Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-ordinance, or, A Treatise wherein are handled these particulars 1. Touching the duty itselfe, 2. Touching the matter to be sung, 3. Touching the singers, 4. Touching the manner of singing
Cotton, John, 1584-1652.

CHAP. VIII. Whether Women may sing as well as Men.

THe second scruple about Singers is, Whether women may sing as well as men. For in this point there be some that deale with us, as Pharaoh dealt with the Israelites, who though he was at first utterly un∣willing that any of them should goe to sacrifice to the Lord in the Wildernesse, yet being at length convinced that they must goe, then hee was content the men should goe, but not the Women, Exod. 10.11. So here, some that were altogether against singing of Psalmes at all with lively voyce, yet being convinced, that it is a morall worship of God warranted in Scripture, then if there must be a Singing, one alone must sing, not all, (or if all) the Men onely, and not the Women.

And their Reason is. 1. Because it is not permitted to a wo∣man to speake in the Church, 1 Cor. 14.34. how then shall they Sing? 2. Much lesse it is permitted to them to Prophecy in the Church, 1 Tim. 2.11, 12. And singing of Psalmes is a kind of Prophecying.

One answer may at once remove both these scruples and withall cleare the Truth, It is apparent by the scope and context of both those Scriptures, That a woman is not permitted to speake in the Church, in two cases. 1. By way of Teaching, whether in ex∣pounding, or applying Scripture. For this the Apostle accounteth an act of Authority, which is unlawfull for a Woman to usurpe over the man, 2 Tim. 2.13. And besides, the woman is more sub∣ject to Error then the man, ver. 14. And therefore might soone prove a Seducer, if she became a Teacher.

Page  432. It is not permitted to a woman to speake in the Church, by way of propounding Questions, though under pretence of desire to learne for her own satisfaction; but rather it is required shee should aske her husband at home, 1 Cor. 14.35.

For under pretence of Questioning, for learning sake, she might so propound her Question, as to Teach her Teachers; or if not so, yet to open a doore to some of her own weake and erroneous apprehensions, or at least soone exceed the bounds of womanly modesty.

Neverthelesse in two other cases, it is cleare a woman is allowed to speake in the Church. 1. In way of subjection, when shee is to give account of her offence. Thus Peter Questioned Saphyra be∣fore the Church touching the price of land sold by her and her husband, which her husband had concealed by his lye: And shee accordingly spake in the Church to give answer to his Question, Acts 5.8. 2 In way of singing forth the Praises of the Lord, toge∣ther with the rest of the Congregation. For it is evident the Apo∣stle layeth no greater restraint upon the women for silence in the Church, then the Law had put upon them before. For so himselfe speaketh in the place alledged, 1 Cor. 14.34. It is not permitted to the women to speake, but to be under subjection, as also saith the Law. The Apostle then requireth the same subjection in the woman, which the Law had put upon them: no more. Now it is certain, the Law, yea the Lawgiver Moses did permit Miriam and the wo∣men that went out after her to sing forth the praises of the Lord, as well as the men, and to answer the men in their Song of thankes∣giving; Sing yee to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he throwne into the Sea, Exod. 15.20, 21. Which may be a ground sufficient to justifie the lawfull practise of women in singing together with men the Praises of the Lord. And accordingly the ancient practise of women in the Primitive Chur∣ches to sing the publique praises of the Lord; wee reade recorded in the Ecclesiasticall History, Socrates 2. Booke, Chapter 18. of the Greeke Copie, and Chap. 16. of the Latine, Theodoret third Booke, Chapter 17.