Letters to severall persons of honour written by John Donne ... ; published by John Donne, Dr. of the civill law.
Donne, John, 1572-1631., Donne, John, 1604-1662.
Page  273

To the Honourable Knight, Sir ROBERT KARRE.


PErchance others may have told you, that I am relapsed into my Fever; but that which I must intreat you to condole with me, is, that I am relapsed into good degrees of health; your cause of sorrow for that, is, that you are likely to be the more troubled with such an impertinencie, as I am; and mine is, that I am fallen from fair hopes, of ending all; yet I have scaped no better cheap, then that I have paid death one of my Children for my Ran∣some. Because I loved it well, I make account that I dignifie the memorie of it, by mentioning of it to you, else I should not be so homely. Impute this brevitie of writing to you upon no Subject, to my sicknesse, in which men use to talke idly: but my profession of desiring to bee re∣tained Page  274 in your memorie, impute to your owne Vertues, which have wrought so much upon

Your humble servant John Donne.