The necessity of abating usury re-asserted in a reply to the discourse of Mr. Thomas Manly entituled, Usury at six per cent. examined, &c. Together with a familiar and inoffensive way propounded for the future discovery of summes at interest, that so they may be charged with their equal share of publick taxes and burthens, the long defect whereof hath exceedingly fomented usury, embased land, and much decay'd the better half of the kingdom. By Sr. Thomas Culpeper, Jun. Knight.

The necessity of abating usury re-asserted in a reply to the discourse of Mr. Thomas Manly entituled, Usury at six per cent. examined, &c. Together with a familiar and inoffensive way propounded for the future discovery of summes at interest, that so they may be charged with their equal share of publick taxes and burthens, the long defect whereof hath exceedingly fomented usury, embased land, and much decay'd the better half of the kingdom. By Sr. Thomas Culpeper, Jun. Knight.
Culpeper, Thomas, Sir, 1626-1697.
London :: printed by T.L. for Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black-boy against S. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street,

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Subject terms
Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690. -- Usury at six per cent. examined, and found unjustly charged by Sir Tho. Culpepper and J.C. with many crimes and oppressions, whereof 'tis altogether innocent -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800.
Interest rates -- England -- Early works to 1800.
Great Britain -- Economic conditions -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800.
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"The necessity of abating usury re-asserted in a reply to the discourse of Mr. Thomas Manly entituled, Usury at six per cent. examined, &c. Together with a familiar and inoffensive way propounded for the future discovery of summes at interest, that so they may be charged with their equal share of publick taxes and burthens, the long defect whereof hath exceedingly fomented usury, embased land, and much decay'd the better half of the kingdom. By Sr. Thomas Culpeper, Jun. Knight." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


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