The angelical guide shewing men and women their lott or chance in this elementary life, in four books ...
Case, John, fl. 1680-1700.

Reader, thou art desired to Correct the following Errata, with thy Pen, which have escaped, thro' the Negligence of the Press.

Pag. 3. l. 16. dele on, p. 15. for Dens r. Deus, p. 14. l. 2. for Maker r. Matter, p. 17. l. 27. for illi r. illi, p. 20. l. 2. for seu r. &, p. 69. l. 6. for mutreberis r. mutaberis, p. 75. l. 19. for utra{que} r. uter{que} l. 20. for Templae r. Templ, p. 282. l. 10. for admirabilis, r. admirabile, and the same in l. 23.