By the King. A proclamation for registring knights
England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. aut
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HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE [royal blazon or coat of arms]


A Proclamation of His Majesties Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Hertford.

WHEREAS We have taken notice, that by the Malice, Industry, and Importunity of severall ill-affected and seditious Persons in Our County of Hertford, very many of Our weake & seduced Subjects in that Our County have not only beene drawne to exercise the Militia, under colour of a pretended Ordinance, without and against Our Consent, (a Crime of a very high nature, if We would strictly enquire thereinto) but have made Contributions of Plate, Money, and Horses, towards the Maintenance of the Army now in Rebellion against Vs; We doe hereby publish and declare, That We are gratiously pleased to attribute the Crimes and Offences of Our said Subjects of that County, to the Power and Faction of their Seducers; Who, We beleeve, by Threates, Menaces, and false Informations compelled and led them into these Actions of undutifullnesse and disloy∣alty towards Vs; And We doe therefore hereby offer Our free and gracious Pardon to all the Inhabitants of Our said County of Hertford, for all offences concerning the Premisses committed against Vs, before the publishing of this Our Proclamation, ex∣cept such persons only as are already in prison for any of those offences. Provided, that this Our Grace shall not extend to any Person, who after the publishing this Our Proclamation shall presume by Loane or Contribution, to assist the said Army of Rebells, to assemble and muster themselves in Armes without Authority derived from Vs under Our Hand, to enter into any Oath of Association for opposing Vs and Our Army, or to succour, or entertaine any of the Persons excepted in Our Declaration of the 12th of August. But We must and doe declare, That whosoever shall henceforward be guilty of the Premisses, or of either of them, shall be esteemed by Vs as an Enemy to the publike Peace, a Person disaffected to Vs, and to the Religion and Lawes of the Kingdome, and shall accordingly receive condigne punish∣ment, of which We give them timely notice, that they may proceed accordingly at their perills. And Wee doe hereby will and require Our high Sheriffe, Commissioners of Array, Iustices of the Peace, and all other Our Officers, and loving Subjects to resist, oppose, and apprehend all such Persons as shall presume to make any Leavies in that Our County, under what pre∣tence soever, without Authority derived from Vs under Our Hand. And We likewise will and require them, and every of them to be assistant to all such as shall either Command the Traine-Bands of that Our County, or make any Leavies in the same by vertue of Commission under Our Great Seale, or Signe Manuall.

¶ Given at Our Court at Oxford,the seventh day of Ianuary, in the Eighteenth yeare of Our Reigne.

God save the King.