Man ashiv le-Yahoweh, or, A serious enquiry for a suitable return for continued life, in and after a time of great mortality, by a wasting plague (anno 1665) answered in XIII directions
Doolittle, Thomas, 1632?-1707.
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DIRECTIONS how to live after a wasting PLAGUE.
DIRECTION III.*. [The Reader is desired to make the following Di∣rection the Fourth.]


[ I] LEt us consider the Persons whom God hath in mercy spared from the Grave, in their Po∣litical cciy, and such are, either,

1. Magistrates and Governours for over us by God: Lee, with humility and reverence, minde you of your duty, and tell you, That God expecteth, and requireth, that since he hath in∣trusted you with Authority from himself, and gi∣ven you Life, and preserved you from the Grave Page  163 in the day of his sore Visitation in the City, that, though your Place and Office did oblige you to a less retired Life then many others, yet God hath kept you from Death by Infectious Diseases: Now, should you not inquire what you should do for God? and, how you may improve your time and Talent for his Honour? should not you pu∣nish Sin (that is so indeed) and Countenanc Holiness and Religion (that is so indeed?) should not you be zealous for God, in punishing of open-Prophaneness? and the horrid Oathes, that have cried aloud in the eares of God, Men prophanely Swearing by the Sacred Name of God; and Sabbath-breking, and violation of the Holy Day of God? did not Nehemiah do so? Nehem. 13.15. In those dayes saw I in Judah some treading wine-presses on the Sabbath, and bring∣ing in sheaves, and lading Asses, as also wine, grapes and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day: and I testified against them in the day wherein they sold Victuals. Vers. 1 6. There dwelt Men of Tire also therein, which brought fish, and all manner of Ware, and sold on the Sabbath (as many did Fruit open∣ly in some places of the Streets, and in Fields about London) unto the children of Judah, and in Jerusalem. Vers. 17. Then I contended with the Nobles of Judah, and said unto them, what evil thing is this that ye do, and profane the Sabbath day? Ver. 18. Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this City? yet ye bring more wrath upon Israel by pro∣faning the Sabbath. Vers. 19. And it came to pass Page  164 when the Gates of Jerusalem began to be dark, be∣fore the Sabbath. I commanded the Gates should be shut, and charged, that they should not be opened till after the Sabbath: and some of my servants set I at the Gates, that there should be no Burden brought in upon the Sabbath day. Vers. 20. So the Mer∣chants and sellers of all kind of Ware lodged without Jerusalem once or twice. Vers. 21. Then I testified against them, and said unto them, Why lodge ye about the Wall? if ye do so again, I will lay hands on you; from that time orth came they no more on the Sabbath. This Example is worthy your Imi∣tion; and, oh how much good may you do, and how much Sin, and Dishonour to God thereby might you preven, if you do indeed obey the Laws of God, and Execute the good Laws of this Kingdom, in that Case made and provided? Should not you discourage Drunkeness, and Hou∣ses notorious for uncleanness? That Taverns and Ale-〈◊〉 be not so much frequented? should you not be a Terror unto the Evil? why Drunkenness and prophane Swearings, and Bro∣thel-houses are Evil: indeed, for which a Land is made to Mourn: and, should not you be a praise to them tha do well? Rom. 13.3. Are not you Gods Ministers for good to them that are good; and revengers, to execute wrath upon him that doth evil? and, can you w••k worthy of so great preservati∣on from the Plague, if you do not cut down Sin, and incourage Godliness?