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Title:  An apology for the builder, or, A discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building
Author: Barbon, Nicholas, d. 1698.
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Now if the last Period since his Majesties happy Restauration be examined, wherein the Builders have had the greatest liberty, it will appear that the Inhabitants of the City have in∣creased more than in both of the former Pe∣riods; for the yearly Bills of Mortality are now be∣twixt two and three and twenty thousands, so that the City is since increased one third, and as much as in sixty years before.This is sufficient to shew that a Nation cannot increase without the Metropolis be inlarged, and how dangerous a consequence it may be to ob∣struct its growth, and discourage the Build∣ers. It is to banish the People, and confine the Nation to an Infant Estate, while the Neighbouring Nations grow to the full strength of Manhood, and thereby to render it an easie conquest to its enemies.For the Metropolis is the heart of a Nati∣on, through which the Trade and Commodi∣ties of it circulate, like the blood through the heart, which by its motion giveth life and growth to the rest of the Body; and if that de∣clines, or be obstructed in its growth, the whole body falls into consumption: And it is the on∣ly symptome to know the health, and thri∣ving of a Country by the inlarging of its Me∣tropolis; 0