The tryal of spirits both in teachers & hearers wherein is held forth the clear discovery and certain downfal of the carnal and antichristian clergie of these nations
Dell, William, d. 1664., Simpson, Sidrach, 1600?-1655. A plain and necessary confutation of divers gross and antichristian errors.
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The Testimony of Martin Luther upon the whole matter, To wit, touching Universities, Humane Learning, or Philosophy, University-Degrees, &c.

MArtin Luther in his Answer to Ambrosi∣us Catharinus, expounding the Vision concerning Antichrist, Dan. 8. speaks thus:

The twelfth and last face of Anti∣christ, is that Chaos, and open Gate of Hell, yet very comely to behold, to wit, the Universities; into which, Perjurie, and the Abuse of Gods Name, are the Entrance; and the Progress is a free and most licentious Conversation, in all manner of Wickedness. And yet under these Sins and De∣structions, Science and Sapience are promised. Yea Titles and Degrees are given in stead of Rewards.

But what do they perform at length? First, the more Choice Youth of Christian People are here prostituted, and are cast into the open Throat of Hell; that I verily think this Destru∣ction was figured by the Idol Moloch, to whom anciently they Page  142 made their Choice Children to pass through the fire. After∣wards Aristotle being read to them, and not rightly under∣stood, the Wits of Christian Youth are exercised with Hea∣thenish and Humane Learning, yea, are quite blinded and op∣pressed with it. And in stead of the Word of God, the Do∣ctrine of Antichrist is delivered, that it may seem, the Devil Himself could not bring forth a more subtil and effectual In∣vention and Engine, utterly to extinguish the Gospel, then to set up Universities. Wherein, under the Pretence of Chri∣stian Doctrine, nothing should be taught, but that which is most contrary to the Christian Faith. And if at any time it seems good, to call forth the Choicest to the Government of the Churches, they call them out of these Stews and Dens.

And truly to me, this last Face of Antichrist seems to be the most hurtful of all, because this hath the Pretence of the Word, when all the rest have only the colour of Example; and this is plainly Schola Hidoth, the School of Propositions, of which anon. For it is incomparably the Greatest Prejudice, under the colour of the Word, to teach Things contrary to the Word; seeing the Face of Examples, is formed and strengthened by the Face of the Word, which otherwise would soon come to nothing, if the Word should reign in its Genuine Sence; and also, seeing the pretence of Examples doth only deceive the Manners; but the Pretence of the Word, overthrows the Word. But if by any Grace of God, the Universities should receive the Word (to wit, instead of Philosophy and School-Divinity) how soon would the Papacy, with all its Faces or Appearances perish? seeing this Face, to wit, the Universi∣ties, is the Prop, Bones, and whole Strength of that Knigdom of Faces.

This Deceitful Face seems to be foretold, Rev. 9. which* Scripture, it is worth the while to rehearse, and a little to un∣fold. For John saith, The first Angel sounded, and I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the Earth, and to him was given the Key of the Bottomless pit, &c. I will here make tryal a little (saith he) with my own Apprehension. Now certain it is, that by Angels through all the Apocalyps, is meant the Overseers of Churches, as doth plainly appear out of the Page  143 second and third Chapters, where it is written, to the Angel of Ephesus, Smyrna, and others. Further, that other sort of Angels which sounds the Trumpet, of which there are seven mentioned, chap. 8. cannot agree to any but the Roman Bishop, seeing no others are said to sound with Trumpet. Now to sound wtth Trumpet, can be nothing else, as appears by the consequence of the Text, and the following effects, then to make Decrees, which none ever arrogated to Himself, besides the Bishop of the Roman Church. Neither is it said in vain, that they prepared Themselves to sound, seeing chiefly in these Popes, there hath been an impatient fury, and unquiet Ty∣ranny, to make Laws, and thereby to subject Others to Them∣selves.

But let us come to our first Angel, who was the first among three, who were to bring three Woes upon the Earth, and this is He, who did first institute and confirm Universities, whom it is not easie for me to name, Histories so varying in this matter. But let him be whosoever he was, he was a Star fallen from Heaven to Earth, whether it were Alexander of Hales, or (which I rather think) St. Thomas, who only (after the Uni∣versities were approved, and this Angel had sounded) was either the first, or chief Author of bringing in Philosophy into the Christian World, being the most Aristotelian, yea plainly Aristotle Himself, to whom, as to the Earth, he fell from Christ the Heaven, having obtained the Authority of that most Wic∣ked Angel, approving such Studies.

And he received the Key of the Bottomless Pit, and open∣ed* it, and brought forth to us Philosophy, long ago Dead and Damned by the Doctrine of the Apostles: and from thence ascended the Smoak of that Pit, that is, the meer Words and Opinions of Aristotle and the Philosophers, as the Smoak of that great Fornace: for then Philosophy prevailed, and became of large Extent and Power, so that Aristotle was made equal with Christ, in respect of Authority and Faith. And hereby was the Sun darkned, (even Christ the Sun of Righteousness and Truth; Moral Vertues being brought in, instead of Faith, and infinite Opinions instead of Truth) and the ayr also, with the Smoak of the Pit; that it may be understood, not to Page  144 be an Eclips of the Sun, but the obscurity of the Ayr and Sun, by the Smoak of the Pit ascending, to wit, Humane Doctrines, obscuring Christ and his Faith, as the Sun and Air.

And out of the Smoak of the Pit, there came forth Lo∣custs* on the Earth. Here the People of the Universities, bread and born of Philosophy, are called Locusts by a most fit Name, because they are without a King, that is, Christ, and flie in Companies, as is said, Prov. 3. and also because they waste and burn up all green things, where-ever they light; and so the Grammarians think they have their name Locustae, Lo∣custs, à loco usto & vastato, from the place which they burn and waste. And so, this People of the Universities, consumes and burns up all the green Pasture of Christ, that is, the fruit of Faith.

And Power was given to Them, as the Scorpions of the earth have Power: to wit, to wound the Conscience of Men, because the green Fruit of Faith being wasted, which heals the Consciences of Men, it cannot be but the Conscience must be hurt and prejudiced.

And it was commanded them, that they should not hurt the Grass of the Earth, nor any Green Thing; that is, that* they should not hurt the Elect. For they do not hurt all, neither do natural Locusts hurt every green thing, but some certain Place: so it is here.

But only those Men who have not the Mark or Seal of God in their Foreheads; that is, some Grass they should hurt, to wit, those who have not Faith, which is the Mark of God, which we carry in a pure Conscience and free Conversation.

And it was commanded Them, that they should not kill* them, but only should torment them five months. This seems to be spoken of Moral Doctrine, which seeing it teaches us the Knowledge of Sin like the Law of God, it doth not kill, but only afflict a man with Vain Studies, wherein he is alwaies learning, and yet never coming to the Knowledge of the Truth: For They who are killed with the Letter, are quickned with the Eternal Spirit, they are not tormented five Months, that is, the whole time of their Sensual Life, in which Moral Vertues reign. And we see by Experience, that all Moral Divines, Page  145 are of a most Evil and unhappy Conscience, full of Scruples and Unquietness, and have Power neither of Good nor Evil: and therefore it follows,

And their Torment is, as the Torment of a Scorpion when it strikes a Man. Behold here a Wounded Conscience: for here he expounds what he had said before, that they are not saving∣ly killed, nor spiritually quickned.

And in those days men shall seek Death, and shall not* finde it, and shall desire to Dye, and Death shall flee from them: to wit, the Death of Sin, which doth too much live in the Conscience, and yet is not rightly known; for if it were known, presently it being slain, would perish: But this cannot* Aristotles Ethicks do, but it is the Office of the Letter and* the Spirit.

And the shapes of the Locusts were like to Horses prepared to Battel, to wit, of Scholastical Disputation and Conflict. He describes the War by this Allegory; for they are ready to argue pro & contra (as they speak.) And on their Heads were, as it were, Crowns of Gold: that is, the Names and Titles of Degrees, as, Magister noster Eximius: sacrae Theo∣logiae Humilis & Indignus professor, &c. that is, Our famous Master: and, the Humble and Unworthy Professor of Sacred Theologie, and the like. And these Crowned Ones, John Hus called Hypocritas Coronatos, Crowned Hypocrites: and by reason of these Crowns, they have Authority and Power among the multitudes of Carnal Christians, who are willing to entertain Antichrists Pomp into Christs Church. Yet have they not true Crowns, but as it were Crowns of Gold, which yet they are very proud of, and are much pufft up with them, though usually they are set on the Head of Ignorance and Errour.

And their Faces are like the Faces of Men, because their Do∣ctrine and Life is governed, not by the▪ Spirit of Faith, but by the Dictate of Natural Reason, and by the Light of Nature illuminated by Aristotle.

And they had Hair like the Hairs of Women. For Phi∣losophy* brings forth effeminate Ministers, given to case and luxury; and in whom is nothing of Spirit, nor of Manly Abili∣ties Page  146 in Christ. For the Hairs are Priests, as you may see, Psal. 68. Isa. 3. and in other Places.

And their teeth are like the Teeth of Lyons: Consider only the Thomists instead of all other Divines, whether they be not biting, slanderous, and devourers of all that speak a Word against Aristotles Divinity. Yea, the Thomists, Scotists and Modern men, bite one another among Themselves, and sharpen against one another, not any teeth, but the teeth of Lyons; nei∣ther is there any sort of Men which war more fiercely, or with greater hatred, then those Sects of Divines, each of which de∣sires to devour the Other, that it may reign alone.

And they have Brest-plates, as it were Brest-plates of Iron;* and this is the pertinacious and confident Presumption of Each Sect, on the truth and soundness of his Opinion: and by these Iron Brest-plates they are unconquerable: And these are the Principles of each Sect.

And the sound of their Wings was as the sound of Cha∣riots, and of many Horses running to Battel: the Wings are the Words of those that dispute and conflict, by which they do impetuously, brawlingly and clamorously rush on one another, and fight: as we see in the Tumults of Disputants both by Words and Writings, where neither yields to neither, but Each one is Unconquerable. For he signifies this pertinacious af∣fection of Disputing, by the rushing of Chariots and Horse∣men.

And they had Tails like unto Scorpions, and there were* Stings in their Tails, and their power was to hurt Men five Moneths. Here he explains what before he had propounded, to wit, that the Fruit and End of this Divinity, is nothing but▪ evil Consciences, during all the time of the Sensual Lives of Men. For that Divinity is an Abomination to those who are Spiritual, because these are without the bounds of the five moneths, in the Spirit of Liberty.

And they had a King over them, which is the Angel of* the Bottomless Pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon. Here we may learn that the Rector Ge∣neral of all Universities, is not Christ, nor the Holy Spirit, nor any▪ Angel of God, but an Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Page  147 that is, one that is Dead, and is among the Dead and Damned▪ Who is it then? even that Light of Nature, to wit, Aristotle, who doth truly reign in the Universities, as Abaddon, and Apollyon, that is, a Waster and Destroyer of the Church. For we have said that an Angel signifies a Teacher or a Doctor in the Church. And certain it is, that Aristotle who is Dead and Damned, is at this day, the great Doctor of all the Universi∣ties, rather then Christ; for He reigns alone, being exalted by the Authority and Study of Thomas, reviving Freewill, and teaching Moral Vertues and natural Philosophy▪ to wit, the three-headed Cerberus, or three-bodied Gerion.

Behold the first Wo which the Church hath from the Romish Antichrist by the Ministry of Saint Thomas: and They whose duty it was chiefly to have prohibited and extinguished these things, they chiefly have erected and established them.

Thus Luther, word for word, in the forenamed place.* He also in his book De abroganda missa privata, speaking of the Idol Moloch, faith thus:

Moses and Jeremy have described the Worship of this Idol to be after this manner, That they did burn or offer to Him their Children in the fire, supposing that hereby they did perform the greatest and highest Service to God, inasmuch as after the ex∣ample of Abraham they do not spare their own Children; though they do this, not only not being called as Abraham was, but also without Faith, and in the highest Wickedness; and therefore the Psalmist testifies, Psal. 78. That they offered not their Children to God, but to Devils. For whatsoever is not done by the Call and Command of God, is not done to God, but Devils, who suggest this, though it be done under Pretence of the Name of God.

Now hereby (saith he) I conceive the Universities to be re∣presented, in which the best and choicest Part of Christian Youth is offered, as it were in Burnt Sacrifice to God, that there they may be instructed, and be made as it were wholy Divine. For the Common People believe there is no Place under Hea∣ven, in which Youth can be better instructed, so that even Reli∣gious People have recourse hither. For to learn any Thing out of the University, is to learn Nothing: but to have studied in Page  148 the University, is to know all Things. There all Divine and Hu∣mane Things are believed to be taught: for no man sends his Son hither, with any other Opinion then this, that he can no where be better sent. They think they perform the Highest Service to God, that they offer their Sons to be formed according to the Instructi∣on of Godliness, that thereby they may become profitable and useful Ministers, Preachers, Governours, who may wholly be∣come Gods own Portion, and be useful both to God and Men.

And hereto appertains the name Moloch, which signifies a King, or Kingly, because this kind of Study doth honour them with Degrees and Promotions, and renders them fit and able to Govern Others. For we see, that all that are preferred to Go∣vernments, are taken out of Universities: and he that is not a Graduate or Member of an University, is not qualified for Pre∣ferment, or to be set over any People: but let the Ass first be crowned (to wit, with a Degree) and then let him reign.

And Parents do not see, and They that do see, do not regard, that Youth are usually here destroyed, through rude and vile Manners, none commonly forbidding them. Yea Fornication, Luxury, and other manifest sins do but mildly destroy them: but that they are indued and possessed with Philosophical, Heathen∣ish, Humane, Wicked, and Impious Opinions, this is the fire of Moloch, which no tears can sufficiently bewail, seeing through this they especially are devoured and perish, who are the most studious and modest Youth in Universities. So great is the Fury of God upon this Valley of Tophet and Hinnom, that they perish more grievously who learn most, and live mo∣destly, then they who learn nothing, and are corrupted with lusts. For These learn Nothing which is to be unlearned again, seeing they know they do Evil; whereas the other suck in Poy∣son which happily or never they do vomit up again, holding that* for Good which is Evil, and instructing Those with the like* Opinions, whom they take to teach.

And to these Pits of Hell it is to be imputed, that the Sun of the Gospel is obscured with the Smoak of the Pit: for out of this Smoak proceed those Locusts, which possess all Chairs, and Pul∣pits, and administer all Governments, that Satan from the begin∣ning of the World could devise Nothing in all the World more Page  149 strong and pernicious to waste Faith and the Gospel, then Uni∣versities: Neither was it meet that this Evil should arise, but in the End of the World, when the World through the prevail∣ing of Sin, being loaden with the Wrath of God, should draw near to Hell and Damnation. For the miserable People must needs hear those Things taught, and delivered out of the Pul∣pits, which those Molochites have learned in the Universities. And they have learned nothing but the Highest Blasphemies of God. Neither is it lawful to have any where, any other Pastor then These.

In Jeremiah that Valley is called Gehinnom, from whence Christ took that word Gehenna, which what it signifies, I do not well know: but it seems to me to come from Janah, which signifies, to eat up, or to pill, or waste, as Tyrants or Usurers, do pill and suck out the People: so that Gehinnom is the Val∣ley of pilling or wasting the People. For These being set over the People as Shepherds, ought to feed them with the Word of Life, and They in stead thereof, do insensibly waste and devour them, in their Body, Goods, and Soul, with the pestilent Doctrines of Universities. And such Teachers do the Uni∣versities, those Synagogues of Perdition, give us. Thus Luther.

These now are Luthers own Words, which I have made legible to English Men. Wherein it is manifest that He con∣demns the Universities in the very Institution and Constitution of Them, and chiefly in their Chief Studies, Humane Learn∣ing, and School-Divinity; and also, as to that gross Popish Opinion, that they are the Fountain and Nurseries of the Mi∣nistry: and that None are fit to Teach, or so fit to Teach, as Those that have been educated in Them. Yea though these be Raw, Foolish, Ignorant Fellows, yet being University. Graduates, must they be set over Towns, and Parishes, and the miserable People must not only hear Them and their dolt∣ish Doctrine, brought from the Universities, but also must be constrained by Secular Power and Laws to pay them well for such Pains, which tends only to the ruine of their Souls for ever: and no Hand is yet strongly and resolutely stretched out, to deliver the People from this intolerable Bondage. For Page  150 the Necks of the People of the World have never endured so grievous a Yoak from any Tyrants, as from the Doctrine and Domination of the Clergy. For Worldly Tyrants have only afflicted mens Bodies and Temporal Estates, which reacheth but to this short Life: but these spiritual Tyrants, the Cler∣gy or false Ministry, when they have got Countenance, Strength, and Ayd from the Worldly Magistrates, how have they with their Academical, Philosophical, Heathenish Divinity infected, poysoned, and destroyed the People to Eternal Death, and No Body durst shun Them; upon Pain of Temporal Death, or Punishments! But now, through the great Goodness of God, and his mighty Providences and Works from Heaven, it is a more Happy Age: and Happy shall They be, who being called forth, shall do the Work of God against all Discouragements and Difficulties, and shall not with Ephraim being harnessed, turn their Backs in the Day of Battle.

And now to return to our Business again, touching the Universities, let none object that Luther speaks against Popish Universities only; for this is but a weak and simple Defence, and altogether unable to ward off the Mighty Blow of Gods Word, from their Heads and Hearts. For the Things con∣demned in the foregoing Testimonies of Luther, are the Self Same for the Substance of them, as do live, prevail, and flourish in our present Universities, as hath been before declared, and I leave it to every faithful Christian to judge the Truth in this Matter. But men would fain preserve their Titles, Degrees, Authority, Dignity, State, Stipends, and therefore for Defence of These Things, they must needs say Something, though it be to never so little Purpose: but yet by such Discourse, they sufficiently declare how cool and icie they are for Christs Interest, and how zealous for their Own.

But certain it is, that as the Universities were set up at first, as Nurseries for Antichrists Kingdom, Men being there∣in so educated (according to the undertaking of Charles the Great) in Philosophy and School-Divinity, that it might be said to them, Vos estis Sal Terrae, & Lux Mundi, Ye are the Salt of the Earth, and the Light of the World (which Page  151 yet only agrees to the Faithful, who are born of God) so have they still remained the Same hitherto in Substance, though not without some small Change of Outward Form.

2. For first, the Philosophy taught and studied in the Uni∣versity,* is the very Same that it was at first; and this Philo∣sophy is nothing but the Religion of the Heathen. For what the Law was to the Jews, and the Gospel is to the Christi∣ans, Philosophy was, and is to the Heathen; and in this Study the poor Lads waste the flower and cream of their Lives to no purpose, but to make them more Heathenish, Corrupt, and Bold in Evil, then they were by Nature. And,

For their Divinity, which they usually learn in the Uni∣versities,* out of the Fathers, Schoolmen, and Systems; and in which they are trained up, to Dispute either for it, or against it, in the Schools (it being in seriousness, all one to Them, what they hold and maintain in Religion, seeing all is but Opinion to them) and which they after teach to the Peo∣ple, with special Regard to their own Profit and Advantage, this is not the true Word, and Ministry of the Gospel. For the Gospel is the Word of Faith; which Word, is the Word in our Hearts, according to the Tenor of the New Co∣venant, wherein God saith, I will write my Law in their Hearts, and put it in their Inward Parts; But now the Uni∣versity-Divines, the Truth being indeed dead in their Hearts, and having no Presence nor Power there, they take it up out of the Books and Writings of Men, wherein it hath been buryed; and by this Means, bring forth a dead Doctrine to the World (which Other Men have spoken, but Themselves have no Experience of) and not the Word of Life, which hath quickened them; but only a Dead Letter, raised up like the Living Letter, which they present to them; as the Witch of Endor, raised up a Dead Samuel in the outward Habit and Appearance of the Living Samuel, and presented him to Saul: so these University-Divines bring forth the outward Garments and Appearance of the Truth to the Peo∣ple, when they do best; but the Substance, Soul, and Life of the Truth, they cannot bring forth, because they have not the Living Word of God in their Hearts, but have only a Page  152 Dead Word, which they gather out of the Books and Writ∣ings of Men. And this is the University-Divinity.

And Lastly, The Preachers which the Universities send* forth, are usually in the greatest Enmity to Christ and his Gospel, of all other Men whatsoever, and do bring greatest Prejudice to Christs Kingdom, and greatest Advantage to Antichrists. For when Men without Learning, and yet without the Spirit of Christ, will undertake to teach the People (as many also now do) their Ignorance is manifest to all, and is judged of all, and they through their Rudeness, can never long deceive the World; but now, when Men are as destitute of the Spirit as They, and yet have Humane Learn∣ing, and the Letter of the Word, in a Philosophical sense, to help them, this is that, that exceedingly endangers and de∣ceives the World; the People supposing, the Doctrine of the Gospel according to Philosophical Learning, to be the Mini∣stration of the Spirit, and to be sufficiently enough, to in∣struct the Church. And so Antichrists Kingdom is set up with Credit and Renown, by These: whereas the Ignorant Teachers, who are destitute of the Spirit, are able to do Him no considerable Service. But Christ will not have the Learned Men to be Teachers in his Church through their Learning; and as little will he have Ignorant Men to teach in his Church, because of their Ignorance; but whether Men be Learned or Ignorant according to the World, it is no matter in Christs Church, where each Man is to speak in the Spirit of Christ, which makes both the Ignorant and the Learned alike wise in Christ: and so the Learned Man becomes Ignorant in the Church, to be Learned in Christ; and the Ignorant Man without Worldly Learning, forthwith becomes Wise in Christ; and the Learned, and the Ignorant, meet together only in the Wisdom of Christ, which is the Wisdom of God, and swal∣lows up at once, all the Learning and Ignorance of the World alike, and will have all Wise alone in it Self.

Wherefore, all Universities being left and forsaken as to this Matter, let Learned and Ignorant Men come alike to Christ, to be made Wise in Him, who is made unto us of God, our only Wisdom.