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Title:  The true doctrine of justification asserted and vindicated, from the errours of Papists, Arminians, Socinians, and more especially Antinomians in XXX lectures preached at Lawrence-Iury, London / by Anthony Burgess ...
Author: Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664.
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any sin were imperfect, and something of sinne did still remain to be done away. No, those expressions of forgivenes of sin in the Scri∣pture, denote such a full and plenary pardon, that a sin cannot be more remitted then it is. But because we commit new sinnes daily, and so need pardon daily, Therefore it is that we are not compleatly pardoned till then. As also because the perfect par∣don we have here, shall then solemnly and publikely be declared to all the world.These things thus premised,Wherein the compleatnesse of the pardon of sin at the day of judge∣ment consist∣eth. I come to shew the grounds or particulars, wherein our pardon of sinne is thus com∣pleated.And first, In our sense and feeling: For howsoever God pardon a sinne perfectly, yet our faith which receiveth it, is weak. This Jewell is taken with a trembling and shaking hand.1. In our sense of that pardon Hence it is that we have not full faith and confidence in our spi∣rits. We may see this in David, though Nathan told him his sinnes were forgiven him, yet his faith was not so vigorous and powerfull, as wholly to apply this to his own soul; and therefore he had much anguish and trouble of heart afterwards; But now, at the last day, all these fears, diffidence and dark∣nesse, will be quite removed out of our hearts. There shall be no more disturbance in our souls, then there can be cor∣ruption in the highest heavens, we shall then have such a gourd as no worm can devour. Our souls shall not then know the meaning of sitting in darknesse, and wanting Gods favour. There will then be no complaints, Why hath the Lord forsa∣ken me? Well may Gods children be called upon to lift up their heads, when such a redemption draweth nigh; and well may that day be called the times of refreshment, seeing the people of God are so often scorched with the fiery darts of Satan.Secondly, Pardon of sin will at that day be perfected.2. In the ac∣complishment of all effects of pardon.Be∣cause all the effects of pardon, will then be accomplished, and not so much as any scars remain, the wound will be so fully healed. Al∣though God doth fully pardon sin, yet the effects of this are de∣laied, many chastisements and sad afflictions are to be under∣gone: howsoever, death it self, and the corruption in the grave must seize upon justified persons; now these are the fruit of sin, 0