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Title:  Gospel-conversation: wherein is shewed, I. How the conversation of believers must be above what could be by the light of nature. II. Beyond those that lived under the law. III. And suitable to what truths the Gospel holds forth. By Jeremiah Burroughs, preacher of the Gospel to Stepney and Criplegate, London. Being the third book published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Greenhil, Sydrach Simpson, Philip Nye, William Bridge, John Yates, William Adderly.
Author: Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
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should endeavor to be more exemplary in holy walking than they were. And thus much for the second head.Now for the third, which is the chief of all, If you would have your Conversations to be such as becomes the Gospel, it must be suitable to what the Gospel holds foh unto you. Now this is a gret point, and it will serve for two ends.First, To hold forth unto you the principal things in the Gospel.Secondly, To shew you how you should sute your Conversation to those things that are in the Gospel. And we shall abide upon this head somewhat long.The first and principal thing in the Gospel, It is the holding forth unto us the infinite love of God to man-kind; this is the very end of the Gospel, that God might declare what an infinite love he hath unto the children of men, yea unto men rather than unto Angels; you know that Scripture in John, 3. 6. So God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. And indeed that one verse hath more of God in it than all Creatures in Heaven Earth; the whol frame of Heaven and Earth hath not so much of God in them as that one verse hath; So God loved the world that he sent forth his only begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life: It is as if God should say when he comes to reveal the Gospel, I will have a way wherein it shall appear to men and Angels for ever what the greatness of my love is unto these poor creatures, unto the children of men: And to that end I send my Son the second Person in Trinity to take their natures upon him, to come to be their Mediator; there will I manifest what my love is; that shall be the great fruit of love. It is the similitude of a learned Divine (saith he) the love of God in all other things in comparision of the love of God in Christ reveal'd in the Gos∣spel, it is a little spark of fire in comparison of the heat in a furnace; when a furnace is heated red hot, it may be a few sparks of fire fly out, but what is one of those sparks of fire that fly out in comparison of al the heat that there is in the furnace, (so saith he) all the fruits of the love of God to man-kind in all 0