∣puted in honour, save that the contest betwixt Azure and Gules is not so clearly decided.

Or and Azure in composition are conceived the richest; Argent and Sable the fairest coat, because setting off each other discernable at the greatest distance. The Lion and Eagle are reputed the most honorable, the Cross the most religious bearing; A Bend is esteemed the best Ordinarie, being a Belt born in its true posture athwart, as a Fess is the same worne about the middle. Things natural in the charge presented in their proper colour are best; and herbes Vert far better than Or, as flourishing better than fadeing; even stained are no stained colours when natural. But seeing the whole mistery of Heraldry, dwells more in the region of fansie, than judgment, few rules of assurance can be laid down therein.

We meet with some few coats which have reasons rendered of their bearing. Thus, whereas the Earls of Oxford anciently gave their Coat plain, quarterly Gules and Or, they took afterward in the first a Mullet or Star Argent, because the cheife of the house had a Falling-star (as my * Authour saith) alighting on his shield, as he was fighting in the Holy-land. But it were a labour in vain for one to offer at an account, for all things borne in Armorie.

This mindeth me of a passage in the North, where the ancient and worthy Family of the Gascoignes gave for their Arms the Head of a Lucie or Pike, cooped in Pale; Whereon one merrily,

The Lucy is the Finest Fish,
That ever graced any Dish;
But, why you give the HEAD alone,
I leave to you to pick this Bone.

A Question which on the like occasion may be extended to Beasts and Fowle, whose single heads are so generally born in several Coats.

After the names and places of Sheriffs exemplifyed in their respective Counties, we have added their Arms ever since the first of King Richard the second. And, though some may think we begin too late (the fixing of Hereditary Arms in England, being an Hundred years ancienter) we find it sometimes too soon to attain at any certainty therein.

In peruseing these Arms, the Reader will meet with much observeable variety, viz. 1. That the same Family sometimes gives two paternal Coats, as,

Page  49
Spencer in Northampton-shire. Quarterly Arg. and Gules, the second and third, charged with a Fret Or, over all on a Bend Sable 3. Escallops of the First. Azure a Fess Ermin betwixt 6. Sea Meaws heads erased Arg.

Sometimes two distinct Families and Names, give the self same Coat, as in Bark∣shire,

FettiplaceGules 2 Cheverons Argent.

The same name; but being distinct Families in several Counties, give different Arms.

  • In Leicester-shire, Barry of 6. Argent and Azure, in Chief 3. Torteauxes.
  • In Northumberland, Gules a Lyon Rampant with a Border engrailed Argent.

The same Name in the same Shire, being distinct Families, gives different Coats, as in Northampton shire.

  • Of Greens-Norton, Azure three Bucks trippant Or.
  • Of Drayton, Argent a Cross engrailed Gules.

The same name and Family in the same Shire, gives the same Coat for Essentials, but disguised in Colours as in Northampton-shire.

  • Of Lifden.
  • Of Newton.

The same Family giveth a Coat this day, bearing some general allusion to, but much altered and bettered from what they gave some sixty years since, and forbearing to give an instance hereof, for some reason, I refer it to the Readers Discovery.

Contented with the Coat it self, I have not inserted the differences of younger Houses, Crescents, Mullets, Martlets, &c. Chiefly because they are generally com∣plained of, and confessed as defective, subject to coincidence, and not adequate to the effectual distinguishing of the branches from the same root.

As the affixing of Differences if done, were imperfect, so the doing thereof, is not only Difficult, but also Dangerous. Dangerous, for it would bring many Old houses (and new ones too) on his Head, who undertakes it, so undistinguishable are the Seni∣orities of some Families, parted so long since, that now it is hard to decide, which the Root, and which the Branch. I remember a Contest in the Court of Honour, betwixt the two Houses of Constable, the one of Flamborongh head, the other of Constable-Burton, both in York-shire, which should be the Eldest. The Decision was, it was never decided, both sides producing such ancient Evidences, that in mounting up in antiquity like Hawks, they did not only Lessen but fly out of Sight, even beyond the Kenn and Cognizance of any Record. The Case I conceive occurs often betwixt many Families in England.

Some names we have left without Arms. Physicians prescribe it as a Rule of health, to rise with an appetite; and I am loth the Reader should fill himself with all which he might desire. But (not to dissemble) I could not with all mine own, and friends skill and industry, attain their Coats, as of Families either extinct in those Counties before the first, or only extant therein since the last Visitation of Heralds. Yet let not my ignorance be any mans injury, who humbly desireth, that such Vacuities may hereafter be filled up by the particular Chorographers of those respective Counties.

This I am sure, A needle may be sooner found in a Bottle of Hay, (a task though dif∣ficult, yet possible to be done) than the Arms of some Sheriffs of Counties be found in the Heraulds Visitations of the said Counties. For many were no Natives of that Shire, but came in thither occasionally from far distant places. Thus the Arms of Sir Jervis Clifton (thrice High-Sheriff of Kent in the Reign of King Henry the Sixth) are invisible in any Kentish Heralds Office, as not landed therein himself though living at Braburn, on the Jointure of Isabel his Wife, the * Widdow of William Scot Esq and I doubt not but instances of the same Nature frequently are found in other Coun∣ties.

We will conclude this Discourse of Arms with this memorable Record, being as ancient as the Reign of King Henry the Fift.

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Claus. 5. Henrici Quinti Membrana 15. in Dorso in Turre Londinensi.

Rex Vic▪ Salutem. &c. Quia prout informa∣mur diversi •…omines qui in viagiis nostris an∣te haec tempora factis, Arma & Tunicas Ar∣morum vocat. Coat Armours in se susceperunt, ubi nec ipsi, nec eorum Antecessores hujus∣modi Armis ac Tunicis Armorum temporibus retroactis usi fuerint & ea in presenti viagio nostro in proximo Deo dante faciend. exer∣cere proponant; Et quanquam Omnipotens suam gratiam disponat prout vult in naturali∣bus, equaliter Diviti & Pauperi; volentes tamen quemlibet Ligeorum nostrorum predi∣ctorum juxta status sui exigentiam modo de∣bito pertractari & haberi. Tibi praecipimus quod in singulis locis intra Ballivam tuam, ubi per breve nostrum nuper promonst. facien∣dis proclamari facias, quod nullus cujuscunq, status, Gradus, seu conditionis fuerit, hujus∣modi Arma sive Tunicas •…rmorum in se su∣mat, nisi ipse jure Antecessorto vel ex dona∣tione alicujus ad hoc su•…ficientem potestatem habentis ea possideat aut possidere debeat. Et quod ipse Arma sive Tunicas illas ex cujus do∣no obtinet, die Monstrationis suae personis ad hoc per nos assignatis seu assignandis manifeste demonstret Exceptis illis qui nobiscum apud Bellum de Agincourt Armu portabant sub poe∣nis non admissionis ad proficiendum in viagio praedicto sub numero ipsius cum quo retentus existit, ac perditionis Vadiorum suorum ex causa praedicta praeceptorum, nec non rasura, & ruptura dictorum armorum & Tunicarum vocat. Coat-armours, tempore monstrationis suae praedicto, si ea super illum monstrata fuerint seu inventa, & hoc nulla tenus omit∣tas, T. R. apud Civitatem,

Nov. Sarum Secundo die Junii.

Per ipsum Regem.
The King to the Sheriff health, &c.

Because there are divers men as we are informed, which before these times in the Voyages made by us, have assumed to themselves Arms and Coat-Armors where neither they nor their Ancestors in times past used such Arms or Coat Armours, and propound with them∣selves to use and exercise the same in this present Voyage which (God wil∣ling) we shortly in•…end to make. And although the Omnipotent disposeth his favours in things Natural, as he pleaseth, equally to the Rich and Poor, yet We willing that every one of our Leige Subjects, should be had and Handled in due manner, according to the Exigence of his State and Condition. We com∣mand thee, that in every place within thy Bailiwick, where by Our Writ we have lately shewn, you cause to be proclaimed, that no man of what State Degree or Condition soever he be, shall take upon him such Arms or Coats of Arms, save he alone who doth pos∣sesse or ought to possesse the same, by the right of his Ancestors, or by Do∣nation and Grant of some, who had sufficient power to assign him the same. And that he, that useth such Arms or Coats of Arms, shall on the day of his Muster, manifestly shew to such persons assigned, or to be assigned by us for that purpose, by virtue of whose gift he enjoyeth the same. Those only ex∣cepted who carried Arms with us, at the Battle of Agincourt; uuder the pe∣nalties not to be admitted to go with us in Our foresaid Voyage under His Command by whom he is for the pre∣sent retained, and of the loss of his wages, as also of the rasing out, and breaking off the said Arms called Coat-Armours at the time of his Muster aforesaid, if they shall be shewed upon him, or found about him. And this you shall in no case omit.

Witnesse the King at the City of New Sarum,June the second.

Consimilia Brevia diriguntur Vicecom. Wilts, Sussex, Dors. sub eadem data.

I could wish a reviving of this Instrument in our Age, many Up-starts in our late Civil wars, having injuriously invaded the Arms of ancient Families.

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CHAP. XVII. Of the often Altering of Sirnames, and the Various Writing thereof.

HAving dealt so largely in Sirnames, it is necessary to observe, that Sirnames of Families have been frequently altered, some Families deposing their Old, and assuming new names on several occasions: But cheifly for,

1. Concealment in time of Civil Wars. A Name is a kind of Face, whereby one is known; Wherefore taking a false name is a Vizard whereby men disguise them∣selves, and that lawfully enough, when not fradulently done to deceive others, but discreetly in danger, to secure themselves: Thus during the Contest 'twixt York and Lancaster, Carington in Warwick-shire took the name of Smith. La Blunt the Name of Croke in Buckingham-shire, with many others.

2. For Advancement when adopted into an estate, as Newport the Name of Hatton, in Northampton-shire; Throckmorton the Name of Carew at Beddington in Surrey, as long before Westcoat the Name of Littleton in Stafford-shire.

Besides the same Sirname continued, hath been variously altered in Writing. First, because Time teacheth New Orthography, altering, spelling, as well as speaking. Se∣condly the best Gentlemen anciently were not the best Scholars, and (minding matters of more moment) were some what too incurious in their Names. Besides, Writers ingrossing Deeds, were not over critical in spelling of Names, knowing well where the person appeared the same, the Simplicity of that age, would not fall out about Mis∣nomer.

Lastly, Ancient Families have been often removed into several Counties, where several Writings follow the several pronunciations. What Scholar knoweth not, that 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 their Greek Name for Jupiter, is by their seven Dialects, written ten several wayes and (though not so many Dialects in England) there is a real difference betwixt our Southern, Western, and Northern Pronunciations.

Hence it is that the same Name hath been so often disguised unto the Staggering of many, who have mistook them for different.

Idem non Idem, quaeruntque in Nomine Nomen.
The same they thought was not the same,
And in their Name they sought their Name.

Thus I am informed, that the Honourable Name of Villiers is written fourteen se∣veral ways, in their own Evidences, and the like (though not so many) Variations, may be observed in others.

And the Name of Roper in Darby-shire, changed from Musard to Rubra-Spatha, Rospear, Rouspee, Rooper, Roper. I insist the longer on this point, because in our Catalogue of Sheriffs, the same Sirname is variously written, which some (without cause) may impute to my carelesnesse, being the effect of my care, conforming the Orthogra∣phy exactly to the Original, where such variation doth plainly appear, and however such Diversity appeareth in the Eye of others, I dare profess that I am delighted with the Prospect thereof.

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CHAP. XVIII. Of Modern Battels.

IMmediately before our Farewell to the Respective Counties, we have inserted a Breviate of Modern Battels since our Civil Distempers. I need here premise no∣thing of the difference betwixt a Skirmish (being only the Ingagement of Parties) and a Battle being an incounter betwixt Generals with their Armies. Nor yet of the difference betwixt Praelium a Fight or Battel, and Bellum a War, the former being a Fight in Field, the later the continuance of Hostility (which may be for many years) whilst the difference dependeth undecided. Peracto Pr•…lio manet Bellum. And though a Truce may give a Comma or Colon to the War, nothing under a Peace can put a perfect Period thereunto.

In describing these Battels, I am for distinction sake necessitated to use the word Parliament improperly, according to the Abusive acception thereof for these latter years. Let us think and judge with the Wise, but if we do not speak with the Vulgar, we shall be Dumb to the Vulgar. Otherwise I know a Parliament properly, is a compleat Syllogisme, the Lords and Commons being the two Propositions, the King the Conclusion thereof, and our English Tongue wanteth one word to express the dissenting part of a Parliament, and I trust in God, as our Language doth not afford the Name, so our Land shall not here∣after behold the Nature thereof.

These Battels are here inserted, not with any intent (God knows my heart) to perpetuate the odious Remembrance of our mutual Animosities; that Heart burnings may remain, when House burnings are removed; but cheifly to raise our Gratitude to God, that so many Battels should be fought in the bosome of so little a Land, and so few Scars and Signs thereof extant in their visible Impressions. Such, who consi∣der how many men we have lost, would wonder we have any left, and such, who see how many we have left, that we had any lost. In a word, as it is said of the best Oyl, that it hath no Tast, that is, no Tang, but the pure Natural Gust of Oyl therein, so I have indevoured to present these Battels according to plain Historical truth, without any partial Reflections.

CHAP. XIX. Of the Number of Modern Shires or Counties in England; And why the WORTHIES in this Work are digested County-wayes.

I Say Modern, not meaning to meddle with those antiquated ones, which long since have lost their Names and bounds, as*Winchelcomb-shire united to Gloucester-shire,*Howdon-Shire annexed to York-shire, and Hexham-Shire to Northumberland. As little do we intend to touch on those small Tracts of Ground, the County of Poole and the like, being but the extended Limits and Liberties of some Incorporations.

We add Shires or Counties, using the words promiscuously as the same in sense. I confess, I have heard some Criticks making this distinction betwixt them, that such are Shires which take their Denomination from some principal Town, as Cambridge∣shire, Oxford-shire, &c. Whilest the rest not wearing the Name of any Town, are to be reputed Counties, as Norfolk, Suffolk, &c. But we need not go into Wales to confute their Curiosity (where we meet Merioneth-shire, and Glamorgan-shire, but no Towns so termed) seeing Devon-shire doth discompose this their English Conceit; I say, Page  53English Shires and Counties, being both Comitatus in Latine.

Of these there be nine and thirty at this day, which by the thirteen in Wales, are made up fifty two, England (largely taken) having one for every Week in the year.

Here let me tender this for a real Truth, which may seem a Paradoxe, that there is a County in England, which from the Conquest, till the year 1607 (when Mr. Cam∣dens last Latine Britannia was set forth) never had Count or Earl thereof, as hereby may appear,

In his Conclusion of Bark-shire.Immediately it followeth.
Haec de Bark shire, quae hactenus Comitis honore insignivit neminem.In hujus Comitatus complexu sunt Paro∣chiae 140.

Now this may seem the more strange, because Comes and Comitatus are relative. But, under favour I humbly conceive, that though Bark shire never had any Titular, Honourary or Hereditary Earl, till the year 1620. (when Francis Lord Norris was created first Earl thereof) yet had it in the Saxons time (when it was first modelled into a Shire) an Officiary Count, whose Deputy was termed Vice-comes as unto this day.

Why the Worthies in this Work are digested County-ways.

First, this Method of Marshalling them is new, and therefore I hope neverthelesse acceptable. Secondly, it is as informative to our judgements, to order them by Coun∣ties according to their place, as by Centuries (so oft done before) according to the time; seeing WHERE is as essential as WHEN to a mans being. Yea both in some sort may be said to be jure divino, understand it ordered by Gods immediate providence, and therefore are coupled together by the Apostle, Acts 17. 26. And hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation. If of their habitation in ge∣neral, then more especially of the most important place of their Nativity.

The Spirit of God in Scripture taketh signal notice hereof,*The Lord shall count when he writes up the people, That this man was born there.*Philip was of Bethsaida, the City of Andrew and Peter; and all know how St. Paul got his best Liberty, where he saw the first light in Tarsus a City of Cilicia.

When Augustus C•…ar issued out a decree to taxe the whole World, it was ordered therein, that*every own should go into his own City, as the most compendious way to prevent confusion, and effectually to advance the businesse. I find the same to ex∣pedite this work, by methodizing the Worthies therein according to the respective pla∣ces of their Nativities. If some conceive it a pleasant sight in the City of London, to behold the Natives of the several Shires, after the hearing of a Sermon, passe in a decent equipage to some Hall, there to dine together for the continuance and in∣crease of Love and Amity amongst them: Surely this Spectacle will not seem unplea∣sant to ingenuous Eyes, to see the Heroes of every particular County, modelled in a body together, and marching under the Banners of their several Eminencies.

Here may you behold how each County is Innated with a particular Genius, inclining the Natives thereof to be dexterous, some in one profession, some in another; one carrying away the credit for Souldiers, another for Seamen, another for Lawyers, ano∣ther for Divines, &c. as I could easily instance, but that I will not forestall the Rea∣ders Observation; seeing some love not a Rose of anothers gathering, but delight to pluck it themselves.

Here also one may see, how the same County was not always equally fruitful in the production of worthy persons; but, as Trees are observed to have their bearing and barren years: So Shires have their rise and fall in affording famous persons, one age being more fertile then another, as by annexing the dates to their several Worthies will appear.

In a word, my serious desire is, to set a noble emulation between the several Coun∣ties, which should acquit themselves most eminent in their memorable off spring. Nor let a smaller Shire be disheartned herein, to contest with another larger in extent, and and more populous in persons, seeing Viri do not always hold out in proportion to Ho∣mines. Thus we find the Tribe of Simeon, more numerous than any in Israel (Judah and Dan only excepted) as which at their coming out of Egypt, afforded no fewer, Page  54 than*fifty nine thousand and three hundred. Yet that Tribe did not yeild Prince, Preist, Prophet, or any remarkable person; Apocrypha, Judith only excepted. Multi gre∣garii, pauci egregii; and Multitude with Amplitude is never the true Standard of Emi∣nency, as the judicious Reader by perusing and comparing our County Catalogues, will quickly perceive.

A Case of Concernment propounded, and submitted to the Equity of the Reader.

It is this. Many Families time out of mind, have been certainly fixed in eminent Seats in their respective Counties, where the Ashes of their Ancestors sleep in quiet, and their Names are known with honour. Now possibly it may happen, that the chief Mother of that Family, travelling in her Travel by the way side, or by some other Casualty, as visit of a friend, &c. May there be delivered of the Heir of her Family. The Question is, whether this Child shall be reputed the Native of that place where his Mother accidentally touched, or where his Father, and the Father of his Fathers have landed for many Generations.

On the one side, it seemeth unreasonable to any man according to his Historical con∣science, that such a casual case should carry away the Sole credit of his Nativity. This allowed, & tota Anglia Londinizabit, a Moiety almost of the Eminent Persons in this Modern age, will be found born in that City, as the Inn-general of the Gentry and No∣bility of this Nation. Whether many come to prosecute Law-Suits, to see and to be seen, and on a hundred other occasions, among which I will not name, saving of house-keeping in the Countrey.

One Instance of many. I find by the Register of St. Dunstans, in the West, Lon∣don, that Thomas Wentworth afterward Earl of Strafford was born in that Parish, and Christned in the Church aforesaid, his Mother big with Child, probably coming thi∣ther for the conveniency of a Midwife. Now what a wrong is it to deprive Woodhouse, Wentworth in York-Shire, where his Family hath continued in a noble Equipage for many years, there possest of a large Revenue, of the honour of his Nativity?

On the other side it is clea•… in the Rigour of the Law (and I Question whether Chauncery in this case, will or can afford any Remedy) that the Minute of the Birth of any person at any place, truly entitles the same to his Nativity. This is plain by the Statutes of those Colledges in either University, that confine Fellowships to Counties, and it will be said, transit onus cum honore, the burthen as well as the Profit is to be conveyed on the same occasion.

Reader, the case thus stated, is remitted to thy own arbitration. However thus far I have proceeded therein, in this following Work, that when such Alterations (for I can give them no better term) and accidental Straglings from the known place of their Family shall appear unto me, I am resolved to enter them in those places accor∣dingly. But until I receive such Intelligence, I will confidently admit them in that place which is generally known in persons of Honour for the principal habitation of their Family.

CHAP. XX. That Clergy-men formerly carried the Register of their Birth∣place in their Sirnames, and why; As also that (Since the Reformation) the Sons of the married Clergy have been as successeful as others.

IT was fashionable for the Clergy (especially if Regulars, Monks, and Friers) to have their Surnames (for Syr-names they were not) or upper-names, because su∣peradded to those given at the Font, from the places of their Nativity, and there∣fore they are as good evidence to prove where they were born, as if we had the de∣position Page  55 of the Midwife, and all the Gossips present at their Mothers labours. Hence it is that in such cases we seldome charge our Margin with other Authors, their Sirname being Author enough, to avow their births therein.

Some impute this custome to the pride of the Clergy, whose extraction generally was so obscure, that they did 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, were ashamed of their Parentage. An uncharitable opinion, to fixe so foul a fault on so holy a function; and most false, ma∣ny in Orders appearing of most honourable Descent. Yet Richard Bishop of London, quitted Angervill, though his Father Sir*Richard Angervil, was a Knight of worth and worship, to be called of Bury; where he was born, and William Bishop of Win∣chester waved Pattin to wear Waynfleet, though he was eldest Son to*Richard Pattin an Esquire of great ancientry.

Others say, that the Clergy herein affected to be Levi-like,*who said to his Father and to his Mother I have not seen him, practising to be Mimicks of*Melchisedech,〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, without Father, without Mother, without Descent, so to render themselves independent in the World, without any coherence to carnal rela∣tions. Surely some were well minded herein, that as they might have no children, they would have no Fathers, beholding the place of their Birth, as co-heir at least to their estates, to which many did 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, plenti•…ully pay for their nursing there∣in.

Question. But oftentimes it comes to passe, That there be many Towns in England, the same to a Title both in spelling and calling. So that on such uncertain Evidence, no true Verdict can be found for their Nativity. One instance of many, William of Wickham was the famous Founder of New Colledge in Oxford. But how can his Cradle be certainly fixed in any place, when it is equally Rockt betwixt twenty Villages of the same Denomination.

1 WickhamBerksKentbury
2 High WickhamBucksBurnham
3 West WickhamBucksDisborough
4 Wickham westCamb.Chilforde
5 WickhamEssexThurstable
6 Wickham S. PaulEssexHinckford.
7 Wickham BonantEssexUttlesford*
8 WickhamHantsTitchfield
9 Wickham-brux.KentSt. Austins
10 Wickham EastKentSu•…ton
11 Wickham VVestKentIbidem
12 VVickhamLinc.Ellowe.
13 VVickham BrookSuffolkRisbridge
14 VVickhamSuffolkWilforde
15 VVickham SkeythSuffolkHartesmer
16 VVickhamOxfordBanbury
17 VVickhamSussexBramber
18 VVickhamYorkRidall
19 VVickhamYorkPickering
20 VVickham AbbeyYorkIbidem.

See here a Lottery, and who dare assure himself of the prize, having Nineteen Blanks against him. Indeed if Election should be made by the Eminency of the place, High VVickham in Buckingham-shire would clearly carry it, as an ancient Borough Town, sending Burgesses to Parliament. But all these being VVickhams alike, bring in their Claims to the aforesaid VVilliam, and how shall the right be decided? The same Question may be demanded of several other persons on the same occasion.

Answer. I confess the case often occurs, though seldome so many places be Com∣petitors; wherefore herein we have our Recourse to the Circumstances in the History of such a controverted Person, and Consult the most important of them with our greatest Diligence and Discretion.

Noscitur è Socio qui non Noscetur ab ipso.
We by their Company do own.
Men by themselves to us unknown.

Page  56Such Circumstances may be called the Associats of a mans Life, as where they most con∣versed, had their Kindred; got their Preferment, &c. And these though not several∣ly, joyntly se•…ve as so many Lights to expound the place of his Birth, and clearing the Homonymi•… of many places, state that Town justly wherein he was born.

Thus are we not only in Bivio or Trivio, but as I may say in Vigentivio being to find Wickhams Birth amongst twenty of his Namesake Villages. But discovering John Perrot his father, richly landed about Winchester, and the principal Actions of his Life presented thereabouts, with some other Remarks, all meeting on the same Scene, one may safely conclude, that Wickham in Hamp-shire, the Eight in the aforesaid Ca∣talogue) is that individual Wi•…kham wherein this Prelate took his first degree, I mean proceeded into the Light of this World. The like Evidence (though not always so clear) hath upon diligent search directed us in Differences of the same Nature.

An EXPEDIENT when several Places claim the Birth of the same Person.

It often cometh to passe that two or more places intitle themselves to the Nativity of the same Man; Here my Endevour is to keep the Peace (as well as I may) betwixt them, as in the Instance here inserted,

Bradwardin. Cast∣rum, unde ortum & nomen T. Bradwardi∣nus Arch. Cant. ha∣buit. Camden Brit. in Herefordshire.T. Bradwardinus Hart∣feldiae natus in Dioece∣si Cicestriensi. J. Bale de Script. Brit. Cent. 5. pag. 435.Tho. Bradwardinus Patria Southsaxia, ex Civitate Cice s∣tria oriundus. Joh. Pits de Ang. Scrip. anno 1350.Natus fertur Bradwardi∣nus Hatfeldiae, in Comi∣tatu Suffolciensi. Godwin. in Catal. Episc. Londini impres. anno 1616.

See here four places challenge one man, and I am as unwilling to accuse any of fals∣hood, as I am unable to maintain all in the Truth.

However the difference may thus be accomodated, Bradwardins Ancestors fetch'd their Name from that place in Herefordshire, according to Camden; though he himself was born (as Bale saith) at Hartfeld in Sussex; within the City (saith Pits) of Chi∣chester, interpret him ex•…ensively not to the Walls, but Diocesse and Jurisdiction there∣of. As for Suffolk in Bishop Godwin, I understand it an Erratum in the Printer for Sussex.

Our usual expedient in the like cases is this, to insert the Character at large of the controverted person in that County, which (according to our apprehension) pro∣duceth the best Evidence for him; yet so, that we also enter his name with a reference in the other respective places, which with probability pretend unto him.

If equal likelyhood appear unto us on all sides, that County clearly carries away his character, which first presenteth it self to our Pen, in the Alphabetical Order.

Thus lately, when the same Living was in the gift of the Lord Chancellour, Lord Trea∣surer, and Master of the Wards, that Clerk commonly carried it, who was first pre∣sented to the Bishop. However, though in the disputable Nativities of worthy men, first come, first serv'd, a Caveat is also entred in other Counties, to preserve their Ti∣tles unprejudiced.

It must not be forgotten, that many, without just cause, by mistake, multiply differences in the places of mens Births. The Papists please themselves with reporting a Tale of their own inventing, how the men of two Towns in Germany fell out, and fought together, whilst one of them was for Martin, the other for Luther, being but the several names of the same person. If one Author affirms Bishop Jewel born at Buden, another at Berinerber, let none make strife betwixt these two Writers, the former naming the House and Village, the later the Parish wherein he was born, a case which often occurs in the Notation of Nativities.

Page  57

That the Children of Clergymen have been as successeful as the Sons of Men of other Professions.

There goeth a common Report, no less uncharitable than untrue, yet meeting with many Beleivers thereof, as if Clergy mens Sons were generally signally unfortunate, like the Sons of Ely,*Hophnies, and Phineaz's, dissolute in their Lives, and *doleful in their Deaths; This I may call a Libell indeed, according to Sir Francis Bacon his De∣scription thereof; for first, it is a Lye, a notorious untruth; and then a Bell, some lowd and lewd Tongue hath told, yea Rung it out, and perchance was welcome Musick to some hearers thereof.

It is first confest, that the best Saints and Servants of God, have had bad as well as good children extracted from them. It is the Note of Illiricus on those words of Saint John to the Elect Lady:*I rejoiced greatly, when I found of thy Children walking in the Truth. He saith not all thy but of thy children, intimating that she had mingled Ware, Corn and Tares in those who were descended from her. Thus Aaron (for I desire to restrain my self in instances of the Priests) had Nadab and Abihu, two *strange Fire Offerers, as well as his Godly Sons Eliazar and Ithamar. Yea, I find one of the best Fathers, having two (and those I beleive all he had) of the worst*Sons, even Samuel himself.

Nor do we deny, but that our English Clergy have been unhappy in their off-spring, (though not above the proportion of other Professions) whereof some have not un∣probably assigned these causes. First, If Fellows of Colledges, they are ancient be∣•…ore they marry. Secondly, their children then are all Benjamins, I mean the chil∣dren of their Old age, and thereupon by their Fathers (to take off as much as we may the weight of the fault from the weaker Sex) cockered and indulged, which I nei∣ther defend or excuse, but bemone and condemn. Thirdly, Such Children after their Fathers Death are left in their Minority, to the careless Care of Friends and Executors, who too often discharge not their due trust in their Education, whence it is such Orphans too osten embrace wild courses to their own destructions.

But all this being granted, we maintain that Clergy-mens Children have not been more unfortunate, but more observed than the Children of the Parents of other Professions. There is but one Minister at one time in a whole Parish, and therefore the fewer they are, the easier they are observed both in their Persons and Posterities. Se∣condly, the Eminency of their place, maketh them exposed and obvious to all dis∣coveries. Thirdly, possibly Malice may be the Eye-salve to quicken mens Sight, in prying after them. Lastly, one ill Success in their Sons, maketh (for the reasons aforesaid) more impression in the Ears and Eyes of people, then many miscarriages of those Children whose Fathers were of another Function. (I speak not this out of Intent to excuse or extenuate the Badnesse of the one, by the Badnesse of the other, but that both may be mutually provoked to Amendment.) In a word, other mens Children; would have as many Eyesores, if they had as many Eyes seeing them.

Indeed, if happinesse be confin'd unto outward Pomp and Plenty, and if those must be accounted unfortunate (which I in the true meaning of the word must interpret un∣providenced) who swim not in equal Plenty with others, then that Epithet may be fixed on the Children of the Clergy. Whose Fathers coming late to their Livings, and sur∣prised by Death, not staying long on them (which at the best afforded them but nar∣row maintenance) leave them oft-times so ill provided, that they are forced without blame or shame to them (as I conceive) to take sometimes poor and painful Employ∣ments for their Livelyhood.

But by our following Endevours it will plainly appear, that the Sons of Ministers have by Gods blessing proved as Eminent as any who have raised themselves by their own Endevours. For Statesmen George Carew, Privy Councellor of England, Scotland, and Ireland; and as able a man [absit Invidia] as the age he lived in produced, was Earl of Totnes, the same place whereof his Father was Arch-deacon. Sir Edwin San∣dys, Son to Arch-bishop Sandys, will be acknowledged even by his Enemies, a man of such merit, that England could not afford an Office which he could not manage. Page  58 For Lawyers, Sir Thomas Richardson, lately, and the never sufficiently to be com∣mended Sir Orlando Bridgeman, now Lord Chief Justice, with many others. For Seamen▪ Sir Francis Drake, that great Scourge and Terror to the Spanish Pride.

If any say, these are but thin Instances out of so thick a number, de tot modo mili∣bus unus, few of so many Hundreds, know we have only taken some Eminent per∣sons, leaving the rest, for fear to be counted Forestallers to the Collection of the Reader in our ensuing Book.

But the Sons of Ministers have never been more successeful, then when bred in the Professions of their Fathers, as if some Peculiar Blessing attended them, whilst they continue therein. Thus of the Prelatical Clergy, we have Francis Godwin a Bishop, the Son of a bishop, and Doctor John King Son to his Reverend Father the Bishop of London. And of other Clergy men we have three Generations of the wards in Suffolk. As many of the Shutes in York shire, no lesse painful then pious and able in their Professions.

Let me add, that there were at one time 3 Fellows of Kings Colledge, Sons of emi∣nent Divines, and afterwards Doctors of Divinity.

  • 1 Samuel Collings.
  • 2 Thomas Goad.
  • 3 William Sclater.

And I believe there were not severally in their Generations, men more signal in their different Eminencies.

It is easie for any to guess out of what Quiver this Envenomed Arrow was first shot against the Children of Clergy men; namely, from the Church of Rome. Who in their Jurisdiction forbid the Banes of all Clergymen, against the Law of Nature, Scripture, and the practice of the Primitive Church. And in other places unsubjected to their power, bespatter the posterity of the Clergy with their scandalous Tongues. Yet be it known unto them, the Sons of English Priests or Presbyters may be as good as the Nephews of Roman Cardinals. However, because Antidotes may be made of poy∣sons, it is possible that Good may be extracted out of this false Report; Namely, if it maketh Clergy-men more careful to go before their Children with good Examples, to lead them with good Instructions; to drive and draw them (if need so requireth) with Moderate Correction seasonably used, putting up both Drye and Wet Prayers to God for his Blessing on their children. As also, if it maketh the children of Clergy-men to be more careful, by their circumspect lives, to be no shame to the Memory and Profession of their Fathers.

CHAP. XXI. General Rules for the AUTHOR and READERS. Ease.

I Have ranked all persons under their respective Titles, according to their Seniori∣ties, of the ages they lived in. Good the method of the Sons of Jacob, sitting down at the Table of their [unknown] brother *Joseph, the first according to his Birthright, and the Youngest according to his Youth. If therefore, on this account, a mean man take place of a mighty Lord, the later (as being dead) I am sure will not, and the Living Reader should not be offended thereat.

Of the Dates of Time annexed to the Persons and their Actions.

The Sun, that Glorious Creature, doth serve Mankind for a double use, to lighten their Eyes with his Beams, and Minds with his Motion. The later is performed by him as appointed for*Signs and for Seasons, as he is the great Regulator of Time, joynted into Years and Months, carved into Weeks and Dayes, minced into Hours and Minutes.

Page  59At what a sad loss are such, who living in Lone Houses, in a Gloomy Winter Day, when the Sun doth not at all appear, have neither the benefit of Watches, Silent Clocks, nor of Clocks, Speaking Watches, being ready oft-times to mistake Noon for Night, and Night for Noon. Worse Errors are committed by those, who being wholy ignorant in Chronology, set the Grand-children before their Grandfathers, and have more Hysteron∣Proterons, than of all other Figures in their Writings.

The Maxime, He who distinguisheth well instructeth well, is most true in the observing of the Distinction of time. It will pose the best Clerk to read (yea to spel) that Deed, wherein Sentences, Clauses, Words and Letters, are without Points or Stops, all continued together. The like Confusion ariseth, when persons and their actions are not distanced by Years, nor pointed with the periods of Generations.

I have endevoured in my following work, to Time Eminent Persons by one of these Notations, First, that of their Morning or Nativity, the second, that of their Noon or Flourishing, the last, that of their Night or Death. The first is very uncertain, many Illus∣trious Men being of obscure Extraction. The second more conspicuous, when Mens Lustre attracts many Eyes to take Notice of them. Many see the Oake when grown, (especially if a standard of Remark) whilst few (if any) remember the Acorn, when it was set. The last is not the least Direction, as which is generally observed. It com∣eth to pass somtimes, that their Deaths acquaint us with their births, viz. when atten∣ded on their Tomb with Intelligence of their age, so that by going backward so many years from their Coffins we infallibly light on their Cradles.

Some Persons in our Works are notified by all of these Indications, most with two, and all with one of them. When we find a Contest amongst Chronologers, so that with the mutinous Ephesians, *some cry one thing, and some another, being as much dispersed in their Opinions, as the Amorites in their Persons (when defeated by Saul) so *that two of them were not left together, in such a case, I have pitched on that Date (under correction of better judgements) which seemed to me of greatest Probability.

An Apology for Qualificatives used, and Blanks left in this History.

I approve the plain Country By-word, as containing much Innocent Simplicity therein,

Almost and very nigh,
Have saved many a Lie.

So have the Latines their prope, fere, juxta, circiter, plus minus, used in matters of fact by the most authentick Historians. Yea, we may observe, that the Spirit of Truth it self, where Numbers and Measures are concerned, in Times, Places and Persons, useth the aforesaid Modificatives, save in such cases, where some mystery contained in the number, requireth a particular specification thereof.

In times.In places.In persons.
Dan. 5. 33. Darius being about threescore and two years old.Luk. 24. 13. From Jerusalem about sixty furlongs.Exod. 12. 37. About six hun∣dred thousand men on foot.
Luke 3. 23. Jesus began to be about thirty years of age.Joh. 6. 19. Had rowed about five and twenty furlongs.Act. 2. 41. Added to the church about 3 thousand 〈◊〉.

None therefore can justly find fault with me, if on the like occasion I have secured my self with the same Qualificatives. Indeed such Historians who grind their Intelli∣gence to the powder of fraction, pretending to cleave the pin, do sometimes misse the But. Thus one reporteth, how in the Persecution under Dioclesian, there were neither under nor over, but just nine hundred ninety nine Martyrs. Yea, generally those that Trade in such Retail-ware, and deal in such small parcells, may by the ignorant be commended for their Care, but condemned by the judicious for their ridiculous curio∣sity.

But such who will forgive the use of our foresaid Qualificatives (as but limping and lamenesse) will perchance not pardon the many blanks which occur in this Book, ac∣counting them no better then our Flat fallingto the ground, in default of our Industry Page  61 where they found their best preferment, especially if Convents or Dignities of signal note; as Henry of Huntington, not born, but Arch-Deacon there; William of Malms∣bury, and Matthew of Westminster, no Natives of those Towns; but Monks of the Monasteries therein.

However to prevent Cavils, and avoid Confusion, and to distinguish those from the former, their Names are marked with S. N. for second Nativity, to shew, that whence soever they fetcht their Life, here they found their best Livelyhood. But when a person plainly appears born beyond the Seas, We take no notice of him, though never so highly advanced in England, as without our Line of Communication, and so not belonging to this Subject.

What REM. for Remove when affixed in the Margin doth Denote.

We meet with some persons in this our Work, whose Nativities we cannot Reco∣ver with any great Probability, neither by help of History, or Heraldry, or Tradition, or Records, or Registers, or Printed, or Writen books, which hitherto have come to our hands. Now if such persons be of no Eminence, we intend not to trouble our selves and Reader with them, Let Obscurity even go to Obscurity, when we find no great note in them, we take not any notice of them. But in case they appear men of much Merit, whose Nativities are concealed by some Casualty, we are loath that their Memories, who whilst living were Worthies, now dead should be Vagrants, repo∣sited in no certain place.

Wherefore we have disposed them in some Shire or other, not as Dwellers, no nor so much as Sojourners therein. But only as Guests, and we render some slight Rea∣sons, why we invited them to that place, rather then another, seeing a small motive will prevail with a charitable mind, to give a Worthy Stranger a Nights Lod∣ging.

However, that these may not be confounded with those, of whose Nativities we have either assurance or strong presumption. We have in the Margin charactered them with a Rem. for Remove, it being our desire that they should be transplanted on the first convincing Evidence, which shall appear unto us, to their proper place. And therefore I behold them as standing here with a Staffe in their hands, ready to pack up, and go away, whither any good Guide shall give them direction.

Always provided, that as they are set here, with little, they be not removed hence with lesse probability; an unset bone is better then a bone so ill set, that it must be broken again to double the pain of the Patient. And better it is these persons should con∣tinue in this their loose and dislocated condition, than to be falsly fixed in any place, from whence they must again be translated.

Now Reader (to recollect our marginal or prefixed characters) know it is the best sign when no Sign at all is added to a name, for then we proceed on certainty; at least wise, on the credit of good Authors, for the place of his Nativity, thus the best of the house giveth his Coat plain, whilst the following differences are but the Diminutions of the younger brothers, viz.

  • 1. Amp. Where our Evidence of a persons birth is but conjectural and craveth fur∣ther instruction.
  • 2. S. N. When having no aim at the place of their birth, we fixe them according to their best Livelyhood.
  • 3. REM. When wholly unsatisfied of their position, we remit their Removal to the Readers discretion.

Now seeing order only makes the difference betwixt a wall and a heap of stones, and seeing, Quibene distinguit bene docet, we conceived our selves obliged to part, and not jumble together the several gradations.

How Persons belonging to several Topicks are ranked.

It often 〈◊〉 to passe, that the same person may justly be entituled to two or more •…opicks, as by the ensuing may appear. Page  60 for not seeking due Information. But let such know, that those Officers, who by their place are to find out persons enquired after, deserve neither to be blamed nor shamed, when having used their best diligence, they return to the Court a Non est in∣ventus.

For my own part, I had rather my Reader should arise hungry from my Book, than surfeited therewith; rather uninformed than misinformed thereby; rather ignorant of what he desireth, than having a falsehood, or (at the best) a conjecture for a truth obtruded upon him.

Indeed, I humbly conceive that vacuity which is hateful in nature, may be helpful in History. For, such an hiatus beggeth of posterity, to take pains to fill it up with a truth (if possible to be attained) whereas, had our bold adventure farced it up with a conjecture, intus existens prohibuerit extraneum, no room had been left for the ende∣vours of others.

What Ampliandum, so often occurring in this Book, doth import.

It is sufficiently known to all Antiquaries, that causes brought to be heard and de∣termined before the Roman Judges, were reducible to two kinds.

1. Liquets.2. Ampliandums.
When the case as clear and plain, was pre∣•… decided.When, being dark and difficult, they were put off to farther debate, somewhat alluding to our Demurrs.

Hence it is, that we find the Roman * Oratour complaining of an unjust Judge, Cum causam non audisset, & potestas esset Ampliandi, dixit sibi Liquere.

I should be loth to be found guilty of the like offence in rash adjudging mens Nati∣vities to places, on doubtful Evidence, and therefore when our presumptions do ra∣ther incline then satisfie, we have prefixed AMP. before the Names of such persons. For when they appear undoubted English, and Eminent in their respective Qualities, it would be in us a sin of omission not to insert them; and yet being ignorant of the ex∣act place of their Birth, it would be presumption peremptorily to design it without this Note of Dubitation, though on the most tempting Probabilities. Know also that when AMP. is used in the Arms of Sheriffs, it is only done in such an Exigent, where there are different Coats of very ancient Families, and largely diffused, as [Nevil, Ferrers, Basset, &c.] So that it is hazardous for me to fixe on one in such great variety.

What S. N. frequently appearing prefixed to Mens NAMES doth signifie.

When we cannot by all our indevours inform our selves of the Nativities of some eminent person, we are forced to this Refuge (so creditable, that I care not what Eyes behold us entring under the Roof thereof) to insert such persons in those Coun∣ties, where we find them either first or highest preferred: and this we conceive pro∣per enough, and done upon good consideration. For the wild Irish love their Nurses as well (if not better) than their own Mothers, and affect their Foster-brothers, which suckt the same breast, as much as their Natural-brothers whith sprang from the same Womb. If any say these are the wild Irish, whose barbarous customes are not to be imitated, I defend my self by the practice of more civilized people.

The Latines have a Proverb, non ubi nascor, sed ubi pascor, making that place their Mother, not which bred, but which fed them. The Greeks have but one word, 〈◊〉, both for Life and Livelyhood. The Hebrews accounted that place was to give a Man his Native Denomination, where he had his longest and most visible 〈◊〉, from (though not sometimes in) his Infancy. By which common mistake Jesus was intituled on the cross, of Nazareth instead of Bethlehem.

Yea, we may observe; that though generally our English Clergy〈◊〉〈◊〉 from their Birth places: Yet some few quitted them, to be named from those 〈◊〉,

Page  62

Two ofBishops, Writers, Arth. Lakes.Two ofSeamen, Souldiers, Sir Francis Drake.
 Physicians, Benefactors, Jo. Caius. Statesmen, Souldiers, Sir Ralph Sadler.
Three ofBishops, Writers, Benefactors, Lancelot Andrews.Three ofStatesmen, Lawyers, Benefactors, Sir Nicholas Bacon.
 Martyrs, Bishops, Writers, Thomas Cranmer. Statesmen, Lawyers, Writers, Sir Francis Bacon.
Four ofSaints, Bishops, Writers, Statesmen, Tho. Becket.Four ofLawyers, Statesmen, Writers, Benefa∣ctors, William Lord Cecil.
 Confessors, Bishops, Writers, Benefactors Ed. Grindall. Souldiers, Seamen, Statesmen, Writers, Sir Walter Raleigh.

The Question is now, under what head they shall be properly placed, seeing so many lay claim unto them?

Some will say, let them be ranked in that capacity wherein they excelled. This I humbly conceive is an invidious work for any to perform. Seeing none have made me, I will not make my self a Judge in this Case, many appearing equally eminent in their several capacities, but have embraced the following Order.

First, The Titles of Saints and Martyrs carrieth it clearly from all others, I be∣hold them as heavenly honours, and Glory outshines Gold; next I deny not, I have an affection for Benefactors to the Publick, and much indulge that Topick, clean tho∣rough this Work, *David saith to God himself, thou art good, there is a clear spring, and thou doest good, there is a comfortable stream. Benefaction therefore being a God-like▪act, blame me not if under that Title, those have been ranked, who otherwise had more outwardly honourable Relations. For the rest I am not asha∣med to confesse, that Casualty in such who came first, and Conveniency in such, who agre∣ed best with my present occasion, regulated them in their method, and so be it they be here, the placing of them is not so much material.

CHAP. XXII. An Accommodation to prevent Exceptions about the Pre∣cedency of several Professions.

IAm sadly sensible, that being to treat of the Worthies in several professions; I shall incur many mens displeasure, in not ranking th•…m according to their own desires; the rather because there always hath been a Battel Royal about Precedency, betwixt,

  • 1. Swordmen and Gow•…men.
  • 2. Swordmen and Swordmen.
  • 3. Gownmen and Gownmen.

Concerning the first couple, The Question▪ An doctor praecedat militem? hangeth as yet on the File, and I believe ever will, as which is often determined affirmatively in time of peace, but always Negatively in time of War.

Nor less is the contest betwixt Swordmen and Swordmen (I mean of the same side and Interest) about Priority, whether Land or Sea Captains should take place. The former they plead, that they fight on a fixed Element (not so subject as the Sea to ca∣sual advantages) which being a setled Theatre of Valour, men may indifferently try their courage upon it. The Sea Captain alledgeth, that the greater danger the greater dignity, and precedency therefore due to their Profession, who encounter the Winds and the Water, besides the Fierceness and the Fury of their Enemies. Besides, it is very difficult if possible for a ship engaged in Fight, to escape by Flight, whereby Page  63 many in Land battels easily preserve themselves.

I confess that Custome (the best Herald in controversies of this kind) hath adjudged the Precedency to Land Captains, but not without the great grudge and regret of 〈◊〉 therein. We may observe in Nature, that though the water and earth make one Globe, and though Providence preserveth the Earth from being overflown by the Water, yet the Water as the lighter Element, challengeth the highest place to its self, and watcheth all opportunities, (especially when great Rain meet with low banks) to regain its superiority by Inundations. Sea Captains in like manner, though depres∣sed by practice and custome to give place to Land Captains, do it with that distast and dislike, that thereby (though they cannot recover their right) they continue their claim to precedency, watching their opportunity, and now (in our so many Naval expeditions) not altogether out of hope to regain it.

Nor less the difference betwixt Gownmen and Gownmen, who should take the upper hand▪ witnesse the Contest betwixt Doctors of Phyfick, and of Canon Law, on that Accompt, the former pleading the following Instrument in their behalf.

Memorandum quod anno Domini 1384, in Vigilia Purificationis Beatae Mariae Virginis, in*plena Convocatione Regentium & non Regentium, per fidem Convocatorum declaratum est, quod Doctor in Medicina dextram partem Cancellarii in Congregationibus & Convocationibus retineret & non Sinistram, Doctor vero in jure civili partem Sinistram & non dextram. Facta est haec Declaratio ex praecepto Regis Richardi Secundi post conquestum, anno Regni sui Octavo, Add to this what a great * Professor of Philosophy, living in Padua anno 1482, concludeth after a long debating of the Question. Dicamus ergo cum SANCTA ROMANA Ecclesia, quod Medicina est Nobilior jure civili, quodque Medicinae Professores Domini mereantur Dici; Juristae vero Praecones.

But for all this, the Doctors of the Canon (since in England united with the Civil) Law, will not yeild unto them, pleading for themselves; First, That Professions are to take place according to the Dignity of the Subject they are employed about. Second∣ly, That the Soul is more worth than the body, which is the Sphear of the Physician. Thirdly, That Canonists meddle with many cases of Soul concernment, and therefore ought to have the Precedency.

Wherefore, to prevent all exceptions about Priority, may the Reader acquaint himself with this our method therein.

  • 1. We place Princes; And both Loyalty and Civility will justifie us therein.
  • 2. Saints; As our Saviour said *My Kingdome is not; so their Dignity is not of this World, and therefore none I hope will repine thereat.
  • 3. 4. Martyrs and Confessors. If any grudge them this their high place, let them but give the same price they paid for it, and they shall have the same Superio∣rity.
  • 5. Eminent Prelates; A distance which they might justly claim in those days above others, as generally the Lord Chancellours and Treasurers of the Land.
  • 6. Statesmen; Whose eminent Offices do warrant and avouch this their station a∣gainst all opposition.
  • 7. Capital Judges; To whom this place doth of right belong.

These premised, in the next four we have observed an order without order. Some will maintain that sometimes a Ryot is as good as a Dyet: When at a Feast all meats cast together, help one to digest another. Qui vivit medice, vivit misere, sure I am, Scribit misere, qui scribit methodice, I mean, when tyed up to such strict terms of me∣thod, in such cases that every misplacing is subject to exception.

I commend the no less politick then peaceable custome of the Skinners and Merchant Taylors of London, who after many long and costly suits betwixt their Companies for Precedency, to prevent future quarels agreed with themselves at last, to go first by turns or alternatly. The same method I embrace in ranking Souldiers, Seamen, Civilians, Physicians, sometimes one first, sometimes another, ringing no artificial but a meerly casual Change in the ordering their Professions. These thus ranked next follow,

12. Learned Writers. Though many of these since the Reformation, being Doctors of Divinity, may challenge Precedency of some named before, yet they will not be discontented to come last, having learned the Apostles rule, *In honour preferring one another, and God make us as humble as we are humbled.

Page  6413. Benefactors to the Publick. It is good to conclude and go out with a good savour, on which account these worthy persons are placed last, to leave the grateful perfume of their memory behind them.

As for Memorable persons, they are last, last placed, because (as that Title 〈◊〉 taken by us) they are cast in, as Superpondium, or Overweight, our work being ended before.

CHAP. XXIII. Of the AUTHORS from whom our Intelligence in the Following WORK hath been Derived.

THe plain English saying hath very much of downright Truth therein; I tell you my Tale and my Tale-master, which is essential to the begetting of credit to any Rela∣tion. Indeed when one writeth with St. John (waving his Infallible Inspiration) that which we have heard, which we have seen with our Eyes, which we have looked*upon, and our hands have handled, such clogging a Book with Authors were superflu∣ous, which now is necessary in him that writeth what was done at distance, far from, in time long before him.

First, to assert and vindicate the Writer. When Adam complained that he was naked, God demanded of him, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Intimating thus much,* that if he could not produce the person who first so informed him, he might justly be suspected (as indeed he was) the Author as well as Utterer of that sad Truth. Our Saviour said to*Pilate, Sayest thou this thing of thy self, or did others tell thee? and all things reported are reducible to this Dichotomie, 1. The Fountain of Invention. 2. The Chanell of Relation. If one ignorantly buyeth stolen Cattel, and hath them fairly vouched unto him, and publickly in an open Fair payeth Tole for them, he cannot be damnified thereby: The case I conceive of him who writeth a falsehood, and chargeth his Margin with the Author thereof.

Secondly, To edifie and inform the Reader; Frustra creditur quod sine agnitione Ori∣ginis creditur. It is vainly beleived, which is beleived without the knowledge of the Ori∣ginal thereof. Yea, properly it is no Rational b•…leif, but an easy, lazy, supine Credu∣lity.

Such as designingly conceal their Authors, do it either out of Guiltinesse or Envy. Guiltinesse, when conscious to themselves, that if Inspection be made of such Quota∣tions, they will be found defectively, redundantly, or Injuriously cited, distorted from their genuine Intention.

Or else they do it out of Envy. Tyrants commonly cut off the stairs by which they climb up unto their Thrones (witness King Richard the third, beheading the Duke of Buckingham) for fear, that if still they be left standing, others will get up the same way. Such the jealousie of some Writers, that their Readers would be as (if not more) knowing than themselves, might they be but directed to the Original, which they purposely intercept.

Some to avoid this Rock of Envy, run on as bad of Ostentation, and in the end of their Books, muster up an Army of Authors, (though perchance they themselves have not seriously perused one Regiment thereof) so that the Goodnesse of their Library, not Greatnesse of their Learning may thence be concluded, that they have (if with the Prophets*Axe some were not borrowed) for I will not say have read, many books in their possession.

I have endevoured to steer my course betwixt both these Rocks, and come now to give in the particulars, whence I have derived my Information, knowing full well quantus Author, tanta Fides. These may be referred to 3. heads; First, Printed Books; Secondly, Records in Publick Offices; Thirdly, Manuscripts in the Possession Page  65 of private Gentlemen. To which we may adde a fourth, viz. Instructions received from the nearest Relations, to those Persons, whose Lives we have presented.

We pass by Printed books, (cited in the Margin) and obvious to all who are pleased to consult them, and first pitch on the Records of the Tower. Master William Riley was then Master of those jewels, for so they deserve to be accompted, seeing a Scholar would preferre that place before the keeping of all the Prisoners in the Tower. I know not whether more to commend his care in securing, dexterity in finding, diligence in perusing them, or courtesie in communicating such Copies of them, as my occasions re∣quired, thanks being all the fees expected from me.

I place next the Records in the Exchequer, for although I had a Catalogue of the Sheriffs of England lent me by Master High-more of the Pipe-office, which I compared with another, of that learned Knight Sir Winkefield Bodenham, yet bei•…g frequently at aloss, I was forced to repair to the Originals in the Exchequer. Here le•… not my gra∣titude be buried in the graves of Master John Witt, and Master Francis Boyton, both since deceased, but whilst living advantagious to my Studies.

To these Authentick Records let me adde, the Church Registers in several Parishes, denied indeed by our Commons Lawyers, but stickled for by some Canonists to be Re∣cords-fellows at least, and having though not the formality in Law, the force thereof in History, very useful to help us in many Nativities.

And here I cannot but bemoan the 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 that great G•…lph, or broad blank left in our Registers, during our Civil Wars, after the laying aside of Bishops, & before the Re∣stitution of his most Sacred Majesty. Yea, hereafter this sad Vacuum is like to prove so thick, (like the Aegyptian Darkness) that it will be sensible in our English Histories.

I dare maintain that the Wars betwixt York and Lancaster, (lasting by intermission some sixty years) were not so distructive to Church-records, as our Modern Wars in six years. For during the former, their differences agreed in the same Religion, im∣pressing them with reverence of all Sacred Muniments, whilst our Civil Wars founded in Faction, and variety of pretended Religions, exposed all naked Church Records, a prey to their Armed violence.

Let me adde, that it conduced much to the exactness of Jewish Genealogies, that their children were solemnly Circumcised and Named on the Eight-day. On the con∣trary, the omitting the baptizing of Infants, till they be adult, (which causeth, that though the weekly birth exceed the burials, the burials exceed the christenings in Lon∣don,) will perplex those who in the next age shall write the nativities of such persons. Say not it matters not though their nativities be utterly forgotten. For though their fathers were factious Phanaticks, the sons (by Gods grace) may prove sober Christians and eminent in their generations.

The last Port to which I traffiqued for intelligence, towards our insuing Work, was by making my addresses by letters and otherwise, to the nearest Relations of those whose Lifes I have written. Such applications, have sometimes proved chargable; but if my weak pains shall find preferment, (that is acceptance) from the judicious Reader, my care and cost is forgotten, and shall never come under computation.

Here I cannot but condemn the carelessness, not to say ingratitude of those (I am safe whilst containing my self in general terms) who can give no better account of the Place, where their fathers or grand-fathers were born, then the child unborn, so that sometimes we have been more beholden to strangers for our instructions herein, then to their nearest Kindred. And although some will say Sons are more comfortably con∣cerned to know the time of their Fathers death, then place of their birth, yet I could almost wish, that a moderate fine were imposed on such heirs, whose Fathers were born before them, and yet they know not where they were born. However, this I must grate∣fully confess, I have met with many who could not, never with any who would not fur∣nish me with information herein.

It is observable, that men born an hundred years since and upwards, have their na∣tivities fixed with more assurance, then those born some eighty years since. Mens eyes see worst in the Twilight, in that intervale after the Sun is set, and natural light ended, and before candles are set up, and artificial light begun. In such a crepusculum oftime those Writers lived, who fall short of the history of Bale and Leland, yet go before the memory of any alive, which unhappy insterstice hath often perplexed us, and may easier be com∣plained of, then amended.

Page  66To conclude, should I present all with Books, who courteously have conduced to my instruction, the whole Impression would not suffice. But I remember the no less civil then politick invitation of *Judah to the Tribe of Simeon, Come up with me into my Lot, [to Conquer the Cananites] and I likewise will go with thee into thy Lot, if such who have lent me theirs, shall have occasion to borrow mine assistance, my Pains, Brains and Books, are no more mine, then theirs to command, which (besides my prayers for them, and thanks to them,) is all my ability in requital can perform.

CHAP. XXIII. A double Division of the English Gentry, 1. According to the Nation whence they were extracted, 2. According to the Profession whereby they were advanced.

THis discourse I tender the Reader, as a preparative to dispose him for the better observing and distinguishing of our English Gentry, in our ensuing Lives and Cata∣logue of Sheriffs.

We begin with the Britains the Aborigines, or Native Inhabitants of the South of this Island, but long since expelled by the Saxons into the West thereof; None then remaining in, some since returning into our Land, of whom hereafter.

We confess the Romans Conquered our Country, planted Colonies, and kept Garri∣sons therein, but their descendants are not by any character discernable from the British. Indeed, if any be found able to speak Latine naturally, without learning it, we may safely conclude him of Roman Extraction. Mean time, it is rather a pretty conceit, then a solid notion of that great *Antiquary, who from the allusion of the name collecteth the noble family of the Cecils (more truly Sytsilts) descended from the Cecilii a Sena∣torian Family in Rome.

The Saxons succeed, whose Of-spring at this day are the main bulk and body of the English (though not Gentry) Nation, I may call them the whole cloath thereof, though it be garded here and there, with some great ones, of foreign Extraction. These Saxons though pitifully depressed by the Conquerour, by Gods goodness, King Henry the first favour, their own patience and diligence, put together the plankes of their Shiprack'd Estates, and aferwards recovered a competent condition.

The Danes never acquired in this Land a long and peaceable possession thereof, living here rather as Inroders then Inhabitants, the cause that so few families (distin∣guishable by their Surnames) are descended from them, extant in our age. Amongst which few, the respected Stock of the Denizes, (often Sheriffs in *Devon and Glouster∣shire) appear the principal. As for Fitz-Hardinge, the younger son of the King of Denmark, and direct ancestour of the Truly Honourable George Lord Berkeley, he came in long since when he accompanied the Conquerour

I must confess, that at this day, there passeth a Tradition among some of the Common People, that such names which Terminate in Son, as Johnson, Tomson, Nicolson, Davison, Saunderson, are of Danish Origination. But this fond opinion, is long since con•…uted by Vestegan, that ingenious and industrious * Antiquary. Yea, he urgeth this as an argument (which much prevaileth with me) why those Surnames were not derived from the Danes, because they had no such name in use amongst them, as John, Thomas, Nicholas, David, Alexander, from whence they should be deduced.

Yea, he further addeth, that it is more probable, that they made the Childs name, by adjecting the syllable Son to the Appellation of the Father; (a custome which is usual, even at this time amongst the Vulgar sort of the Dutch.) Yet is there not remaining any sign thereof amongst the names of our Age, which probably might have been, Canutson, Ericson, Gormoson, Heraldson, Rofolson, &c.

Page  67The Normans or French, under the Conquerour swarmed in England, so that then they became the only visible Gentry in this Nation, and still continue more then a Moity there∣of; several Catalogues of their Names I have so largely exemplifyed in my Church-history, that some have taxed me for tediousness therein, and I will not adde an new obstinacy to my old error.

But besides these, we have some Surnames of good Families in England, now extant, which though French, are not by any diligence to be recovered in the lists of such as came over with the Conquerour, and therefore we suppose them to have re∣mained of those Gentlemen and others, which from Henault attended Queen Isabel, wife unto King Edward the second. Of this sort was Deureux, Mollineux, Darcy, Coniers, Longchamp, Henage, Savage, Danvers, with many more.

Of the British or Welsh, (after their expulsion hence by the Saxons) some signal persons have returned again, and by the Kings Grant, Matches, Purchases, &c. have fixed themselves in fair possessions in England, especially since the beginning of the reign of their Country-man, King Henry the seventh, rewarding the valour of many, contributing to his Victory in the battle of Bosworth. Of the Welsh, now re-estated in England, and often Sheriffs therein, some retain their old Surnames, as the Griffins in Northamptonshire, the Griffiths and Vaughans in Yorkshire; some have assumed New ones, as the Caradocks, now known by the new Name of * the Newtons in Somerset∣shire.

Many Scotch (long before the Union of the two Kingdomes under King James) seated themselves in this Land, flying hither for succour from their Civil Wars, and surely it was against their mind, if they all went back again: Distress at Sea hath driven others in, as the Stewards High-sheriffs in Cambridgeshire. As other accidents have occasioned the coming in of the Scrimpshires an hundred years since High sheriffs in Staffordshire, more lately the Nappers in Bedfordshire, and before both, the Scots of Scots-hall in Kent.

I much admire that never an eminent Irish native grew in England to any greatness, so many English having prospered in that Country. But it seems, we love to live there, where we may Command, and they care not to come where they must Obey.

Our great distance from Italy, always in Position, and since the Reformation in Reli∣gion, hath caused that few or none of that Nation, have so incorporated with the English, as to have found Families therein. Yet have we a sprinkling of Italian Protestants, Castilian a valiant Gentleman, of Berkshire. The Bassanoes excellent Painters and Musicians, in Essex, which came over into England under King Henry the eight, and since in the raign of Queen Elizabeth, Sir Horatio Palavicine, (Receiver of the Popes Revenues) landed in Cambridgeshire, and the Caesars (aliàs Dalmarii) still flourishing in Hartfordshire, in Worshipful Estates, though I never find any of these performing the office of Sheriff.

The High-Dutch of the Hans Towns, antiently much conversed in our Land, (known by the name of Easterlings) invited hither by the large priviledges our Kings con∣ferred upon them, so that the Steel-yard proved the Gold-yard unto them. But these Merchants moved round in their own Sphere, matching amongst themselves, without mingling with our Nation. Onely we may presume, that the Easterlings, (corruptly called Stradlings) formerly Sheriffs in Wiltshire, and still famous in Glamorganshire, with the Westphalings, lately Sheriffs of Oxfordshire, were originally of German Extraction.

The Low Country-men frighted by Duke D'Alvas Tyranny, flocked hither under King Edward the sixth, fixing themselves in London, Norwich, Canterbury, and Sand∣wich. But these confined themselves to their own Church discipline, and for ought I can find, advanced not forward by eminent Matches into our Nation. Yet I behold the worthy Family of De la Fountain in Lecestershire, as of Belgian Original, and have read how the ancestours of Sir Simon D'us in Suffolk, came hither under King Henry the eight, from the Dunasti or D'us in Gelderland.

As for the Spaniards, though their King Philip matched with our Queen Mary, but few of any eminence now extant (if I well remember) derive their Pedigrees from them. This I impute to the shortness of their Reign, and the ensuing Page  68 change of Religions. Probable it is, we might have had more Natives of that King∣dome to have setled and flourished in our Nation, had he obtained a marriage with Queen Elizabeth, (of Blessed Memory) which some relate he much endea∣voured.

As for Portugal few of that Nation have as yet fixed their habitations, and ad∣vanced Families to any visible height in our Land. But it may please God, here∣after we may have a happy occasion, to invite some of that Nation to reside, and raise Families in England. Mean time the May's (who have been Sheriffs in Sussex) are all whom I can call to mind of the Portugal Race, and they not without a Mixture of Jewish Extraction.

Come we now to the second Division of our Gentry, according to the Professions whereby they have been advanced. And here to prevent unjust misprision, be it pre∣mised, that such professions Found most of them gentlemen, being the (though per∣chance Younger) Sons of wealthy Fathers, able to give them liberal education. They were lighted before as to their Gentility, but now set up in a higher Candlestick, by such professions which made a visible and conspicuous accession of Wealth and Dignity, almost to the ecclipsing their former condition. Thus all behold Isis, increased in name and water, after its conjunction with Thame at Dorchester, whilst few take notice of the first Fountain thereof, many miles more Westward in Gloucestershire.

The Study of the Common-law, hath advanced most antient extant Families in our Land. It seems they purchased good Titles, made sure Setlements, and entailed Thrift with their Lands, on their posterity. A * prime person of that profession hath pre∣vented my pains, and given in a List of such principal Families, I say principal, many being omitted by him in so Copious a subject. Miraculous the mortality in Egypt, where there was not a*House wherein there was not one dead. But I hope, it will be al∣lowed Marvellous, that there is not a generous and numerous House in England, wherein there is not one, (though generally no first Born but a Younger Brother,) antiently or at this day Living, Thriving, and Flourishing, by the Study of the Law. Especially if to them (what in Justice ought) be added those who have raised themselves in Courts relating to the Law.

The City hath produced more then the Law in number, and some as broad in Wealth, but not so high in Honour, nor long lasting in time, who like Land-floods, soon come, and soon gone, have been dried up before the third Generation.

Yet many of these have continued in a certain channel, and carried a Constant stream, as will plainly appear in the sequel of our Worthies.

The Church before the Reformation, advanced many Families. For though Bishops might not marry, they preferred their Brothers Sons to great Estates. As the Kemps in Kent, Peckhams in Sussex, Wickham in Hampshire, Meltons in Yorkshire.

Since the Reformation, some have raised Families to a Knightly and Worshipful Estate, Hutton, Bilson, Dove, Neil, &c. But for Sheriffs, I take notice of Sandys in Worcester and Cambridgeshire, Westphaling in Herefordshire, Elmar in Suffolk, Rud in Car∣marthenshire, &c.

Sure I am, there was a generation of People of the last Age, which thought they would level all Clergy-men, or any descendants from them, with the ground. Yea, had not Gods arme been stretched out in their preservation, they had become a prey to their enemies violence, and what they had designed to them∣selves (and in some manner effected) had ere this been time perfectly com∣pleated.

As for the inferiour Clergy, it is well if their narrow maintenance will enable them to leave a livelihood to their little ones. I find but one (*Robert Johnson by name) attaining such an estate, that his Grand-son was pricked Sheriff of a County, but de∣clined the place, by pleading himself a Deacon, and by the favour of Arch-bishop Laud.

The Study of the Civil-Law, hath preferr'd but few. The most eminent in that faculty, before the Reformation being persons in Orders, prohibited mar∣riage. However since the Reformation there are some Worshipful Families which have been raised by the Study in this Faculty.

Page  69Yet have our wars (which perhaps might have been advocated for in Turks and Pagans, who bid defiance to all humanity, but utterly mis-beseeming Christians) been a main cause of the moulting of many Eminent and Worthy persons of this Profession. Nor could it be expected that the Professors of humane laws should have been allowed favour, during our unnatural Dissentions, (the promoters thereof having a constant pique at whatever bore but the resemblance of Order and Civili∣ty) when the true dispensers of Gods Laws, yea the Law of God, yea God himself, was vilified and contemned.

The best is, that as Divine Providence hath in his mercy been pleased to restore our Soveraign, so with him we have received both our ancient Laws and Liberties. And now it begins to be•… fair weather again, as with this so with all other necessary and useful Vocations, which in due time may repair their decayed fortunes.

Physick hath promoted many more, and that since the reign of King Henry the eighth. Indeed before his time, I find a Doctor of Physick, Father to Reginald, first and last Lord Bray. But this Faculty hath flourished much the three last fifty years, it being true of Physick, what is said of Sylla, suos divitiis explevit. Sir William Butts Physician to King Henry the eight, Doctor Thomas Wendy and Doctor Hatcher to Queen Elizaheth, raised worshipful and wealthy Families in Norfolk, Cambridge, and Lincoln∣shire, having born the office of Sheriff in their respective Counties.

Some have raised themselves by Sea service, and Letters of Mart, especially in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, when we had war with the Spaniard. But such Estates, as flowing so have ebb'd, with the tide, seldome of long continuance. Such Prises have been observed best to prosper, whose Takers had least of private revenge, and most of publick service therein. Amongst these, most remarkable the Baronets Fa∣mily of Drakes in Devonshire, sometimes Sheriffs of that County.

Some have raised themselves by their attendance at Court, rewarded by the Kings Favour. Court, where many have carried away more, for bringing the less to it. Here some Younger Brothers have found their lost Birth-right, mending their pace to Wealth, though they started late by their Nativity. But I only generally point at, without touching them, that I may not fore-stall the Reader, whose pains may be pleasant unto him, in his own discovery thereof.

Many have advanced themselves by their Valour in forreign Wars, especially in France, as the Knolls, a noble Family, and the •…aveleys, often Sheriffs in Che∣shire, so that Mars in this sense, may be said to be the father of Plutus, his Steel weapons procuring to his followers the more acceptable mettals of Gold and Silver. But the worst is, where foreign Wars have raised one, our late Civil ones, have ruined ten Families.

Some may object, that as they have destroyed, so they have raised many Families (which before in themselves were mean and contemptible) to high Titles, and large Possessions. All I shall return in answer thereunto, is that as most alive saw them rise (per saltum) by unwarrantable means to such a pitch of preferment, so there is but few alive, but may (if not willingly and willfully blind) see them deservedly thrown down with disgrace and contempt, to their former mean and despicable condition.

Clothing as it hath given garments to Millions of people, hath conferred Coats of Armes (and Gentility therewith) on many Families in this Land. As on the Springs High-sheriffs of Suffolk.

The Country with her two full breasts, Grasing and Tillage, hath raised many Families * Josephus rendreth a reason, as weak in it self, as wide from the truth, why Abells Sa∣crifice was preferred before Cains, viz. Because Abell fairly took, what nature freely tendred in the increase of his Cattle, whilst Cain violently wounded the Earth with his ploughing. But Saint *Paul teacheth use better Doctrine, that faith caused the reception of the one, and unbelief the rejection of the other. Surely, both Callings are equally acceptable to God, who hath so blessed their indeavours, that thereby many have gained estates, inabling them to serve Sheriffs of their County. But I forbear to instance them, least what was the honour of their Ancestours to raise such Families, be counted in this Captious Age to be a dishonour to their Posterity, to be raised by so plain (though honest and necessary) an employment.

Page  70Some (the surer to hit the mark of Wealth) have had two strings to their Bow, a com∣plication of prefessions, concurring to their advancement. Thus the Chichlies in Cambridgeshire, are descendants from a Lord Mayor; allied also Collaterally to an Arch∣bishop of Canterbury.

On the main, we may observe, how happy a liberal (at least lawful) Vocation, hath proved to Younger Brethren, whereby Ephraim hath out-grown Manasse, the Younger out-stript the Heir of the Family. I knew a School-Boy, not above twelve years old, and utterly ignorant in all Logical terms, who was commanded to English the following Distick,

Dat Galenus opes, dat Justinianus Honores,
Cum Genus, & Species, cogitur ire pedes.

Onely they favoured the Boy so far, to inform him, that Galenus did signifie the Pro∣fession of Physick, Justinianus of Law, on which ground he thus proceeded,

Galenus, the Study of Physick, dat, giveth, Opes Wealth,
Justinianus, the Study of Law, dat, giveth, Honores, honour,
Cum, When, Genus, high Birth, & Species, and Beauty,
[having no other calling (saith the Boy) to maintain them,]
Cogitur, is compel'd, ire Pedes, to go on Foot.

To prevent such foot-travailing, it is good to be mounted on a gainful Vocation, to carry one out of the mire, on all occasions.

Page  73

CHAP. XXIV. Some General Exceptions against the Style and Matter of the AUTHOR prevented.

Exception. 1. You usurp the Style of Princes, speaking often in the plural; come we now, passe we now, proceed we now, &c. Which is false Grammar, from a Single, ill Ethicks from a private person.

Answer▪ First, I appeal to any exercised in reading of Books, whether the same be not used in other Authors.

Secondly, We, in such cases includeth the Writer and Reader, it being presumed that the Eye of the one goeth along with the pen of the other.

Thirdly, It also compriseth all other Writers, out of whom any thing is transcri∣bed, and their Names quoted in the Margin.

Let me add to Gods Glory, my Friends credit, and my own comfort, that our We, is comprehensive of all my worthy Friends, who by their pains or purses, have been contributive to my weak Endevours.

Exception 2. The Worthies of England being your Subject, you have mingled many Unworthies among them, rather Notorious then Notable, except in the same sense wherein Barrabas is termed *Notable in the Gospel.

Answer. Such persons are so few, their Number is not considerable; Secondly, they are so Eminent in their Generations, that their Omission would make a maim in History; Thirdly, how bad soever their Morals, their Naturals and Artificials were transcendent, and the Oracle like Wisdome of wicked Achitophel, found praise from the * Pen of the Holy Spirit; Lastly, the worst of such men have a black line (serving pro Nigro carbone) prefixed to their Name for distinction sake.

Exception 3. You might better have omitted the mention of some Modern persons, reputed *Malignants by the present power, and blasted by these times in their estates.

Answer. All Persons unhappy, must not presently be accounted unworthy, especially in distracted Times. Have you not heard of that humerous Waterman on the Thames, who would carry none in his Boat, save such who would go along with the Tide, till by feeding his humour he had almost starved himself, for want of Employment? I should be as peevish as partial, should I admit those only into my Catalogue of Worthyes, who of late years did swim in plenty, seeing many have been great Sufferers, deservedly commendable by the testimony of their Adversaries.

Exception 4. You only report the Vertues, but conceal the Faults of many persons within our own memories.

Answer. I conceive my self bound so to do, by the Rules of Charity. When an Orator was to praise a person deceased, generally and justly hated for his Viciousnesse, it was suspected that he would for his Fee, force his Conscience by flattery to com∣mend him, whose expectations he thus defeated, This dead person (saith he) must in one respect be spoken well of by all, because God made him; and in another respect, should not be spoken ill of by any because he is dead; & de mortuis nil nisi bonum. How much more, when men have many good Virtues, with some Faults, ought the later to be buryed in their Graves with forgetfulnesse.

Exception 5. You make many uncivil and unsatisfactory References of your Reader, to those Books which you have formerly printed, remiting them to be there further Infor∣med, as if when you had invited Guests, you consigned them over (coming to dine with you) to fetch a Dinner at an house they do not know; It being probable that many may read this your Book, who never had your former Works.

Answer. Such Refferences are very sparing, only to avoyd Repetition in those Lifes, which I have formerly written at large, as, St. Dunstans, Cardinal Woolsey, Thomas Lord Cromwell, Sir John Cheek, Arch-bishop Whitgift, Mr. Perkins, &c. And I Page  74 appeal to all Writers of many Books (of which fault I my self am guilty) whether such Refferences be not usual in the like Cases. I will not add that I have passed my promise (and that is an honest mans bond) to my former Stationer, that I will write nothing for the future, which was in my former Books, so considerable, as may make them Inter-fere one with another to his Prejudice.

Exception 7. You often apply the Word create to men, as to create a Cardinal, an Earl, &c. VVhereas consciencious people, allow that word appropriable to God alone, as importing the making of something out of Nothing.

Answer. I hope our Common Lawyers will plead for me in this Case, having the phrase so frequent in their Mouths, to create right, to create a Title. Besides, I observe, that such who scruple the useing the Simple Verb, boggle no whit at the compound to re∣create and Recreations. Now seeing to Recreate is to Create twice, I understand not how the useing this word once should be a Sin, whilst it is no Sin in the Repetition or Re∣action thereof. In a word, in words of this Nature, I conceive one may conform himself to the Custome of Common Language.

Exception 8. You out of Flattery, conceal the mean Extraction of many (especi∣ally Modern) men, who have attained to great preferment, pointing at the place of their Birth, but suppressing their Parentage.

Answer. I conceive my self to have done well in so doing. If enquiry be made into all mens descents, it would be found true what the Poet doth observe.

Majorum primus quisquis fuit ille tuorum
Aut Pastor fuit, aut illud quod dicere nolo.
The first of all thine Ancestors of Yore,
Was but a Shepheard, or, I say no more.

Besides, it plainly proveth the Properness of their parts, and Tallnesse of their Indu∣stry, who thereby, and by Gods blessing thereon, reached so high preferment, though disadvantaged by standing on so low ground of their extraction.

Exception 9. Hast makes Wast, you have hudled your Book too soon to the Presse, for a Subject of such a Nature. You should have sent to the Gentry of several Counties, to have furnished you with Memorables out of their own Pedegrees, and should have taken a longer time to compose them.

—Nonum{que} prematur in annum.
Eight years digest what you have rudely hinted,
And in the Ninth year let the same be printed.

Answer. That Ninth year might happen Eight years after my Death, being sensible of the Impression of Age upon me, and a Stranger to my method, would hardly rally my scattered and posthumed Notes. By the difficulty to get some few, I con∣clude the impossibility to procure all the observeables out of Gentlemens Records, and therefore leave the Task to the Industry of others in their Respective Counties.

Exception. 10. Some Instructions have lately been sent you, concerning some persons which appear not in this your VVork.

Answer. Lately indeed, though neither many nor considerable, since such Shires were put under the Press. In Holland, VVagons go to, and return from their Stages at set hours, though carrying but one Passenger, and sometimes altogether empty. Such the Condition of the Press it stays for no man, nor will attend the Leisure (not to say Lagging) of any, but proceedeth on with what it hath in present, be it never so little.

Exception 11. In your, Protestant Writers, you promiscuously mingle some very zea∣lous for Episcopacy, others as active for Presbytery, these ought to have been sorted se∣verally by themselves, seeing the great distance of Judgement betwixt them.

Answer. I hope such conjoyning of them, may happily presage a comfortable Ex∣pedient betwixt them, who differ not in Fundamentals of Religion. 2. I had rather pri∣vately bemoan, then publickly proclaim, the difference betwixt them when alive, charitably believing that being dead;

Jam bene conveniunt, & in unâ sede morantur
Now they are agreed well,
And in bliss together dwell.

Page  75However it is not without Precedents in the best Authors, to conjoine those in History, who dissent in opinion; VVitnesse Thuanus when concluding every year, with the Funerals of eminent persons, though fervent in opposite perswasions.

Exception 12. There is great disproportion, betwixt your Catalogue of Statesmen, beginning the Lord Treasurers, under King Henry the Seventh; the Lord Chancelours, under King Henry the Eighth; other Statesmen at other Epoches: whereas had you ob∣served the same Aera in all of them, it had added much to the Uniformity of your VVork; And as all start not from the same place, they run not to the same mark, some being continued to this day, some concluded seven years since, such imparity making the List seem lame, like the Legs of a Badger.

Answer. I hope, that a more charitable fancy, with as good a judgement, will com∣pare it to the Pipes of an Organ; which though of an uneven length, contribute to the better melody. A reason is rendred, in the respective places, where these gene∣ral Topicks are premised, why such several Catalogues begin and end at such times. And I do believe, that they will prove Satisfactory to such ingenuous Readers, that come with no cavilling premeditation.

Exception 13. In your Catalogue of Learned Writers, you have omitted many, as may appear by Pitseus his Appendix Illustrium Angliae Scriptorum. For, of the four hundred by him mentioned, not fifty appear in your List of them.

Answer. Pitseus himself shall plead for me, who, in his Preface to his Appendix, ingenuously confesseth, Eos adhuc efficere non valeo dignos, qui inter illustres Scriptores locum obtineant. So that one may call them Obscuros illustres, little being known of the books which they wrote, less of the times when they lived, nothing of the pla∣ces where they were born. However, seeing some persons of eminence have strag∣led amongst them, I have selected such with my best care, and presented them in my Catalogue.

Exception 14 Of some men you have little save their Name, Life, and Death, and yet you tearm such eminent persons.

Answer. Surely they were so in themselves, and deserve more should be then is left written of them, through the injury of time. All that I will plead in my own De∣fence is this; There is an Officer in the Exchequer, called Clericus nihilorum, or the Clerk of the Nichils, who maketh a Roll of all such sums as are nichill'd by the Sheriff upon their Estreats of the Green wax, when such sums are set on persons, either not found, or not found solvible. This Roll, he delivereth into the Treasurers Remem∣brancers office, to have execution done upon it for the King; and thus the Clerk hath done his duty, leaving it to them to see, if they can make any thing of his Re∣turn.

I conceive in like manner I have performed my utmost, in that I return such persons to have nothing more to be said of them, findable by all my endevours. However I consign them over to more able Historians, whose pains I will neither prejudice nor discourage; but if they be pleased to begin where I ended, I wish them more happy success in their discoveries.

Exception 15. Your Book is surcharged with Scripture observations, and reflections in Divinity, even when no necessity leadeth you thereunto.

Answer. The Reader hath Con•…itentem, but I will never acknowledge Reum, plead∣ing Custome and Conscience in my just excuse. Custome being habited by my profession therein. The Learned observe of St. Luke, that being a Physician by his function, and describing the great difference between Paul and Barnabas, he made use of an ex∣pression in his own faculty,*and there was betwixt them a Dissention [in Greek 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] that is, the height and heat of a burning Feaver. So that the Spirit of God guiding his Pen, permitted him to make use of the Language proper to his Vocation. And I presume the same favour will be indulged to me by all ingenuous persons, to have (I will not say a partiality) but an affection to the expressions of, and excursions into my own Calling. Secondly, I plead Conscience, that, seeing some may Cavil this Work to be a Deviation from my function (and I my self perchance sensible of some truth therein) I will watch and catch all opportunity to make a fair Regresse to my profes∣sion.

Page  76

Exception 15. You lay down certain Rules for the better regulating your work, and directing the Reader, promising to confine your self to the observation thereof, and break them often your self. For instance, you restrain the Topick of Lawyers to Capital Judges and Writers of the Law, yet under that head insert Judge Paston, and others, who were only puny Iudges in their respective Courts; You limit States∣men to Lord Chancelours, Treasurers, English Secretaries of State, &c. and put in Sir Edward Waterhouse▪ who was Secretary but in Ireland. In a word, few heads are pre∣served pure according to their constitution, without the mixture of improper persons amongst them. Why did you break such Rules, when knowing you made them? why did you make such Rules, when minding to break them? And this is an Exception of Exceptions against you.

Answer. I never intended to tye my self up so close, without reserving lawful Li∣berty to my self upon just occasion. Indeed we read of St. *Egwin the third, Bishop of Worcester, that he made for himself a pair of Iron Shakels, and locking them close unto his Leggs, cast the Key thereof into the Severn, desiring never to be loosed till he had made satisfaction for his Sins; Returning from Rome, a Fish leaped into the Ship, in whose Belly was found the Key, and so Egwin was miraculously restored to his Li∣berty.

Had I in like manner fettered my self to the Topicks propounded, on presumption of so strange a release, none would have pitied my restraint, wilfully contracted on my self. But the best is, I resolved to keep the Key in my own hands, to enlarge my self when I apprehended a just cause thereof. However I have not made use of this Key, to recede from my first Limitations, save where I crave leave of, and render a reason to the Reader; such anomalous persons being men of high merit, under those heads where they are inserted.

Exception 16. You have omitted many Memorable persons still surviving, as meri∣ting as any you have inserted.

Answer. The return of *Martial in a case not much unlike, may much befriend me herein,

Mi•…aris Veteres, Vacerra, solos,
Nec laudas nisi mortuos poet as,
Ignos•…as petim•…s Vacerra, tanti
Non est, ut placeam tibi, perire.
Deceased Authors thou admir'st alo•…e,
And only praisest Poets dead and gone.
Vacerra pardon me: I will not buy
Thy praise so dear, as for the same to dye.

All men being like-minded with Martial herein, none surviving will distaste their omission in a work, for reasons afore-alledged (save in some cases) confined to the memories of the departed.

Exception 17. Speaking of the Commodities of several Counties, you say the Wool of Hereford shire is best, and yet Gloucester-Shire is best, the VVheat of Hereford-shire is best, and yet Middlesex best, the Lead of Darby-shire best, and yet Somerset-shire best, the Iron of Sussex best, and Stafford-shire best. The same may be observed in your praising of persons, making several men at the same time the best Poets, Divines, Schoolmen, &c. and this must be both falshood and flattery together.

Answer. Impute it (I pray) to my peaceable disposition, unwilling to occasion discord betwixt Eminencies, the rather because things of the same kind may severally be the best in sundry Qualities. Some Wool best for Cloath, other for Hats, some Wheat best for yeilding of most, other finest flower, some Lead best for Bullets, other for Sheeting Houses, some Iron best for Ordnance, other for Nails, Keys, and smaler U•…ensils.

Neither is it without precedent in Scripture to Character several men best in the same Profession, both **〈◊〉 and Josiah being commended to have had none like unto them neither before nor after them.

Exception 18. During the later years of King Charles of blessed Memory, you have for the most part omitted the Sheriffs in your Catalogue.

Answer. There was then, (as I may say) a Schisme in that Office, betwixt the She∣riffes and Anti Sheriffes. As for the former, made by the Kings Designation, and be∣held as the only Legal Ones, I durst not Name them, as the times then stood, when Page  77 I collected that Catalogue, for fear lest thereby I might betray some of them (till that time concealed) to a Sequestration. I therefore preferred to leave a void space in my List, and wish it were the worst Breach or Desolation made by our late Civil Wars.

Exception 19. But since the happy turn of the times, you might have inserted them, not only without any Danger, but with great Honour unto them.

Answer. When the Danger was removed, the Difficulty did deter me. For in those Tumultuary times; the Royal Sheriffes did not Regularly, (according to ancient Custome) pass their Accounts in the Exchequer at London, so that I was at a losse to recover Certainty herein. Wherefore according to my General Motto, [a Blank is better then a Blot] I left a Vacuity for them. For which Bald Place, the Reader (if so pleased) may provide a Perewake, and with his pen insert such Sheriffes as come to his Cognizance.

Exception 20. It was expected, that you should have presented the Maps of all Shires, which would have added much Light and Lustre to your Work, (which now is as an House without Windows, very Dark and uncomfortable) as also that you should have Cut the Arms of all Gentlemen, in Copper (at the least in VVood) which would have been more satisfactory to them, and Ornamental to your Book.

Answer.〈◊〉 are 〈◊〉, as I have found by dear Experience▪ Besides, when they are done, they are not done, the working them off at the Rowling Presse being as expen∣sive as the Graving them; both which will mount our Book to an unreasonable price; Secondly, it would be disgraceful to Cut those Maps worse, and difficult (if not impos∣sible) to do them better then they are done already. Thirdly, such Gentlemen (not formerly furnished therewith) may procure them at a cheaper rate then I could afford them. Lastly, such new Re-Graving them would be injurious to the Owners of the Old Maps, and I will not bottome my Profit on another mans prejudice.

Exception 21. You betray unworthy partiality in omitting and inserting of Persons. For John of Gaunt, though son to a King, and worthy VVarrier, can get no room in your Book, whilst Simon de Gaunt a Bishop of Salisbury (both of them by their Sir∣names equally appearing Forreigners) hath a place found for him therein. It seems a Prelate finds more favour from you then a Prince.

Answer. Is there not a cause, and that a Satisfactory one? I prefer not a Prelate before a Prince, but Truth before both, and the methodical regulation of my book, according to the rules premised, without which all will fall to confusion. It is as no∣toriously known, that John of Gaunt was born at Gaunt in Flanders (and so an Alien from our Subject) as plainly it appeareth, that Simon de Gaunt (though his Father was a Fleming) was born in London, Magister Simon de Gaunt (saith Matt•…ew of VVest∣minster) Editus Londini, vir in arte Theologiae peritus.

Exception 22. You discover much negligence in dateing of particular persons, in∣stancing the time only when they flourished, without observing when they were born or dye•…; and this mindeth me of a passage in *Tully, charging Verres the Deputy of Sicily with notorious Lazinesse, quod nunquam solem nec orientem, nec occidentem viderat, that he never saw the sun rising, being in bed after, nor setting being in bed before it: Thus your Pen is altogether a Sluggard, only taking notice of them when shining in the Ver∣tical Height, without either beholding them Rising out of their Cradle, or setting in their Coffin.

Answer. Let Tully tell out his Story, and it will befriend and furnish me with a just defence. Sicily (saith he) enjoyeth so clear a Skie, that the Sun is seen there every day in the year rising or setting. Intolerable therefore the Sloth of Verres (noble at no∣thing but oppression) that he never saw the Sun either to rise or set, as Roosted after or before; Were it so that either the rising or setting of eminent persons (their Birth and Death) were (with the Sicilian Sun) ever visible, as always recorded by Authors, I would confess my self justly taxed with unexcusable Lazinesse: But seeing sometimes a Pannick silence herein, not meeting either with the Midwife, or Sexton, who deli∣vered or buryed such people, we conceive our selves have satisfied, if instanceing only the time wherein such persons flourished.

Exception 23. It had been more proper and more Satisfactory for you to have placed your Exceptions and Answers, rather at the end then beginning of your Book, when the Reader had wholly perused it, only Premising you will be responsible to such Object∣ions as would be made against your Endevours herein.

Page  78Answer. I am of his opinion, who said, Premising, is better then Promising. Sure it is a safer way to prevent a disease then to remove it. Besides I hope, that, clearing these obstructions in the Front of my Book, I shall smooth the Readers way, and invite him the rather to peruse it. However these Answers (whereever placed) are placed aright, if meeting (which I desire) a Candid acceptance thereof.

Exception 24. It is easie for one to cast down a Pillar of his own erection, but let another set it up, and then let him trye his Strength thereat. None will pinch them∣selves so as to fetch blood, though others may do it. Your Exceptions are all of your own making to your own advantage.

Answer. I have endevoured to propound them without any Partiality. However if my labours meet with greater and more exception from others against them, I hope they shall also meet with the general Courtesie and Candor of Course, which Custome hath in some sort made due to Authors, to forgive their smaller faults, on which com∣fortable confidence I proceed.

CHAP. XXV. An Apologie for the unvoluntary Omissions in this BOOK.

WHen I first communicated my design herein to a person of * Honour, he offer∣ed this grand Objection against it, That no Industry could be so circumspect, or Intelligence so comprehensive, but that many Memorable persons would es∣cape his Observation, and then Exception will be taken at such Omissions. This Objection many since have renewed and enforced, alledging that the Omitting of One shall get me more Anger then the inserting of many, gain me good will.

To this I Answer first in general. It is the priviledge of Divine Writ alone, to be so perfect that nothing may be taken thence, or added thereunto; The best humane Authors have had their failings in their best performances, far be it from me to pretend my dimme Eyes more quick-sighted then St. Bernards, who notwithstanding non vidit omnia; I trust therefore, that favour will be indulged to my Endevours, for my many Infirmities.

To Come to particulars, some seeming Omissions will appear to be none, on bet∣ter Enquiry, being only the leaving of many persons (which belong not to our land) to their Forraign Nativities. If any ask, why have you not written of John a Gaunt? I answer, because he was John of Gaunt, born in that City in Flanders. Thus whilst our Kings possessed large Dominions in France (from King William the Conquerour, to King Henry the Sixth) many eminent English men had their birth beyond the Seas, without the bounds of our Subject.

Secondly, I hope real Omissions will neither be found many nor material; I hope I shall not appear like unto him, who undertaking to make a Description of the Planets, quite forgot to make mention of the Sun, I believe most of those who have escaped our Pen, will be found Stars of the Lesser Magnitude.

Thirdly, I protest in the presence of God, I have not wittingly, willingly or wil∣fully shut the Dore against any worthy person which offered to enter into my know∣ledge, nor was my prejudice the Porter in this kind, to exclude any (of what perswa∣sion soever out of my Book) who brought merit for their Admission, Besides, I have gon, and rid, and wrote, and sought and search'd with my own and friends Eyes, to make what Discoveries I could therein.

Lastly, I stand ready with a pencel in one hand, and a Spunge in the other, to add, alter, insert, expunge, enlarge, and delete, according to better information. And if these my pains shall be found worthy to passe a second Impression, my faults I will confess with shame, and amend with thankfulnesse to such as will contribute clearer Intel∣ligence unto me.

These things premised, I do desire in my omissions the pardon especially of two sorts, concerned in my History; first Writers since the Reformation, (having those be∣fore it compleatly delivered unto us) who cannot be exactly listed.

Page  79First, for their Numerousnesse, and therefore I may make use of the Latine Distick, wherewith John Pitseus* closeth his Book of English Writers.

Plura voluminibus jungenda volumina nostris
Nec mihi scribendi terminus ullus erit.
More Volums to our volums must we bind,
And when thats done a Bound we cannot find.

Secondly, for the scarcenesse of some Books, which I may term Publici-pri∣vati juris, because though publickly printed, their Copies were few, as intended on∣ly for friends, though it doth not follow that the Writers thereof had the less Merit, because the more Modesty.

I crave pardon in the second place for my Omissions, in the List of Benefactors to the Publick, for, if I would, I could not compleat that Catalogue, because no man can make a fit garment for a growing Child, and their Number is daily encreasing.

Besides if I could, I would not. For I will never drain (in Print) the spring so lowe, but to leave a Reserve; and some whom I may call Breeders for poste∣rity, who shall passe un-named, in which Respect, I conceive such Benefactors most perfectly reckoned up, when they are Imperfectly reckoned up.

All I will add is this, when St. Paul writing to the *Philippians had saluted three, by name, viz. Euodias, Syntyche, and Clement, he passeth the rest over with a Saluta∣tion General, whose Names are in the Book of Life. Thus I have indevoured to give you the most exact Catalogue of Benefactors; but this I am sure, what is lost on Earth by my want of Industry, Instruction, &c. Will be found in Heaven, and their names are there recorded, in that Register which will last to all Eternity.

As for my omitting many Rarities and Memorables, in the respective Counties, I plead for my self, that mine being a general Description, it is not to be expected that I should descend to such particularities, which properly belong to those who write the Topography of one County alone. He shewed as little Ingenuity as Ingeniousnesse, who Cavilled at the Map of Grecia for imperfect, because his Fathers house in Athens was not represented therein. And their expectation in effect is as unreasonable, who look for every small observeable in a General work. Know also, that a mean person, may be more knowing within the Limits of his private Lands, then any Antiquary whatso∣ever. I remember a merry challenge at Court, which passed betwixt the Kings Porter, and the Queens Dwarfe, the latter provoking him to fight with him, on condition that he might but choose his own place, and be allowed to come thither first, assigning the great Oven in Hampton Court for that purpose. Thus easily may the lowest domineere over the highest skill, if having the advantage of the ground within his own private concernments. Give me leave to fill up the remaining Vacuity, with,

A Corrollary about the Reciprocation of Alumnus.

The word Alumnus is effectually directive of us (as much as any) to the Nativi∣ties of Eminent persons. However we may observe both a Passive and Active inter∣pretation thereof. I put Passive first, because one must be bred before he can breed; and Alumnus signifieth both the Nursed child and the Nurse, both him that was edu∣cated, and the Person or Place which gave him his Education. Wherefore Lau∣rentius Valla (though an excellent Grammarian) is much deceived, when not admit∣ting the double sense thereof, as by the ensuing instances will appear.

Passive Pro Educato.Active Pro Educatore.
Cicero Dolabellae. Mihi vero gloriosum, te juvenem Consulem florere laudibus, quasi Alumnum Disciplinae meae.Plinie lib. 3. de Italia. Terra omnium ter∣rarum Alumna, eadem & parens numine Deum electa.
De finibus 122. b. Aristoteles, caeteri{que} Platonis Alumni.Augustinus lib. 70. Civit. Jovem Alumnum cognominaverunt, quod omnia aleret.

The Design which we drive on in this observation, and the use which we desire should be made thereof is this, viz. That such who are born in a Place, may be sen∣sible Page  80 of their Engagement thereunto; That if God give them ability and opportunity, they may expresse their Thankfulnesse to the same.

Quisquis Alumnus erat, gratus Alumnus erit.
A Thankful man will feed
The Place which did him breed.

And the Truth hereof is eminently conspicuous in many Persons, but especially in great Prelates before, and rich Citizens since the Reformation.