A mirrour or looking-glasse both for saints and sinners held forth in about two thousand examples wherein is presented as Gods wonderful mercies to the one, so his severe judgments against the other collected out of the most classique authors both ancient and modern with some late examples observed by my self : whereunto are added the wonders of nature and the rare ...
Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682.
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CHAP. XXIX. Examples of Childrens Obedience, and Love to their Parents.

COmmanded, Eph. 6. 1. and why? v. 2. Col 3. 20. Prov. 4. 1. & 6. 20. Exod. 20. 12. Deut. 5. 16. Mat. 15. 4. & 19. 19. Mark. 7. 10. & 10. 19. Luk. 18. 20. Commended. Mal. 1. 6.

Scriptural Examples, Shem, and Japhet, Gen. 9. 23. Isaac, Gen. 22. 6, &c. Jacob, Gen. 28. 1, 5. Ioseph, Gen. 37. 13. Ruth, Chap. 1. 16, 17. Solomon, 1 King. 2. 19.

Other examples. Pomponius Atticus, making the fu∣neral [ 1] Oration at his mothers death, protested that having lived with her sixty and seven years he was ne∣ver reconciled to her▪ Because (said he) there never happened betwixt us the least jarre which needed reconcili∣ation. In vita Attici.

Cyrus King of Persia, having overcome Croesus King [ 2] of Lydia in battel, Croesus fled into the City of Sardis: but Cyrus following, took the City by storme: and a souldier running after Croesus with his sword, Croesus his sonne that had been dumb all his life-time before, with the violence of natural affection, seeing his father in such danger, suddenly cryed out: O man, kill not Croesus: and so continued to speak all his life after. Pez Mel. Hist.

Miltiades a famous Captaine of the Athenians, died [ 3] in prison for debt: his sonne Cimon to redeeme his fa∣thers body for burial, voluntarily went into the pri∣son, and submitted to be cast into chaines there, till the debt was paid. Iustin.

Cleobis, and Biton, two brethren in Greece, loved [ 4] Page  245 their mother dearly, insomuch as she being to go to Juno's Temple in her coach drawn by two oxen: the oxen being out of the way, they willingly harnessed themselves, and drew her thither, she much rejoycing that she had borne two such sonnes. Plut.

Olympias the mother of Alexander M. was very se∣vere, [ 5] and morose in her carriage towards him, and once Antipater, Alexanders deputy in Europe, wrote large letters of complaint against her, to whom he re∣turned this answer: Knowest thou not that one little teare of my mothers, will blot out a thousand of thy letters of complaint. Plut.

King Demetrius being overcome by Seleucus; and ta∣ken [ 6] prisoner, his sonne Antigonus hearing of it, mourn∣ed exceedingly, and wrote lamentably to Seleucus, in the behalfe of his father, proffering to deliver up into his hands all the Countreys which he yet held, and to become a pledge himselfe for his father, so that he might be delivered out of captivity. Diod. Sic.

The carriage of Master Herbert Palmer towards his [ 7] parents, was very dutifull, and obsequious: not only during his minority, but even afterwards: which was very evident in that honour, and respect which he continued to expresse to his aged mother, to the day of her death: being also a special help to her in the wayes of holinesse. See his Life at the end of my Gene∣ral Martyrology.

Honour thy father, and thy mother, that thy dayes may be long upon the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee,

Exod. 20. 12.