Letters to severall persons of honour written by John Donne ... ; published by John Donne, Dr. of the civill law.
Donne, John, 1572-1631., Donne, John, 1604-1662.
Page  311

To the Right Honourable Sir Robert Karre, at Court.


IF I should refuse the liberty which you enlarge to me, of eating in your cham∣ber, you might suspect that I reserved it for greater boldnesses, and would not spend it in this. But, in good faith, I do not eat before, nor can after, till I have been at home; so much hath my this years debi∣lity disabled me, even for receiving favours. After the Sermon, I will steal into my Coach home, and pray that my good pur∣pose may be well accepted, and my defects graciously pardoned. Amen.

Yours intirely J. Donne.

I will be at your chamber at one after noon.