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Title:  The difficulty of and the encouragements to a reformation a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at the publick fast, Septem. 27, 1643 / by Mr. Anthony Burges ...
Author: Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664.
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hand; especially provide against the generall ignorance in people by a solide and serious Catachizing; and against the prophanenesse of people by powerfull Discipline, that so the Sacraments may bee dispensed comfor∣tably. As in this Kingdome, the Lawyer, the Physitian, the Tradesman can goe com∣fortably in his calling, so provide that the Pastor also in the Dispensation of Ordinan∣ces may doe it with joy, and not with griefe; The very Heathens were carefull about their Idoll Sacrifices, Procul, O pro∣cul este prophani: And wee read in Story, that the Priest being to sacrifice, askt this question, ; who was there? Answer was retur∣ned, , good and honest men. And now in this work of Reformation, goe on exactly, consult not with flesh and blood, leave not in your Building any nailes or hookes standing out, that may teare those who goe 0