A discourse of a method for the well guiding of reason, and the discovery of truth in the sciences
About this Item
- Title
- A discourse of a method for the well guiding of reason, and the discovery of truth in the sciences
- Author
- Descartes, René, 1596-1650.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by Thomas Newcombe,
- 1649.
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- Subject terms
- Science -- Methodology -- Early works to 1800.
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"A discourse of a method for the well guiding of reason, and the discovery of truth in the sciences." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A35745.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed January 19, 2025.
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To the Vnderstanding READER.
THe Great DES CARTES (who may just∣ly challenge the first place amongst the Philosophers of this Age) is the Author of this Discourse; which in the Originall was so well known, That it could be no mans but his own, that his Name
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was not affix'd to it: I need say no more either of Him or It; He is best made known by Him∣self, and his Writings want no∣thing but thy reading to com∣mend them. But as those who cannot compasse the Originals of Titian and Van-Dyke, are glad to adorne their Cabinets with the Copies of them; So be pleased favourably to receive his Picture from my hand, co∣pied after his own Designe: You may therein observe the lines of a well form'd Minde, The hightnings of Truth, The sweetnings and shadowings of Probabilities, The falls and depths of Falshood; all which serve to perfect this Master∣piece.
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Now although my af∣ter-draught be rude and unpo∣lished, and that perhaps I have touch'd it too boldly, The thoughts of so clear a Minde, being so extremely fine, That as the choisest words are too grosse, and fall short fully to expresse such sublime Notions; So it cannot be, but being trans∣vested, it must necessarily lose very much of its native Lustre: Nay, although I am conscious (notwithstanding the care I have taken neither to wrong the Au∣thours Sense, nor offend the Readers Ear) of many escapes which I have made; yet I so little doubt of being excused, That I am confident, my endea∣vour
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cannot but be gratefull to all Lovers of Learning; for whose benefit I have English∣ed, and to whom I addresse this Essay, which contains a Method, by the Rules whereof we may Shape our better part, Rectifie or Reason, Form our Manners and Square our Acti∣ons, Adorn our Mindes, and making a diligent Enquiry into Nature, wee may attain to the Knowledge of the Truth, which is the most desirable union in the World.
Our Authour also invites all letterd men to his assistance in the prosecution of this Search; That for the good of Mankinde, They would practise and com∣municate
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Experiments, for the use of all those who labour for the perfection of Arts and Sci∣ences: Every man now being obliged to the furtherance of so beneficiall an Undertaking, I could not but lend my hand to open the Curtain, and disco∣ver this New Model of Philoso∣phy; which I now publish, nei∣ther to humour the present, nor disgust former times; but rather that it may serve for an innocent Divertisement to those, who would rather Reform them∣selves, then the rest of the world; and who, having the same seeds and grounds, and knowing That there is nothing New under the Sun; That Novelty is but Ob∣livion,
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and that Knowledge is but Remembrance, will study to finde out in themselves, and re∣store to Posterity those lost Arts, which render Antiquity so ve∣nerable; and strive (if it be pos∣sible) to go beyond them in o∣ther things, as well as Time: Who minde not those things which are above, beyond, or without them; but would ra∣ther limit their desires by their power, then change the Course of Nature; Who seek the knowledge, and labour for the Conquest of themselves; Who have Vertue enough to make their own Fortune; And who prefer the Culture of the Minde before the Adorning of the Bo∣dy;
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To such as these I present this Discourse (whose pardon I beg, for having so long de∣tain'd them from so desirable a Conversation;) and conclude with this Advice of the Divine Plato:
Cogita in te, praeter Animum, nihil esse mirabile.