The tryal of spirits both in teachers & hearers wherein is held forth the clear discovery and certain downfal of the carnal and antichristian clergie of these nations
Dell, William, d. 1664., Simpson, Sidrach, 1600?-1655. A plain and necessary confutation of divers gross and antichristian errors.

The Fifth Point.*

The Apostle shews with whom Antichrist and his Teachers should prevail, to wit, with the Worldly and Carnal Peo∣ple, vers. 5.

They are of the World, therefore speak they of the World, and the World hears them. The World hears them.*

Antichrist and his Prophets prevail with the World, and Worldly People, and do obtain their favour, love, and ap∣plause: and They are their Auditors, and delight in Them and their Doctrine.

Now by the World here is meant, such People, who though* they have an outward Christianity and Religion, yet inward∣ly remain in their Natural Condition and Corruption, with∣out any true renewing through Faith and the Spirit. And all Page  53 such People, notwithstanding their seeming Religion and Righteousness, do love Themselves, and this World, and the Things of it, better than Jesus Christ and his Truth. And these here are called the World: and this World, or these worldly Christians, do hear and entertain the Teachers of Antichrist and their Doctrine.

Two Grounds of which, the Apostle here gives us (to wit, Why these People cleave to these Teachers.)

  • 1. The first is, Because these Teachers are of the* World.
  • 2. Because they speak of the World.

1. They are of the World.*

That is, though by their Breeding and Profession, their De∣grees* and Ordination, they seem to be set at a great distance from the Common people, and to be nearer the Kingdom of God, and the Knowledge and Possession of it, then the Common People of the World; yet for all this, They in∣deed, and in truth, are still of the World; and all their libe∣rall Education, their manner of Life, their Study, Know∣ledge, Learning, Languages, Sciences, Degrees, and Ordina∣tion, doth not at all change their inward evil Nature, Mind, Will, Affections, nor the corrupt Disposition and Principle in which they were born; but notwithstanding all these things, they are still the very same throughout, as when they came first into the World, being destitute of a New Birth and Heavenly Nature: Nay, by all these things they are more taken into the Spirit of the World, into the corruptions and evils of it, into the pride, lust, covetousness, and ambition of it, by how much, through such Indowments and Accom∣plishments, they think Themselves better than other Men; and so, notwithstanding their Academical Degrees, and Ec∣clesiastical Orders, they are not less, but more of the World, even fully of the World.

Page  54And hence we may learn, That it is not Study, Parts,* Breeding, Learning, nor any Natural Indowments, or ac∣quired Accomplishments, that will deliver any man out of this World (or corrupt state of Mankind) or that can change his Nature, or give him the least Place or Interest in the King∣dom of God; but only a new Birth, and true faith in Jesus Christ, whereby we are made the Children of God: without which Men are still of the World, notwithstanding all their other Improvements.

And this very thing manifests, that Universities cannot be the fountains of the true Ministery of the Gospel, seeing all the Education in it, Philosophical, Moral, and Theological, cannot change mens Natures, or deliver them from their Cor∣ruptions, or translate them one hairs breadth out of this pre∣sent evil World; yea, generally we see, that by University-Education (as things have hitherto been managed) Youth is made more of the World, than they were by Nature, through* the High Improvement of their corruptions, by their daily converse with the Heathens, their vain Philosophers, and filthy and obscene Poets; and by these Heathenish abominable Ac∣complishments, are they made the more fit Teachers for the World and Worldly People, and become the more suitable to them, and obtain the greater Aptness and Ability to please them. Wherefore it may be most truly said of that Mini∣stery that flows meerly from the fountain of the Universities, that it is Of the World.

And now, when the Teachers are of one Nature and Principle, of one Heart, Minde, and Consent with the Hearers, there must needs be a Great Agreement between them; for each one approves and loves that which is like him∣self; and so the Worldly people must needs cleave to the Tea∣chers that are of the World.

Yea farther, and which is very considerable, the World can* indure and like any Doctrine, though in the Letter never so Holy and Spiritual, from such Teachers are of one Na∣ture and Spirit with it self. And He that speaks of the things of Christ, without the Spirit of Christ, and by the Page  55 Spirit of the World, can never, by any such Doctrine, be grievous to the World, but rather acceptable: Seeing there is more in the Nature of those Teachers to reconcile the World to them, than in their Doctrine to set the World against them: For the World cannot but agree with those Teachers that are of the World, let their Doctrine in the Letter be what it will.

Whereas on the contrary, the faithfull are not of the World, but of another Seed, Nature, and Principle, which is in direct Enmity to the World; and so they speaking the things of Christ in the Spirit of Christ, must needs be grie∣vous and troublesom to them who have the Spirit of the World; and the Friends of Christ crucified, cannot but be grievous to the Friends of this World.

And this for the first Ground.

2. The second Ground, Why the Worldly People hear* the Worldly Teachers, is this.*

Because they speak of the World.

For as they are, so they speak; out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh; and so They that are of the World, speak of the World: and this we may conceive of in three particulars.

1. The Worldly Teachers speak of the World, that is, they* speak the Spiritual Word of God in a Carnal and Worldly Sense; they speak of Divine things, as of Humane things, according to their Natural and Humane Minde, Reason, Knowledge, Learning, and Understanding of them. And so, they give forth Christ himself, and his Kingdom, and all his* Things, his Redemption, Reconciliation, Salvation, as also* Faith, Hope, Love, and all the Graces of the Spirit, and Riches of Christ, they give forth all these things, in a Car∣nal Understanding and Notion to the People. And the World can like well enough of Christ, his Kingdom, and Things, in a Worldly Sense; they can bear, or endure Faith and Repentance, and the New Creature, and the New Je∣rusalem Page  56 in a Carnal Sense; while in the true Spiritual Sense of them, and as they are in Themselves, and according to the Minde of Christ, they are the greatest Enemies to them that can be.

Now Believers must know in this Matter, That whoever speaks the Things of Gods Spirit, by the spirit of a Man, or Spiritual Things, in a Humane, Carnal, and Worldly Sense, is a false Prophet, and Teacher of Antichrist. Whoever reading or hearing the Gospel of God our Saviour, doth un∣derstand and frame it after his own Humane Sense, and doth not so understand it as the Lord hath spoken it, He is a false Prophet, understanding and speaking the Gospel after his own minde, but contrary to Christs; and these open their own Hearts to the People, and not Gods.

Now when the People that are of the World, hear the Tea∣chers that are of the World, speaking Spiritual Things in a Carnal and Worldly sense, and according to such an Appre∣hension as they have already in their own Hearts, they do exceedingly cleave to, and embrace such Teachers, and their Doctrine.

For such Doctrine, man in his Natural Condition can well like of, seeing it leads men only to a change of Outward Works, and to a performance of Outward Worship, which any man by his own natural abilities can perform: aad the World can well endure to put on the fairest form of Godli∣ness, and the strictest, so their Nature inwardly may remain the Same.

And thus the Worldly People comply readily with the Worldly Doctrine of the Worldly Teachers, seeing it is after the sense and mind of Man.

But on the contrary, Christ and his Seed, as they are not of the World, so neither do they speak of the World, but being of God, they speak the Things of God according to God; they speak of the Things of God by the Spirit of God, and so according to the Minde of God: they speak of the Things of God, in the Wisdom, Righteousness, Truth, Light and Life of God; and thus the World cannot endure the VVord, nor Those that teach it.

Page  572. The Prophets of Antichrist speak of the World, that is,* * they turn the Word of God into Worldly and Carnal do∣ctrine, for Worldly Advantage sake; they preach the spiri∣tual Word of God carnally, that they may make it serve their own Turns and Ends. That Word of the Gospel, which God hath given only to serve the spiritual and eternal Wel∣fare of his Church, the Worldly Teachers frame and use this, only thereby to serve their own Worldly Credit and Reputa∣tion, their Worldly Profit and Preferment, and their Worldly Authority and Dominion.

And thus that Word of Faith, which in its own proper Nature and Working, calls off all Men from this World, and the Things of it, to the Kingdom and Glory of God; they make this very Word to sound carnally, that by it they may seek Themselves, and the Things of this present Life.

But Christ and his Seed, who are of God, they speak of God, and not of the World, seeking no Worldly thing at all by the Word of God, which They teach and hold forth, as is ma∣nifest in the Life of Christ, and his Christians.

3. The Ministers of Antichrist, or worldly Teachers speak* * of the World, that is, they turn the Word of God into World∣ly Doctrine, that thereby they may avoid the Cross, which the Word of God, in the Spiritual Sense of it, would cer∣tainly expose them to. But now these Worldly Teachers, as they love the World, so they cannot endure the Cross, that is, reproach, poverty, shame, sufferings and death for the true Word. Wherefore they Preach the Gospel in such a sense as shall please the World, but never offend them; as shall make the World their Friends, but never their Enemies; for they cannot endure to think of, much less to suffer the utmost Hatred and Persecution of the World for Christs Names sake. Wherefore I say again, though in Christ, they will praise his reproach, his shame, his poverty, his tribulation, his death and crucifying, yet they cannot endure these things in Themselves, for his Truths sake; but are most careful and studious to preach the Word of God in such a Worldly Sence, as shall never provoke the World against them, to do them the least harm; but shall rather incline them to confer upon Page  58 them (according to thir own phrase) all Countenance and Maintenance. And thus the worldly Teachers speak of the World, in this sense also.

But Christ and his Seed who are of God, they speak not of the World, but of God, that is, they speak the Word of God, according to God, never regarding whether the World be pleased or displeased therewith. Yea, they speak Gods Word, according to Gods Mind, though they certainly know, that it will procure them all sorts of reproaches, and tribulations, and all manner of evil to be spoken and done against them; in as much as they love God and his Word, more than Them∣selves and this World: and so, they are so far from declining the Cross of Christ, which the right Confession of the Word will bring upon them, that they account it their greatest Glo∣rifying, to have fellowship with Christ in his Sufferings, and to be made conformable to him in his Death: all which things He endured, because he spake Gods Word according to Gods mind, and contrary to the mind of the World, and Worldly Church.

And thus we see by Johns Doctrine, who spake by the Spirit, Who they are, with whom Antichrist and his false Prophets prevail, to wit, the World and worldly People; as also the Grounds why they prevail with them, namely be∣cause They are of the World, and speak of the World.

And now for the Use.

The World hears these Teachers, who are, and speak of the World.

And hence first we learn, That Antichrist and his Pro∣phets,* the Worldly Teachers, come with such Deceivableness* of Unrighteousness, that no Natural or Worldly men what∣ever, of whatever Parts, Learning, Knowledge, Righteousness, can possibly discern Them. If men are but Natural men, though never so accomplished, Antichrist deceives them all, and makes them his Disciples.

For Antichrist comes so subtilly, and in such glorious ap∣pearances of Holiness and Religion, that none can know Him and his Wayes, except they be singularly taught of God; Page  59 according to that of Christ to his Disciples, To You it is gi∣ven to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to them it is not given. And to whom it is given to know the Myste∣ries of the Kingdom of Christ, to Them also it is given to* know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Antichrist: and none can truly know, either the One, or the Other, without a spe∣cial Gift from God.

Whence it is most evident, That Men are not able to un∣derstand Antichrist, and his Kingdom, and Things, as they are men learned in Philosophy, and in the Knowledge of the Tongues, or as they are men of such and such Degrees and Titles in the University, or of such and such Ecclesiastical Orders in the Church: I say, Men by all such abilities and accomplishments (as they speak) are not able to discern An∣tichrist, but rather are the more ready to be overcome by Him, seeing by all these Humane and Ecclesiastical Things, Antichrist can lay the faster hold on them, and make them the more his own.

And Antichrist must needs be unknown to such men, in as* much as Christ Himself, as he is held forth in the Word, and whatever he is and doth, both in Himself and Members, is wholly unknown to them; yea, is so strangely unknown, that by a prodigious mistake, they do judge Christ, and his Mem∣bers, and their Doctrine to be Antichrist, and his Members, and their Doctrine: And on the contrary they do judge An∣tichrist, and his Members, and their Doctrine, they do ac∣count and esteem of, as of Christ Himself, and his Mem∣bers, and their Doctrine. And thus, is the Multitude of carnal Christians, (which are even the whole World almost) through the effectual Operation of Satan, brought to think and believe assuredly, that the Prophets of Antichrist, who handle the Scriptures carnally, and after the mind of Man, do verily teach the very Doctrine and Truth of God; and of this they are so confident, that they would have the Worldly Powers and Magistrates to force all Men to believe as They say, and to practise as They command. Yea, these Worldly Men, with all their Worldly Accomplishments, are so deluded by Antichrist, that whilst they oppose and persecute the faith∣full Page  60 People of God, or rather Christ Himself, and his Word, Works, Truth, and Righteousness in them; they verily think they oppose and persecute Antichrist Himself, and the falseness of his Members. And as the Scribes and Pharisees, the chief Teachers of the Jewish Church, being Deceivers Themselves, did yet call Christ a Deceiver, and in killing and crucifying Him, thought they did God good service; so the carnal Clergy, and the Head of them, being Antichrists Themselves, do yet tell of, and terrifie People with another Antichrist: And being Seducers Themselves, do yet rise up against the very Members of Christ, as Seducers, that there∣by they may boast themselves to be Righteous. So throughly and perfectly hath Antichrist deluded and inchanted them, through the cup of the Wine of his Fornications.

Thus the whole World is overcome by Antichrist, and can∣not by all their Highest Attainments discern Him from Christ; only they, who are born of God, and are his true Children, and (being plain, simple, meek, and lowly in Spirit) are taught of God, These only know Antichrist, and overcome Him; but these are the little flock.

Secondly, In that the World Hears the Ministers of An∣tichrist:* *

We are given to understand, That men that are of a World∣ly Spirit, and through that, are addicted to the World, and so seek and follow after the Profits, Pleasures, and Ho∣nours of this life, they cannot possibly understand the Im∣postures and Deceits of Antichrist and his Teachers, but They all are seduced and overcome by them▪

Whoever therefore do profess or pretend to Religion and Godliness, and nevertheless live in the Spirit of this World, and are swallowed up with the Cares and Comforts of this World, all such Christians are a fit Prey for Antichrist: Seeing▪

1. Such carnal Christians are so addicted to Worldly Occa∣sions, that they cannot attend to the Word of God in the Spi∣ritual Sense of it, which is only known by Temptation, Pray∣er, and Gods own Teaching. And hereupon they want the Page  61 true light, by which only Antichrist can be discerned. For Antichrist comes in so great subtilty and likeness to Christ, that he cannot be perceived, but by Christians much ac∣quainted with the Word, and much mortified and quickned through it.

2. Such carnal Christians, as they neglect the Word in the spirituality of it, so also they do love this World, and this quenches in their hearts the love of God, as John saith, If any man love this World, the love of the Father is not in him; now they whose Hearts are inwardly destitute of the true love of God, and yet do outwardly profess and worship God, all these are a fit Prey for Antichrist.

And thus the World loving and seeking it self, and its own* things, receives Antichrist whilst it cannot discern Him. Wherefore the Scriptures do every where give Christians so many warnings against Covetousness, which takes from men all true desire after Christ▪ and all regard, sense, and know∣ledge of Antichrist. Christ therefore said to his Disciples, Take heed and beware of Covetousness; for where the Treasure is, there will the Heart be also, &c. And thus all they, who are Lovers of Themselves, and of this World, the greater outward Profession they make of Religion, the more ready are they to receive and entertain the Ministers of Antichrist, and their Doctrine, seeing, They are, and speak of the World.

3. Seeing the World hears Antichrist, and his Teachers,* We are to take notice, That the carnal and Antichristian* Ministers have a Numerous Auditory, all the Worldly Peo∣ple cleaving and joyning to them, because they speak that which is in their Hearts. And therefore it is said, Revel. 17. 15. That the waters, whereon the great Whore (that is, the Ecclesiastical State which chiefly consists in the Clergy) sit∣teth, are People, and Multitudes, and Nations, and Tongues; So that the false Prophets have all the World to hear them, except the Faithful and Spiritual people, and Multitude is a certain Sign of their Church. And Rev l. 15. v. 7. It is said, that Power was given to Antichrist over all Kindreds, Page  62 and Tongues, and Nations, and that all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose Names are not written in the Lambs book of Life. So that Antichrist by degrees, and by his se∣veral Forms and, Appearances, one still more deceitful than another, doth win to Himself all mankind, but the very Elect. And so from time to time hitherto, he hath gotten to Himself National Churches, even the Generality of all the People, of whole Nations, Kingdoms, and Common-wealths, to hear his Teachers, and to receive and submit to his Do∣ctrine and Discipline, as most true and Orthodox.

And thus hath Antichrist Multitudes, even the whole World to follow his Teachers, and to submit to them. But let not the true Church, and little Flock of crucified Jesus, be offended hereat, seeing they are but the World who hear Antichrists Teachers, that is, they are such People.

  • 1. Whose inward Nature is earthly, carnal, divelish.*
  • 2. Such, who love an outward Form of Religion and Godliness, whilst they are bitter Enemies to the Power of it.
  • 3. Such, who love such a Doctrine and Religion, as may stand with their old corrupt Nature, and may beau∣tifie and surport it; and so may make them painted Sepulchers, outwardly fair, whilst they are inward∣ly abominable.
  • 4. Such, who love the World, in the sense of their own Mind, but hate and abhor it, in the sense of Christs Mind; and reckon it so, to be the greatest Error and Heresie in the World.
  • 5. Such, as so profess Christ and his Gospel, as to make them serve their own Worldly Ends and Advanta∣ges, without the least regard or respect had to Christs true Kingdom.
  • 6. Such, as love Themselves and their Own Things, the provisions of the flesh, and a quiet, easie, and commodious life, better than Christ Jesus and his Things.
  • 7. In a word, they are such, as under the glorious Pro∣fession, and subtil Pretence of Christs Church, are Page  63 truly and inwardly, the Church of the Devil and Antichrist.

Such a people and no other hath Antichrist to hear Him, and to embrace and depend on Him, and his Doctrine, Mi∣nistry, and Ordinances; that is, the Multitude of false and carnal Christians, which are almost the whole World, of the outward Professors of the Gospel and Christianity. For as Antichrist and his Prophets are of the World, and speak of the World, so also the World hears them.

And thus much for the fifth Point.