Angliæ notitia, or The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof.

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Angliæ notitia, or The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof.
Chamberlayne, Edward, 1616-1703.
[London] :: In the Savoy, printed by T.N. for John Martyn, and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell without Temple-Bar,

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"Angliæ notitia, or The present state of England together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


Belonging to his Royal Highness Cappel.

Almoner Doctor Henry Kil∣legrew, 100 l.

    Page 314

    Five Chaplains,
    • Dr. William Clark,
    • Dr. William Thomas,
    • Dr. Richard Watson,
    • Mr. Turner,
    • Mr. Doughty,
      • each 50 l.

    Sacristan, 40 l.

    Keeper of the Closet, 40 l.

    Gentleman-usher, 80 l.

    Nine Gentlemen Waiters, each 40 l.

    Yeoman of the Robes, Mr. Lawrence du Puy, 60 l.

    Brusher, 40 l.

    Yeoman of the Wardrobe, Philip Kinnersly, 100 l.

    Two Barbers, each 80 l.

    Four Pages of the Back Stairs, each 80 l.

    A Governour of the Pages,

    Two Grooms of the Privy-Chamber,

    Page 315

    Two Grooms of the Pre∣sence,

    A Fire-maker in the Pre∣sence,

    Two Physitians,

    Three Chirurgeons,

    Two Apothecaries,

    A Secretary of the Langua∣ges, 100 l.

    A Gentleman Harbinger, 50 l. besides Riding Charges, 8 s. 4 d. per diem.

    Semstress and Laundress to the Body, Mrs du Puy, 250 l.

    Laundress to the Table, Mrs Katherine Atkinson, 200 l.

    Yeoman of the Wine Cellar, Mr. Tuke, 70 l.

    Yeoman of the Beer Cellar, Mr. Pierce, 60 l.

    Page 316

    Yeoman of the Poultry and Larder, 60 l.

    Yeoman of the Woodyard and Skullery, 50 l.

    Of the Pantry and Ewry, 50 l.

    Porter, 50 l.

    Keeper of the Armory, 50 l.

    Trumpeter 30 l.

    Necessary Woman, 40 l.

    Chamber-Keeper to the Maids,


    Two Clerks to the Com∣missioners,

    Messenger to the Commissi∣oners, 71 l. 18 s. 4 d.

    Door-Keeper to the Com∣missioners.

    Clerk of the Kitchin, 50 l.

    Master Cook, 40 l.

    Page 317

    Second Cook, 30 l.

    Three Turn-broaches each, 18 l. 5 s.

    Two Scowrers each, 18 l. 5 s.


    Porter of the Kitchin,

    Porter of the Back-Stairs,


    Porter at Whitehall,


    Officers of his Highnesses Revenue.
    • Attourney General, Sir Ed∣ward Turner, 40 l.
    • Solliciter General, Sir Ed∣ward Thurland, 40 l.
    • Solliciter, Charles Porten E∣squire, 40 l.
    • Auditor General, Thomas Holder Esquire, 180 l.
    • ...

    Page 318

    • Assistant to the Auditor, Henry Thwaits,
    • Messenger to the Revenue, Mr. Dutton, 71 l. 18 s. 4 d.
    Officers of the Admiralty.
    • Sir William Turner,
    • Mr. David Bud.

    Seven Huntsmen of the Buck-hounds,

    Six Huntsmen of the Fox-hounds,

    Teacher of the Setting Dogs,

    • Dancing Master,
    • Fencing Master,
    • Master of the Barges,
    • Twenty four Watermen,
    • Pensioners,

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