The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. opened whereby is discovered several ways for making of metheglin, sider, cherry-wine, &c. : together with excellent directions for cookery, as also for preserving, conserving, candying, &c.
Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665.

My Lady Morice her Sister makes her's thus:

Dissolve your honey in the water till it bear an Egge higher or lower, according to the Page  42 strength you will have it of. Then put into it some Sea-warm wood and a little Rosemary, and a little Sage; about two good handfuls of all together, to ten Gallons. When it hath boied enough to take the vertue of the herbs, skm them out, and strew a handul or two of fine Wheat-flower upon the boylng Liquor.

This will draw all the dregs to it, and swim at the top, so that you may skim all off toge∣ther. And this she holdeth the best way of cla∣riying the Liquor, and making it look pale. Then pour it into vessels as above to cool. Let it stand three days; then Tun it up into a Sack cak without yest or Spice, and keep it stopped till it work. Then let it be open, till it have done working, filling it up still with other honey-drink. Then stop it up close for a year or two. You may at first stop it so, that the strong working may throw out the stopple, and yet keep it close, till it work strongly. She saith, that such a small proportion of wormwood gi∣veth it a fine quick tast, and a pale colour with an eye of green. The wormwood must not be so much, as to discern any the least bitterness in the taste; but that the composition of it with the honey may give a quickness. The Rosemary and Sage must be a great deal less then the Wormwood. Sometimes she stoppeth it up close as soon as she hath Tunned it, and lets it remain so for three moneths. Then Page  43 pierce it and draw it into bottles, which stop well, and tie down the stoppels. This will keep so a long time. She useth this way most. It makes the Mead drink exceeding quick and plea∣sant. When you pierce the Cask, it will flie out with exceeding force, and be ready to throw out the stopper and spigot.