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Title:  Publick employment and an active life prefer'd to solitude and all its appanages, such as fame, command, riches, conversation, &c. in reply to a late ingenious essay of a contrary title / by J.E. Esq, S.R.S.
Author: Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
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Neither does he less erre in pre∣ferring it to publick business in re∣spect of dignity; seeing that which takes care for the being of so many Societies, is infinitely more honou∣rable than what has only regard to it self; and if his Logic hold, quod effecit tale, est magis tale, those are most to be reputed happy, who render others so; since God and Nature come under the considera∣tion: Could his happy man remain in that desirable estate, without the active lives of others to protect him from rapine, feed and supply him with Bread, Cloaths, and de∣cent necessaries? For 'tis a grand mistake to conceive, that none are employ'd, but such as are all day on horse-back, fighting Battels, or sitting in Tribunals: What think you of Plow-men and Artificers? nay the labours of the brain that excogitates new Arts, and produce so many useful things for humane 0