Choice and experimented receipts in physick and chirurgery as also cordial and distilled waters and spirits, perfumes, and other curiosities
Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665., Hartman, G. (George)
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For hard Brests in Women.

An adnirable Pultis that cured many Women of hard and sore Brests, is thus made.

TAke Turneps and boil them well in water, so that they be very tender, then take then out and squeeze out the water clean from them, beat them to mash, and mingle with them some good quantity of fresh Butter unsalted, and apply this warm to the Brest Pultis-wise upon a thick cloth very large; and change it morning and night. In three days it perfectly cureth, though before the pain and hardness hath been very great.