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Title:  Publick employment and an active life prefer'd to solitude and all its appanages, such as fame, command, riches, conversation, &c. in reply to a late ingenious essay of a contrary title / by J.E. Esq, S.R.S.
Author: Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
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to communicate his speculations to; Sic natura solitarium nihil a∣mat; whence he nobly inferrs, how highly necessary Conversation is to friendship; & that he must certainly be of no good nature, who does not preferre it before all other en∣joyments of life whatsoever: We know who it is has pronounc'd the Vae soli,Eccles. 4. 10. and how necessary God found the Conjngations of Man∣kind, without which nor had the Earth been inhabited with Men, nor Heaven fill'd with Saints: So∣lomon says Two are better then One, and a threefold cord is not easily bro∣ken;Eccles. 4. 9. 12. and Plutarch tells us that of old they were wont to call men Photo, which imports light; not only for the vehement desire which there is in him to know and be known; but (as I would add) for it's universal communication; there being few of whom it may be af∣firm'd, as 'twas of Scipio, that he 0