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Title:  The church-history of Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year M.DC.XLVIII endeavoured by Thomas Fuller.
Author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661.
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Bartholomeus flet, quia Gallicus occubat Atlas.Bartholomew bemoans with rainThe Gallicke Atlas thereon slain.William Cecill Lord BurleyCamdens Eliz. in hoc anno. invited to be there, wisely kept himself at home, otherwise perchance our English Nestor, had been sent the same way with the French Atlas, and ten thousand Protestants of name and note slain in that City within three dayes.11.Two impestres∣ses discover∣ed. Let not the following passage be censured for superflucus in this our Booke,1573 whose omission would be condemned as a defect by others,16.Stows Chro∣nicle pag. 678. & alijs.Agnes Bridges a maid about 20. and Rachel Pinder a girle about 12. years old, so cunningly counterfeited themselves possest with the Devill, that they decei∣ved many Ministers in London, from whom more wisdome and less credu∣lity, might justly have been expected. Thus these liars, belied the father of lies by their dissimulation. And now what praying, and preaching, and fasting, was there to dispossesse them, to the no small derision of prophane persons when their forgery was discovered. However such scoffing may be punished, when the others shall have their erroneous judgement pardoned, and well-intended charity rewarded.Aug. 15. Soon after those impostresses were dete∣cted, penance at St. Pauls-cross on them imposed, by them publickly (and for outward view) penitently performed, the present beholders satisfi∣ed, the formerly deluded rectified, to be more wise, and wary for the future.12. Now began the Anabaptists wonderfully to increase in the land,Anabaptists discovered. and as we are sorry that any Countrymen should be seduced with that opini∣on,1575 so we are glad that English as yet were free from that infection.18. April 3. May 15. For on Easter day was disclosed a Congregation of DutchStaw his cronicle pag. 679.Anabaptists without Algate in London, whereof seven and twenty were taken and imprisoned, and foure bearing faggots at Pauls Cross solemnly recanted their dangerous opinions.13. Next moneth one DutchmanIdem p. 680. and ten women were condemned,Eleven of them con∣demned. of whom, One woman was converted to renounce her errours, eight were banished the Land, two more so obstinate, that command was issued out for their burning in Smithsield. But, to reprieve them from so cruel a death, a grave Divine sent the following letter to Queen Elizabeth, which we request the Reader to peruse, and guess at the Authour thereof.SErenissima,A Divines letter to the Queen to for∣bear burning them. Beatissima Princeps, Regina illustrissima, Patriae De∣cus, Saeculi Ornamentum. Vt nihil ab animo meo omnique ex∣pectatione abfuit longius, quàm ut majestatis tuae amplissimam excellentiam molesta unquam interpellatione obturbatem: ita vehementer dolet silenti∣um hoc, quo hactenus constanter sum usus, non eadem constantia perpetuo tueri ita ut volebam licuisse. Ita nunc praeter spem ac opinionem meam nescio qua infalicitate evenit, ut quod omnium volebam minime, id contra me maxime faciat hoc tempore. Qui cum ita vixerim hucusque, ut mole∣stus fuerim nemini, invitus nunc cogar contra naturam Principi etiam ipsi esse importunus, non re ulla aut causa mea, sed aliena inductus calamitate. Quae quo acerbior sit & luctuosior hoc acriores mihi addit ad deprecandum slimulos. Nonnullos intelligo in Anglid hîc esse non Anglos, sed adventi∣tios, Belgas quidem opinor, partim viros, partim Foeminas, nuper ob im∣probata dogmata in judicium advocatos. Quorum aliquot foeliciter reducti publica luerunt poenitentia, complures in exilium sunt condemnati, idque redissimè meo judicio factum esse arbitror. I am ex hoc numero unum esse ant alterum audio, de quibus ultimum exustionis supplicium (nisi succur∣rat 0