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Title:  An exposition of the prophesie of Hosea begun in divers lectures vpon the first three chapters, at Michaels Cornhill, London / by Jer. Burroughes.
Author: Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.
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deck their bodies, and hang jewels about eares and noses when they came before their Idols for acceptance?Cancilium gangrense anathema∣tizat eos qui asiam vestem aliae sanctiorem aut plus fa∣cere ad pie∣tatem iudi∣cant. Let us beautifie our souls every time we come before the living God; and would you know what fine cloathes you should have, when you come into Gods presence? I will tell you, and espe∣cially women who delight so much in fine cloaths, 1 Pet. 5. 5. Be yee cloa∣thed with humility; so the word is to dresse with a dresse that Gentlewomen used to weare in those times, with ribband; about their heads; well (saith the Apostle) would you have a fine dresse ye women? be ye cloathed with hu∣mility; the finest dresse you can possibly have: and I will tell you another dresse too, in 1 Pet. 3. 4. Adorned with a quiet and meeke spirit, which is with God of great price;. it is much set by of God, so translated in some of, your books. You love to be fine, if you come into Gods presence with qui∣et and meek spirits, and cloathed with humility, you will be as fine as can be in the very eyes of God; but withall remember, both men and women, the robes of Christs righteousnesse, except you come cloathed and decked with that garment also, certainly you can never find acceptance.They followed after their Idols, but forgot me (saith the Lord.) Their lovers were remembred, but I was forgotten, saith God; God speakes here in a lamenting way, as a man bemoaning his sad condition: as if he should have said, how am I flighted by my people? the Idols can be followed, they can be remembred, but I am neglected, I am forgotten, they have a∣ctivity for their Idols, none for mee, memory for them, but none for mee.God takes it very ill,Obser. when men can find memory, strength, and activity enough for their sinfull wayes, but none for him; many complain of strength, they are weak, but who was ever so weak, but had strength enough to sin? though memories be weak, yet sinfull ways can be thought on.Forgot me, that is, First, they have forgot what a God I am. Secondly, what I have done for them, the great works I have done befor them. Third∣ly, all their engagements to mee; many follow wicked wayes, yet so as sometimes they have checks of conscience, they have somewhat of God yet sticking upon their hearts, some remembrances of God, and so long there is hope; but when a sinner hath so far departed from God, and follow∣ed on his ungodly ways, as God is quite worn out of his thoughts, then hee is in a sad case indeed. I appeal to you, is it not the case of some here? there was a time that you had mighty impressions of God upon your spirits, and then you could never go up and down in your shops, streets, fields, but the thoughts of God were in your minde, and when you awaked in the night season, the thought of God was in your hearts; but there was some haunt of wickedness that your hearts hankered after all that while, temptation came, and you have given way to it, and now (friend) you can go up and downe, one day after another, and scarce think of God at all? what is the matter that you have no thoughts of God now, as you were wont to have? yet perhaps you are not gone so farre, but that now and then there commeth 0