Christ inviting sinners to come to him for rest by Jeremiah Burroughes.
Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.


First, That the Lord Jesus Christ takes all the sins of those that come to him, and is willing to stand char∣ged with them before the Lord, is willing that they should al be set upon his Score, and laid to his charge; and therefore the Scripture tels us, that Christ was made sin, in 2 Cor. 5.21. He hath made him to be Sin for us. Upon which Luther takes the boldness to say, that Christ was the greatest sinner in the world, not that he had sin that he committed himself, but that he had all the sins of all beleevers upon him, there is a transacti∣on of all the sins of those that come to Christ upon Jesus Christ, and this is presently upon thy coming to Christ, I say at the first instant of thy coming to Christ, al thy Page  220 sins are transacted upon Christ, and he stands charged with them to God. As it is with a poor Woman, that is in great debt, that is afraid of Sergeants attending upon her, she is a widow, and she marries a Rich man, Oh! What ease hath she, Why? For now all her debt is charged upon her Husband; Yet this may cause trouble too, if he do not know it before, but if she tel him before, and he saies, well, this shal not hinder the match, I am content to pay all; but yet here is trouble stil, til the day of marriage, but when that is come, Oh! What ease is this to her! Now al the debt is charged upon her Husband, and she knows her Husband is able to pay and discharge all. So saith Christ, I know all your fears, and sorrows, and all your guilt, and what it is my father hath to charge upon you, I know it al, and it is not that that hinders me from being willing to be matched with you, Nay, the truth is, it is that that makes me willing, and it is that that makes me cal you, Come to me, Come to me, and the first moment you come to me, there shal be a discharge of al; you shal not stand charged, but I will stand charged with all. Here now is ease and Rest, here is other manner of ease and Rest, than to Eate and Drink, and injoy the plea∣sures and contentment that this world affords.