An enquiry into the right use and abuses of the hot, cold, and temperate baths in England ... to this is added I. an extract of Dr. Jones's treaty on Buxton-Bath ..., II. a letter from Dr. Clayton ... concerning the use of St. Mungus-Well, III. an abstract of some cures perform'd by the bath at Buxton / by Sir John Floyer, Kt. ...
- Title
- An enquiry into the right use and abuses of the hot, cold, and temperate baths in England ... to this is added I. an extract of Dr. Jones's treaty on Buxton-Bath ..., II. a letter from Dr. Clayton ... concerning the use of St. Mungus-Well, III. an abstract of some cures perform'd by the bath at Buxton / by Sir John Floyer, Kt. ...
- Author
- Floyer, John, Sir, 1649-1734.
- Publication
- London :: Printed for R. Clavel ...,
- 1697.
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- Subject terms
- Baths -- England.
- Baths -- England -- Buxton (Derbyshire)
- Baths -- Therapeutic use -- Early works to 1800.
- Perspiration -- Early works to 1800.
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"An enquiry into the right use and abuses of the hot, cold, and temperate baths in England ... to this is added I. an extract of Dr. Jones's treaty on Buxton-Bath ..., II. a letter from Dr. Clayton ... concerning the use of St. Mungus-Well, III. an abstract of some cures perform'd by the bath at Buxton / by Sir John Floyer, Kt. ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 15, 2024.
- imprimatur
- title page
To His Excellency, the most No∣ble Prince, WILLIAMDuke of Devonshire,Marquess of Har∣tington,Earl of Devonshire,and Baron Cavendishof Hardwick;One of the Lords Justices of the Realm of Englandduring His Majesty's absence, Lord Stew∣ard of His Majesty's Houshold, Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter,Lord Lieutenant of the County of Derby,and one of His Majesties most Honou∣rable Privy-Council. - THE PREFACE.
- by the same author
An Inquiry into the right Ʋse and Abuse of the Hot, the Cold, and Temperate Bathsin England. -
A Letter from Dr.
Clayton, concern∣ing the Virtues of St.Mungus. Well, nearKnaresborough inYork∣shire. -
An Extract of what is useful from Dr. Jones's Treatise of Buxton-Bath; writ 1571;with some Ad∣ditions and Remarks upon it. -
An Abstract of some Cures performed by Buxton-Bath; taken from Di∣vers Certificates and Letters sent to me by Mr. White,the Keeper of that Bath. -
A brief Description of divers rare and admirable Cures (from Lidia More∣wood)and the same perfectly effected by the Virtue of Buxton-Bath. -
New Improvements at Buxton-Baths, Anno Domini 1695 and 1696,by Cornelius White,an Attorney of his Majesty's Court of Kings-Benchat Westminster,and one of the So∣ciety of Clement's-Inn, London;present Tenent to the Premisses, un∣der his Grace WilliamDuke of De∣vonshire.