The historie of the holy vvarre by Thomas Fuller ...
Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661., Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650., Cleveland, John, 1613-1658.
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The Preface to the Chronológie.

HErein I present the Reader with a generall view and synopsis of the whole storie of the age of the Holy VVarre; that he may see the coherence be∣twixt the East and the West, and in what equipage and correspondencie of time the Asian affairs go on with those of Europe: for they will reflect a mutuall lustre and plainnesse on one another.

The Chronologie is marshalled into Rankes and Files: The Ranks, or transverse spaces, contain twenty years on a side; the Files, or columnes directly downward, are appropriated to those severall States whose name they bear.

In the six first columnes I have followed Helvicus with an impli∣cite faith, without any remarkable alteration, both in ingraffing of yeares and making them concurre, as also leaving sometimes emptie spaces. In the other columnes I have followed severall authours, and left the years unnoted where the time was uncertain; counting it better to bring in an Ignoramus then to find a verdict where the evidence was doubtfull and obscure.

Such long notes as would not be imprisoned within the grates of this Chronologie, we have referred by asterisks to the foot of the page.

Know that every note belongeth to that yeare wherein it begin∣neth, except signed with this Θ which reduceth it to the yeare it endeth in.

Br. standeth for Brother: S. Sonne: M. Moneths: D. Dayes. Note, whilest there were Caliphs of Egypt, then the Sultans were but Deputies and Lieutenants; but afterwards the Mama∣luke Sultans were absolute Princes, acknowledging no Superi∣our.

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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
1095URBANE the second. 8ALEXIOS COMNEN 15HENRY the fourth. 40WILLIAM RUFUS. 8PHILIP the first. 36The Council of Clermont foundeth the Holy Warre.
6916419371. VOYAGE under GODEREY Duke of Bouillon.
71017421038Nice, wonne by the Christians.
81118431139Antioch, wonne by the Christians.
9M. 4 D. 1819441240Jerusalem, wonne by the Christians.
1100PASCHAL the second. 220451341GODFREY King of Je∣rusalem. 1 BALDWINE his brother.
132146HENRY the first. 1422. VOYAGE under seve∣rall Princes & Prates, Cesarea. wonne by the Christians. 1
242247243Apami, Laodica, wonne by the Christians. 2
462449445Ptolemais, wonne by the Christians. 4
5725M. 10.5465
6826HENRY the fifth 16476
9112949LEWIS the Grosse. 2Tripolis wonne by the Christians. 9
11101230510Berytus, Sidon wonne by the Christians. 310
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    Caliphs of Syria.Caliphs of Egypt.
Princes of Antioch.   22
BOMUND. 1   33
 Patriarchs of Antioch.Patriarchs of Ierusalem.Mrs. of Kn. Hospitallers.44
2   55
He is taken captive. Taucred ma∣nageth the State in his ab∣sence. 3BERARD. 11. ARNULPHUS M. 51. GERARD. 166
42II. DABERTUS. He stickleth for Je∣rusalem, to get it from the King. 127ELAMIR, S. 1
Boemund ran∣somed. 643II. REIMUND de Podio. 193
He unfortu∣nately besie∣geth Charras; Travelleth into France; 75Flieth to Antioch; 42104
86III. EBREMARUS put in by the King, dis∣placed by the Pope. Thence to Rome: 53115
Returneth and waketh Gre∣cia with his navie. 108Dieth in Si∣cily. 75137
119IV. GIBELLINUS, Archbishop of Arles. 16148
BOEMUND the second▪ S. yet a child, and living in Apu∣lia: in whose minoritie, first Tancred, then Roger his kins∣man, were Princes in trust. 11027159
413V. ARNULPHUS, Archdeacon of Jerusalem. 1101812
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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
7M. 5 D. 937121710Baldwines voyages in∣to Egypt; 1. when he took Pharamia.
8GELASIUS. 1 D. 5.CALO JO-ANNES S. 1131811Baldwines voyages in∣to Egypt; 2. when he got his death. 18
9 2141912BALDWINE the second, his kinsman. 1
1120CALIXTUS the second. 231520132
245172215He fighteth on disadvantage with the Turks, and is taken captive. 4
4MM. 10. D. 13.7M. 92417He is dearly ransomed. Tyre taken by the Christians 6
5HONORIUS the second. 28LOTHARI∣US the Sa∣xon. 12518Baldwine getteth so much spoil from the conquered Turks as serveth to pay his ransome. 7
9M. 2 D. 3125292211
1130INNOCENTE∣US the second. 1136302312
121473124* 13
231583225FULK Earl of Anjou, in right of Millecent his wise, eldest daughter to K. Baldwine. 1
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of AntiochPatriarchs of Ierusalem.Mrs of Kn Hospitallers Caliphs of Syria.Caliphs of Egypt.
716413 2115
817514 2216
918He is accused for his wicked life; posteth to Rome, and there buyeth to be inno∣cent. 615 2317
1019716Mrs of Kn-Templars.MUSTE∣RASCHAD S. 118
Roger fighting unadvisedly with the Turks is slain Θ 1120VI. GUARIMUND of Amiens. 117HUGH de Paganis, 1219
1221218GODFRID of S. Omars. 2320
1423420These first nine yeares there were but nine Templars. 4522
16256226RASCHID S. afterwards deposed by the WSE-MAN of the Ismaclites. 124
Boemund now of age, cometh to Antioch, and marrieth King Baldwines daughter. 17267237225
1928925The Order of the Templars confirmed by the Pope and a Council. 9 27
2029VII. STEPHANUS suspected to have been poysoned by the King. 12610 28
2130227EVERARD 1 29
He is surprised and slain lu Cilicia. 2231VIII. WILLIAM Prior of the Sepul∣chre. 128master of the Tem∣plars, to whom Pe∣ter Clunia∣censis writ a book in praise of this Order. 2 30
Alice the Re∣lict of Boemund, Princesse Regent in the minoritie of Constantia her daughter. 1322293 31
2333304 32
334431  33
435532  34
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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
671912STEPHEN the Usurper 1295
8921CONRADUS the third. 13LEWIS the seventh, or the Younger. 17
213M. 7.575BALDWINE the third, S. Edessa wonne by Sanguine from the Christians. 1
3M. 7 D. 8.EMANUEL Comnenus S. 16862
4CLSTIN the second. M. 5.27973
5LUCIUS the second. M. 11.381084
6FUGENIUS the third. 1491193. VOYAGE, under Con∣rade the Emperour, and Lewis King of France. 5
836111311Damascus besieged in vain. 7
947121412Discords betwixt Baldwine and his mother Millecent. 8
2710FREDARICUS Barbarossa. 1171511
3M. 4. D. 12. ANASTASIUS the fourth.112181612
4M. 4. D. 24.1231917Baldwine taketh the citie of Askelon. 13
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of AntiochPatriarches of IerusaleMrs of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templars.Caliphs of Syria.Casiphs of Egypt.
536633 MUCTAPHIL S. to Muste∣taher. 135
REIMUND Earl of Poictou, in right of Con∣stantia his wife. He acknow∣ledgeth himself vassall to the Grecian Empe∣rour; and re∣signeth Cilicia to him. 1RODULPAUS chosen Pa∣triarch by the Laitie. 1734 2ELHAPHIT, S. In the 20 yeare of his reigne he was killed by one Nosra∣dine. Vide Tyr. lib. 18. cap. 49. & Calvis. in Anno 1156. 1
22835 32
33936ROERT of Burgundie, Tyr. lib. 15. c. 6.43
441037 54
551138 65
661239 76
7ALMERICUS11340 87
821441 98
931542 109
1049. FULCER Archbishop of Tyre. 143 1110
115244 1211
He honourably entertaineth the K. of Fran. Is slain in bat∣tel by Noradine Tyr. lib. 17. c. 9. 126345 1312
137446Gaza given to the Templars to defend.1413
CONSTANTIA his wil. Princsse. 18547 1514
29648BERNARD d Trenellape.1615
310749 1716
411850 1817
512The Hospi∣tallers rebell against the Patriarch & deny to pay tithes. 951 1918
RAINOLD of Castile marri∣eth Constantis, and is Prince in her right. Θ 1131052The Templars with BER∣NARD their Master through their own co∣vetousnesse slain at Aske∣lon. Θ2019
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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
1155ADRIAN the fourth. 2134HENRY the second. 11814
8M. 8. D. 28.16742117
9ALEXANDER the third. 117852218
11602189623Order of the Carmelites first begun in Syria. 19
352112926ALMERICK his B. 1
5723141118At the instance of Sultan Sanc he geth into Egypt, and d••veth out Syracon. Caela••a-Philippi lost. 3
7925161320Almerick contrary to his promie invadeth Egypt. 5
11701228191633He taketh a voyage into Grecia, to visit the Emperour his kinsman. 8
41632232037BALDWINE the fourth: 1
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of Antioch.Patriarches of Ierusalem.Mrs. of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templars.Caliphs of Syrìa.Casiphs of Egypt.
He, to despite the Grecian Emperour, wasteth the island Cyprus. 2Almerick cruelly tor∣mented for speaking a∣gainst Pr. Reinolds marriage. 14In vain he crawleth to Rome to com∣plain of them. 1153BERTRAND de Bianch: fort. 12120
31512* 54222ELHADACH. These Caliphs of Egypt are very difficult to regulate by Chronologie; and are ever Heteroclites, either deficient or redundant in the proportion of time con∣senting with other Princes. Hitherto we have followed Helvicus; now adhere to Tyrius, lib. 19. cap. 19. & lib. 20. cap. 12. 1
41613III. AUGE∣RIUS de Balben.He is taken prisoner, Tyr. l. 18. c. 15. PHILIP of Naples. 3232
51714 1243
618X. AMALRI∣CUS Prior of the Sepulchre. 1 Afterward he renoun∣ceth his place, Tyr. lib. 20. c. 24. 2254
7192III. AR∣NOLDUS de Campis. 265
Reinold carri∣ed captive to Aleppo. 8203  MUSTENE-IGED.6
BOEMUND the third, S. to Rei∣mund. 1He prescri∣beth rules to the Car∣melites. 214  27
2225  38
3236  49
4247V GI∣BERTUS Assalit: Who to get Pelusium for his own Order, in∣stigated K. Almerick (contrary to his oath) to invade Egypt.12 Tem∣plars hanged for traytours. OTTO de Sancto A∣mando, one that feared neither God nor man. Tyr. lib. 21. c. 29.5Sinar & Dar∣gon fight for the Sultany of Egypt. 10
He is conquer∣ed and taken prisoner; ransometh himself. 5258  611
6269  712
72710  813
82811  914
9291212 MUSTEZI, S. 115
103013VI. CA∣STUS. 2Turkish K. of Egypt. 16
113114  3SALADINE with his horsemace knocketh out the brains of Eladach the last Turkish Caliph in Egypt, Tyr. lib. 20. cap. 12.
123215VII. JO∣BERTUS.The Templars basely kill the Embassadour of the Assasines.4 
13331616 5 
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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
61834252239William Marquesse of Mont∣ferrat marrieth Sibyll the Kings sister. 3
71935262340Saladine shamefully conquered at Askelon. 4
82036272441Fatall jealousies betwixt the King and Reimund Prince of Tripoli for many yeares. 5
  M. 5.    
1180M. 11 D. 29M. 5. ALEXIUS COMNEN{us}. 12926PHILIP Augustus, S. 17
1LUCIUS the third. 12302728
22ANDRONI∣CUS, S. 1312839
33232294Baldwine disabled with le∣prosie retireth himself from managing the State. 10
44M. 1.3330511
5M 3 D. 28 URBANE the third.ISAACIUS ANGELUS. 134316BALDWINE the fifth, after eight moneths poysoned.
6M. 10 D. 25 GREGORY the eighth.235327GUY de Lusignan in right of Sibyll his wife. 1
7M. 1. D. 27. CLEMENT the third.3363381 CONRADE Marquesse of Montferrat defendeth Tyre, and is chosen King. Guy taken pri∣soner; Jerusalem won by Saladine. Guy having got libertie, befie∣geth Prolemais. 2
8143734 M. 7. RICHARD the first.93
925381103 4. VOYAGE under Frede∣rick surnamed Barbarossa. 4
119036HENRY the sixth, S. 12114 5. VOYAGE under Rich. of Eng. Philip of Fran. 5
1M. 2 D. 10723125 Conrade murdered in the mar∣ket-place of Tyre. Ptolema is taken. 6
2CEL••TINE the third 283413Guy exchangeth his Kingdome of Jerusalem for Cyprus. 7
33M. 7. 94514HENRY Earl of Champaigne.
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of Antioch.Patriarches of IerusaleMrs. of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templrs. Caliphs of SyrtaTurkish K. of Egypt.
143417VIII. ROGER de Moris.  6 
153518   7 
Reinold of Castile, once Prince of Anti∣och ransomed from captivity. 163619   8He getteth Damascus & the whole Turkish king∣dome in Sy∣ria, (Tyr. lib. 21. c. 6.) in despite of Noradines sonne. 1
173720 ARNOLDUS de Troge, Tyr. lib. 22. c. 7 92
183821   103
Boemund by putting away Theodora his lawfull wife, cuseth much trouble in this State. 193922   NAR∣ZAI, S. 1These great figures reckon Saladines reigne of 16 yeares (for so many Au∣thours give him) from his seifing of the kingdome of Damase. But if we count his reigne from the kil∣ling of the Egyptian Caliph, he began far sooner. 4
2040XI. HERA∣CLIUS, Archbish. of Cesarea. 1   25
21412   36
22423 He dieth in an Embassie to the Princes in Europe. 47
2444He travel∣leth into the West, cometh in∣to England, consecrateth the Temple church in London, and return∣eth without any aid. 5He went with Heraclius into the West; returneth:  69
25456   710
26Antioch by the Pa∣triach be∣trayed to Saladine. Θ 467Is slain in a battel neare Prolemais.He is taken prisoner. TERICUS, Master of the Templars du∣ring Gerards durance. Gerad is set at liberty and slain in the siege of Pro∣lemais. 811
27*8IX. GARNE∣RIUS de Nea∣poli Syriae. Mrs of Dutch Knights HENRY a Wal∣pot.912
28 9   1013
Antioch wonne again from the Turks by Frederick D. of Suevia. 10  11114
  11  21215
The time of Boemunds death is as uncertain as who was his Successour; onely we find from this time forward, the same Princes (but without name or certain date) lyled both of Antioch and Tri∣poli. He lived vici∣ously, and died obscurely. ***31316
  **X. ERMEGAR DUS DAPS. 414SAPHADINE, Br. to Sala∣dine. 1
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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
6637817ALMERICK the second, King also of Cyprus. 6. VOYAGE, under Hen∣ry Duke of Saxonie. 1
7M. 9. D. 11.48918Henry the Palatine, Heman Landgrave, &c. winne Berytus. 2
8INNOCEN∣TIUS the third. 1591019The Dutch-men miserably killed on S. Martines day. 3
926OTHO the fourth. 11120Simon Earl of Montfort co∣meth into Palestine and ma∣keth a profitable peace. 4
1200372JOHN his Br. 1215
25ISAACIUS again with ALEXIUS his S. BALDWINE Earl of Flandres. 943237. VOYAGE, under Baldwine Earl of Flandres; but by the Pope diverted against the Grecian usurping Empe∣rour. 7
47265251 INTERREGNUM of years. Almerick dieh of a surfer, according to Marinus Sa∣nutus. 9
58HENRY his Br. 176262 10
69287273 The Holy warre turned against the Albin genses in France. 11
710398284 12
8114109295 Almerick for his lazinesse deposed by the Pope, dieth soon after. 13
9125111030JOHNBREN made King of Jerusalem by the Pope. 1
2158FREDE∣RICK the second. 113334
316921434An army of children going to the Holy warre wofully perish by the way. 5
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of Ierusale.Mrs of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templars.Mrs of Dutch Knights.Caliphs of Syria.Turkish Kings of Egypt.
    616Betwixt him and Saladines sonnes (whom at last he conquered and subdued) was long warre, to the great comfort and profit of the Christians. 3
 XII. ALBER∣TUS succeedeth Heraclius, Spond.  9196
    II. OTTO a-Kerpin. 1218
  XI. GOT∣FRIDU de Denyjon. 32310
 He perfecteth and writeth a Rule to the Carmelites, Idem.  52512
   Leo King of Armenia re∣storeth to the Templars what he had violently taken from them.62613
    III. HER∣MANNUS Bart. 12714
    2281 MELADINE (as most com∣pute) succeed∣eth his father Saphadine in Egypt. 15
    3292 16
    4303 17
 XIII. THO∣MAS AGNI.  IV. HER∣MANNUS a Saltza. 1314 18
    2325 19
  XII. AL∣PHONSUS de Portugallia. 3336 20
    4347 21
    5358 22
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Anno Dom.Popes.Emper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
1215181141636The great Laterane Council, to advance the Holy warre. 7
6M. 6 D. 9PETER Earl of Auxerre. 1517378. VOYAGE under An∣drew King of Hungarie. 8
7HONORIUS the third. 226HENRY the third, . 1389
8337239Damiata besieged. 10
9448340Damiata taken. 11
1220559441The Christians intrapped in water, restore Damiata for their libertie; and conclude an eight-yeares truce. 12
16ROBERT. 11054213
383127He deth. 44John Bren cometh into France, and there receiveth rich legacies from Philip Au∣gustus. 15
494138LEWIS the eighth. 116
6M. 8.615103He is honourably entertained at Rome, and resigneth his kingdome. 18
7GREGORY the ninth. 171611St LEWIS. 1FREDERICK, by marriage of ole Brens daughter. 1
82BALDWINE the second. 1171222
92181339. VOYAGE under Frederik; who crowned himself King of Jerusalem; and concluding a ten-yeares truce, returneth into Europe, leaving Reynold Duke of Ba∣varia his Vice-Roy in Pale∣stine. 3
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of IerusaleMrs of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templars.Master of Dutch Kn.Caliphs of Syria.Turkish Kings of Egypt.
 He is present in the Late∣rane Council to solicite the Holy warre.XIII. GO∣THERIDUS de-la-Rat.P. de Monte acuto.6369 23
    73710 24
    83811 Saphadine (ac∣cording to M. Par•• p. 404.) dieth for grief that the or nigh to Dmi∣ata was taken. Θ 25
   He fighteth stoutly with the rest of his Order at the taking of Da∣miata, Mat. Paris, pag. 409 & 419.93912 MELADINE 1
    104013 2
    114114 Is wonderfully kind to the Christians half∣drowned in Egypt. 3
    124215 4
    134316 5
  60000 crowns bequeathed by the K. of Fr. to the Hospit. and Templars. 144417 6
    16TAHER. S. 119 8
 A bitter ene∣my he was to Frederick the Emperour, and sided with the Pope and Templars against him.  17220 9
    The 〈◊〉 Kighs under Her∣mannus their Ma∣ster come into Prus∣sia; yet so as many of* them still remained in Syria. 18321 10
    19422 11
   An inveterate enemie to Fre∣derick, whom he most spite∣fully and trea∣cherously used.20 23 12
The Pr. of Anti∣och dieth without lawfull issue.   21 24 13
  XVI. BER∣TRANDUS de Campis. 22 25 14
FREDERICK base S. to Fred. the Emp. is by Reinoldus Vice-oy of Jeru∣rusalem made Pr. of Antioch, in spite of Henr. K. of Cy∣prus, who claimed that place. 1   23 26 15
2   24 27 16
3   25MUSTE∣NATZER.28 17
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Anno Dom.PopesEmper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
81211272212The former ten-years Truce expired, Reinold concludeth another of the same term. 12
9131228231310. VOYAGE under Theobald King of Navarre 13
12401413292414He is unfortunately over∣thrown in battel at Gaza. 14
1M. 5. CELESTINE the outh.1430251511. VOYAGE under Ri∣chard Earl of Cornwall. 15
2D. 17. The See void.1531261616
3INNOCE∣TIUS the fourth. 11632271717
4217332818The Corasines conquer the Christians, and sack Jeru∣salem. 18
752036312112. VOYAGE under S. Lewis King of France. 21
8621373222He arriveth in Cyprus, and there wintereth; 22
9722383323taketh Damiata; beateth the Saracens. 23
1250823INTERR∣GNUM of 23 years wherein there were many Com∣petiours for the Empire. 13424Robert Earl of Artois slain. Lewis taken prisoner. INTERREGNUM of 14 years. 1
192423525The Pastorells overthrown in France. 2
2102533626King Lewis being ransomed cometh into Palestine; reco∣vereth and fortifieth Sidon: 3
3112643727returneth into France. 4
4M. 5. D. 14.27538285
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of Ierusalem.Mrs of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templars.Mrs of Dutch Kn.Caliphs of Syria Turkish K of Egypt.
4   26  29 18
5   27  30 19
6   28  31 20
7   29  32 21
8   30  33 22
9   31  34 23
10X V. ROBERTUS HERMANNUS Peragorinus, M. Pari, pag. 726.V. CONRADE Landgrave of Hassia. 1  35 24
11 XVII. PETRUS de Villebride; 2  36 25
12   3  37 26
13He was in the bat∣tel against the Co∣rasines: as appear∣eth in M. Paris; where he writeth a bemoning letter.taken captive by the Corasines, M. Paris, pag. 833.All the Tem∣plars slain to eighteen* the Hospitallers to nineteen, the Dutch Knights to three.4  38 27
14   5  39 28
15   6  40 29
The An∣tiochians, fighting unad∣visedly with the Turks, are overthrown. 16   7  he dieth at Damia∣ta's taking. 30
    8  MELECH∣SALA. 1
    9  Mammaluke Sultans of Egypt. 2
 The Pa••iarch of Jeusalem was ta∣ken prisoner with the King of France Magdeburg. Ce. 13. Col. 697.All the Hospi∣tallers with their Master slain to one.All the Tem∣plars with their Master slain to two.10  TARQUE∣MINUS. 1
CONRADE . to Frederick Prince of An∣tioch. XIX. HUGO REVEL: He made a stature whereby wo∣men were ad∣mitted into this Order. 11  2
    12 Great Chās of Tartary.3
    VI. POPPO. 1 MANGO perswaded by Haito K. of Armenia to turn Christian. 14
    2 2
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Anno Dom.PopesEmper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
1255ALEXAN∣DER the fourth. 228639296
853194232These 10 yeares following the Genoans fighting against the Venetians and Pisans, ba••en the ruine of the Christians in Paletine. 9
1260M. 5. D. 5.MICHAEL Palaeolo∣gus. 111443411
1URBANE the fourth. 1212453512
4M. 1. D. 4.5154838CHARLES Earl of An∣jou, by the Pope made King of Jerusalem and Sicilie. 1
5CLEMENT the fourth. 161649392
8M. 9. D. 25.91952421 HUGH King of Cyprus. 1. VOYAGE under St Lewis King of France, 5
9The See void.102053436
1270 112154442 Charles of Sicilie, and our Prince Edward. Tunis taken. Lewis dieth. 7
1GREGORY the tenth. 1122255PHILIP the Bold. 13 Prince Edward cometh to Polemais; 8
2213235624 is desperately wounded, yet recovereth. 9
3314RODULPHUS ab Haspurg. 1EDWARD the first. 135 10
44152246 11
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Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of Ierusalem.Mrs of Kn. Hospitallers.Masters of Dutch Kn.Caliphs of SyriaGreat Chas of Tatary.Mammaluke Sultuns of Egypt.
 XVI. PAN∣TALEON, a Frenchman. 3 3 
   4MUSTEA∣ZEM, the last Ca∣liph of Syria, a covetous miser, con∣quered by the Tar∣tarians. 24MELECH, otherwise called CLOTHES.
   5 5 
   6 Haalach Bro Man∣go taketh the citie of Babylon, 6 
   7 7 
Haalach the Tar∣tarian cometh to Antioch; is there kindly entertained by Prince Conrade  8 8BENDOC∣DAR. 1
 He is made Pope by the name of Urbane the fourth, Platina. 9 HAALAH succeedeth his Br. Mango. 12
   10 23
   11 34
Conrade cometh into Europe to succour Contadine his kinsman.  12 ABAGA Cham his S. 1He winneth the king∣dome of Da∣mascus from the Tartari∣an: 5
   VII. HANNO de Sanger Hausen 1 26
  XX. NCOLAUS Longar.2 3Taketh Sa∣phe, and kil∣leth all that would not turn Maho∣metanes: winneth Joppa. 7
   3 48
Antioch in the ab∣sence of Conrade wonne by Ben∣docdar.  4 59
   5 610
BOEMUND the fourth.  6 711
   7 812
   8 913
   9 1014
   10 1115
Page  [unnumbered]
Anno Dom.PopesEmper. of the East.Emper. of the West.Kings of England.Kings of France.Holy Warre, and Kings of Ierusalem.
1275M. 4 D. 101633512 The last VOYAGE under Henry Duke of Mechlenburg. 7
6INNOCENT the 〈◊〉. M. 5.1744613 8
7ADRIAN the fifth. M. D. 7.1855714 MARIA DOMICELLA 〈◊〉 of Anioch, re∣signeth her right of the Kingdome of Jerusalem to Charles. 9
8JOHN the 20. M. D. 81966815 10
9NICOLAS the third M. 8 D. 292077916 11
1280The See void.21881017 12
1MARTINE the second 122991118 13
222310101219 The Sicilian Vespers. 14
33ANDRNIC PALEOLGUS 111111320 15
  • 1 CHARLS the second, surnamed the Lame, or the Delayer.
  • JOHN his S. 1
5M. 1 D. 731313152 HENRY his Br. 1
6HONORIUS the fourth. 141414PHILIP the Fair. 13 2
7D. 2.5151524 3
8NICOLAS the fourth. 16161635 4
927171746 Tripoli Sidon Beytus Tyre lost Θ 5
129038M. 91857 Ptolemais besieged; 6
149ADOLPHUS of Nassau. 11968 taken: And the Latine Christians finally expel∣led out of Syr••. 7
2M. 1. D. 14.1022079 8
3The See void. CLESTINE the V. M. 5. D. 7. BONIAC the eighth.11321810 9
4 12422911 10
If the Reader do observe any difference betwixt our former computation in the Book and our Chronologie here, let him rather rely on this latter, which I take to be better perfected.
Page  [unnumbered]
Princes of Antioch.Patriarchs of Ierusale.Mrs of Kn. HospitallersMrs of Kn. Templars.Mrs of Dutch Kn.Great Chas of Tatary.Mammaluke Sul∣tans of Egypt.
Dieth May 11 BOMUND the fifth, S. under the tuiti∣on of the Bi∣shop of Toto∣••. 1   111216
2 XXI. JON de Villiers. 1213Dieth by cold got∣ten with swim∣ming in Euph aes. MELCHAT, or MLECHAR••. 17
3   HERMANN the third. 1141
4   2152
5   3163
6   4174
7   5He is poy∣soned by the Sultan of Babylon. Θ 185
Boemund now of age, sideth against the Templars to the destruction of the Christi∣an cause. 8About this time we find a namelesse Pa∣triarch of Je¦rusalem,—XXII. ODO de Pinibus. 6TANGODOR his B. yled himself Ma∣homer Cham and was a great persecu∣tour of the Chritians. ARGON Cham killed his Br. Maho∣me••he favou∣reth the Christians. 16
9   727
10   838
11  PTER Be∣lius, a valiant souldier.BURCHARD Schudens. 11He expelleth the armlites out of Syria for changing their coats. 9
12   2210
LUCIE his ister, married in Europe. Vide Calvis. in boc anno. 1 The Hospital∣lers winne the castle of Mer∣gath. 3311
2   4RAGAITHUS his Br. a lazie voluptuous gluton. 412
3who fled out of Polemais when it was be sieged, and was drowned in his flight It seemeth his name was drowned with him.  51LPIS, or A ∣P x. 1
How ever, one HUGH chal∣lengeth both the title of An∣tioch, and prin∣cipaitie of Tripli, nolls pag. 123 4 XX 11. VICILELM de Villare.He is chosen governour of Ptolemais, & therein slain.6CASANUS, S. to Ar∣gon. He was very favoura∣ble to the Christians:* 12
5   Deposed. 72Seraph, or arraphus. 1
6  JAMES Mo∣saibergamon last master of the Tem∣plars in Sy∣ria, Continu∣ator bell sacri, lib. 5. cap 13, & 17. 1CONRAD de Feruan∣gen. 132
7  224 
8  335