An ode on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell ... the words by Mr. Dryden ; and sett to musick by Dr. Blow.
Blow, John, d. 1708., Dryden, John, 1631-1700.
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Flutes 〈♫〉 MArk, mark, mark how the 〈♫〉 mark, mark, mark how the 〈♫〉 Lark and Linnet Sin—g, Sin—g; mark, mark, 〈♫〉 Page  2 〈♫〉 Lark and Linnet Sin—g, Sin—g; mark, mark, 〈♫〉 mark, mark, mark how the Lark and Linnet Sin—g, Sin— 〈♫〉 Page  3 〈♫〉 mark, mark, mark how the Lark and Linnet Sin—g, Sin—g, 〈♫〉 —g; mark, mark, mark how the Lark and Linnet Sing, 〈♫〉 mark, mark, mark how the Lark and Linnet Sin—g, 〈♫〉 mark, mark, mark how the Lark and Linnet Sin—g, 〈♫〉 Page  4 〈♫〉 with Ri—val Notes they strain their war— 〈♫〉 with Ri—val Notes they strain their war— 〈♫〉 —bling Throats, they strain their war— 〈♫〉 —bling Throats, 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 —bling, war—bling 〈♫〉 they strain their war— 〈♫〉 Throats with ri—val Notes, they strain their war— 〈♫〉 —bling, warbling Throats, with ri—val Notes they strain their war— 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 —bling, war—bling Throats; to 〈♫〉 —bling, war—bling, war—bling Throats; to 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to 〈♫〉 Page  7 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to welcome, welcome in the Spring; they strain their war— 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to wel—come in the Spring; they strain their war— 〈♫〉 —bling, war—bling Throats, to 〈♫〉 —bling, war—bling, war—bling Throats, to 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome, to welcome to 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to welcome, welcome in the Spring. 〈♫〉 welcome, to welcome, to wel—come, in the Spring. 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 But in the close, in the close of 〈♫〉 But in the close, in the close of Night, but in the close in the 〈♫〉 Night, but in the close, in the close of Night, when 〈♫〉 close of Night, when Philomel, when Philo-mel be-gins her Heav'n— 〈♫〉 Philomel, when Philomel begins her Heav'nly, Heav'n— 〈♫〉 —ly, Heav'nly Lays; they cease their mutual, mu-tual spight, 〈♫〉 —ly, Heav'nly Lays; they cease their 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 they cease their mutual, mu—tual spight, their mu—tual 〈♫〉 mutual, mu—tual spight, they cease their mutual, mu—tual spight, their mu—tual 〈♫〉 spight; they cease their mutual, mu—tual 〈♫〉 spight; 〈♫〉 spight. they cease their mutual their mu—tual spight. 〈♫〉 they cease their mutual, mu—tual spight, their mu—tual spight. 〈♫〉 Page  11 〈♫〉 Drink in her Mu— 〈♫〉 —sick with delight, with de-light, drink in her Musick, 〈♫〉 Drink in her Mu—sick with de—light, 〈♫〉 Page  12 〈♫〉 drink in her Mu—sick, drink in her Mu— 〈♫〉 drink in her Mu—sick with de—light, drink in her 〈♫〉 —sick, drink in her Mu—sick with delight; and listning, and 〈♫〉 Mu—sick with de—light, with delight; and 〈♫〉 Page  13 〈♫〉 silent, and silent, and listning, and listning, and silent, and 〈♫〉 listning, and silent, and silent, and listning, and listning, and 〈♫〉 silent, and listning, and listning, and silent, and list—ning, and 〈♫〉 silent, and silent, and listning, and list—ning, and silent, o—bey; 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 silent o—bey; o—bey, o—bey, and silent, and lest— 〈♫〉 o—bey, obey, o—bey, and list—ning, and silent o—bey, 〈♫〉 —ning, and silent o-bey, and list—ning, and silent o—bey, o— 〈♫〉 and list—ning, and si-lent, and listning, and silent o-bey, o— 〈♫〉 Page  15 〈♫〉 —bey, o-bey, and list—ning, and si-lent o—bey, obey, o—bey. 〈♫〉 —bey, o—bey, and listning, and si—lent, and listning, and silent o—bey, o-bey, o—bey. 〈♫〉 2d. Countertenor. 〈♫〉 So ceas'd the Ri—vall Crew when Pur—cell 〈♫〉 came, so ceas'd the Ri—vall Crew when Purcell 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 came, they Sung no more, no more, they Sung no more, or on-ly, on-ly, or 〈♫〉 on—ly Sung his Fame, or on—ly Sung 〈♫〉 his Fame, or on—ly Sung his Fame; struck 〈♫〉 dumb they all admir'd, all, they all admir'd the matchless, the match—less 〈♫〉 Man, the matchless, matchless Man; a—las, a—las, a—las too soon re- 〈♫〉 —tir'd, the matchless, matchless Man, a—las, a—las too soon retir'd, as he— 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] —too late, as he too late, too late began, he too 〈♫〉 late, as he too late, too late began. 〈♫〉 2d. Countertenor. 〈♫〉 We beg not Hell our Or—pheus to restore, 〈♫〉 we beg not Hell our Or—pheus, we beg not Hell our 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 Or—pheus to re—store; had he been there, had he been 〈♫〉 there, their Sov'raigns fear had sen—t him back before, had 〈♫〉 he been there, had he been there, their Sov'raigns fe—ar had sent 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 him back be—fore: we beg not. The pow'r of Har— 〈♫〉 As before. 〈♫〉 —mony too well they know, 〈♫〉 the pow'r of Har—mony, of 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 Har—mony, 〈♫〉 the pow'r of Har—mony too well they know; 〈♫〉 He long e'er this had turn'd the jarring, jarring, jarring, 〈♫〉 Page  21 〈♫〉 jarring Spheres, he long e'er this had turn'd the jarring, jarring, 〈♫〉 jarring, jarring Spheres, and left no Hell be—low: He 〈♫〉 long e'er this had turn'd the jarring, jarring, jarring, jarring Spheres, the jarring, jarring, 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 jarring, jarring Spheres, and left no Hell be—low: he long, 〈♫〉 The Heav'nly, Heav'nly Quire, who heard his 〈♫〉 The Heav'nly, Heav'nly Quire, who heard his Notes from high, the 〈♫〉 Notes from high, the Heav'nly, Heav'nly Quire, who heard his Notes from 〈♫〉 Heav'nly, Heav'nly Quire, who heard his Notes from high, let down, let 〈♫〉 Page  23 〈♫〉 high, let down, let down the Scale of Musick from on high, 〈♫〉 down the Scale of Musick, of Musick from on high: The Heav'nly, Heav'nly, 〈♫〉 The Heav'nly, Heav'nly Quire who heard his Notes from high, let down, let 〈♫〉 Quire, who heard his Notes from high, let down, let down, let down the Scale of 〈♫〉 down, let down the Scale of Musick; let down the Scale of Musick, of Musick, of 〈♫〉 Musick from on high, from on high; let down the Scale of Musick, of Musick from on 〈♫〉 Musick from on high. They handed him along, alon—g, 〈♫〉 high, from on high. They handed him a—long, a—lon— 〈♫〉 Page  24 〈♫〉 and all the way The taught, a-lon—g, 〈♫〉 —g, they handed him a—long, a-lon— 〈♫〉 and all the way he taught, and all the way they Sung, and all, all the way they 〈♫〉 —g, and all the way he taught, and all the way they 〈♫〉 Sung; they handed him along, and all the way he taught, and 〈♫〉 Sung; they handed him along, they handed him along, and 〈♫〉 all the way they Sung, and all, all the way they Sung, all, all, they handed him along, and 〈♫〉 all the way he taught, and all the way they Sung, all, all, they handed him along 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 all the way he taught, and all the way they Sung, and all, all the way they Sung. 〈♫〉 and all the way he taught, and all the way they Sung. 〈♫〉 Ye Brethren, ye Brethren of the Lyre, and tunefull, 〈♫〉 Ye Brethren, ye Brethren, 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 tunefull, tunefull Voice; ye Brethren, 〈♫〉 ye Brethren of the Lyre, and tunefull, tunefull, tunefull Voice; ye 〈♫〉 ye Brethren lamen—t, lamen—t; ye Brethren, ye 〈♫〉 Brethren, lamen—t, lamen—t; ye Brethren, 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 Brethren lamen—t, lamen—t his Lott, but 〈♫〉 lamen—t, lamen—t his Lott, but at your own re— 〈♫〉 at your own re—joyce, re—joy—ce, 〈♫〉 —joy—ce, 〈♫〉 Page  [unnumbered] 〈♫〉 now live secure and 〈♫〉 now live se—cure and lin—ger out your 〈♫〉 lin—ger out your days, now live se—cure and lin—ger 〈♫〉 days, now live se—cure, now live se— 〈♫〉 Page  29 〈♫〉 out your days, now live se—cure and lin—ger out your days; the Gods are 〈♫〉 —cure, now live secure and lin—ger out your days; the Gods are 〈♫〉 pleas'd, are pleas'd a—lone, a—lone with Purcell's Lays, nor know, nor 〈♫〉 pleas'd, are pleas'd a—lone, a—lone with Purcell's Lays, nor know, nor 〈♫〉 Page  30 〈♫〉 know, nor know to mend their choice. 〈♫〉 know, nor know to mend their choice. 〈♫〉