Man ashiv le-Yahoweh, or, A serious enquiry for a suitable return for continued life, in and after a time of great mortality, by a wasting plague (anno 1665) answered in XIII directions
Doolittle, Thomas, 1632?-1707.


II. *WIcked men are often times worse under adversity, judgements and af∣flictions that do befall them, the more they are punished, the more they are hardened; there is nothing in adversity and judgements, in sickness and plagues, in poverty and distress, to make an alteration or a change in the heart of a sinner from worse to better, except God sanctifie it. The Plague upon the body is not a remedy in it self to cure the Plague of the heart, for men love more the plague of their hearts than they loathe the plague of the body. Possibly outward Judge∣ments Page  40 may put a stop to some mens sinnings for the present, but they will return to them afterwards, except God speak effectually to their hearts and consciences, as well as lay his heavy stroaks upon the body. Judgement to a sinner may be as a Barre to a Thief, it may stop him from the present act, but doth not change his heart; or as a storm to a Mariner, may make him cast Anchour for the present, but still he retains his purpose of sayling in his Voyage when the storm is over; they are oftner salve for their eyes to shew them their sin, than phy∣sick for their hearts to purge them out; sinners in Judgements might declaim against their sin, but without a setled purpose in their hearts to decline their sin; where there is Grace, Affli∣ctions work patience and submission; but where there is nothing but corruption, they often work passion, and repining, not Repentance; the more God sent his Judgements and his Plagues upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians, the more they har∣dened themselves against God and his people; and by Gods Judgements were not the better but the worse, Exod. 7.19. to 23. Isa. 1.5. Why should ye be smitten any more, ye will revolt more and more. Psal. 78.30. They were not estranged from their Lusts, but while their meat was in their mouths, v. 31. the wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them. V. 32. For all this they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works. And as it was with the woman that had an Issue of blood twelve years, in respect of her bodily distemper, after great Page  41 cost and charge and use of means, she was no∣thing bettered, but rather grew worse, Mar. 5. 25, 26. so under Gods Judgements it is with most wicked men, in respect of their spiritual state, they are nothing bettered, but rather grow worse. And this appears,

First, Because in time of Judgment they are not separated from their dross▪ Ezek. 24.13. In thy fil∣thiness is lewdness: because I have purged thee (i. e. God used purging Judgments) and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee. God hath been purging our houses, but many have not been purging their hearts, but retain their heart-filthiness stil, and their life-wickedness stil: If God in Judgement say to such, You shall not be purged; their case is irrecoverably miserable.

Secondly, Because they are not more serious in Religion than they were before; either they omit it wholly as before, or are as dull and formal as they were before.

Thirdly, Because they are not brought nearer unto God, but are rather removed (were it pos∣sible) at a further distance from God than be∣fore. And the Reasons of this are,

  • 1. Because, When Gods hand is lifted up, they will not see, Isa. 26.11. they look more to se∣cond Causes than to God.
  • 2. Because they search not after the sins that provoked God to so great indignation.
  • 3. Because, if they do see their drunkenness and whoredoms, and Sabbath-breaking, yet they will not be humbled for them, nor forsake them.