VER. 15.
So shall Bethel do unto you, because of your great wicked∣ness.
SO shall Bethel.] What shall Bethel rise up against the rest of the ten Tribes, and come and destroy Mother and Children together? That's not the meaning.
But Bethel shall do it;* 1.1 that is, Bethel is the Cause of this, that dreadful slaughter that is like to be among you it shall come from Bethel. Who would ever have thought that?
Oh my Brethren!* 1.2 Miserable Judgments do many times a∣rise from causes we 〈◊〉〈◊〉 think of: that's the Note from thence. I say, miserable Judgments do many times arise from cau∣ses we little think of, From Bethel there should come this slaughter and dreadful blood-shed. And as that Note more generally, so more particularly this;
That from places of Idolatry comes the greatest evils to King∣doms.* 1.3 As 'tis very observable on the contrary, from the pla∣ces of Gods Worship comes the greatest good,* 1.4 so from pla∣ces of Idolatry the greatest evil. In Psal. 76. 2, 3. In Salem is his Tabernacle, and his dwelling place i•• Zion: There brake he the Arrows of the B••••, 〈◊〉〈◊〉 Shield and the Sword, and the Battel. Did God break them there? Was there a Fight in Zion, and in Salem? No, that's not the meaning, but in Zion and