Therapeutica sacra shewing briefly the method of healing the diseases of the conscience, concerning regeneration
Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.
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The third proof.

THe third evidence, proving that there was a Cove∣nant of Redemption past before the beginning of the World, is, because the eternall decree of God was fixed about the way of Redemption to be fulfilled in time: for, Known unto God were all His works from the beginning, Acts 15. 18. And whatsoever God doth in time, He doth it according to the eternall counsell of His own Will, Ephes. 1. 9. Now, Christ the eternall Son of God, being made man, laid down His life for His sheep. The Son of man goeth, as it was determined, but wo unto that man by whom He is betrayed, Luke, 22. 22. And whatso∣ever Christ suffered, was by the determined counsell of God, Acts, 2. 23. And God the Son, before He was in∣carnat, declares the decree of the Kingdom promised unto Him by the Father, and of the victories which He should have over all His enemies, and of the felicity and multitude of the subjects of His Kingdom, that should believe in Him, Psal. 2. 7. I will declare the decree, saith He; presupposing therefore the decree of God, of sending His eternall Son into the World, to become a man and to suffer, and thereafter to reign for ever, we must also necessarily presuppose the consent of the Son, making paction with the Father and the Spirit, fixing the decree and agreement about the whole way of Re∣demption, to be brought about in time: for, the same Person, Christ Jesus, who dwelt among men in the dayes of His humiliation, Ioh. 1. 14. Was with the Fa∣ther from eternity: and as by Him all things were made, which were made, Ioh. 1. 2. 3. So without Him nothing was decreed which was decreed, Prov. 8. 22. to 32. which also is manifest in the Apostles words, 2 Tim. 1. 9. He saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Iesus before the World began.

For, as before the beginning of the World, the elect were given to the Son designed Mediatour to be incarnat, and the price agreed upon; so also grace to be given in Page  30 time to the redeemed by compact, was given from eter∣nity unto Christ, their designed Advocat. Also, Ephes. 1. 3. 4. 5. we were elected in Christ, unto holinesse and salvation and unto all spirituall blessings, and were pre∣destinat to the adoption of sons by Jesus Christ. And 1 Pet. 1. 18. 19. 20. we are redeemed, not with gold or sil∣ver, but by the precious blood of Christ, who was predestinat before the beginning of the world. Whereby it is mani∣fest, that the Covenant between the Father and the Son, was transacted concerning the incarnation of the Son, and His sufferings, death and resurrection, and all other things belonging to the salvation of the elect.