Why,* 1.1 they were convinced before of the evil of them, for so in the former words, Now shall they be found guilty, they shall acknowledg themselves guilty in contending so much for them; well, but saith God, though you are convinced of your guiltiness, yet that's not enough, I'le break them down, for otherwise if they do remain, they may be snares unto you afterwards.
An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, & tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Cornhil, London / by Jeremiah Burroughs ; being the seventh book published by Thomas Goodwin ... [et al.]
About this Item
- Title
- An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, & tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Cornhil, London / by Jeremiah Burroughs ; being the seventh book published by Thomas Goodwin ... [et al.]
- Author
- Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by Peter Cole ...,
- 1650.
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- Bible. -- O.T. -- Hosea VIII-X -- Commentaries.
- Bible. -- O.T. -- Hosea VIII-X -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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"An exposition with practical observations continued upon the eighth, ninth, & tenth chapters of the prophesy of Hosea being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Cornhil, London / by Jeremiah Burroughs ; being the seventh book published by Thomas Goodwin ... [et al.]." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A30574.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 8, 2025.
Page 327
From whence then the Note is:* 1.2 That though men be con∣vinced of an evil, yet if the temptation shall still abide, they will be ready to fall to it again. Wherefore to prevent that evil, the temptations are to be taken away as much as we can, (saith he) I will take away the temptation; you acknow∣ledg your selves guilty when my hand is upon you, but you will fall to it again if the temptation be not taken a∣way.
Thirdly,* 1.3 Superstitious Altars and Images are to be taken a∣way.* 1.4 It's the Magistrates work to take away those that are in publick place; but I have met with that heretofore, and I shall not need to speak of it now, only for you to meet with any superstitious Pictures, and Images, you must not keep them and say, what hurt will these do? though they do not hurt now, yet they may do hurt afterwards, you are not to sell and make advantage of them, but do as God doth, break them down and spoil them, that they may not hereafter be snares to any others.
Fourthly,* 1.5 Those things that we give that respect to, which is Gods due, are liable to the stroke of God. They gave respect to their Altars, and Images that was due to God, Gods Spirit rises against that, I'le break them down and spoil them saith God. So, whatsoever it be that you give that respect to, that God challenges to himself, you may expect that God will spoil them and break them down. If you give respect to your Estates, that's due to God, you may make an Idol of them, expect that God will break them; yea, to your Children, your Names, your Bodies, Parts, whatsoever you have, that you rob God of that respect that's due to him, and give it unto them, expect that God will break such things.
Fifthly,* 1.6 If it be Gods will to break down that which is evil in his Worship, let us take heed that we have no hand to set it up, that we do not endeavor to set up false Worship, for it's in Gods heart to break it down, let us not set up Idols in our hearts neither, or else where.
* 1.1
Expos. 2.
* 1.2
Obs. 2.
* 1.3
Obs. 3.
* 1.4
Altars & religious I∣mages to be removed frō among Christians and brokē: not sold.
* 1.5
Obs. 4.
* 1.6
Obs. 5