The first and second part of Gangræna, or, A catalogue and discovery of many of the errors, heresies, blasphemies and pernicious practices of the sectaries of this time, vented and acted in England in these four last years also a particular narration of divers stories, remarkable passages, letters : an extract of many letters, all concerning the present sects : together with some observations upon and corollaries from all the fore-named premisses
Edwards, Thomas, 1599-1647.
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THou art presented with the Second Part of Gangraena, de∣claring some other (not infirmities of the Saints, as some men speak, but) abominations of men of corrupt minds, repro∣bate concerning the Faith, and a vindication of those few parti∣culars of the former Treatise, which were excepted against; The Author hath proceeded in this Labour, not to please him∣self (what pleasure can it be to rake in a Dunghill?) but to preserve thee; The discovery of Errours is, (by the blessing of God) the prevention of them, in which regard the Labours of a Epipha∣nius, b Augustine, c Philastrius, d Theodoret, of old, of e Cal∣vin, f Danus, and others of late, published for this end, have been, and are of great esteem in the Church of God; And I make no question but these Labours of this Author, as they now find acceptance with judicious and godly Christians, so also in future times will out-live the calumnies by Sectaries cast upon them, and our posterity will admire, what is by us underva∣lued; Let not clamours of men, who call light darknesse, and darknesse light, discourage thee from reading, it doth not mee from approving that this Treatise be imprinted.
