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Title:  The history of the three late, famous impostors, viz. Padre Ottomano, Mahomed Bei and Sabatai Sevi the one, pretended son and heir to the late Grand Signior, the other, a prince of the Ottoman family, but in truth, a Valachian counterfeit, and the last, the suppos'd Messiah of the Jews, in the year of the true Messiah, 1666 : with a brief account of the ground and occasion of the present war between the Turk and the Venetian : together with the cause of the final extirpation, destruction and exile of the Jews out of the Empire of Persia.
Author: Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
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the Doctrine of Sabatai, and feared the Authority of the Choham, doubtful what might be the issue of the Contest, appear'd in great num∣bers before the Cadi of Smyrna, in ju∣stification of their New Prophet, before so much as any Accusation came against him: The Cadi (according to the Custome of the Turkes,) swallows Mo∣ny on both sides, and afterwards remits them to the determination of their own Justice. In this manner Sabatai gaines ground dayly; and the Grand Cho∣cham with his Party, losing both the af∣fection and obedience of his People, is displaced from his Office, and another Constituted, more affectionate, and a∣greeable to the New Prophet, whose power daily increased by those confi∣dent Reports, That his Enemies were struck with Phrensies and Madness, un∣til being restor'd to their former tem∣per and wits by him, became his Friends, Admirers, and Disciples. No Invita∣tion was now made in Smyrna by the Iewes, nor Marriage, or Circumciion solemnized, where Sabata was not pre∣sent, accompanyed with a multitude of his Followers, and the Streets cover'd 0