A mirrour or looking-glasse both for saints and sinners held forth in about two thousand examples wherein is presented as Gods wonderful mercies to the one, so his severe judgments against the other collected out of the most classique authors both ancient and modern with some late examples observed by my self : whereunto are added the wonders of nature and the rare ...
Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682.

Examples of Marshall Discipline.

A French souldier in Scotland, in the beginning of [ 50] Queen Elizabeths Reigne, who first mounted the bulwark of a Fort that was besieged, whereupon ensu∣ed the gaining of the Fort: The French General Moun∣sier de Thermes, first Knighted him for his valour, and then hanged him within an hour after, because he had done it without command. Holman in his book of Ambass.

Manlius Torquatus the Roman General, beheaded [ 51] his own sonne, for fighting with an enemy without leave, although he overcame him. Isac. Chron. p. 147.

Defend the poor and fatherlesse: Do justice to the af∣flicted and needy, deliver the poor and needy, rid them out of the hand of the wicked,

Psa. 82. 3, 4.